
Sunday, November 17, 2019

When Things Come Together!

The disclaimer for this post is -
Wall colors are NOT TRUE!

I was taking these photos in the evening before leaving – and what looks like mustard here is really closer to squash orange.  It’s a hard color to describe, but suffice it to say that bedroom one is 99% DONE! Hopefully reading lamps can be attached by each bed today.  That’s the goal at least – as soon as the other 4 luggage stands are assembled.

Bedding is on beds.  Quilts are on walls.  The only thing that remains to be done is place the zippered pillow protectors and pillowcases on the new pillows that the retreaters are bringing on Black Friday for their “entrance fee” for our first 2-night Beta Test Retreat.

Other than that, this bedroom is READY TO ROLL!

Again, these walls are NOT this color! LOL!
(Isn’t it weird what photography does?)

I had a grand time with Martha here helping me decide where to hang things.

This bed has been in my family for 5 generations.  My great grandparents (Dad’s mom’s parents) had the matching set of twins when they got married.  When they had children, they were slept in by my Grannie and her brother, my uncle Boo.  When Grannie married and started raising her family of 3 boys, both matching beds were used by my dad and his 2 brothers.  When my parents had me, and my uncle and aunt started their family – I slept in one, and my cousin Jeff got the other.

Jeff and I were best buds growing up.  He passed from cancer when I was pregnant and near to delivering my own son Jeff.  And that is how my Jeff received his name.  My uncle wasn’t happy about it, but his heart was hurting. It’s understandable.

(in fact we are re-watching Downton Abbey and just night before last was the episode where ***SPOILER!*** Sybil passes from toxemia, and Tom names the baby Sybil for her mother.)

I slept in the bed, my brothers slept in the bed -
Both of my boys have had their turn with this bed  -
And now it lives at Quiltville Inn.  Perfection.  
The bed lives on!

The two cross stitch floral stitcheries in the oval frames above the bed have also been in my possession for at least 30 years and have lived in various homes as we have moved.  They’ve been in a closet for at least 12 years now.  And here they are, back again, over Great Grannie’s bed.  (And believe me these walls are not this yellow!)

And there is your bedroom #1 tour!

The baskets on the beds hold a bath towel, hand towel, wash cloth and a turban towel for wet hair.  There is not enough room in bathrooms to hang everyone’s towels, so they will be brought back to the bedrooms.  I have the cutest of little chalk boards on clothes pins that folks can write their name on and clip it to their hook so they know who’s towels are whose. There are luggage stands for the end of each bed – still in assembly while these photos were being taken.

Front stair landing.

Pardon the blue tape around the ceiling vent – there is painting still going on!

This is the chandelier that used to hang in the dining room.

It is so much better here!

The open doorway at the bend in the stairs is the front upstairs bath.  I’ll get photos of that later, but I spent most of yesterday scrubbing that hexagon tile floor on hands and knees, chipping off what grout and cement had splattered everywhere from the shower installation.  It was grungy.  It took a steamer, a scraper, numerous scotch brite pads, and a whole lot of elbow grease to get gunk off.  Some of it was paint left from previous owners.  There is nothing like a good scrub to make a place feel more like your own.

The front stair case looking down!

These stairs are more than 120 years old (The first part of the house was built in 1884 and then added on to around the turn of the century.) and I have gotten them as gleaming as they can be.  There are also OLD paint spots that wouldn’t come up no matter how I tried.  Like 50 year old paint spots that are now part of the wood.  But they are clean and I love them!

How many ladies descended this stair case in dinner attire?  All of the fashions of the decades are floating through my mind as I imagine the lady of the house in 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and so forth.

Top of the landing -

It’s the photo that is crooked, not the quilt on the wall.  LOL!

I love this little seating area.  All it needs is a rug on the floor, and I am in search of the right one.  I’d also like to find a couple of runners for the landings, but they have to be non-skid and not look industrial, you know what I mean?  I will find the right thing.  I just haven’t yet.

I love the room numbers!

The chalk boards for for leaving messages and writing the names of who is in which room.

Don’t you love the Martha Washington sewing cabinet between the chairs?

Another angle.

