
Thursday, May 02, 2019

The Mystery of Charlotte the Singer 27.

I feel like I’m still in recovery mode from that week – as you well know from the past few day’s posts that I have not slowed down a bit.

There were things to do and very little time to fit it all in in the few days available before flying to Michigan tomorrow.

Monday was for driving to Columbia, SC to pick up Charlotte’s lovely treadle -

I wanted to show it to Martha when she arrived on Tuesday for our jaunt over to Tennessee.

No letter prefix.

According to the dating charts with no letter prefix – that is 1898!

Click HERE for dating charts for Singer Sewing Machines.

This is completely mind boggling to me as the straight leg cabinet she is in is much much later. 

That putty paint color of the treadle legs?  1940s maybe?  ALLISON!?  Do you know?

These straight leg cabinets were the “lower budget” level!

I love them because they are not as heavy and are easy to move.

Interesting to me is that the face plate (which I didn’t get a photo of) is just plain – no decoration.  That also points to earlier machines as does the heavy smaller chrome hand wheel.

So the mystery of Charlotte’s treadle goes on.  I have the manual that came with it – ancient as the day the machine was made.  How did it end up in a “newer cabinet?!”

I’ll be in search of a bobbin slide plate for her as well as a shuttle.  I know I have a spare around here somewhere.

And of course – I have named her Charlotte!

After Martha dropped me off – guess who showed up?  Thermostat guy!

It’s done.  That’s all I can say.  It’s done.  The gas fireplaces now run on thermostat so we can keep things cozy in the Quilting Quarters.

This is NOT the bathroom at Quiltville Inn! LOL!

Yesterday was a breath of fresh air as Tile Guy came to measure the bathroom areas at Quiltville Inn in preparation for removal of claw foot tubs and installation of 3 walk-in showers. This is the BIGGEST JOB of all that the house requires.  It’s soon to begin. 

I am giving 3 cheers of hooray that they WANT the claw foot tubs and are giving us credit for them and hauling them off.  That is a win/win for both parties.

All of the painting of trim and everything else the house requires has been put on hold until all the dust from demo and installation is done.  

We are moving forward.  It feels like at a snail’s pace, but we are moving forward.

Pulling away yesterday – photo from car window rolled down.

Loving the spring green all around!

The Hubster and Son Jeff spent the weekend working on the yard.  Bushes are being shaped, some scraggly trees have been removed to give us more breathing space and also so things are easier to mow around and get in there with trimmers.

My only heavy sigh was the fact that the dogwood tree in the left of the photo bloomed while I was in Texas and was completely done and leafing out by the time I got up to see it on Tuesday.  I love that dogwood tree in bloom!

It was blooming last year this same time when I retrieved the keys after purchasing the house, and did my first solo walk through as new owner – just one year ago this past week.  

It’s been a year.  It’s been a whole year.  And there is still so much more to do.

The hills and creek beyond the back porch -

I could sit here all day.

But again, it was busy.  Tile Guy left and I did a few things that I needed to do, then said goodbye to the house and headed back home to Wallburg, NC.

I have today to pack and ship book orders, pack my own suitcases and trunk show and be ready for tomorrow’s flights to Michigan for the Grand Hotel Needle Art Seminar on Mackinac Island.  I am so excited to be going back.

It will be a long travel day – Greensboro to Detroit to Pellston.  And then a shuttle van to Mackinaw City to catch the ferry which will take me over to the Island.  Then a horse and carriage ride up to the Grand.  Saturday is a day to explore – Sunday workshops begin!

At home – the Rhodies are blooming!

And so are yellow roses!

The blooms of Spring hold such promise, don’t they?  I love them!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Dresden plate quilt found in Sioux Falls South Dakota.

I firmly believe that we can make big changes in our lives if we start with this one little thing.

Our thoughts determine our actions, our actions bring us to our future.

Which thoughts are you watering today?

Make sure they are leading you where you want to spend the rest of your life.

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

too bad you couldn't keep the claw foot tubs they would go so well with the age of the house but totally understand your reason behind the walk in showers - glad they could use the tubs though - your place is really looking pretty as you have been getting all the work done

Elizabettybeth said...

I lived in Morgantown, North Carolina. I remember driving through the mountains and smelling the mountain laurel. Loved being in the Carolinas. Hope you have a great time at Mackinaw Island. Can’t wait to see the pics.

Sherrill said...

Oh, Bonnie, you are SO busy you make me tired!! HA I can imagine how much those guys wanted the clawfoots. Yes a win win!! I just had my kitchen tile demoed and think the dust will be here for a long time! UGH! But the new is so beautiful. Hopefully one day I'll see your beautiful Quiltville Inn!

Jody said...

Flying into Pellston,MI? It use to be called the icebox of the nation! Sorry I am missing Mackinaw Island. Only live 35 miles from ther but still in warm sunny FL.

April Sayers said...

I am really enjoying the transformation of the “inn”. It is like watching a butterfly emerge from the cocoon. Happy trails and travels, keep safe.

