
Friday, September 27, 2019

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

This beautiful bounty is in the drive in front of Quiltville Inn!

We get all kinds of things being transported up and down highway 58, I watch logging trucks, farmers pulling cattle, horse trailers, different brands of things plastered on the side of semi truck trailers.  It’s quite entertaining.

It’s those tractors pulling loads of hay that you don’t want to get stuck behind – there is nowhere to pass.  And if they are mowing the sides of the road?  Just cue up the audio book or your favorite CD (Remember those?  Your Spotify or Pandora won’t work out here, and likely neither will your cell phone.) and prepare to live life in the slow lane.

When the truck pulling this load of pumpkins pulled up in the drive, I came out the front door of the Quiltville Post Office to see if he needed help.

That’s a load of pumpkins!

“No, ma’am.  I’m waiting for my wife, your mail carrier.  She left her phone at home and I’ll pass it off to her when she gets here.”  Life is the same, no matter where you are living it.

We can’t live without our cell phones! (If you have US Cellular, it’s the only carrier that works in these parts.  You can forget your Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon.)

And sure enough – just a few minutes later up rolls Melissa! (Yes, we are on a first name basis!)

Hubby wife chit chat through the pick up window.

Little did he know when he woke up that morning, that he would be her hero all day long. 

They’ve sure grown some beauties!

He was on his way to deliver the pumpkins, harvest is in full swing around here.  From what I learned they have 40 acres planted in pumpkins, gourds and squash.  It’s prime time if you are in the pumpkin business.  I waved them both off with a “Stop on by any time!” and went back in to get what work I could get done before going to the dentist.

Singer 500a Rocketeer out for a zig-zag!

This is about as far as I got with yesterday’s “making backings for placemats” adventure.  Between the pumpkin excitement, mail order fulfillment and needing to head out by noon, I barely had enough time to set up the Rocheteer in its card table. 

The purpose? I need to use up some batting scraps in this project – the perfect way to sew this box of batting pieces down – and I need a zig-zag stitch to do it.

There is only one problem.  I only have a straight stitch foot for this machine, and its a slant needle.  Ebay to the rescue, and it should be here by the time I’m back from California.  This batting zig-zagging may have to happen TODAY on a modern Janome just to get the job done.  But that modern Janome doesn’t have NEAR the throat space that a vintage machine does.

But then…there is always the opportunity to pull out one of those vintage zig-zag attachment thingies and try it out on one of the straight stitch machines.  Has anyone done that for batting?

Yesterday’s Salvation Army find!

2 like-new chairs – destined for the Hen Den at Quiltville Inn!

Get this – $39.99 each!

I snatched those up so fast it made the checker’s head spin!

And we have declared them the most comfy chairs for hand stitching ever!

I also picked up the upcycled quilt cushion yesterday -

Yep!  Love definitely grows here – and I am more in love with it every day!

This morning’s fog off the back porch.

Today – back to the place mats.  I hope to be binding one at some point this weekend.  It’s already been determined that tonight is movie night at the Blue Ridge Movie Lounge

A modern Mark Twain style adventure story, THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON tells the story of Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, who runs away from a residential nursing home to follow his dream of attending the professional wrestling school of his idol, The Salt Water Redneck. A strange turn of events pairs him on the road with Tyler, a small time outlaw on the run, who becomes Zak’s unlikely coach and ally. Together they wind through deltas, elude capture, drink whisky, find God, catch fish, and convince Eleanor,  a kind nursing home employee charged with Zak’s return, to join them on their journey.

It sounds like a great feel good movie and I’m looking forward to sitting back, eating popcorn by the fist full, and enjoying our Friday Night.

Any big plans ahead for your weekend?

These goodies could be yours!

ALSO – this is the LAST DAY for entries for this month’s Quilty Box Gift-Away! 

I’ll be drawing our two winners tomorrow, so if you haven’t enter to win, head on over to THAT POST and do it now!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

The more you focus on happiness, the happier you will be.

The more you seek kindness and give it, the more kindness you recognize in others.

It's not whether the glass is half full or half empty, it's that you have the ability to fill it at will!

Happy Friday, folks!


Judy in Michigan said...

I've done the zig-zag method on my batting. Be sure to use WHITE thread. I thought light gray would work but it showed through when a white fabric was on top of the seam...so use WHITE! I've also used the iron on tape which works great too!! My quilter says it works great for quilting stitches too - no problem with the needle getting stuck or sticking. Hope your dentist adventure goes painlessly. One more thing off the list!

stitchinpenny said...

Saw The Peanut Butter Falcon and was sad to see it end. Not a heavy movie but great viewing in my mind.

Shirl S said...