Bedroom #2 is just beyond -
ALMOST ready.

I’m waiting for a few things to come.

The other open door you see is to the linens closet room.

Life is Wonky!

We replaced the worthless pedestal sink with a simple 2 door cabinet so there would be room for supplies in here.  I have ordered a deluxe 1st aid kit along with extra packets of wound seal powder in case of rotary cutter accidents.  The first aid kit will be found under the downstairs bath sink  - hence the need for a cabinet with doors!

The only problem?  the built in mirror and vanity light are now not centered over the sink.  It would require moving the mirror and the electrical, more dry wall work, and repainting and is just more than I want to deal with.  So “Wonky But Works” Is our theme song and we are running with it.  We will find something in due time, but not now.  Just so happy that I was able to use some vintage glass knobs on the cabinet.  They came as a gift, and I love having a place for them! 

Can you see the lace curtain reflected in the mirror?

The curtains were also a gift!

They were extra long valances, and I was able to get two out of each – SO pretty!

Upstairs baths have this pattern.

This is the upstairs back bath and will be scrubbed within an inch of its life today.

In fact – I hear the pickup warming up, so we are about to head over and I am holding up the process.

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Scrappy Trips quilt pattern found under the free patterns tab  at the top of the blog!

Find that one thing that you usually take for granted and realize just how nice it makes your life!

As I post this, The Hubster is outside blowing leaves off the driveway.  Sounds like he is using his “waiting for me time” wisely!

I can hear the hum of the blower and am so happy that he takes care of this one little task so I don't have to.

What are you grateful for today?


Denise Patterson said...

Looks beautiful! You mentioned that you were looking for non-skid rugs for the hallway. Would it be possible to use some carpet liner under some pretty rugs? The carpet liner looks like the waffle material that folks use for shelf liner, it comes in large rolled packages. I found it at Walmart and use it under the rug in the dining room. Keeps the rug from slipping and sliding! Just a thought.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie, for such a wonderful in-depth blog. You make it feel as if I am there! Beautiful writing! Yes, thankfulness makes a person full.

CozierQuilter said...

The excitement builds! Thanks for showing us the progress on your labor of love. Some day, friends and I will come stay. Enjoy your new beginnings, Bonnie!

Diane Evans said...

Beautiful, love the stairway, so much to see at a leisurely pace and enjoy the ambiance, and craftsmanship of the stairs.Thank you so much for the pictures.
2,360.9 miles to there from here!

Su Davis Palmer said...

Thanks for update of this beautiful stately home! You have given new life to this home!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Coming along nicely!!

Evelyn Mattonen said...

WOW Bonnie, the place is looking amazing! You and your family have worked so very hard and it shows - can hardly wait to be able to visit one day. Have a quilttastic day!

stitchinpenny said...

Your time with Martha seems to have lifted your spirits and calmed your uǹease. Friends make life better but you really seemed to get a lot from the boost she provided.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a beautiful place you have created Bonnie!
I am grateful for my quilting friends, and I'm also grateful that there are only 12 more sleeps until we begin Frolicking!

Unknown said...

Wow, it is so amazing and I truly hope one day to join one of the retreats! I love the quilts everywhere and the furniture selection and layout. Can’t wait to see more!

Charlotte M. said...

I love seeing pictures of the inn. All the furnishings make me smile. Everything is so pretty. I cannot wait to see more pictures as you finish up rooms and have your first test retreat.

Valerie said...

Oh, Bonnie, it is coming together, and it all looks so lovely, warm, and inviting. Every corner just invites cozy conversation. Thank you for all the very hard work you have put into this retreat center to make all your quilting guests feel so at home. I hope it always brings you as much pleasure as it certainly will bring to all of us.

Myrna said...

You've put so much into every detail..and it really shows. The making of Quiltville Inn could be a feature article for Southern Living magazine. Congratulations!

Beth said...

It’s gorgeous! Sooo much work!
So glad you were able to use the lace curtains in the bathrooms. They look great!

Mtntop Quilter said...

The Inn is sure coming together. It looks fantastic!!! Keep up the good work.

Mary said...

