
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August in Virginia -

This was my view yesterday!

The plan was to get a backing pieced for the Fancy Baskets quilt you see over the rail on the long arm – and I wanted to incorporate leftover basket blocks from the quilt in the backing because, well who needs a bunch more of these hanging around??  Frankly I wanted them gone – they’ve been holding on for far too long as it is!

When I came up from Wallburg on Monday I brought with me the art deco cabinet to fit the 301.  Now when Mona (or anyone else) comes to sew, there can be two of us face to face sewing.

As for miss Sadie – she couldn’t be bothered to care either way!

All baskets used! (yes, an odd number!)

I got THIS far by last evening – just a few rows in.

I’m liking it so far!

Tall yellow wild flowers – it’s definitely August!

It’s been fun watching the change of the scenery month by month through the year.  There are cows in there somewhere, but you can’t see them unless you go up onto the porch.  Which we did – for lunch:

Best cafe in town – Quiltville Inn!

Thank you Debby and Sue for the awesome shirt!

The "I don't do negative space!" on the shirt was in regards to my busy scrappy quilts having no negative space for fancy quilting - but I also don't do negative space in my life. Thank you Sue and Debby for the reminder - in the nick of time.  Yesterday was a bit of a rough one with really crazy unhelpful and very unkind snail mail – three of them!  I won’t post it here, but you can check my instagram post if you are curious. 

It was just a rough day, which we all have.  But today – we are starting new.

Last evening’s round of binding!
I’m now on the 3rd side – it’s getting there, but slowly.

If you have tried to reach my website, I have another update happening, and it will be down for maintenance while we get it done.  Thank you for your patience! It will be back up and running soon.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage Lemoyne star quilt top found in Texas.

Today's page is clean and brand-new.

How will you fill it?

What will it say about who you are today?


Sharon Decker said...

I love what you do. Can I do that? Not like you can. You have a true artist's eye, able to see beauty in things others don't. I love color, and I love your quilts. Having been in a couple of your classes, your joy and love of what you are doing shows and you gift us by sharing that with your students. Thank you for doing that. We appreciate it.

MaryLu said...

Dear Bonnie, I so appreciate how you handle those who are negative around you. We all get attacked at times and you seem to always maintain a positive outlook. You are so loved and appreciated! I have gotten hundreds of letters of recommendation for a nomination into the Quilter's Hall of Fame, it's been fun reading everyone's comments about you. You are treasured and loved! Never forget it!

Diana in RR,TX said...

Am really liking your quilt so far. But that isn't surprising, I love all your quilts! I do miss your part of the world. We lived in Winchester, VA for several years. Winchester at the northern point of the Shenandoah Valley. Guess we will have to make a trip back to the East one of these day!

Unknown said...

I'm glad today is new- I encountered SO MANY nasty people on the road yesterday ( I got cut off and squeezed so many times I was ready to retire to Walden Pond)- thanks for reminding me that I won't have to deal with those people today...and that today I get to work from home surrounded by my version of the hubster and my fur babies <3

Robby said...

In my working life, I had a few (not many) clients that were just a miserable experience every time. I had a 3x5 card I kept in a desk drawer and sometimes I just pulled it out and leaned it up against my phone. It read, "... well, at least I'm not married to him/her!" It never failed to make me smile more doing those conversations because I knew it would be over in a bit and then I was done with that unpleasant person for a while.

diane rizor said...

hi bonnie, im sorry you have to deal with those hateful ones, but im sure the ones that love you way out number the others. thank you so much. with out you i may not have been able to make the quilts i love so much. you have helpped me become a happy quilter with your style o quilting. i find such joy working with my stash and small units that make great quilts. so far this year i have finished good fortune,mountain majesty, have finished jewel box star top, Winston way top, cotton boll and im now working on orca bay. its been a good year for me and sewing. your quilts are my favorite.love you so much.

Grandma K said...

Bonnie you are my SHERO! I'm gratefull every day for your blog and inspiration. I have days that are wrought with anxiety, but reading your posts make me feel better. Good Fortune was my first ever mystery and I'm so glad I chose to join in the fun. Keep doing what you do and my dream is to be able to visit Quiltville Inn some day. Love you Bonnie!

LadyLike said...

You are so generous with your time and efforts to keep us quilting. When negativity pops up into my space, I say a little prayer for that person because obviously they are unhappy. Thank you for making quilting such a happy journey for us. Stay true to yourself because that's how we like you! Have a wonderful rest of your week. Off to my Club's two day quilt retreat!

Barb H said...

My grandaughter loves "Miranda Sings," who's favorite saying is, "Haters, back off!" Bonnie, ignore those few negative Nellies, & embrace the love that your thosands of fans give you every day, whether you know it or not. I hope you never change!

Loris said...

I love it when you get to spend time with your sweet Sadie (and with the kitties too sometimes) enjoying your home or cabin or new work space. I'm sorry when crazy people (and yes, it is a real crazy) choose to speak up with unnecessary, ignorant critiques. Kudos to you for finding the way to work through it and move past it. There are louder and more numerous voices who are simply grateful for all you are and share. I'm getting to start working on the sashing for my Emerald City and am still so grateful for the classes I was able to take from you. I have learned so much and had so much fun in this process!

April Sayers said...

Sorry for the hate mail ☹️ I always told my children to think of how much they hold in before they spew out hateful things; then when they hear some hateful person they can only imagine how miserable that wretch is inside. Some people are jealous and do not know how to make others happy which should bring them happiness. Keep up the good work, we all appreciate you!!! Love what is going on at the Inn!!

Deepika Jain said...

I love what you do. All you quilts are so amazing. I wanted to make like this.
Really inspired by all your posts. Keep sharing such vital information and inspiring us.