Our plans are in place for the weekend but until then sewing time making some fleece ponchos for my great niece. Saturday we are driving an hour to take the train to Philadelphia to meet up with our kids for lunch and then the subway to the Temple VS Georgia Tech game, afterwards a visit to Evil Genius Brewery for some adult beverages. I am DD for the drive so it will be root beer for me!

Sunday some sewing time after an morning hike at the state park. Chili is on the menu.:-)Life is excellent!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie I just LOVE what you're doing with quiltville inn and hearing about life in the country. It's so beautiful there. Love your kitties and Sadie, too.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

Yep, I can vouch, NO cell phone service in your neck of the woods. We were there in Jefferson, in a 'hobbit' cottage (Rushing Stone Cottage), last weekend, and had no cell phone coverage until we got to our son's driveway in Jefferson, on the southern border with West Jefferson. And his wife confirmed the coziness of the Blue Ridge Movie Lounge! So, perhaps your paths cross, and you don't even know it! Sorry we missed you on Monday, but it was time to come home. We got home to our own little burg here in nw North Dakota, early yesterday afternoon. But I faithfully read every blog you wrote while on the road for nearly 3 weeks. I was just so surprised to find that we were just literally yards from you while on our trip. We drove by the Quiltville Inn and QPO Monday morning, to check it out, but you were still at home, since Moby wasn't visible. Have a great day, Bonnie!

Cats said...

EXactly, your quote is reminiscent of my favorite. "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones." What a nice post this morning, pumpkins and plates (license plates)cushion and chairs, aren't they just lovely and priced just right!!! Hopefully, the numb will work and you'll be done for now... I dread the dentist! whole heartedly...think good thoughts! Cats in Carlsbad, CA

Gwin Gover said...

My plan for the weekend is to make a Bonnie Hunter style pumpkin table runner though I have no exact pattern for it. Fact is, I hope to set up an assembly line production to make one for each of our sons' houses where there are grandchildren, though I'm thinking that since I have no pattern, I'd better make a prototype first just to make sure I know what I'm doing on the rest of them.

Diane Evans said...

the zig zag attachment for my 301A moves the fabric DOES NOT work for batting...I have used Bernina 1630 and the press on tape both worked fine.... thread needs to match color of batting warm and natural needs a matching neutral. JMHOs

Linda in NJ said...

I just love the look of that Singer 500a Rocketeer machine! so retro!
Boy did you get the buy of day for sure on those chairs! Congrats!
I wish I could convince my husband to move to the country! just so peaceful and laid back! good luck at the dentist and have wonderful weekend!

MeSue said...

Peanut Butter Falcon was a great movie - you will enjoy it

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Quilting will have to wait. My 5 yr old grandson had a meltdown last night that "his parents" weren't letting him come spend the night and now that he is in Kindergarten that he has not seen me. If you are that important you put it all aside for a little Mawmaw time. LOL

The Calico Quilter said...

It is amazing you know your mail carrier's name. That's like where my late mom lived in rural KY; the mail carrier was her second cousin and she knew everyone at the post office. For myself, not as cozy an arrangement - we are on what is called an alternate route, where we don't have an assigned carrier - our area's mail is given to whomever has the lightest load that day and it's a different person every time. You can imagine the chaos that creates. Plus my mail could be delivered anytime between 9 am and 6 pm - if it gets to the right box at all. You are SO lucky - definitely "schmooze" the mail carrier!

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

We loved “The Peanut Butter Falcon!” Such a fun, uplifting movie. I’d see it again, and probably will when it starts streaming.

Farm Quilter said...

The joys of country living right there!! We also have no cell service at the farm and that works for me. We do have to have a landline, just in case, but I've heard they are going to be phasing them out since "everywhere" has cell coverage!! I wonder what they are planning on doing for those of us who don't fall in that "everywhere"??!!

Jen said...

Oh that machine! I learned to sew on her...and hoping to find another someday. My mother traded "up" (down, actually) to a touch-n-sew.

Barb said...

My long arm quilter has recommended the iron on tape for batting pieces. I figure if that’s what she finds easy to quilt over, (and I find it easier to do than all that zig-zagging), that’s the way to go!

tealeafquilts said...

The fabric on those chairs will never wear out. And you might find the arms being used ad pin cushions.

RobinH said...

Oh my, I LOVE that sewing machine! Retro sci-fi is exactly my jam. I'd set that baby up in my sewing room, grab my bin of scraps and Forbidden Planet, Them!, The Thing, and Godzilla for the DVD player, and be perfectly content for days! I'm sure my husband would be happy to just slide a sandwich under the door for me every once in awhile.

Anne Hayward said...

Those two chairs look so comfy nice wide arms for resting thread and scissors, hope your movie was good
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Shirl S said...

Same here...it's a surprise everyday. There's 5 houses on my street (20 in my neighborhood) and we play tag with each others mail!Sad part is I can hit the post office with a snowball, we're that close.

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