
Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Very Quilty New Year!

I am Quilting into 2020!

I had a conversation with my dad yesterday afternoon that went like this:

“I can’t believe we are entering a new decade!  It’s the Roaring Twenties of the Twenty-First Century!”

“Well technically, dear daughter – we don’t start the next decade until 2021.  You are a year early.”

“But Dad, you know this is my world and I get to set the rules!  I’m going to run this decade thing the way I want to run it!”

And we laughed and laughed.  It ended up with “Have it your way if it makes you happy.”  “Likewise!”

The turning over of the 70, 80, 90, 00, 10 and now 20 have been remarkable milestones for me.  71, 81, 91, 01, 11??  Naaaaahhhh.  I’m not having it!

But I AM having this!

I was able to take some time yesterday afternoon and finish up the quilting on the purple/green lovely.  Name still to become official – but I am leaning towards all of those lovely purple spring flowers that I am longing for now that temps are back down to freezing with the onset of January.

Crocus, Iris, Hyacinth, lavender,  SOMETHING.

Just no food names.  I can’t abide quilts with food names. They make me hungry! LOL!

It took longer than I thought – I had a couple of helpers that have the tendency to side track and amuse me at every turn.

So you want to measure for a sleeve, do you?

You think you can pin a label on while I’m here?

NO!  Scratch my belly -

Come on, you know you WANT to!

I stuck to my guns with piecing a backing out of lesser loved florals.  The sleeve too – I annihilated two long 1/4 yard cuts, and everything is in purply shades of “out the door you go!”


Don’t mind us – we’re just watching traffic!

They do love the cat trees by the big picture window – basking in the sunshine, playing with each other.  This has been a better move than I first thought it would be.

Along with the Franken-Backing -

There is a Franken-Batting too!

This is the year of USE IT UP.  I know I have said that before, but I am doubling down and really determined to use what I have.  That goes for thread, batting, fabric – you name it.  Are you with me?  How many of you are setting SEW MY STASH as you goal for 2020?

Lola, getting into the binding act!


Don’t mind me -

I’m just sitting here minding my own business!

Getting that binding, sleeve and label on took twice as long!

But it was twice as fun.

Binding the New Year In!

The only thing I don’t like about binding in my comfy chair in front of the fire, watching something engaging on TV is how my light attracts certain things like:

One second nothing -

And the next second?  HE’S THERE!!!!

I hate stink bugs with a passion, and they are quiet, sneaky devils.  The only way to get rid of them is to flush them.  Don’t squash them – they stink.  Don’t vacuum them, they will contaminate your vacuum which will blow stink for months.  Burial at sea – several times a night.  Ugh!  It’s become a game to yell “PAUSE! STINK BUG FUNERAL!” as The Hubster grabs the remote, the Kleenex, and off we go for another Bon Voyage down the plumbing.

Last night’s watch?  Togo on Disney Plus. It was great.  Exciting, endearing, full of doggie love.  But I am banning further dog movie watching because it is always sad when…..well, you know.  We are both missing Sadie Jane so much.  It made me want to run out and adopt another dog. Emotions ran rampant. 

We had to go into deep recovery by watching The Apple Dumpling Gang as antidote.

Making slow progress.

But that’s okay with me.

First sunrise of 2020.

How glorious!

I am planning to spend plenty of time putting pieces through my sewing machine today with relaxation being the main theme. There may be a nap! There may be something in the crock pot for dinner, and hand binding time this evening. That's all I want for today.  Simple, easy, comforting.

January 2020 Half-Price PDF Pattern:

I had a hard time deciding just which pattern to put at 50% off for the month of January.  Irish Courthouse won out for many reasons -

The biggest one of all being NO TRIANGLES!!  LOL!

Sew SO Scrappy, Sew Much Fun!

This Irish Chain variation starts with a simple 9 patch and grows from there! Easy strip piecing and full color photos. Fat Quarter Friendly as well! Quilt size: 93’’ X 93’’.

You’ll love making this quilt block-by-block easily from strips.  It’s fast, it’s satisfying, and destined to chase away those winter blahs that tend to follow when the holidays are behind us but spring is still far off into the future.

You don't need a code for the discount. International orders are welcome as there is no shipping involved.

iPad/iPhone Users:  Before downloading your pattern, read the Where PDF Files Go on an Ipad instructions on the Digital Patterns Page.

And with that – I think I’m ready for a late leisurely breakfast, and then straight to the sewing machine.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Is there anything special that you do to celebrate New Year's Day? Please share in the comments below!

