
Saturday, November 30, 2019

When Hearts are Full to Bursting!

Quiltville Inn Beta Test Retreat is in Full Swing!

Can I just tell you how much this means to me?  I know you’ve been hearing about the progress for the past year and a half – every little detail.  I talk about it and talk about it until you have likely heard ENOUGH ALREADY.  But did you ever have a dream you dreamed was impossible, but you went for it anyway?  And when it came to fruition, and you stepped from simply dreaming into reality – you couldn’t find the words to express your gratitude?

That’s me right now.  And I’m teary eyed as I’m typing this because these ladies mean so much to me!  They gave up a good chunk of a holiday weekend to come TEST. ALL. THE. THINGS.

Not a used car lot!

But I would like Gina’s Mercedes! LOL!

Lisa arrived first, and she brought gifts for each sewing station – so while she set out the cell phone holders she had made at everyone’s sewing stations, I helped bring in her other stuff, get the names written on the chalk boards outside each room, and initials on the hook rack clip for who's towels go where when drying in each bedroom – we hooked her phone up to the Bluetooth sound bar, cranked the tunes and put this day in full swing in anticipation of everyone’s arrivals.

As folks arrived and unloaded, they moved their cars behind the Quiltville Post Office.

I felt like I was waiting for my 12-year-old birthday party to begin!

Some came as singles, some came in pairs -

Here I am humming “Debbie’s roasting by an open fire…..”  She is the cold-natured one so we saved this spot just for her!

We used the wagons at the side of the garage to unload cars.  We carried food things from the back porch through the kitchen door, the sewing things through the back entry door to the Quilting Quarters. We carried suitcases upstairs and gave little tours to oohs and ahhs!

I think they were just as excited as I was!

And a small miracle happened.

No power tripping with the use of small irons, machines, task lights and music players.

There was no table vibration or bouncing (That was a concern I really had – I hate those hollow core plastic bouncy tables.) and the design walls all around the room deadened the echo and with all of the machines running – you could still carry on conversations without yelling.  SO GREAT!


Those design walls are looking awfully bare yet, don’t you think?  Maybe this morning when I stop by there will be SOMETHING stuck up there.  LOL.

The tables and task lights are all IKEA.  The rolling work station chairs were ordered off of Amazon, as were the power towers in the centers of the tables.

Dad played camera man to catch this shot!

But I like this one BEST!

Would you like a video tour to peek inside?  

Click to Play:

We made an evening visit to check in on everyone, and it felt SO SO SO good to have folks occupying comfy chairs in the Hen Den around the wood stove. We added logs and banked it down for the night, and will get it going again this morning.

I wish I could have stayed longer and visited more – but Dad was waiting at home and it was our last evening together.

I love seeing the lights on -

I wonder who stayed up the latest?

This morning I am up and posting this early – it’s going to be a full day.  There are orders to get out at the QPO.  I need to get Dad back to Greensboro for his flight out.  I have my own bags to pack for Germany – I need to be to the airport at 4:30am on Sunday.

There will be one visit today to Quiltville Inn to check on things, see if there is anything anyone needs and then they will be on their own (with The Hubster close at hand should they need anything, just a phone call and a short 7 mile drive away) and check out Sunday afternoon.

Over the past several weeks I felt like my “MUST DO!” list has been long and unending.  But one by one we ticked all the boxes, and everything was accomplished in due time.  

There is a life lesson in that.  Just keep chipping away at it.  Do things in the order of importance.  Anything left over at the end of the day just rolls over onto the next day’s agenda.  And it all works out.

For groups interested in renting Quiltville Inn for your own retreats, I have started on the web page now that photos of finished rooms could be accomplished.  It’s a work in progress, but contract information, etc is tentatively found at the bottom of the Quiltville Inn tab at the top of my Quiltville.com website.  For planning purposes only - I am not ready to start booking and taking of deposits until at least January. Documents and info are subject to change as we continue to fine-tune them to what we really want.

And I do want to host a drawing to give groups an equal opportunity – much like our other Gift-Aways, we will use the random number generator to draw a group, let them choose their weekend (Deposit must be ready to be paid at this time, so gather your groups, and know who is in charge of your group!) and then we will draw again for another group to choose another weekend, etc.  More details on that to come.  But JANUARY is coming close – so think about it!

And just like Dad and Emmy Lou -

Take naps when you can in between it all!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage double wedding ring quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

Our relationships are worth far more than any object that we desire.

Who remembers the song 'One Tin Soldier'? Look it up on YouTube if you haven't heard it in a while.

The best gifts in life are people, not things.

I am so grateful for the gift of PEOPLE this Thanksgiving weekend!

Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful to see the dream reach fruition. Hope the Beta group have a most wonderful time. You really have made a dream come true Bonnie. Bet wishes from Western Australia.

Debbie B said...

Lucky ladies to be a part of your Beta group. I'm sure they are all very grateful also. The Inn looks wonderful, Bonnie! You have worked long and hard and it has paid off. Thanks for the look inside and I can't wait to be there some day. Hugs!!!

Pam McD said...

I loved the tour of Quiltville Inn and am amazed at all the beauty you have made in the home. You have done a marvelous job and deserve a great feeling of accomplishment. Congratulations beautiful Bonnie!

Shirley in Canada said...

Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie!!!!! It looks so inviting! And you didn’t just “try” to think of everything - you DID think of everything.
As I may never get to see your beautiful creation, I thank you for your tour of your dream place. A place where your quilts look right at home ❤️❤️

Lesley Gilbert said...

So happy for you that things have eventually gone to plan and your beautiful retreat is now full of lovely sewing people. Enjoy your time in Germany (not too far from me) and well done on achieving your goal :)

Evelyn Mattonen said...

WOW Bonnie, so fabulous to have your dreams come true! Aren't quilting friends just the best peeps around - so happy for you!

Josie McRazie said...

My heart soars for you! Thank you for sharing the Inn with all of us!
I also have the Harbor Freight tables that I use for pressing and cutting! I put the stuff you put in potholders over the top and then a layer of cotton batting and made an "ironing board cover" so I can use the WHOLE table to press!! It is WONDERFUL when I do a final pressing on a top or press a quilt backing! no flimsy ironing board to deal with!! I also put a 4x4 under each of the legs, as I'm a bit taller and liked the extra height!!

Lisa said...

Great video of the Inn! A beautiful place to retreat. I think if I sat by a window not a lot of sewing would get done.

Rori said...

Oh, Bonnie! I am so excited for you in your new adventure and a dream fulfilled! Isn't it wonderful to have a vision, work your tail off, be blessed by so many others willing to share, and to see Quiltville Inn up and running? May your beds be full, the sewing rooms filled with creativity, and the halls with laughter. Yay, you!!! (it was fun to see our cutting board on the island in the kitchen!)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks really great Bonnie - have fun with your new adventure

cityquilter grace said...

totally awesome accomplishment that will be enjoyed for years to come...hats off to you and hubster for vision, hard work and resources to bring this to reality....

stretchmarks said...

Wonderful! Congratulations! Marilyn Marks

ferne said...

I love what you have done with the Inn! Lots of ideas here to put into my own space here at home in N. California. Maybe someday I will venture out that way and get to join a retreat at the inn, that would be so fun. Only problem is I would never want to leave!

Jacqueline said...

It all looks wonderful. Glad things went well. Have a safe and fun trip. And thanks for getting the mystery clue out and going.

Missy’s Miracle Stitches said...

What marvelous attention to detail with a fabulous result!! Congratulations!!!

Jean said...

Absolutely wonderful, you shall never need to worry about a full house.

vkh6210 said...

So exciting!!! You and yours have done an awesome job of getting this all set up and it has turned out wonderful. The video was great and makes me want to be there too. Maybe someday. Congradulations on making your dream come true.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You've done a wonderful job on the Inn. I wish I had a quilt group to share it with. Enjoy Germany.

SallyC said...

Such a beautiful Inn! It looks so comfy and inviting, you have done a great job. Congratulations!

Jan in OIB said...

Thank you for creating QUILTING HEAVEN.

Jan in OIB said...

You have created QUILTING HEAVEN !!

Quilter Kathy said...

Thank you for sharing your excitement with us! I'm so happy for you! You have worked so hard for this dream!

Charlotte K said...

Congratulations on your first retreated. It is so wonderful your Dad was there to share it with you. Safe travels! Now off to scour my calendar and pick a great weekend.

Judy in Michigan said...

Will there be a list for those singles that could complete the dozen? Just wondering... Anyway, Congratulations on a successful first weekend. Your hard work and thoughtfulness has paid off!! Best wishes for more happy weekends. Btw, looks like a Bernina convention!!

Quilter68 who is now 70 said...

Thank You for the tour! Please have a wonderful and safe trip to Germany.
WILL look forward to your stories at your return.

Leah said...

Oh, I don't think any of us have had ENOUGH ALREADY. :) We are excited with and for you!

I really enjoyed the updated walk-through video. So great! You've remembered so many practical and thoughtful details, like the no-bounce tables. I use a heavy machine, and the hollow plastic tables bounce so much that I get motion sick trying to keep my eyes on my piecing. And the hair towels you included in each basket - brilliant! I have waist-length hair, and very few places think to provide a second towel for wet hair. You don't have to have 3 feet of hair to appreciate a second towel!