I am grateful for my day of rest. I really need it. You have worked so hard, Martha Dave and your boys too. I gasped to see the beautiful Stairway! Even better in person, huh? The ladies will love it

TheEclecticAbuela said...

I have a copy of a Danish proverb in my office--"Enough is great riches." I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow, Bonnie! I haven't checked-in in a while. Things are really coming together at Quiltville Inn!

mangozz said...

I am grateful for my sister. I don't know what I would do without her. And my cat for the same reason. Pets are the best. I am so sorry about Sadie. She had a great life with you though.

Cathy said...

Grateful for a house warmed by a fire, a meal cooking in the oven, my husband nearby reading, my cat keeping me warm.
Everything you are doing to the retreat center is so inviting and cozy. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Gwen said...

The Inn is looking fabulous!

Connie in Ohio said...

So, so very lovely and inviting! If this beautiful old house could talk, I'm certain it would say "Thank you so much for rescuing and restoring me to my former glory and opening my doors so that quilty people will fill my rooms and make happy memories within my walls!"

Helen T. said...

Wow, everything is coming together so beautifully! Looks so homey.

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

Wow! Just WOW! I may live in California, but I’m sure going to try and get a spot for a retreat! You have thought of everything! It’s looking amazing. I don’t even care that I will have to get this old body up those stairs. I can do it!

tealeafquilts said...

My complements to you for the exquisite design and furnishings that you have put into this home. It is truly a Quilt Home and not just a house. I am a retired interior designer and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you have done! Wish I could come to visit but I imagine the waiting list will be years long.

quilter197 said...

I love that wall color... "Mustard" is a great paint for any room! Maybe some day I will get to inspect that in person..... Ohhhh.... if only!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Choosing yellow paint can be tricky. I picked out Colonial Cream, a pale yellow, for our bedroom. When it dried it was a knock your eyes out, wear your sunglasses, clown yellow. Had about a half gallon left so filled up the can with white, mixed well and rolled on a new coat. Turned out perfect. I've always wondered if maybe it had been mixed wrong to start with, but all's well that ends well, right?

Farm Quilter said...

Unless I stayed there a week, I don't think I would get a lick of sewing done!! So much to see, explore and appreciate!! You have restored this grand lady to way beyond her former glory!! Quiltville Inn is simply, amazingly perfect!!! Since I live on the west coast, I'll have to get together with my Florida quilting buddies and we'll have to get our names on the list for a retreat!!

Tammy said...

It's all looking so cozy! Great reward for all your hard work!

Meloney said...

I love the sweetness of the rooms. It is beautiful.

Deb D. said...

Seeing all the photos and posts about the Inn have convinced me that I may travel out of my home state of Texas to visit the Inn when it is ready. So exciting! Which quilt pattern is sweet Sadie resting on in the photo with the sign "Our Porch"?

Penny said...

So Inviting, Beautiful and Cozy! Worth all your love & effort!

Colorado Sue said...

Please tell us more about the quilt above the loveseat on the landing.
Everything is beautiful.

Quilter Lois said...

What am I grateful for?

Carolyn said...

Bonnie, Quiltville is absolutely beautiful! You definitely have put a lot of love in your undertaking. Thank you so much for sharing.

Kara Benavides said...

What a lot of fun, and hard work, you have been having. This certainly is a place I would love to visit.

earlene said...

I was thinking how much I liked that mustard yellow in #1! Oh well, whatever is there is going to be lovely. It looks like my quilter's heaven right there at Quiltville Inn. Thanks for giving us the first peek.

Jikke13 said...

Same beds here, my husband and his brother grew up in them and I don't know their history. I like that you know more about your beds through the generations.

Sylvia Forster said...

All your hard work (and hubby/Jeff's hard work) is paying off. It looks amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Barbara D said...

Such progress! Must feel so good to see dreams become reality. And you dream so big and beautiful, Bonnie

Anne Hayward said...

Wow you have truly made this house a home! I could move in tomorrow, your retreat era will love all of your wonderful holly touches. Your dreams are coming to fruition and your and your family should feel very proud of the wonderful job you’ve all done. You really do have a wonderful eye for detail.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Lynette W said...