Julia H said...

Wow, 1 year!! There may still be a lot that needs to be done but look how far you've come!! It is going to be fabulous and worth all of the struggles you have dealt with and with GREAT attitude, I might add!!

Colleen M said...

You have made soooo much progress in one short year!!

Also, the fact that you have roses blooming makes me extremely jealous. Here in Minnesota I haven't even gotten any tulips yet, just a few little crocuses. Lots of things are close though. Enjoy Mackinac, one of my favorite places.

Charlotte Angotti said...

Wow! That machine is a mystery! Happy to know it is with you and will be shared with so many. 1895! Wish it could talk and tell us the tales.
LOVE her name!
Sure was great seeing you.

purplequeen said...

Pack you woolies as Michigan is cold still. Windchill yesterday was 30 degrees. And the wind in the straights is very strong.

Linda T. said...

Bonnie, it’s been a year, but I think you have accomplished a great deal. I’ve been following your renovations and am amazed at your progress. Can’t wait to see the reveal of your lovely Retreat Center.

Betty said...

The new picture of Quiltville Inn shows what a bit of TLC can accomplish. It has been brought back to life and looks like a happy place now!

Mommy Robin said...

Those yellow roses stole my heart. I can smell the, all the way in the Finger Lakes.

I’m with you on the tubs - both in that they had to go and having the folks working on the bathroom are willing to take them. Maybe you got a bit less for them, but they will be GONE! Those things are heavy and cumbersome, and who needs more tasks in getting them listed, meeting up with potential buyers, etc. Better that they are out of your hair.

Safe travels to BC. Looking forward to pictures as always. It’s on my list of places to get to.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

I'm with Julia. Don't look at all that needs to still be done. Look and marvel that you have accomplished so much in the year. Bedrooms are set up and just add bedding. Kitchen looks awesome. You have so much done. Yes, there's still alot to do but one bite at a time!

Cats said...

oh my oh my, beauty in the Appalachias! I've only heardabout the poverty and the pollution from the coal mining... and don't those old houses tweak the imagination? Just as the quilts make me wonder about the who's and what's, and that treadle? Someone re-purposed it for practicality sometime, i'll bet. Once, again, thanks I don't know if i love wandering or workshops best, the variety is wonderful... wish I were going to Macinac with all y'all... it, too, is gorgeous. I start my day with Bonnie and coffee! Cats in Carlsbad CA

Mary said...

Love finding clues to my Vintage machines. So is 'Charlotte' your oldest machine. Lots of TLC on Quiltville Inn in just a year! Safe travels to chilly Minnesota!

Randi Johnson said...

Your upcoming trip to Macinac Island and the Grand Hotel helps bring up memories of our trip a couple of years ago—beautiful and memorable place!! Enjoy!

Barbara said...

Those roses are absolutely gorgeous! And so is the Quiltville Inn!

PalmerGal said...

I am getting ready for Mackinac Island too. Fly tomorrow night, stay overnight Sat in Mackinaw City, and get a ferry to the island on Sunday. So excited. Everything is settled in my mind, now just to get it into actual luggage! As an Alakan, I am used to cold, although it's been in the 60's the last couple days! I will bring winter stuff, but imagine me stomping my feet of having to give up suitcase room. LOL

Kathy Johnson said...

You need to add roller blading as one of your modes of transportation. You could be setting a guiness record for most varied means of travel in one day for one event. Woo Hoo

Joan Johnsen said...

Bonnie! I just bought Charlotte’s younger sister at a house sale last weekend in upstate NY! Thanks to your link I was able to find out she’s from 1908. She has been electrified and in a case rather than a cabinet.I love the Sphinx decals. Since the house was on Myrtle Avenue I think I’ll name her Myrtle. Not bad for $20. Thanks for your great blog.

Gayle from MI said...

Give me a wave tomorrow morning when you are near to Detroit Metro! I'm in the flyover zone to the landing strip! Safe travels and habe a great time!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'd LOVE to have a claw foot tub, but I totally understand your taking them out. I have problems getting out of my own tub lately, and my mother can't use her tub anymore, since she can't get out of it herself. Safety first! Sorry you missed the tree blooming. Have fun in Michigan. Also, I bet someone saved that machine from a damaged cabinet, and put it in that cabinet when it became available. Oh if these machines could talk. I wonder what mine would say, since I change the hand wheels so that I can turn them into hand cranks.

Nikki said...

That view out your back porch is just breathtaking!!

Donna Endresen said...

Beautiful Quote for today and beautiful dresden quilt!

I love the look of Quiltville Inn from your car window. I have truly fallen in LOVE w/ her, and I haven't even seen it, Yet! I plant to attend at least one retreat there!

Kasilof, AK

Merry said...

Just a note here. In my Mom's early marriage my Dad took the foot pedal for the sewing machine (a Home)to a knee pedal. Maybe this was in a box bottom first and the furniture came later or this was a replacement stand for the wrought iron?

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