
Monday, April 01, 2019

And Home By Afternoon!

Yesterday’s #milehighhexieclub stitching!

6:15am hotel pick up time!  Our thanks to Gae for being so willing to pick us up at “Still Dark O'clock” to shuttle Nancy Mahoney and me back to New Orleans for our 9am flight.

There is something “easy feeling” about an early Sunday morning drive – Smart people are still in bed and no one is rushing to work as they would on a Monday morning. 

It was smooth sailing, and as we chatted about the events over the past 4 days and our time together, we crossed over Lake Pontchartrain and before we knew it we could see downtown New Orleans rising in the distance.

A very zoomed in photo at 70mph.

Sleep on, people of New Orleans – sleep on!

My only hiccup of the day? Nearly missed my Atlanta to Greensboro connection! They were boarding as we waited for an empty gate for our New Orleans flight to pull into.
I ran. Took the train from A to C. Ran more. To C55. Whew.  I huffed and puffed and walked right on to that flight.  I’m sure I looked ridiculous.  But all I could see was this “short sheeting” my first afternoon of being “off calendar” for 3 weeks.  This time is MINE!  I just needed to get home for it to begin.

Dinner with the resident man-child, Jeff!

Jeff came home from work not long after I had awoken from a much needed nap after spending most of the past 2 weeks on the road.  In the interim, a new Mexican place has opened up in lovely tiny Wallburg, NC and we headed over to give it a go and to catch up on things.  We gave it THUMBS UP and are so happy to have some variety in our eatery selection around here.

Unboxing some lovelies!

Coming home to a huge stack of mail isn't as bad as it seems when beautiful lace valances are found inside of a priority mail box!

Thank you Martha from North Dakota! These will be lovely on the bathroom windows at Quiltville Inn.  I was wondering what I was going to do to provide some window cover, but still let the beautiful daylight through, and this is just the ticket.  They will cover the lower half of each bathroom window on cafe rods.  I can’t wait to get them hung!

Late night “off the body clock” sewing!

April 1st for me means that Spring is REALLY here.  And nothing says Spring like a GREEN MACHINE!  Redbuds are also blooming – and though they are more purple than red, I chose to pull out some red strings and mindlessly sew while watching The Highwaymen on Netflix.  I have a plan for these.  Oh, I can hardly wait!

Electro Hygiene.

Just the name makes me crack up.

1950s machine, made in Japan.  Sews like butter!

And this brings me to now – which means it’s time to draw for our two Quilty Box winners!! 

We had 5475 entries this go around

Who gets the Quilty Box Basic?

And 3598 belongs to:

Teri DeGonia!

And the Quilty Box Paper Pieces Bundle goes to:

Who is 555?

Congrats, Sharyon Raphael!

This is no APRIL FOOLS!

Ladies, I have sent you both an email.  Please get back to me with your mailing addresses and I’ll have the kind folks at Quilty Box get your prizes right out to you.

Hold on to your hats, folks – there will be another Quilty Box Gift-Away happening SOON!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage diamond star quilt found in Kentucky.

Did you know that the first clear and widespread mentions of April Fool's Day occurred in the 18th century?

For 300 years April 1st has been full of pranks and pranksters!

Watch your back, but have fun while doing it!

Happy April, everyone!


Gail Topper said...

Nothing like a boarding run to get the adrenaline pumping! I've had a few mad dashes through those terminals. Glad you made it! Glad you're home ♥

Leah said...

That apple fabric is adding a lot of sparkle to those red strings!

Mandy L said...

I don't remember seeing red used for strings before. They really appeal to me. Just beautiful and I can't wait to see what project they are in.

Kay said...

Welcome Home - I'm sure you and your family are going to soak in each minute your home. Sadie & the cats, too.

Becky said...

Love following you as you go through your daily life! Even read your blog on my phone while camping! Red--my fav! Something good must be coming.

Mary said...

Happy Your get some Home time to enjoy the Springtime! I'm loving the Blooming that is happening. Time to get a few more Projects off the List, before school gets out. Grandma Quilt Camp is coming right up. Never a dull moment. Chips and Salsa before the main dish is fun, nice to have a new place to eat. Pretty Lace for Quiltville Windows.

Unknown said...

Sunday morning was easy as you were going to the "Big Easy". Glad you are home safe and sound.

Angeliasue said...

Hi. I'm looking for the pattern & pieces that were in that Quilty Box - Walkabout the Stars by Paper Pieces. But it's not on the PP or QB websites. Do you know where I can obtain it? Was it a long time ago? Thanks.

purplefiend said...

I am using some of the apple fabric in a Disappearing 9 Patch quilt.

Roxann in East Texas said...

Look at Bonnie's quilt 'Talkin' Turkey'.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the great paper piecing bundle. I have wanted to learn how to do this for sometime. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog everyday. I have learned so much. Sharyn Raphael

Anne Hayward said...

So pleased you made your connection, I think I’d have missed it as my knees are not what they used to be and running is not really an option these days lol. Those red strings look so pretty can’t wait to see where they end up.
So nice you and Jeff could try out the new restaurant and have some quality mum and son time. Just perfect after your siesta!
Congratulations to Teri and Sharyon , your both going to have heaps of fun with these cool boxes.
Enjoy your time at hom
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Wintersqlts said...

We watched The Highwaymen tonight, a great movie! So glad you are home, safe and sound, good sleeps coming in your own bed!

Helen S. said...

How wonderful to be HOME again!! I read the news first this a.m. and couldn't wait to read your blog to read about good things occurring in your world! I agree with Anne about running for the plane, knees aren't what they used to be!! Blessings and good thoughts for 3 weeks to yourself!!

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