It's a Brand New Year with much adventure ahead!

Happy New Year, everyone!


Shirl S said...

Going for a hike as the weather is mild for NE PA. Pork,sauerkraut, sliced potatoes and carrots layered throughout, cooked low and slow in the oven for later in the afternoon. Sewing on a UFO circa 2002.

Jacqueline said...

Your quilt of green and purple is lovely. I have been trying to sew down my stash for the last 3 years and it just isn't working. Too many new, lovely fabrics out there seem to find their way into my home.But fabric gives me pleasure so why not.
Happy New Year to you and yours and thank you for all you do for us.

Laine said...

Happy New Year! I LOVE your purple/green/neutrals quilt! How do you sew your sleeves on (it’s probably waaay better than my method) and I would love to know! I’m working on your Emerald City this morning and wanting to make one in every color! And for Christmas my husband bought me three of your books I didn’t already have. I’m a fan!

Marion B said...

Quilt name Lavender Fields, because it looks fields from a plane flying over. Here's to a new year 2020 !!

Georgia said...

I was given half of a vintage Christmas table cloth by my best friend as a challenge. I plan to cut into it today and get started! Happy New Year to all!

Gail Topper said...

Starting my day with you as I read your blog posts always makes me smile. When scrolling down to find close-ups of those kitty faces made me laugh right out loud! I love how happy they both are in their new digs. Looks perfect. I sure understand about doggie movies. I avoid them too and not sure how long it will be before I can get beyond the gut wrenching sadness as I miss my girl too.

LeonaF said...

Happy New Year to you both. Just love your green purply quilt. I have to start on a Graduation quilt for my granddaughter and her request for colors is purple, I must show her this one and see what she thinks of having some green in there - but it will be totally her choice. I have quite a few health issues so I am starting the whole process of showing her quilt patterns that I think I could handle and then finding fabric - she does not graduate this spring fur in 2021. Love your posts and thought your evening sounded like a great way to bring in the new year -- well minus the stick bugs. Thankfully I don't think we have these in Manitoba Canada -- haha it is probably way too col for their liking.

Sharon said...

As the clock strick 12 I was watching Doctor Who and sewing flying geese for the Frolic Mystery Quilt. I love the new purple creation and would love to buy the pattern. Happy New Year Bonnie and thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Connie said...

Your kitties are so cute!! Especially the one peeking out from under the quilt! I love this quilt and offer a name - Lilac Frost. The border is perfect. I've got lots to sew today - Frolic and Warm Hands Warm Heart. I went a little crazy cutting pieces for WHWH and probably have enough to make three or four - lol! And I haven't even started on the embroidery yet.
Happy New Year!!

sew lucky said...

Happy New year to you all ! It's cabbage rolls in the slow cooker and decluttering here. All Christmas stays up till just after Old Christmas but Jan first is when I start atleast 15 minutes but usually more. I do every where in the house, one room at a time, tidy, clean and purge . The good get donated if not needed and bad gets tossed. I try to do daily then it's all me time after that which usually means a walk and then sewing or knitting or a good book.
If you still entertaining ideas...how about " Wilson's springtime" or "Springtime in Wilson's" in honour of your new home.

sue s said...

The purple border really finishes the quilt nicely. I actually think it makes the green pop! Lilac?
The stink bugs love our house; it's a constant battle. Like you, the world stops for us until he's gone!

K.L. said...

Bonnie, I am laughing my head off over your stink bug funerals! YES! I live in SW VA also, and those nasty little things show up at the worst times. And yes, we dispatch them the same way you do. Btw, the purple border on your beautiful quilt is perfect! I can't want to see it in publication.

Robby said...

I've got black eyed peas in the crock pot so dinner is almost done. Cornbread will come later. I love that Lola and Dresden seem to be fully embracing the blanket fort concept in their new home. Happy New Year!

PS I think you're right that the purple and green quilt needs a flower name (with those colors, of course). Lilacs come to mind from childhood.

Lilac Joan said...

There was a column in my paper yesterday about when the decade starts. The final conclusion was a decade is just a ten years span, so start where you want it.

Happy Quilting New Year from mild Arkansas!

Carolyn said...

Yes, I am with you on using my stash. There is more than one person can use in a lifetime, however, I will attempt to use it all up. My saving grace is that it is paid for and it didn't cost as much as it would today.

Susie H said...

We watch the Rose Bowl Parade followed by lots of football. We like playing card or board games while keeping an eye on football scores. Parcheesi is the board game of 2020 here! Happy New Year, Bonnie! Cheers!

