
Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Seven Sisters Quilt Show Recap!

Me and Lois -

Entering the big tent outside of the quilt show venue -

Oh yeah, throw me right into the vendor’s den.  Haha!

I have heard for years that this is a wonderful show, and I couldn’t agree more wholeheartedly.  Several guilds join together to present this show, and folks from all over California travel in – to enjoy the quilts, visit the vendors, stay at the incredible Madonna Inn if over-nighting, and enjoy everything that the central coast has to offer – June in California.  WONDERFUL!

The most charming event center ever!

After 5 days of back-to-back workshops, this was my day to PLAY!  And play I did.  It was wonderful seeing so many of my students also here, and knowing them by name made me feel just like one of the girls -

And I loved seeing many Quiltville Quilts hanging!

Lovely border treatment for On Ringo Lake!

Being a busy show, it is near to impossible to not get SOMEONE in the shot.  Hope she doesn’t mind that her backside is on the blog.  LOL.

Hello, Good Fortune!

I loved reading the cards!

So far, no one is cursing me out for the number of pieces -

A very red On Ringo Lake!  LOVE THIS!

I agree!

There is something about working on a project with quilters from around the world.

I am hoping that those who didn’t know about our mystery will join us – do you know that colors and background info will be released in just about 3 months – OY!

Lovely Tiny Ringo!

Oh, I think I need to make one. Or two.  And try different colors -

I need more sewing time!

The mayor had proclaimed last week as official QUILT WEEK in San Luis Obispo!

So officially exciting!

Thank you, Mayor Harmon!

But the best highlight of all?

This woman – Darlene from Los Angeles!

I met Darlene while wandering the aisles at the Seven Sisters Quilt Show in San Luis Obispo this morning. She let me know she had a book on the bus that she would like me to sign. I quickly lost track of Darlene and couldn't find her the whole rest of the day.  Yes, you can lose people in a crowd at a quilt show!

I knew she arrived on a bus along with the other ladies from the African American Quilters Guild of Los Angeles, and as Cheryl and I were making our way back to Cheryl's car to head home - I saw the bus loading up! Run, Bonnie, run-

There at the front of the line just boarding was Darlene! 

I followed her onto the bus to sign her MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders book and quickly got trapped on board with all of the others filing on behind me! It was a ton of fun being a stowaway guest and meeting everyone until the loading line had slowed down enough to let me swim back upstream and get off! I almost got a free ride to LA! LOL!

This was the most fun busload of people I have seen in a long time!

I really do hope that I will see these ladies again – and yes – there was some fabric purchased with a plan in mind:

The colors, the patterns, the silky feel -

Aboriginal design fabrics – YUMMY!

These are going to go into the Giraffe embroidery for our Kenya trip coming up – just wait and see!

And that takes me to now.  Yesterday was pretty much a BUST.  And that’s okay.  I needed a down day – I have not slowed down since before I went to California.

Monday was NUTS.  Just plain nuts. And then yesterday (as tired as I was - I am sure it contributed to the whole downward spiral of the day -) There was no internet to get the blog updated in the morning.

Which meant a scramble to go to Independence in the afternoon to see if US Cellular could do me better with a wireless router and their service - tried it.  NADA.  I am just in a no go zone.  There is no plans to run fiber optics through here - not enough population.

So - that router (14 day trial) will go back to Independence today.  Not worth it.

The quilting machine had an operator error on my first pass - and when I tried to correct it, it screwed up more.  The play by play was loose from side to side on the cables - the cables only had tension forward and back - it screwed up the design totally - and the fix was so simple - there is an Allen screw on a clamp that holds the machine carriage to the cable - and it had come loose - (Perhaps through the moving?)

All it took was tightening that back to the cable and I think I am good to go.

Today.  I will try it today.  By last night I was so frustrated with everything I just called it a day - and parked my butt on the couch all night to binged episodes of Blue Bloods.

A HUGE storm rolled through here late yesterday afternoon.  So much thunder and rain. Sadie was a wreck - and the power blipped.  Just off and then on again - but it was enough that the A/C at the QPO was not working.  Being after 5pm, there was nothing I could do about it until this morning.  I haven't turned it back on to test it yet. If there is still a problem will call someone - on a holiday weekend.  A 4 day holiday weekend.

On top of that, Sadie has hurt her back left leg somehow.  Either jumping out of the truck, or the bed, or who knows.  She is limping.  Poor thing.  So as it is a long 4 day weekend ahead and our vet is in Winston - I've got her on some muscle relaxers from the last bad back spasm  thing she had and now I have a loopy dog who doesn't seem to be in any pain. LOL. 

If she is still bothered by it after the weekend we will get it checked out.  Probably time to find her a vet locally anyway.

So this is where I am.  Time to go try the A/C and see what is what. 

And get this day going -

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Interests become passions, passions become skills and accomplishments.

Embrace the learning curve!

(Loads of learning curve here lately!)

Happy Wednesday!


Mary Ellen said...

It's sweltering here. I hope your A/C is working again. Sometimes there is a waiting period after the unit is shut down abruptly. Maybe that is all it was. Fingers crossed for you.

dorothy said...