The Inn is absolutely lovely! All your hard work has paid off, as it looks warm and cozy. What a wonderful place to inspire creativity and foster quilty friendships.

Bente Antonsen said...

Quiltville Inn has become beautiful. Love the vintage furnitures.

Alice said...

Looking very cozy. Love the stairs . Is there any downstairs room for folks that can’t climb stairs? I am not quite there yet! Just a thought! Since today is my 62 birthday! LOL Keep up the good work Bonnie your almost finished.

Lynn W. said...

Looking good!!!!!

Helen S. said...

How outstanding and beautifully welcoming!!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I am sorry, but no. This is a historic home and all bedrooms are upstairs. You must be able to climb stairs to stay. I regretfully apologize that this might not be the retreat for those who can not do stairs. Thank you for understanding the nature of historic homes.

minnesota nice said...

Bonnie, the clothespins I provided at my retreat tended to break. I now use different colored diaper pins that I leave on in the washer & dryer.

Sharon said...

Your rooms are definitely coming together beautifully. Love them. I do have a question, how are the quilts hung on the walls? I can see how some are hung with obvious quilt hangers but not the ones shown in the bedroom pictured.

Sharon said...

Love what you are doing. All beautiful! I do have a question though, how are the quilts hung on the walls? I can see the obvious quilt hangers on some but not the ones in the bedroom pictured. Would love to know!

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at your "worthless pedestal sink" comment. We moved last February into a two bathroom home. Both bathrooms had pedestal sinks, flat mirrors, and no shelves. Where did they keep their toothbrushes. We had to immediately install vanities and medicine cabinets.

JeanGB said...

For future reference do you have sliding down the bannister insurance? Yours is calling my name!!

Carol said...

I chuckled as I read JeanGB's comment. I was thinking the same thing. This place looks adorable and so inviting. You and your family have done a great job on it and I am so longing to come and visit.
In my house I don't have space for extra towels and washcloths either so I bought some over the door things and hang the clean ones there that will also hold the wet ones when used. That has been really helpful for me. Just an idea for you. Keep up the good work and enjoy your Thanksgiving. I am thankful that my fractured shoulder is doing tons better and I can actually type with two hands easily today.

B. J. In Virginia said...

I'm most grateful for my sisters and my good friends who are like sisters. They are my guardian angels! Love looking at your blog every day. It warms my heart!

RobinH said...

I'm so excited for you! Everything looks perfect and inviting, I'll be daydreaming about being a guest there.

Anita Bartonb said...


Donna Endresen said...

Beautiful, Bonnie:
I am Grateful for you and what you do for the quilting world. I am also grateful that the Dear Lord put me in the beautiful state of Alaska for my retirement. I am grateful for relatively good health, and all my quilting and Gardening friend, and all my family, and extended family.

I found the boxes w/ lace curtains and bedspreads again last Saturday when I had workers here. I will get them sent soon. I am also sending my little porcelain pitcher and basin. They worked w/ my décor in my house in central CA, but not here. If you can use it, I will be happy!

Kasilof, AK
Where we are going through a period of ugly, messy, hazardous weather, not fun when you have a ppt's to get to.

Beth said...

Bonnie, have you heard of www.ruggable.com? They have non-skid rugs in all kinds of designs, some modern but some quite old-timey. A unique aspect it that the rug portion can be detached from the non-skid bottom, and the rug can be washed alone, keeping the non-skid intact longer. This might be something to think about for the seating area. Just a thought, because you've done such a lovely job without my help so far. :)

Carol Nye said...

Bonnie, it all looks so good! I don't know if I will ever get there, but I can still enjoy the Inn, through those who visit it.
Please don't ever take Sadie's picture down off the "heading:.....at least for a year, anyway. She deserves to be mourned for at least that amount of time!!

Sherrie said...

I am grateful for YOU... you start my day with smiles, grins, wisdom, and more.. I find ideas and courage to try new things, and energy to get up and do more. And vision to acquire and set up and decorate my very own Sew Barn stocked with left over Fabric-store product (since my health issues plummeted and had to close my store Cheri's Fabrics N More)Thank You will never say enough ;)

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