Hi everyone, It’s me – Zoey Jo.
I’m taking over the blog writing today because Mom had a rough night and according to her, her “words have all dried up.”
While I don’t quite understand all of the people phrases yet, I know well enough that I am the cause of her exhaustion and lack of sewing time.
I can’t help it! I’m a puppy! I demand loads of attention.
And then when you turn your back for just a second – I’ll poop on the rug.
I’ve done it twice – just that fast. Right after coming in from walking the yard.
Mom is exasperated, Dad is pulling what hair he has left out. (And there wasn’t that much to begin with!)
I know I’ll get better. I’ll try to do better – honest.
But this change in location, and change in diet is hard on a puppy of indeterminate age. (You see, I really think I’m closer to 8 or 9 months than 1 year as was stated, because I am SO VERY MUCH AN ACTIVE FLOPPY PUPPY!)
Yesterday we walked this hillside -
Even in the gentle rain the flowers are so pretty -
I sniffed them all!
This morning on my THIRD walk (After the poop incident) we went down the driveway and I was looking for squirrels in the woods – so many bird sounds.
We walked past the drive gate, and on to the road and further than I’d been before. (Mom was trying to collect her cool!) I spotted a deer in the field – and it spotted me, and oh! I was so excited! That thing was so BIG and my herding instinct just did not know what to do. Besides, I was on this leash thing. A deer! I saw a deer!
I received a gift in the mail!
Mom loves it so much!
I was told it came from some place called Texas, wherever that is. And the package had my name on it. There wasn’t a note inside, so mom wanted me to be sure to tell Susan from Texas THANK YOU with a lot of puppy kisses and tail wags. My very first package. So cool!
I’m liking my time here in my new home.
I have comfy places to be – I like my crate, and my dog beds, and I promise I didn’t mean ANY harm by almost jumping over the loft rail to the ground below. Luckily dad caught me in time. He uses the word NO. A LOT.
The cat still won’t play with me – but there is less hissing, and frankly I’m bored with trying to get her to like me so mostly I’m just leaving her alone now. Let her see how THAT feels.
Today it’s raining again.
I feel like I’ve moved to the land of mud.
Maybe this is why mom’s mood is kind of gray too?
I have heard mention of this “quarantine” word – and I am not sure I understand what “Social Distancing” means, but it sounds sad and kind of scary. I heard mom tell dad all about what it was like to do something called Grocery Shopping yesterday afternoon.
I don’t use TP – so I don’t understand what the big deal is that there isn’t any.
I don’t do laundry, so what’s the big deal about no bleach or cleaners?
I have PAWS so hand sanitizer makes no sense to me – but evidently there isn’t any of that either.
And what there IS is limited to 2 per person per visit. Isn’t 2 of anything enough for one person?
Mom did buy ice cream -
Because Dad had something called a “60th birthday!” yesterday
(He must be older than dirt! Hehehe!)
But they didn’t let me have any. Because it might upset my tummy. And as it was, mom said my tummy rumbled and rolled and growled all night – waking her up. Who ever heard of such a thing? (And maybe this contributed to why I pooped on the rug?)
This picture was taken 3 years ago when mom and dad first bought this cabin in Virginia. They celebrated that, too. They said 3 years flies by really fast.
I’m getting this feeling that mom really needs to be sewing to be happy. Just like I need to be napping and playing with my squeaky squirrel for all to be right in my world.
So mom has a plan!
Mom is going to sew remotely with other quilting friends!
You can join in with us on Gudrun’s Facebook Page!
Mom is joining in!
This is what Gudrun said:
I’ll go LIVE multiple times to take you through each step of the quilt. You can check in, ask questions, and post photos of your progress online. There’ll be cocktails, guest appearances, maybe a Spotify playlist and possibly a prize or two. Tell your friends! The more the merrier!
(Guest Appearances!! That’s where MOM comes in! It will be just like Quilt-Cam!)
If you want to join in, you can sign up for Gudrun’s newsletter by clicking the newsletter link in the left-hand side bar of Gudrun’s Facebook Page.
She’ll be sending out a newsletter this weekend with details. I can tell you this much, she’s got a new pattern, ELVIRA, just about ready. She's a perfect project to use a Stash Builder bundle or Fat Quarters and because so much sucks right now, the pattern will be FREE for a limited time. (I know that FREE is a very good thing!)
Tune in to learn more during Gudrun's Tipsy Tuesday, March 17th at 7PM CST over on Gudrun’s Facebook Page or on mom's own Quiltville Facebook Page because mom will be sharing it over – She is excited to be joining Gudrun for Tipsy Tuesday TONIGHT!
And she is already has that “look in her eye” as she begins to pull Fat Quarters together to make her own Elvira quilt on Sunday. She is thinking blues and greens and browns – it’s going to be great, and just the kind of easy sewing to chase her Social Distancing Blahs away!