Hope Sadie is better soon, we have started giving our 13 year old Chihuahua cbd drops for his arthritis, seems to help him. (doesn't make him loopy) I know not all are for them, but these are pure from the hemp plant, and seem to help. Enjoy your 4th of July holiday and try and stay cool.

Cats said...

Emerald City - over 1,000 HSTs!!! good thing there's strip piecing in between!!! oy... and i'm over my foam insulation limit!!! fabric in an unruly mess but don't want to stop EC sewing since i got a late start... sigh... having a lovely time reading your blogs every morning, luck bus load of ladies to be 'trapped' with ya'... after all, you ARE one of the girls! Cats in Carlsbad CA ...inspired always

Mary said...

I hope the simple fix works on Millie! Been too long for you to get Quilting done on her. Poor Sadie, nature's Fireworks and man's, it's gonna be a hard weekend for Sadie. I'll be watching Fireworks on TV.

sue s said...

We had our old Lady treated with ultrasound for her back spasms and it helped! I admit I was surprised, but you never know...And we also did the loopy muscle relaxers!

Valerie said...

Internet, Millie, and Sadie's leg -- do things really happen in threes or is that just all we care to acknowledge and handle at a time? LOL! It is very efficient of you to bundle them all in one day, get them all taken care of over a few days and move on to better days, for sure. Happy 4th of July, everyone!

sewnsew said...

Unplug, let it set for a moment, then restart. Hope this works, sometimes does, sometimes doesn't.

cbott said...

This plan works for humans AND machines!

Deborah said...

It is so cold and rainy here that no AC is needed. I hope you get everything going smoothly soon.

Kate said...

keep in mind that limping can be leg, hip, or back. muscle relaxants should help all of them. good mama.

pdudgeon said...

I like that!

Anne Hayward said...

Hope your A/C is working again. Poor baby hope she hasn’t hurt her leg too badly, hopefully the muscle relaxers will have Sadie fighting fit again in no time.
Love those fabrics for your Giraffe embroidery so pretty that lime green caught my eye immediately.
Have a great day
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Nikki said...

Hope your day gets better! Looking forward to seeing your fabrics again.

crazyquilter1@gmail.com said...

Poor Sadie. 😣. I know you can give them coated aspirin. Your vet would know doesag for weight of her for pain. She just tugs at my heartstrings.
I feel your pain too, Bonnie about internet. We can't get cable or WIFI. We have Amazon prime but can't access the movies. We live on a farm in rural WI. Maybe someday progress will come, sigh.
Love pictures of quilt show. That place is on my bucket list as well as Quiltville Inn.

Alice said...

I had to eventually not allow my old dog to jump in and out , hard for them to do when they want to please us. It was hard for me to quit doing things I loved to do but my back don’t allow. My husband gets quite upset when he catches me. The good Lord said Bonnie it’s time for you to rest. And you did!! Lol Tomorrow comes

Unknown said...

Give Sadie a kiss on the head and tell her that she is loved.

Wendy Crigger said...

My daughter who lives in Chilhowie uses a vet in Glade Spring. I am in Wytheville and we use Dr Beamer. I know that both places are a ways from you in Mouth of Wilson but if you are looking... Hope Sadie feels better soon!

Tina T said...

What a post!! Bless your heart and Sadie's too. In a year's time you will look back and smile at where it started and where it has come. How all those moving parts just relaxed and held hands. Chin up! You're doing great.

Karen said...

I hope you can find a vet chiropractor for Sadie. I know you know the benefits of chiropractic, and Sadie can enjoy them too. Here's hoping you both have a pain-free weekend!

ShirlR said...

Oh, those lovely Aboriginal design fabrics, such eye candy! I hope you get some needed rest and relaxation. My two doggies were also nervous tonight as people in the neighborhood were shooting off those really loud fireworks, even a day early.

Susan said...

If you’re still having problems with your long arm, call Lester in West Jefferson...Ashe Sewing Center. Maybe he can troubleshoot over the phone. Or visit the next time you’re in town.

Always In Stitches said...

Third summer here up in Bald Mountain. First time to have AC on full time. Only because of dampness. I wondered who was getting the storm. I was sitting out on our front porch and could hear the Thunder. Lots of Thunder. Alas we were spared. Have a great weekend Bonnie.

Beth said...

Thanks for a wonderful post. Living in the country, dealing with lupus, I don't get out as much as I used to. Your travels are a vicarious delight--especially when you return to my home state of CA. Living in Oregon, my heart leaps when I see those familiar places. Sorry Sadie is feeling low. I hope this keeps the 4th of July off her radar.

Sharon said...

We live in a rural area of southwest Missouri with cell towers all around us and have terrible reception! For us the best phone reception is through Verizon but not good enough to use for internet. Best for us is d-link through Dish Network. Don't know if that would work for you though. A problem with them is they don't offer unlimited data but that isn't a factor in our usage. Might be for you.

Shazma said...

Very beautiful art work...That is the real art of embroidery digitizing.

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