DawnyK said...

Happy New Year & Decade, Bonnie! Thank you for gracing my inbox and life daily with scrappy happiness!!! Wishing you and yours the best new year!

Judy in Michigan said...

Happy New Year Bonnie and Family! On NYDay we always have pork for dinner because pigs move their snouts forward while chickens, turkeys, cattle scratch their feet backwards. Don't want to go back - must move forward. I think it might be a Polish tradition. Other than that, we always watch football today. Have a good day today!!

MissPat said...

Some of my quilting buddies and their husbands have brunch on New Years Day. We use to get together for New Years Eve, but switched to brunch when we all had trouble stayin g awake until midnight! Happy New Year!

gardenwitch said...

Love those kitties! our little dachshund Ludwig went over the Rainbow Bridge 2 years ago and still miss him like crazy. Working on my stash too your mystery quilt this year is using up alot of my blues.

Tammie said...

I’m just batch cooking the new year in. Sewing machine took a powder yesterday, and I can only imagine the waiting list at the repair shop. It’s usually at least 2 months! Yikes...will be doing lots of piecing on my 404. Was thinking about the name for the quilt...with all the pinwheels...maybe Hyacinth Winds. Whatever you name it, it is BEAUTIFUL!

Mary said...

My DH's Family gets together on New Years. It's a Tradition sonce the 1980's. I'm with you, Happy New Decade!!

Tracey said...

OMG! The dreaded stink bug. One of the not so beneficial issues of living in the woods. Awesome that the hubster assists with funeral duty. They plague us here in the fall, but can't live through our Maine winters. Happy binding- your kitty stories had me laughing. Your heart will know when the right time is to adopt another fur baby.

ninabrey said...

"Longing for Spring" would work for the quilt name. I love the colors and it would be a perfect way for all of us to make a dent in our purple - green stash!! Thank You for setting the mood for my day....Relaxing easy pleasurable fun. Happy 2020

Pamela said...

I watched Togo with my daughter over Christmas break and it was very good. I can see why it would be hard to watch dog movies for you right now...it takes a while for all the emotions to settle. Happy New Year!

Denise Patterson said...

Love the beautiful purple/green quilt. The quilting pattern really sets it off. Can you share the quilting pattern that you used? Looking forward to using up some of my stash in 2020 but more importantly, finishing up a number of those UFOs!! Happy New Year!

katesquilt said...

This is UFO year. I haven't many as a make one quilt at a time BUT I have always made a sample block of every new quilt I make so and those have multiplied over the years so I now have two pizza boxes filled with mostly 12.5 blocks. This year will be to create tops while I do leaders/enders. I'm seriously considering making them reversible quilts...orphan blocks on one size and leader/enders on the other. There are regular quilts I've in the pipeline to do but it won't happen until I've got at least two UFO quilts pieced and finished. In the meantime, I want to wish you, Bonnie, and all the ladies and gents who follow you a very Happy New Year.

Sherrill said...

I am LOVING the new quilt and am just amazed at how quickly you got it together and are now binding!! I was binding last night as well watching Longmire (seen it before but worth the reruns). I watched Togo the other night and cried and cried, my sorrow just 9 days ago. But it was a great movie.

Elle said...

Happy New Year to you! Love those kitties playing at QPV! Mine too love to stretch in the sun on their kitty condo platforms!

I bought the pattern! Yea me! And I bumped my laptop and lost the download screen. Will probably have to buy it again to actually get the pattern :-(

Margaret said...

Love your Sewdio Supervisors! ;-) I have one too. Blessedly she napped this morning as I worked on my Clue #5 units. She loves to sit on the ironing board, and I didn't need that goin' on today! Happy New Year!

Joni said...

Happy New Year and Welcome to our roaring 20's! My motto this year will be: Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Do Without! Stash, scraps, franken batting...all of it! In my area of Oregon, the crocus are the first sign of spring and they always bring a smile when they start blooming.

Susan said...

That's a beautiful quilt and I love how the kitties are adjusting to their new place. As for stink bugs, when I see one I call out stink bug alert. My husband is the one who usually picks them up and disposes of them. We have not always been successful with the flushing down the toilet. However, our preferred method is to drop them into a can filled 3/4 full of dish-washing liquid and water. It was recommended to use Dawn, but we have found that Ajax and Palmolive also work. We keep the can in the garage, because they will begin to smell once you have collected a few of them. In the summer, we can keep the can outside.

Happy New Year.

Deborah Koczela said...

