
Friday, May 31, 2019

No Procrastination Here!

Yesterday.  Oh, yesterday.

200 miles round trip on the van. Basement Office packed up and loaded, Merchandise from the storage closet/room at the house packed and loaded (Some back stock left behind as there was no room for it ALL.) Dining room set up disassembled, packed up and loaded.


I am taking a rain check on this little sign I found (great for a giggle!) and plan on calling it into action in the near future.  

When I have a day where I have little or nothing to do, can sit on my butt and read for hours with Sadie at my feet, put in even more hours of leisurely hand stitching or hand quilting with nothing else to do but worry about the weather. (Yeah, like is this ever going to happen?)

But not now.  There is too much to do, and I’ve been waiting 13 months to get to this point.

But not now.  Too much going on!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Turning Pages on to New Chapters….

Yesterday’s round of baseboard painting.

100 feet complete – 2 coats.

This post is a bit later in publishing this morning as I got up early this morning and made the decision to drive 100 miles home to Wallburg while the morning cool was still on the air, and do this from “home” which isn’t feeling so much like home anymore.  Things are in transition.  As I knew they would be.

But I wasn’t prepared for the barrage of feelings that would hit me as I start making lists in my head of everything I need to move over to have this new part of my life click into place and function.

Computers, monitors, printers, store merchandise, shipping supplies, are really only “Things” that can function anywhere I move them – but there has been so much living in this Wallburg house over the past 11 1/2 years. I feel like I am abandoning it.

No, we are not putting it up for sale just yet.  The Hubster and I still both travel for a living – Greensboro is our closest airport and the Wallburg house is only a short and convenient 25 minute drive to the airport.  I’ll be back here on Tuesday as I have an appointment to see to, and I fly out on Wednesday to Minnesota.  Everything I need to prepare for that trip is here.

It’s just that the cabin in Virginia has been the “Get away for long weekends” place – but home has always been Wallburg.  Now that is flip-flopping.  I suppose it’s no difference really.  Half-Here.  Half-There.  But it feels different somehow as I move my mail order fulfillment center to Mouth of Wilson, Virginia.

My emotions are just very close to the surface today.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

With Love for my Son -

This man-child of mine!

My Jeff.

Not only does he work hard at his real life job, but he has been coming up to Virginia once a week (weather permitting) to take care of the grounds around Quiltville Inn.

The yard is beautiful – more than an acre of grass – bushes shrubs, edging – everything.

This is the kind of thing that I knew I wouldn’t be able to take care of myself – and he does it willingly.

Of course, having the right equipment makes it a much easier job.  We share the equipment between us.  He uses it for his own lawn care clients at home, which he does on his “off” hours when not working his regular job, and he hauls it up here by trailer to take care of what needs to be done here.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

When Feed Dogs Don’t Feed!

This is my project machine -

The cabinet needed a bit of work  - some slats that held the drawer sections together had come loose, and it’s been sitting in the utility room here at the cabin since we brought it up last winter -

Oh, the gluing and clamping happened right away -

It’s the “I really want to dig into this machine and get her up and running!” mojo that just didn’t hit me until the past week.

Every time I would walk by her I’d think to myself – SOON!  Very soon!

Monday, May 27, 2019

From Windows to Wood Floors -

Check out the newly darkened front door!

This is the front of the Quiltville Post Office – right on the corner of highways 58 & 16 in beautiful downtown Mouth of Wilson, Virginia.

Really, other than a few scattered houses, my Post Office, the tumble down old general store (that really needs to be demolished, there is no saving it) and the old auto dealership turned farm supply, turned warehousing working space for the local Christmas Tree industry, there is nothing where a whole lot of something used to be.

I have no idea when the Old Post Office was built.  1950s maybe.  Before that, according to stories I heard, the mail was delivered inside the old general store.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

No time for Laundry!

I just thought I’d put this out here – right now.


If you have read my last several posts you know how things have been on the Go Go Go here -

For the past many months I’ve looked forward to May as my “only one gig!” month – and with that travel event being the opportunity to teach at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan – how could that be considered work at all?

