
Friday, March 06, 2020

The Quiltvillians Are In The House!

How cute is this button?!

Yesterday was such a hoot – You know, I am learning this whole Inn Keeper routine as I go – and little did I know it would include directing traffic!

There are 9 cars parked around Quiltville Inn, and we had to form a queue and let two cars up the drive first to off load, move their cars, let the next two cars up the drive, then off load and move their cars – I think I need two more wagons!

The fun thing?  This group of ladies have not met each other in person.  The only met each other through my Quiltville’s Open Studio group on Facebook.

Sure, the have communicated through group messages and group participation, but it is different when we finally meet face to face and what has happened is serendipitous!

I love the Quilters license plates!

Great one!


They moved in, they set right up and got to sewing!

I’m so glad, those design walls looked a bit bare after Monday!

I’m still learning to put names to faces -

But I do know that this gal and I have the same initials – BH!

And she is a on a triangle chain mission!

Keeping the yummy food coming!

I think there is enough food for 2 weeks!

(Why are there 3 bottles of mayo? LOL!)

I’m thinking this is a great thing -

More snow is predicted – such a fickle March!

And the daffies decided to bloom anyway!

Ready for some yummy meals!

The dinner table at Quiltville Inn is set with some very special goblets designed by my friend Irene @finelystitched! They say Quiltville Inn founded 2020 on one side, and there is a gorgeous rendition of the inn on the other.

The Quiltvillians group currently staying gets to be the first to dine with these beauties.

I hope to have them around for many groups to come! Thank you Irene!

Why didn’t we use them with the Sister’s of the Stash?  Because Irene had glasses made especially for THAT event that all say Sisters of the Stash on them!  She thought of everything -

(For those who suggested on Facebook that I sell these at the inn - The design is Irene's. They were a gift. She hired the artist to draw the rendition. I don't like how commercial it feels to take her gift and in turn mass produce them to make a profit with them.)

I also hung this in the front foyer!

Charms and buttons as gifts for this group -

As I said, I am still learning to put names to faces after spending a mere few hours with these ladies yesterday, but I’ll get it by the time they leave! 

They are already making fast friends, and today I am giving a Blue Ridge Beauty Workshop from my book Adventures with Leaders & Enders.  I am so excited to spend the whole day with this group (of 12 people – not 50!) and get to know them a bit better.

This is the stuff dreams were made of 2 years ago when we found this place.

These friends ARE filling my heart with abundant joy!

I am also remembering my brother Mark today.  It’s is birthday.  Love you, Mark.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Quiet the noise in your head, and listen to your heart.

What is it telling you?

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!


April Sayers said...

Looking forward to the October singles retreat at Quiltville Inn, see you then!!!!

Eveline said...

Can’t wait to be there in October. I am over here doing the happy dance!!

Mary said...

Perfect gifts from Irene. So thoughful! Glad the Singles got a chance to form a group and be at this gathering. How fun for them and for you to Teach. Love you! Hugs as you remember Mark.

Connie said...

Me too!

Theresa said...

How exciting to see your dream come to fruition! What a blessing!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Wow! This type of group may be my chance to get to Quiltville Inn! I read each morning to see what the day is bringing and to enjoy the new wonders of the Inn and your new life as a Innkeeper.
Happy Heavenly Birthday to your brother!

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie, how do you get into one of the singles groups?

Sandy said...

Three bottles of mayonnaise, two cans of whipped cream and is that a turkey in the freezer??? I could be a good friend with this group!!!!! What a great feat of organization to get complete strangers together. My hat is off to themπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

stitchinpenny said...

Looks like you were meant to move to this new path. Being an innkeeper becomes you!

Always In Stitches said...

As I said yesterday at ACPQG board meeting....Bonnie seems to be loving her new job. Yes you were talked about at the meeting. We just noted the mountains were calling and you answered.

Helen T. said...

Enjoying the photos of Quiltville's adventures. So very happy to see your dream come true.

Shirley in Canada said...

Big hugs to you today, Bonnie ❤️❤️

ButterZ said...

I love the idea of the glasses but I'm so proud of you for keeping them special for the guests to use. It makes for a more special time for the guest to remember. Good on you. Not everything is there to make money on.

Anne Hayward said...

So lovely that they finally get to meet! How wonderful is this community, now these ladies can share even more and have the fun of a class with you too.
Blessings to you on Marks birthday.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Julia G said...

Commemorative pins or something similar people could purchase to remember their great time at quiltville Inn might be a good idea if you don't want to do the wine glasses.

Lynette W said...

You can hear the joy in your heart when you talk about the Inn and the quilters. It’s so wonderful to see your dream turn into this beautiful reality! I am so happy for you!

Charlie d said...

Looking forward to the 4 day retreat with Loving Stitches in Fayetteville. Registered and searching for all 4 books.

Barb Johnson said...

You may be wondering why there are three jars of mayonnaise, but I'm wondering about the 8 bottles of wine, LOL!

Anita said...

Sometimes your blog just brings tears to my eyes. Such beautiful words today.

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