I hope your retreaters have a lovely weekend!

The Joyful Quilter said...

OMG!!! I can't BELIEVE that 2 of my old friends were in your beta retreat group. SEW jealous!

Lisa said...

We should all dare to dream! Your courage and tenacity are exemplary. It must be wonderful to finally share your BEAUTIFUL Quiltville Inn with others you care about. All of the hard work has paid of many times over. It's wonderful to see you in such a state of Double Delight (lol, couldn't resist). I cannot wait to visit someday soon!

Helen T. said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Your Inn is gorgeous and so homey. Wishing you the best of everything! Happy and safe travels to Germany.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the tour of Quiltville Inn. Bonnie, you've done a great, great job on making Quiltville Inn a reality. It's gorgeous and just think of all the quilters who are going to come through there and share their stories. If walls could talk 50 years from now. I look forward to someday visiting. Happy belated Thanksgiving! Have fun in Germany. I been a few times. The Christmas Markets are to die for!

HospiceNP said...

What a fabulous place! You have accomplished so much! Someday I hope to visit. What I really want to know is where did those drink holders with the attached thread baskets come from? Love Love!!

Joni said...

So happy for you and your beta testers! It must be so nice to finally watch others enjoy your vision and hard work. Have safe travels, I can't wait to see your photos.

Pat said...

I'm delighted to hear everything is going great! Could it go any other way? So happy for your Bonnie. Big hugs!

Maggie A said...

So, so excited for you. It looks so beautiful and a lot of thought has gone into all of it. Would love to make a booking but Australia is just a tad too far away. Congratulations to you and your family and friend who have made it happen.

preludetoaseam said...

I am just incredibly impressed with how beautiful Quiltville Inn is! The house looks like it was meant just for this very purpose and has been that way for a long time. Homey and cozy! Just thrilled for you and your BETA weekend. Your dream has come true!

Gayle from MI said...

This is all so awesome! Safe travels tomorrow morning!

Sherrill said...

What an absolutely gorgeous place you've made there!! So homey and inviting and all of your little touches and the beautiful quilts..a FEAST for the eyes!! It's obvious you've put LOTS of thought and all of your heart in that wonderful retreat home! LOVE it!

Lynn said...

So wonderful to see it all come together. Congratulations, might have to see about gathering some friends from 'down under' and see if we can make it there one day - i can dream too.

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Wow Bonnie. My Heart is bursting foe you. I can feel the excitement through the internet.
I so glad you followed your dream.

kathy6024 said...

Thank you for the tour. I'll never have a chance to be there in person so really appreciate the full tour. I'm sure it will be a resounding success.

Bobbie said...

Bonnie, you have done an absolutly amazing job, the Quiltville Inn looks wonderful. Every thing you did was well worth the effort, I still don't know where you get so much energy to do so much but God Bless you for all you do. Also, thank you for the new "Frolic Pattern". Have a safe trip to Germany and enjoy yourself, you deserve it!!

Tracy J in Michigan said...

I can feel your excitement in every word and I am so happy and excited for you! Congratulations on the fulfillment of your dream! I never get tired of reading about all of it. I’m glad you were able to spend time with your dad this holiday also. Have a fabulous and safe and healthy time in Germany.

Anne Hayward said...

Congratulations you should feel so proud of your awesome achievement. All your beta testers look so happy and will define comfortable you have created a real home from home.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Barb Johnson said...

One Tin Soldier?!!! My goodness, and I thought that I was the only one that remembered that song! What great memories it brings back. We used to sing it at Girl Scout camp - many, many years ago. "Peace on Earth was all it said" how apropos that is for these days.

Janis said...

Love, love, LOVE Quiltville Inn. It is so welcoming and cozy looking! I could live there! Would you like a live-in caretaker? *)* You have thought of everything, including thunder mugs in the bedrooms. I got such a chuckle out of that! Well done, Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the video tour of the amazing Quiltville Inn. So happy to see a dream come true and what a blessing for those for those who are there this weekend.

T Holzer said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful venture, Bonnie!!

Carol Nye said...

The video is wonderful! You have done such a good job with the renovations!! Hope your trip to Germany is fun and exciting. Eats some strudel for me!!

janie said...

Beautiful, Awesome and so Lovely, I am sure you haven't forgotten a thing, My group of quilters are already discussing our trip from eastern Canada. best of luck.

Kerry said...

Oh wow! It's beautiful! Thank you for the tour, I did enjoy. Lucky ladies stopping over!

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