I’ve been home from Mackinac for 2 weeks, and I’ve put in loads of sewing time to meet some deadlines – there are exciting things swirling in the background I can’t wait to share with you when the time is ready -

But my lovely month of May 2019 is flying by at break neck speeds, and no there is no slowing down.  There has been no time to fold laundry!

I post this here because this morning I came downstairs around 6am, an early wake up due to happily noisy birds (I never regret waking up to beautiful birdsong!) to find my laundry folded, sitting in a laundry basket on the kitchen table just waiting to be put away.

Evidently there are laundry folding wood nymphs on my mountainside.  Or it was Sadie.  THANK YOU!!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Detours and Must-Do’s.

If only I had a place for a stove like this!

When Irene left yesterday morning for Louisville, she told me flat out that she was going to be stopping in Wytheville, Virginia to hit some antique places on the way home.

Well SHOOT!  Without me?  NO FAIR!

I had already hatched a plan to drive south to Charlotte and check on some options for pressing stations for Quiltville Inn – and if I went a certain way, I could swing by Concord on my way back to Wallburg and hit one of my favorite BIG places.

I could still get the mail out (All done last evening before bed time!) and still head back to Virginia this morning to assist in the painting of the Quiltville Post Office.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Stash Musings and Fond Farewells.

Irene and her Pineapple Blossom -

The “Over the Porch Rail” reveal!

Our time together was not complete until we could take this photo – epic! 

I first met Irene when I was teaching over a New Year’s Eve week in Plano, Texas many years ago now, and we hit it off like wildfire.  And my life has been so enriched by our friendship!  She not only keeps me laughing, she keeps me grounded.

This morning we are both packing it up and headed separate ways.  Irene- back to Louisville Kentucky, and me 100 miles south-east to Wallburg.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Quilters On The Town!

Isn’t this just adorable?


Irene and I needed a break from the machines – Cabin Fever was becoming a real thing – we’d been sewing since Sunday – Wednesday needed to be the break day.

We headed over to West Jefferson, North Carolina for a round of antique mall wandering and lunch out. 

I’m not usually a girly girl pink/yellow/blue “cutesy quilt” girl – but this one just spoke to me.  Look at the half blocks!  on two sides!  (I guess the bed was only that big….)

This quilt is so heavily quilted – I can only imagine the hours and hours that went into it -

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

July/August ‘19 Quiltmaker Gift-Away!

This bundle is coming straight from me to you!

While Irene and I are working day and night behind the scenes, I’ve got something REALLY GOOD to give away!

The July/August 2019 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is just now hitting news stands near you, and subscribers are receiving this issue in their mail boxes.

the July/August issue is full of gorgeous summer quilts, patterns, ideas – perfect for page turning and inspiration while you travel, sit on your porch, lounge by the pool or wherever you catch you best summer relaxation.

There is nothing like turning pages full of color and possibilities!

Be looking for the bold red, white & blue cover!

Turn the pages and find a few of my favorites:

Syvia Schaefer’s Glow Tiles.

It does glow!

Kathryn Wagar Wright’s Remembrance

Ebony Love’s Zoot Suit!

Carl Hentsch’s Bright Stars.

Oh, I love a scrappy red & white quilt!

There is a whole Designer Spotlight article about Carl and his quilting – I love the Designer Spotlight series and getting to know a bit more of the person behind the quilt. There is a lot of life and living that goes on during the long-term making of any quilt and these articles put the humanity back into the art for me – instead of making us all feel like designing machines, you know?  Great article Carl!

Nancy Mahoney’s Park Avenue!

I love Nancy to pieces – we’ve taught together twice this Spring – in Tennessee and Louisiana, one right after the other.  It was great spending time with her – and as I read the title of her quilt the juke box inside my head was going through the lyrics to Green Acres…LOL!

New York is where I'd rather stay
I get allergic smelling hay
I just adore a penthouse view
Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue!

Nancy’s designs are always full of color and movement, leaving you wondering where one block ends and the next one begins.  Is it a two block quilt? Or isn’t it?  Pick up this issue and see!

I love Ohio Stars, and this variation is a fun one – self framed!

You’ll find Tennessee Tango on Page 87!

Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away!

I’ll be drawing for one winner who will not only receive the July/Aug 2019 Quiltmaker issue, but also volume 9 of 100 Blocks by 100 designers, including my pattern for Hovering Stars! 