Juls said...

What in the world would she have you do? Leave Sadie alone all day? Good Grief! I am so happy to be retired and no longer have to listen to all those who were "so much better" at teaching than I was, but never spent a single day on the teacher side of a desk. Hang in there, some folks find it so easy to judge when they haven't walked in anothers' moccasins. Love the negative space shirt!

claudia said...

I keep reading everything you write and look at every picture you post, because you bring such cheer and happiness in everything you do! Every single picture with people, there are smiles, lots of smiles! I love following you and seeing all the happiness you bring to people. Thank you!
Those who are negative would probably love to join in, but some unfortunate thing is keeping them from letting go and smiling along with you!

Sara said...

I'll never understand why people do and say the mean things they do! Hopefully you will keep doing the good things you do and not let those Negative Nellies get you down. And I'm sure Sadie LOVES being where ever her people are!!!!

Cats said...

Oh, my goodness! What is so sad is that they must be SO miserable, they need to spread that misery in a futile attempt to extinguish your joy! Don't lettum!! You do fabulous work, EVERY day, encouraging those who are traveling with you on the planet. I'm so sorry they can divert you from your path, even if only momentarily. Always remember! The good stuff... the comments and love coming your way in response to your blog. Focus on the good stuff!
Reinforce the positive, you know who you are and you are loved by so many, Do not allow those poor miserable people who wish to spew their garbage and yet are too cowardly to even sign their name to bring you down!!! Well, maybe for a nanosecond, then remember the rest of us. Thanks for all you do, Cats in Carlsbad, CA

pam said...

Sadly, these same women are most likely raising or have raised their children to be just like them. :( Give Sadie extra hugs from all of us. pam

Farm Quilter said...

Bonnie, you are a bright and shining star who is totally loved by so many. Those Jealous Janes who attack you anonymously are sad, sorry excuses for a human being. Sadie is part of your family (just like the cats, hubster and boys), so why wouldn't she spend as much time with you as possible? My dog is always with me, no matter what room of the house I'm in (unless there is a pool of sunshine to lay in). You are a perfect version of you and that's all you need to be. We love you, your whole family and your quilting world. We can all be glad we don't have to deal with Critical Cathy, Negative Nancy and Jealous Jane very often...the poor, miserable souls.

Anne Hayward said...

Your backing using the leftover baskets is lovely and miss Sadie looks so comfy on her bed. After being such a good host and sharing with her two visitors.
My mum always taught us if you can’t say something nice keep it to yourself, and I try hard to be positive with everyone.
I love your blogs and videos and the wonderful patterns you create for us, thank you for all you do.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

northernquilter said...

your quote of the day is what my Mom use to say, and each month is a new chapter and a year is a new book

Alice said...

Alice Woodring said,"Once again, thank you Bonnie for all you do for your many loyal followers."

Nini said...

Some people aren't happy unless they are making other people miserable. Luckily you're not one of them, maybe that's why they try to bring you down.

southcedar said...

Bonnie, everyone has already said it, but let me just add: you are amazing, creative, energetic, generous, inspiring, and the person with whom I like to start the day. Try not to let the negatives in this life take you down. From the Blue Ridge Mountain Dishes lady in Kansas!

Rhonda said...

Oh Bonnie. You make the world a better place! So happy I've included you in my world. Thank you thank you thank you for being here!

Karen Bergt said...

Love the basket quilt!!! And your lunch view.....oh my so beautiful.
Thanks for sharing you quilting talents with us. ❤️

Gigigannett said...

I had a friend who used to get poison pen letters from her mother! Eventually, after getting too many messages starting dear Jezebel, she took two handing off any handwritten mail to a trusted friend and allowing them to see if she should read it! It took all the pressure off her :-)

Kerry said...

I have learnt so much from you - even my points are pointy - well, on most bits - still driving me nuts when they don't but trying not to frog it! The tips and tricks are super and I often refer to them! Can't see why people have to be so horrid! I enjoy seeing other things like the countryside, the history - and oh the transformations to your quilty places. Ahhhhmazing!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I could not find the negative experience you had with mail, in instagram.
I do know that there are a lot of crabby people out there. So many listen to too much negative news and negative tv, and that makes them angry.
Today is going to be a good day. Too hot for me, but that is why we have AC and ours works great.
I wish I lived closer, but it is a 5 hour trip down rt 81
I hope you have a happy day

K.L. said...

Hi Bonnie, I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, but you might want to try it. Any mail that does not have a return address goes right into the trash. If that's a bit too drastic--open, zip to the end for signature and if none--right into the trash! Happy day!

Carmela said...

Just my 2 cents Bonnie - We just spent a couple of days with a young lady that is traveling through the US and teaching us moregood.today. Ignore those that possibly don't have any good in their lives and focus on ALL THE GOOD you do for others!! You rock MS. BONNIE K. HUNTER and don't you forget it!! And if you do, I'm sure one of the wonderful quilters that follow you will remind you!! THANK YOU for everything you do!!

Judy said...

Those who say or do hateful or unkind things/words are jealous of how well you are loved by so many . Wish it were easy to ignore them but it isn't so just remember all the ones who LOVE you and hope that makes you feel better, Please give Sadie a big hug from me, I don't have any pets but my daughter has two dogs and I love them to pieces.

L Banks said...

Just burn said letters and return ashes to sender, That's what I would do. However I am older than you, and have no boundaries when people tick me off lol I have learned over the years that some people can't be pleased with anything. Don't think for one second that this will reflect badly on you or your business. You are at the point of having too many fans that know what BS you have to deal with. Just because you are in the public eye does not mean you can't do the best thing for Bonnie. Burn baby burn !!!

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