Finished a quilt top. Chopped up the smaller leftover bits into 2 1/2 inch squares and some strings. The top was made entirely from stash. Yay me!!! Mac & cheese made for dinner. Cooking chicken in my Instant Pot for the dog and when that’s done I may finish my book. Happy New Year. It is lovely here in Augusta, Georgia but a tiny bit chilly.

Jeanette said...

Oh those stink bugs, nasty little critters. We took a trip to Emerald Isle in our Motorhome this fall and before we left home they kept appearing and By the time we got home we disposed of almost 100 of those nasty bugs from our MH. Virginia has been the breeding ground for those bugs, in my opinion except I never see baby stink bugs and freezing weather won’t kill them☹️. Working on Frolic 6 today, chili in the crockpot, Rose Bowl parade and a few football games are on our agenda. Peace to everyone in this new decade 2020. Dad may be correct with the decade thing but I like the hope a new decade can bring so roll with it.

Nana said...

lost my little Poochi pup 2 1/2 years ago, and her best buddy, my kitty 3 months ago. I sold my house, got married, moved into a new smaller house...then Thanksgiving, followed close behind with Christmas, and now a new year. Whew! I have my sewing room set up, and am working on finishing a couple tops, and hand quilting my grandson's "H" quilt (his name is Hunter). I am not rushing anything...time is my friend. Happy New Year to you Bonnie...I love your inspiration every day!

Ellie said...

Sauerkraut and pork in the crock pot for us today! I working on my sewing room trying to bring some order to the chaos! Love your new purple green and neutral quilt. Makes me think of crocuses. Happy New Year!

QuiddityRox said...

I, too, will stitch my stash this year. It's hard to keep that promise when all my favorite on-line shops send me sales notices of 70% off! But I WILL use my stash! I will use my stash! I will use my stash!

Sandra Henderson said...

I have my collards and black eyed peas with rice and cornbread cooking.
That is so pretty
Looks like a crocus garden pathway

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

Happy New Year. Yes, I'm using my stash. Been using it for the last 2 years and it seems to be growing!! I probably need to clean out the stash and refold....it can't grow when I'm using it right!? Finishing up a quilt top today ( basic 4 patch and plain 4in. block) for a non quilting friend. Will get it quilted this weekend and sew the binding and will be ready for gift giving Sunday. Patty McDonald

Andrea said...

Happy New Year. No sewing during the break. Both my college kids are home. Maybe today... I have been knitting a fair isle cardigan, and sashiko mended a pair of jeans my son brought home knitted him a new beanie in double knit and yesterday cooked a 5 course dinner for 18. Sewing from my stash is planed for 2020. Creating is such a great source of joy for me. Love the beautiful quilt longing for the promise of Spring. All the best to you and all who read this.

Helen T. said...

Happy New Year Bonnie to your family as well. Busy finishing up clue 4 and started clue 6 of Frolic. Clue 5 already done. Thank you for sharing your kitties antics, they are just so entertaining.

Joey Ritenour said...

Your new creation is beautiful. I vote for something with lilac. Your kitties seem to be enjoying their home. You do realize that they now own the place and only tolerate you because they love you. I miss not having a cat. Fresh snow in Minnesota and sunshine make for a beautiful start to the new year. We spent the day watching the Gophers win!! Now it is time to Frolic for the rest of the evening.

Deanna W said...

Happy New Years to you and hubby. Around here my hubby goes fishing usually and I get the house to myself and I get to sew. The odd year I might go with him but more and more I like the warmth of my sewing room verses the cold of a frozen lake! Love that quilt that just came off the frame...Lavender Fields, I think would be a good name. I love lavender and have a few plants in my flowerbeds. They are a lot of green with small purple flowers...just like your quilt!

Susan Taylor said...

Happy New Year! My favorite purple-ish flower with the Lilac, I think that would be a good name for your quilt. The last 3 years, my small group of quilting friends have sewn together and we have a BALL. That is my kind of tradition!

Tracey Honig said...

Happy New Year to y’all! Your fur baby made me chuckle. This is a beautiful quilt, and it is going on my “LIST “.... 😂😂
We did much of nothing today as well. Sewed some triangles together. Back to work tomorrow for me. I think this year I will also try to trim the stash down as well. Blessings to y’all for a productive and prosperous new year! 💕

Kay said...