I’m adding to the the deal by including some great notions by Clover – flower head pins and wonder clips.  A spool of Aurifil thread, a Fabric Hoarder pin, a ruler grip by Eversewn, and one of the things I absolutely can NOT live without – my Quiltville Seam Guide to help you find that elusive 1/4’’ sweet spot with your seam.

Drawing to happen Monday, May 27!

Good luck everyone!

Irene behind the scenes!
(And behind the ironing board!)

Poor girl, I have this set up for MY height!  I really should take pity and lower it for her!

She’s finished her Pineapple Blossom quilt top (pattern from the free patterns tab.) and was getting ready to add borders at this point.  Well DONE!

Last evening,, a second one came to visit!


I love her spots and her fuzzy antennae!

Click to Play:

I just feel like it is a “LUCKY” thing to see not just one, but two different ones in the same day. I removed the screen from the slider, carried it over to the grass and gently encouraged her off the screen.  This morning – no moths.

Isn’t nature amazing?

My own “Can’t Show You” production continues – though today we may take a break and head out for lunch and a round of antiquing and sight seeing.  I’m feeling a bit “cabin fever-y” as we really HAVE been sewing from morning til past midnight to get these deadlines met.

Have you ever had the feeling like you just could not sew FAST ENOUGH?!  Yeah, that.

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Vintage 1950s nine-patch quilt.

The more I live, the more I learn that this is true on all levels. 

I love the simplicity of a scrappy nine-patch.

Yes, there will be some more nine-patches in my immediate future!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Quilty Girls on a Mission!

When I said there were deadlines looming -

I wasn’t joking!

As I glanced at my calendar for what is coming ahead in just the next few months I nearly get a bit of panicky feeling deep down in my belly.

Time flies faster than we believe it ever will.  Days turn to weeks, weeks into months and months into – oh my gosh!  We are nearly half-way through 2019 already – how does that happen?

The big goal this week?  FINISH all of the blocks for my 2020 Addicted to Scraps column with Quiltmaker Magazine. 

I have some blog posts also scheduled with my publisher, C&T Publishing.  Those need step outs and projects.

And folks – as soon as June hits, it’s MYSTERY SEASON for me.  Yes, it’s that close!

There have been many irons in the fire going over here – and I am flip flopping Leader and Ender projects as needed to get at least two things done at once.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A Cabin Retreat for Two -

Tulips are growing in my scrap garden!

There are now 5 total.

I know I am a bit late for tulip season in North Carolina/Virginia – but as of last week in Michigan, the tulips on Mackinac Island were just beginning to open and show their color.

Tulips in fabric can bloom at ANY time!  And while I am working on these…the thoughts in my bind of “biggie sizing” them and making them out of STRING BLOCKS is floating around in my head and I’m having to tell myself “Down, girl!”  There are other things that HAVE to happen this week.

And Irene is here to keep me FOCUSED!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

On a Quilt-Cam Saturday in May -

The struggle was real!

And this had been neglected for far too long -

Nothing gets me motivated more than watching other people dig into their sewing room space and make order out of chaos.

I found myself home on Friday evening, with no energy to throw in a decent Quilt-Cam, plus – I had NOTHING with me to stitch.  That was all left 100 miles away at the cabin in Virginia. 

As I crawled into bed on Friday night – putting things in order for my Saturday ahead, I knew some things had to happen before I could do anything else.

All of the book orders that had come in while waiting for drywall guys to do their thing at the Quiltville Post Office, and the arrival of the counter top guys for the cabin – those were priority and by noon they were all waiting on the front porch for my mail lady to pick them up yesterday afternoon.

I saw an opportunity for Quilt-Cam ahead, but I needed something to sew!  And before I could cut anything to sew, well dang!  This mess had to GO!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lay That Granite Down, Boys!

This happened yesterday!

And let me tell you, this is not the easiest feat getting this truck up around the cabin toward the back door! But they did it.

The beautiful counter tops I’ve dreamed of since we first saw this cabin, considering the possibility of moving farther out, obtaining acreage (And no HOA headaches!)

I loved the cabin and property from day one – but those blue Formica counter tops?  Not so much.

There are only a few things more stressful than renovation – childbearing comes a close second! LOL! 

