
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

All on a Tuesday in April.

Sometimes you’ve just got to settle in and sew rows.

And rows.  And rows.  And more rows.

When blocks are small and there are close to 200 of them that means many many many sashing pieces.

As of yet, I haven’t mastered a way to “web” an on-point quilt.  I assemble in rows, and join each row to the “mother ship” as rows are completed so that things don’t get turned around and stay in order.

This means loads of up down up down – which I suppose is good for me, but this 57 year old body is feeling it just a bit.

Where we left things yesterday – as I said “getting there!”

A friend from Winston Salem dropped by to say hi!

Colleen is up in the area for her Spring Break, and she stopped by to say hello on her way up to Grayson Highlands State Park yesterday – where Lori and I went hiking and saw the ponies last week.  And the day was BEAUTIFUL!  It was great seeing her – and since she had her Celtic Solstice quilt in the car – we just couldn’t resist an off the porch rail photo op:

Beautiful job, Colleen!

The “Little falls” on my way to the Inn yesterday morning -

Not a cloud in the sky!

It was the kind of afternoon that required some “sitting on the grass and enjoying the sunshine” and both Sadie and I loved it!  And this is why the quilt top is STILL not all the way together, but it was a fair trade off.

Vintage Quilt Finds from our Abingdon Adventure!

Broken Dishes -

Silk and embroidery – shattering with age.

But the workmanship was exquisite!

Loved the wonkiness of this one!

Let’s just turn the blocks every which direction!

The center circles were flannel -

And I turned the quilt to see what the backing was.

Ooh, A lovely faded red!

Large hexies – and I love how the quilting was handled in a double grid!

The whole thing – a hodgepodge of randomness.

So much work went into this ocean waves --

But WHY?  LOL!

Someone had an awful lot of red gingham going around.

The green shag carpet is not helping much either!

String quilts always make my heart sing!

A very fun chain -

Love how the red and yellow are consistent in each block.

Baskets large and lovely -

I adore that striped handle on the bottom purple one.

Hourglass hanging on the wall.

I love everything about this entire photo -

Little 16 patch on the table.

I don’t remember which shop this was, but it was fabulous – the displays were not over crowded and unlike other antique malls, it didn’t look like “garage sale leftovers.”  LOVED this place so full of decorating ideas!

Two beauties and a rope bed!

Other things I love – when I shared this to my facebook page, My friend Mary Kerr contacted me about the applique one on the back wall.  She loved it enough to get some info from me, contact the seller, and they are shipping it to her.  Yippppeeee!

Probably my favorite of all!

How many block variations do you find?

And what is up with those 3 red strips on the side?

Evidently someone was trying to extend a row! LOL!

Don’t drink and quilt! LOL!

I love this one.

I would love to do it in recycled shirt fabrics.

But there are too many other things in the fire right now!

Little 4-patch dollie quilt.

This one made me think of my friend Lori and how she loves small doll quilts.  I love the scrappy rectangles around the border in this one – and the rounded corners.  Sweet!

Red white & blue album blocks!

It was a great day, and I will definitely go back. There are places to eat, things to do – and Abingdon is my closest Sam’s club – not to mention between them and Bristol are Cabellas and Bass Pro Shop so there is something for the hubster there as well.

This morning I am rushing back to Quiltville Inn as the fire place guy is coming to install thermostats.  I’ll be puttering around while that is taken care of and then I’m not sure what I’ll do for my afternoon – it remains to be seen.

And yes, that Winter Blues quilt will hopefully become a completed top today – and I’m still thinking of what I may want to do for borders.

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Vintage double wedding ring quilt found in Michigan.

I have a very sweet and special mom who often told me "Bloom where you are planted!" while I was struggling with growing up.

Sometimes, that means taking the focus off some far away dreams to accept and find joy in things as they are right now.

Don't miss the NOW!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!

Wise words, Mama! Thank you!


45th Parallel Quilter said...

Look forward to your "quilt comment wisdom" everyday. Thanks for sharing your adventures ... it's like being right there with you. Scratches to Sadie from an admirer ;-) Linda

Linda P in IL said...

Thank you for the antique shop tours! I love the quilts and displays.. too many quilts to comment on each one! But the picture that stopped me in my tracks was the one with the quilt hanging on an Apple Butter Stirrer! I have one of those and never thought of using it that way. It was a gift from a special friend and this is a perfect way to use it! So happy for you that you are getting some "home time". You bring so much inspiration and energy to all of us every day! Thank you from a long time follower!

Leah said...

Oh, yes, I can definitely imagine you reinterpreting that 'don't drink and quilt' block at some point w. Essential Triangles units. Maybe we'll see it in a future Addicted to Scraps column?

Mary said...

Your Mom is so right! You are blooming and creating! I love the Winter Blues. Fun to help a friend through IG to acquire a Treasure. Happy Wednesday!

Becky said...

The antique quilts are so much fun! Definately adds to the old saying "use it up, wear it out, make do, do without!"

Judy said...

Since you started working on it laid out on the floor I see a beautiful giant puzzle. It is one of my favorite that you have done and that might be due to the fact that blue is my favorite color. Keep plugging away it is absolutely gorgeous.

Donna Endresen said...

Beautiful Quote, Bonnie!
And Yes your Blue quilt top is getting there and looking lovely!
-I know what you mean about laying out your on point rows. I sewed the same row on wrong. twice, before I took it into the shop and asked Pat to help me w/ the layout!

Happy Easter!

Kasilof, AK

Da Momma said...

When I am working on or see a string quilt, I thought of this while back and it becomes an earworm; "Wild thing, You pull my heart strings..you make everything grooovy" haha, Thanks for all you do!!

Pam Dempsey said...

Yes and "isn't it lovely - isn't it beautiful ? " Strings are my absolute favorite!!!! :)

barbara jahn said...

The wonky flannel facinates me. Love the life the wonkiness brings to the quilt. Looks like the circles were appliqued onto wool and that red backing..WOW. The maker appears to have been a fine seamstress. Piecing this must have been almost a kind of meditation by a strong and determined woman... Pardon the spelling errors my laptop is indicating but I don't have my glasses and it is too early in the morning to find a dictionary! Thanks once more for sharing your adventures and reminding us of our quilting heritage.

Linda Christianson said...

Forget your age for tomorrow you may not be able to sew or even see the beauty. Thanks for your blog and pictures.

ceblakeney said...

I LOVE the one with the surprise red stripes. Will do some samples of the on point feathered square in a square block and maybe keep it in mind for the next baby quilt!

Helen Howes said...

The red stripes probably matched the orange when the quilt was made. Fabrics fade at different rates..

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