Your quilt is beautiful. Seeing it today makes me think spring is on its way. (in a few months). So glad the kitties are loving QPO, and you're enjoying them being there. My pups crossed in 2012, and there are times that my heart just aches. There are more times that the memories bring smiles and laughter. I am definitely with you on the sew my stash this year. I did fairly well last year, but there were a few impulse purchases. Another goal for 2020 is to better organize my scraps and my stash. I want to be creatively productive this year. Thank you for all you do - my day isn't right without reading your blog. And I'm with you - Happy New Year and New Decade.

Lisa said...

Your beautiful quilt finish reminds me of the tree that blooms purple flowers in the spring in California. I saw them when visiting my daughter there but didn't know the name, still can't remember. A year later you mentioned them in your blog. Beautiful purple flowers just above head height. That might be a name for the quilt.

Gayle from MI said...

Stink bugs are worst. Always in reduce the stash mode until 70% off! Moving soon though so have to do something...

Pam Patches said...

Hi Bonnie, Your Dad is right about the decade. It started with year one, and ten years on it was 10. The new decade started with eleven.
Your latest quilt could be ?? Flower in a spin. You choose the flower. Love your work, and feeling sad with you missing Sadie,one of our cats has been missing for a few days now & we fear that he has had a snake bight. We pray for his safe return.
All the best for 2020, you are an inspiration to us all
Cheers Pam

Ursula said...

Ha, ha love your Dad's comment. Said the same to one of my daughters.

Beth said...

Bonnie, have you heard of the website "Does the dog die?" www.doesthedogdie.com It is a site that lists movies and will you allow you to search to find out whether the movie contains plot elements that might be upsetting to you or viewers in your party. Does the dog die? Is there a drowning? A fire? You name it, you can search for the upsetting event and the website will tell you whether the movie is okay for you. I am not too proud to tell you that I check it--it's better than my old method, which was asking the little kids in our family, "Is this okay for Auntie Beth to see? Will it be too sad? Do all the dogs live to the end of the movie?"

Debbie. said...

Thankyou for the mystery quilt this year.I am sewing it as a distraction for my over imaginative brain.I have a son ,his wife and their 6 children in the centre of the fire zone here in Nsw.they assure me they will be safe,but mum's will worry any way.I truly believe they will be fine.Thankyou once again,I am enjoying the piecing.You might consider "morning glory"for you lively purple quilt,maybe a little tongue in cheek.lol

Candy said...

Great name!!!

Debra Cramsie said...

New Year's Day we have had the Twilight Zone marathon on and off, BBQ bratwurst for dinner on our clear, sunny day in southern California! The expected storm ended up as a no show but rain will probably be coming within the next week or so. Always enjoy reading your blog and this latest quilt of yours is exceptionally lovely! I wonder if a name like 'Amethyst Breeze' is worthy? Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy new year!

eyestitch said...

I really like the green and purple quilt. Will you please post how and when you plan to publish it?

Katherine said...

When you name this, please let us know. Very interested in this pattern.

Kb48 said...

I absolutely love this purple quilt - it is gorgeous!!! And of course I love the kitties - my two (Kewpie and Kali) love to help also.

HospiceNP said...

I think you are thinking of Lily of the Nile, also called Agapanthus. They are beautiful!

Rebecca Christie said...

what about "Forget-Me-Not" for the name of the quilt? I am away from home, and while I am loving the people I am with I am also missing my sewing room. LOL. But I chose a word for the year (have to admit the last word I had I kept for a couple of years- it was "present" as in be more present.) this year I am choosing "Intentional."

Janet of MN said...

I'm onboard with Marion B & Deanna W - Lavender Fields is a perfect name. Looking forward to a pattern.
On another note, do you have a list of which patterns are in which books. I think the pattern I love is Straits of Mackinac but don't know which book it is in.
Have a super lovely day & blessed new year.

Unknown said...

New Years All Day Sew with 30 friends at the Holiday Inn, back home to black eyed peas and finishing a scrappy quilt just for us on my longarm. New Year Blessings to you Bonnie!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I totally hate stink bugs too..... We never used to have so many
I am going to try to make more quilts and stuff this year. I have so much fabric.
I loved reading this because your kitties are so wonderful. They do love helping and loving our creations as we attempt to measure and cut.
Happy New Year Bonnie

Nann said...

Bonnie, remember that the suffrage movement's colors were green, white, and violet for Give Women the Vote. 2020 is the centennial of the 19th amendment that give U.S. women the right to vote.

Ginny A said...

Happy New Year, Bonnie! I have officially started on my Frolic journey! I think of the little wildflower I see on my walks in the Spring called Shooting Star. It's a tiny, delicate little bloom and fits this beautiful quilt perfectly! I have been using up stash for several years and will continue with you this year! You start my day and I am so inspired by you! Thank you for all you do!