Are you going to join in? Let’s be safe, stay home, and QUILT.
And supposedly today is ALSO a holiday. Something about a guy named St. Patrick and snakes. (I don't like snakes!) It’s a good thing that mom got me a green collar when she brought me home – evidently if you don’t wear green today, you get pinched?
Who came up with such a crazy idea?
People also wish each other lots of LUCK for St. Patrick's Day. I am the lucky one as I got to come live with Mom & Dad this week.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Happy St. Patrick's day, everyone!
And no more poop in the house!
Yes if you heard tummy, then something probably not agreeing with Joey, and likely the indoor accidents. Sorry for both of you. Good luck sorting it out. And patience. She is going to be full of puppy energy for couple of years.😊
Who knew Zoey Jo had so much to say! I'm sure she is sorry about the carpet. Good job writing your first post, Zoey Jo!
Zoey Jo, you are the bomb! You just explode with happiness and love of life! I'm so glad you got to live with your Mom and Dad this week, they had a hole in their hearts that you fill perfectly. I have faith in you that you will continue to grow and mature and there will be no further pooping on the rug. Hugs!
Oh Bonnie, I can feel your pain with a new puppy. Somehow on Feb 15, 2019 I thought it a good idea to bring a very active puppy into my life - my sweet Willow. Not remembering what a new puppy is like and doing it on my own this time....all I can say is after about a week I thought what was I thinking LOL But it got better, not a lot of sewing occurred that first month or so and very many naps happened for both of us...but now over a year later, life is much better and I have a new sewing buddy :)
...she is a a golden retriever and I think she believes she is Tigger sometimes - cause she has almost bounced over the railing upstairs :(
Oh Zoey Jo, thank you for bringing a smile to my face today. I too was feeling quite in the doldrums. You helped to lift me up a bit. I will check out the Quarantine Along on Sunday. I certainly won't be going anywhere that day. And, yes, I'm sure you didn't mean to poop on the floor.
You'll get the hang of it.
Oh Zoey Jo, thanks for bringing a smile to my face today. Like your mom, I too was down in the doldrums. Thanks for telling me about the Quarantine Along. I will check it out. I certainly won't be going anywhere that day. Yes. I am sure you didn't mean to poop on the floor. You'll get the hang of it.
so confusing for a pup! This sounds disgusting, but it may work...….when my grandpup comes over he always poops in the same spot in my garden, so if you transfer any accidents outside to the place you want her to go her scent will be there....(ew, but you never know!)
So happy you and Gudren are doing this together! Whoo hoo! Happy St Pattys to you all!
Poor Zoey. And parents. JUMPING OVER THE LOFT RAILING?? Heart attack!
I have never heard the “if you’re not wearing green you get pinched” thing! Guess you don’t have to worry about it this year!
Zoey Jo,
Just keep wagging that tail and loving your mom and dad. You will get netter and they will be SEW glad to have you and your antics. These are crazy times...you are a great distraction from some aweful stuff and mom and dad are stressed beyond belief even if they do not realize it. Take more naps and let mom sew!
I am living through exactly the same thing you are. I am sixty years young and a few months ago brought two Australian shepherd puppies into our lives.
The female Piper is blind but somehow gets into more trouble than her brother Sam. Two puppies are definitely more work than just twice the work.
We deal with things using lots of baby gates and hard chew toys. Our furniture, stairs, and front door now look alot older and chewed. Despite that, I wouldn't change my decision!
Zoe Jo you are a good blog writer. Hope your tummy settles down and no more accidents. You did a good job while mom was not feeling up to it.It is nice to stay connected during this quarantine event. Looking forward to the day of sewing on March 22!!
Super cute blog today. Hey.. Is there a leash free dog park somewhere that you can turn her lose and run off puppy energy?
What a great guest blogger! Zoey, I love your sense of humor! Thanks for making me smile! 😊
A tail wag from Lucy, Buster and Dyson. A a sniff or two from Caladonia and Little One (we are the cat and rabbit and we would love to play with you.)
The Old Lucy Dog doesn't like us much. We all live with a quilter in Little Rock. Come see us and have some Purina It is good stuff.
I think all of us dog lovers forget how rough it can be with a new dog until they get used to the routine. I got very little sewing done when I got my Chloe 3 years ago. I had to put her in her crate for a nap so I could get an hour of sewing done safely. I now can get lots of things done while she follows me from room to room looking for her beds to sleep on but she will tip over her toy box and spread her toys all over the living room if she feels she is not getting enough attention.😁
I can relate! We thought our Dakota would never stop peeing in the kitchen! But he did. He's still a crazy, energetic dog at four. Good luck!
