
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Day Between Goodbye and Hello!

How cute are these girls?

By the time Sunday afternoon had rolled around, this batch of folks was ready to get OUT of the retreat house and do some exploring around my area.

We headed over to nearby West Jefferson, North Carolina for a round of antique mall wandering, and some long range views from the top of Mount Jefferson.

Isn’t a double four-patch with large scrappy squares just so classic?  We loved it!

We also agreed that someone, somewhere needs to reproduce this fabric:

Such a great neutral!

We searched for all kinds of things, and discovered many!

How delicate are these hand-smocked baby outfits?

They were from the 1950s – so cute!

Seven Sisters quilt -

Each block different by fabric placement!

The  1930s colors and fabrics are so cheery -

And you know how I feel about that Baptist Fan quilting!


Trying on hats for fun selfies is a must!


I thought I better not hang this at Quiltville Inn -  LOL!

Fun and folksy Lemoyne Star uncovered by Michelle!

The most awesome thing about playing Inn Keeper?  I get to learn what quilters do in their real life moments when not on retreat.  Michelle is a zoo-keeper and works with the primates!  She has some great stories – I just loved meeting her and learning about her interesting career.

We loved how the maker used what she had, even pieced the long sashings to make do.

And who really cares of the blocks are parallel and perpendicular to each other anyway?  We loved it wonky! 

Oh, so studious!

From the tippy top!

Random acts of photography from passersby!

They asked if we wanted a photo, and we said YES!

It was a great way to be out and play just a bit -

Before returning to machines and more sewing!


By 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning – this was me!

The only sound left in the retreat house was the sloshing of the washing machine - BLISS!

Never in my life had I thought that being an inn keeper and seeing to others' comfort would be so fulfilling. I mean - I've been a wife and mom with all that entails, but this is DIFFERENT.

I am loving every laundry washing, towel folding, sheet and bedding changing minute of it!

Tulip Block kitting up in progress!
At the moment I took this photo - the last load of sheets was in the wash....the load previous was tumbling in the dryer.

I'd been cutting and kitting Tulip blocks all the while the laundry ran and am pleasantly amazed at how far one basket of scraps, charm squares and short strips has taken me.

Still many more blocks to go!

The plan is to keep cutting block kits so I can take them with me to California for my 10 days at Asilomar coming up.

And it’s time to draw our winner of the February 2020 Quilty Box!

Who is entry 1218?

Marge Stefaniac!

Congrats, Marge!  I have sent you an email requesting your mailing address.  Please reply and I’ll have the folks at Quilty Box get your prize out to you.  Enjoy!

Today is a CLEANING CREW WEDNESDAY to get Quiltville Inn ready for tomorrow’s Quiltvillian Retreat arrivals.

This afternoon I have a date with Martha at her house to teach her to treadle!  YAY!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This came up in my news feed from 3 years ago today. Just 3 years ago we purchased our cabin on 42 acres of Blue Ridge mountainside in Southwestern Virginia. Little did I know how things would turn out due to that move!

The caption read:

"As with all of us, there are many changes happening in my life. The hard part for me is letting go of the need for control, and trusting that better things are on the horizon.

We can mourn the changes, or we can look at them as an exciting adventure. I choose adventure! Vintage nine patch quilt found in North Carolina

I still choose adventure!

Enjoy your Wednesday, everyone!


Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

The horizon is a great big place and I'm sure there are many other great things coming your way. How fun for you that you got to show your retreaters your stomping grounds! I love checking out vintage quilts at antique stores.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

I'll concur 100% with your quote today! I've come to the realization that everything I have experienced, both the good and the bad, has been to prepare me for the future... even my husband, who is my 3rd marriage. If I hadn't gone through bad relationships, it wouldn't have prepared me to appreciate the gem I have now. He's the final one... anyone that comes later, if he should die before I do, would pale in comparison, IMHO. I have gone through hardships, losing children, etc., but learned enough to be able to come alongside others that are going through it, themselves, to be the example for them, to show them that yes, they will get through it, themselves, and come out the other side. Changed, but surviving.

Glad to see that you are enjoying your new avenue in your career... can't say it's a change in career path, just another path, a diversification of your current path. It's a BIG challenge to enter into a business that can be so dedicated, and know that it's a big risk and challenge. It's the reason why I never went into the restaurant business, even though I have had numerous requests to do so. I like my life now, I don't want to have to spend 20+ hours a day running a restaurant, and then stress because the hired help doesn't have the same devotion to making it a success! Most people today consider it a job, not a lifestyle. Business ownership is a LIFESTYLE! So, kudos to you, Bonnie, for seeing your dream become reality and being another complete success!

BTW, when you went to West Jefferson on Sunday, you drove right by my stepson and daughter-in-law's place. They live just north of the intersection you take a left-turn at to go to West Jefferson, in Jefferson! LOL! It's amazing how small a world it really is.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Thanks for bringing your ladies to Mount Jefferson. Next time stop by the office and say "HI!".....We have a Moon Over the Mountain square on the front door and a small quilt covering our information table (made by Me!)

Cats said...

i happily refer to it as the laundry 2-step...as one load goes in the dryer, another moves into the washer and on we go! Enjoy, thanks for your blog... I love going on adventures, even if only vicariously, with you and whomever! Cats in Carlsbad CA

Valerie said...

Always choose adventure!! You are an inspiration to us all, Bonnie, to choose adventure, but even more, you help us realize how things close to home can be an adventure to relish. Love your daily ramblings. Thank you.

Mary said...

Great thought for today. Glad the girls got out and about. Still looking for a FUN Spot to Antique shop in Nebraska. Have you antique shopped in Nebraska??
I love folding the clean wash. I even loved hanging clothes on the line back in me earlier days. 3 years a LOT has happened. So glad you took that step to buy the Inn.

Cahula said...

Rock Chalk Jayhawks!!!!

Denise said...

Hi! I am loving the tulip blocks and I would love to make some of my own. Is there a pattern or tutorial you use? Thank you!

Tammy said...

I was thinking the same thing as Denise. Is there a pattern for the tulip blocks?

Bonnie K. Hunter said...


Bonnie K. Hunter said...


kupton52 said...

Had to laugh out loud at "don't mistake our "endurance for hospitality"!!!

Beth D. said...

love, love, love, the scrappy lemoyne star antique quilt! In what condition was the quilt, size, and what was the pricetag? Is it possible for you to give me shop owner info and I can possibly purchase this. I live in Maryland. Thanks!

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