Nikki said...

We got hooked on Rake on Amazon Prime. For the next to the last season, it moved to Acorn so we got hooked on a free trial and you know how that worked! Am now hooked on Acorn, so if you have it try 800 Words, a little weepy at times (but no dogs) and then wonderful quirky people all set in New Zealand. Having lost my heart dog over three years ago, I feel your pain. XXOO

Angie W said...

Wisteria is another beautiful purple flower. Purple is one of my favorite colors. Also, Amethyst is purple, not a flower, but like your quilt it is a beautiful gem.

barbara jahn said...

Happy New Year to you and to all. My new year's day had to have black eyed peas and corn bread to start the year well. I spent 2019 sewing my stash thanks to you, Bonnie, and your wise ideas about using up anything! Made 5 of your quilt designs this year and even finally depleted dressmaking scraps from the 1960's. Four are quilted already. I used Quilter's Dream Green batting to great success because I loved the idea of filling scrap quilts with recycled plastic bottles ...100% reuse since before discovering your way of working I was about to finally toss all the little bits of fabric I had compulsively kept all these years. 2020 is stacking up to present difficult challenges but as long as I can sew, I stay sane and able to take what comes. Thanks for encouraging so many with both sewing and living ideas and observations.

Ada said...

Happy New Year! My new year's day started with meditation time, buckwheat and blue berry pancakes made by my sweetie, and then off to a New Year's Day sale at a favorite quilt shop. Coming home, I enjoyed a sandwich after starting the laundry (consisting of new fabric) and then sat down to play Mah Jongg with my sweetie. I'm ready for another year of stash reduction.... although I am behind with the purchases of this morning :( May you be happy, healthy as you can be and peaceful as you stitch through the year!

kvanatta said...

Oh wow - I see my spring fields of violets in your beautiful quilt.... last spring my granddaughter and I picked them to make a lovely violet jelly... this quilt reminds me of that special afternoon! Thank you for all you do for us!

Shirley K. said...

Purple Majesty would be a great name for your new quilt..love your blog..

B. J. In Virginia said...

I see that I'm not the only one who wants to complete UFO's! I also have a large stash of Kaffe fabric and want to make a medallion type quilt for me. I have more quilting plans that I will never live long enough to actually do, but I'm sure going to try!

gibbygoo56 said...

ADORABLE Kitty Cats. and I love the quilt.

Irene said...

Heliotrope. Such a beautiful purple flower and smells so wonderful. I has pretty dark green leaves to set off the purple flowers.

charityquilter said...

I know you like flowers but what about gems? Amethyst would work as a name as well, unless, of course, you've already used it somewhere.

On a goofy note - have you noticed that in the header photo, the way that Sadie is holding her ears makes her look a bit like Dobby from Harry Potter?

Anyway, what do I do every New Year's? I take a reckoning of my UFOs. How many I've completed. How many I've started. How many do I have?

Clearbrook MN

charityquilter said...

Kinda like Strawberry Fields forever (from the Beatles song) but it would be Lavender Fields Forever instead. Great name. I was thinking Amethyst even though it's not a flower.

Sue M said...

Wisteria is a pretty purple flower. Also violets growing in the grass every spring. Whatever you name the quilt will be perfect. I can't wait for the pattern. Happy 2020!

Quilty_me_ said...

I sewed into the new year! Just me at home, my kids went out with there friends. But that's okay it was nice and relaxing. Your cats helping are just like my cats helping! Haha!

Ginie said...

I think the tree you described is the jacaranda. They are absolutely lovely, especially when there are several of them on the street. BUT....the flowers actually take the paint off cars, so people clean them off daily. True beauty and the beast.

WesternWilson said...

Blessings to you from another doggie mum. We miss our old darlings, and like you I avoid the sad dog movies...unthinkable!...but if there is one thing your lost one could say, it would be "give to some lucky pup the abundant love you gave to me". My old ones all tell me that and it takes a while, but in time, I do listen. And new blessings abound. Big hugs, sugar.

WesternWilson said...

PS Most amazing spring purple and pink flower name: Dame's Rocket!

Bente Antonsen said...

Lovely quilt. Green and purple is so good. I need more fabrics. LOL

Elaine Nemeth said...

Celebrating today with some good chocolate.Good Fortune pillow shams 2 night stands's matts and dresser scarf off the frame. Now for binding and on to the blocks for Frolic.
Boy you keep us busy lol

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