Zoey, have your mom hang a jingle bell on the door, knock it around every time you go out, and you will learn to jingle to go out. Smart dogs will realize mom jumps when I ring..what fun!
Zoey Jo, I absolutely loved your story today. Maybe your momma will let you write more stories!
The whole time time reading this made me think about find memories. I moved into an apartment and could not keep our cat. Mom took my cat tho ca. To live and then i started getting letters from my cat. Both mom and three cat are gone now but thanks for the walk down memory lane
The ZoJo Report took me down memory lane.
When I was training my Lacey, the puppy school instructor (1985?) told us to put a bell (parrot bell is big enough) on a string on the door you want her to learn to go out. Ring the bell, open the door. Ring the bell, open the door. I have a bell on both sides of the door now, and the cats have even learned -- ring the bell, open the door. Mom rings the bell, you'd better be at the door.
Zoey reminds me of my son when he was 3... it was constant risk taking crazy behaviour... he climbed on top of the piano once!
Me encanta lo que escribe Zoey Jo y le entiendo muy bien. Aunque estamos encerrados he tenido que bajar a Patch a dar un paseo a la calle porque ya estaba poniendo histérico, todo eran viajes a la puerta, se ha enfadado porque no he cogido juguetes para tirarle. Ya se ha calmado todo, parece mentira que tenga 11 años.
No puedo asistir a esa reunión porque no entiendo ni hablo ingles y es complicado. A disfrutar.
Dear Zoey Jo, I enjoyed reading your Mom's blog today. Please take good care of your Mom, and keep doing cute puppy things to cheer her up. We all know you are a good dog, and accidents happen. Soon it will all get figured out and the accidents will stop.
Your Mom loves you a lot and she will never get angry with you! She is very understanding!
Have fun on your walks, and congratulations on becoming part of the Hunter Clan. You scored big time!
Just went through all this last year, as got a little Pomsky after the loss of my dogs 5 years before.....so much fun......but love todays piece right on Zoey Jo...things always get better after being worse.
That worked for our grand beagle! :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the chuckles! I love this posting. So cute to see it from the doggie view! And she is a cutie, by the way! I hope things settle down for a bit with y’all, but it will pass. Everyone stay safe and enjoy your quilt along. I still have to work; even though I would love to stay home! 💜
The best thing I ever did was teach my rescue dog the 'wait' command. It was very handy for escaping dogs dogs going where they're not supposed to and paying attention to their owner before they do anything. Hope this helps. (This is just a suggestion, not a command)
oh yes Zoey I also loved your blog post, I do hope Mum lets you do more as you have such a happy positive way explaining just a few little 'mishaps' you've had.
What a chatty puppy! Good to know Emmy Lou is getting some peace too. But Happy Birthday (somewhat belated) to your daddy. A lovely photo of mummy and daddy - 3 years though! Just how long have I been reading this blog?!! The move seemed like yesterday with oh so many restrictions in the old house and who can forget those gate posts? Happy sewing to your mummy and try not to upset her by pooping inside. Love from me xx
Just too funny, this post is absolutely what I needed today amidst all this doom and gloom. I am sitting chuckling, not at the poop saga, but at the light hearted doggy view of life. I think Zoey Jo should write a blog at least once every week. How lovely you have all that outdoor space to roam together, in between stitching times. Keep well all, and keep stitching and smiling.xxxx
Hang in there; I love your new puppy. I'm looking to rescue this Spring and am really getting the jitters about this. But then I think about all the good and to have a dog to cuddle and to give a lonely dog a home.
Loved your blog today, Zoey Jo. Scarlett Ann would love to romp and play with you in a fenced yard. We could have so much fun. Thank you Bonnie for doing the Sunday Quiltalong. Looking forward to it.
Perfect timing. New home and quarantine, lots of love and learning new rules.
❤️❤️❤️ so sweet. I love this, Claudia.
Zoey, I am Maggie May and I am a 13 year old Yorkshire Terrier. I am an old lady, in your world. I still poop on the rug on occasion. My Mom and Dad have pulled their hair out for 13 years now. Oh well. They still love me.
Arff from Maggie May in Texas. I would love to meet you someday. I love all puppies and ladies!
My sister was having the same issues with her new puppy. There is a wonderful product out there called "Nature's Miracle". It contains enzymes to remove the poo and also deters them from going there again. Wish we would've known about this sooner.
Zoey Zo, I am sure that you don't mean to poop on the floor....sometimes they just fall out. At least, that is what my Rudy tells me! Your mommy will soon figure out how long after you eat, that you need to walk!
I am in a quilting slump! There is no good reason for this. I hope to get my quilting mojo back before Sunday, but if not, maybe that will get me started. I am supposed to go to a quilt retreat on April 2nd, but with 2 cases of the virus in our area and more in the area of the retreat, it will probably be cancelled.
Enjoy your squeaky squirrel!
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