And we’ve had so much going on over the past year – sometimes it feels like my life is at the crowning stage and we are getting ready to really PUSH.

I tell myself it’s just one thing at a time, and it will all get done.  And yesterday – it did!

Friday, May 17, 2019

May ‘19 Quilty Box Gift-Away!

What a beautiful box we have to offer!

Don’t you just love the colors of summer seen in this photo?

Rich, saturated, bright, bold and most of all FUN!

This month’s Quilty Box contains all you need for some fun stitching ahead, including full size rotary templates to make the Sunrise quilt by Janine Vangool.

Janine writes:

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Quiltin’ with the Girls!

I headed out to Laurel Springs NC -

Day TWO of Quilting with the Ashe County Piecemakers!

From what I understand, Kathy (left) was the “Last Quilter Standing” the night before – but according to all accounts (She was the only one who really knew, so how are WE to know?) Lights out happened by 1am.  And there she was, bright and early back at it!

This is the 4th year that the guild has hosted their retreats at Laurel Springs Conference Center – a beautiful Moravian Church run facility complete with hotel-like rooms and pre-pared meals.  Such an awesome place!

Week day retreats also give them a bit of a price break.

And they can easily fit into the center’s busy calendar which is quite full on weekends with other events.

Getting my two halves together!

I was a girl on a mission.  this top had languished as “just a pile of blocks” for far too long. 

I rarely make “duplicate” quilts – but when I finished the previous version as a baby quilt for my nephew Henry, leaving me still with 25 blocks needing a home and liking the quilt so much, I knew I would do this one again.

Things I had to re-learn?  How to press the seams on the alternate block so they would work with what was going on with the main block!  Oh, how the brain forgets after 2 years.

And what a place to display a finish!

Click to play:

Whew!  Is it any wonder I love this place?

This was not the ONLY project worked on.  The second project?  I’d been using it as a Leader & Ender while assembling the quilt top above -

Playing “Cut the Corner!”

This stack of basket blocks is the next “Thing to Go Down!” on my list.  The large bottom triangles just did nothing for my layout, so a bit of a perk-up is needed. 

I’m using Doug Leko’s Simple Folded Corners ruler to trim the corner before sewing -

And using the blocks as Leaders & Enders!

It was a quick way to power through a boring job!

And I have a whole stack of blocks ready to set now.

Let’s hope this is the last I see of THIS fabric! LOL!

I’ve gotten a kick out of using this gifted piece of Strong Men & Acrobats.  This square was hiding in my pre-cut squares box – and while digging through them for basket block corners I unearthed this one.  Hysterical.  This is even better than Millennium Y2K fabric in my book!

This also happened!

Doesn’t it feel good to use up the last of a spool?

Especially good when you have enough to finish the seam.


Trimmed and edges stay-stitched.

Next up – BORDERS!

The fabric I think I want to use is at home in Wallburg so I can gather that up when I head home tomorrow.  I’m making a quick run – hopefully the new counters and sinks will be going in here.  While that is being done, I’ll run back to Wallburg and get the mail order out, pick up what is needed – and we are hoping to be PAINTING this weekend.

No more progress has been made on the Quiltville Post Office ceiling.  Perhaps the guys will come back today and finish that up?

This morning – it’s Third Thursday!  Which means I’m out the door early and heading down the road to Sarah Cox’s Fox Creek General Store for breakfast and chatter with the locals!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Along with all of the pushing, striving, reaching, and hoping for something better, there are days when you just have to appreciate who you are, where you are right now.

Today is that day! Happy Thursday, everyone!


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Drop Everything and GO!

Laurel Ridge Conference Center -

When a message came from Kathy on Monday about a local guild retreat happening over at Laurel Ridge in Laurel Springs, NC this week along with an invitation to join in – the stars aligned and I said YES!

Yesterday afternoon as we were setting up our stuff, she said – “I really didn’t think you’d be able to make it with all you’ve got going on, but you did!”

My reply?  “No sinks and no counters at home?  No brainer!”

As it turns out I was off by about 4 days on Irene’s arrival from Kentucky, making me free as a bird until Sunday.

Things are about to get very busy around here (more info on that in a bit) so I will grab the retreat time I can!