
Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Turkey of a Day!

Spring in the mountains = Turkey in the yard season!

This photo was sent over from The Hubster who has been up in Virginia overseeing work at the cabin and meeting contractors for estimates for the continuing renovation of Quiltville Inn – each little job getting us closer to our goal of opening for Quilt Retreats in the spring of 2020.

From what I understand Sadie didn’t know what to do with herself over the sight of this RAFTER of Turkeys in the yard.  Yes.  A flock of turkeys is called a RAFTER.  Thank you Google!

Yesterday was a day of many hiccups.  I won’t lie.  It threw me for a loop every time I turned around starting with the fact that both Facebook and Instagram were down for the count – not just with me, but globally, starting in the morning, and continuing into the evening hours.

At 8pm Eastern I could finally get a post through, but going live for Quilt-Cam was not an option.  Sorry folks.  It wasn’t me.  I tried!  I even put a bra on for this -

Solo Sewing with No Quilt-Cam!

It wasn’t a total loss.  I got a stack of these done, and though they don’t look like much from here, just wait until you see where they land. 

I filled up my evening hours watching Jack and Elizabeth tie the knot on When Calls the Heart on Netflix.  Easy watching, easy listening, and a few tears were shed.  All in all, good!

And though we weren’t able to do Quilt-Cam – I have a fabulous Make-Up opportunity for you with Quilting Weekend coming up this weekend -

What: My interview (including a tour of my cabin quilting studio) for the Quilt Alliance's StoryBee series

Why: To celebrate National Quilting Day

When: All day Saturday, March 16th

Where: The Quilt Alliance closed Facebook group, Quilt Alliance Story Circle.  (Click and JOIN!)

This is a special PRIVATE GROUP event so you will have to join the group to access the interview.

I had a great time doing the interview by camera – this was the crazy day that I couldn’t get a strong enough signal at the cabin, so I drove 7 miles to the Quiltville Post Office and did it from inside.  You won’t want to miss it.  And it should tide you over until we can do Quilt-Cam again.

Yesterday’s #IGquiltfest prompt for day 12 (Which didn’t post until last night due to Social Media Mayhem) was Share Your Best Tip Ever.

Cutting Matters!

These things go hand-in-hand and you can't have one without the other. Unit size is important in patchwork and you will fight your 1/4" foot a lot less if you cut fabric correctly.

Get the line you are measuring by up on to the fabric. (See the 2 1/2’’ line above?  It is ON the fabric, not next to it.) Don't leave the ruler line sitting next to the fabric on the mat or your strips and units will be too small.

Same for cutting squares, rectangles, triangles -

Line ON, not next to the fabric.

My favorite rulers are those with fine lines.  My best choice?  Olfa Frosted as shown above.  Find them in the Quiltville Store.  There are no yellow lines, no green bubbles, no huge black and white circles to disrupt my view.  I love these.

Always sew a test seam! Measure the whole unit, not just the seam allowance! If you just measure the seam allowance it won't tell you whether it's doing a good job or not. Adjust your seam to give you the proper unit size.

I use my little yellow seam guides (Also available in the Quiltville Store) to get me started with this test. Needle in the 1/4" hole, hotel key and double stick removable poster tape next to the ruler. Test again. 

If your unit is still too big, double check your cutting, and adjust your seam. If your unit is too small, double check your cutting and adjust your seam! 

This unit is two 2 1/2" squares sewn with right sides together and pressed. The unit measures 4 1/2" on the ruler. BINGO!

Don't blame your presser foot for units not turning out the right size. You are in charge of where you sew and what size the units turn out!

This cat fabric came home from Japan with me.  Isn’t it cute? 

 I am working so hard to get this done:

See these windows at the Quiltville Post Office?  They are IN!

The wiring is being done in the ceiling for my new lights.

Then new drywall ceiling and painting can happen.

Leaky roof has been fixed – and resealed!

Just leak now – I dare ya!

The point of all of this is -

I am working as hard as I can to move my business to the Quiltville Post Office as quickly as I can where there will be no cats -  but right now, that is NOT an option.

Do not judge me for what I do, how I do it, why I do it - please just go about your business without shaming me for caring for my son's cats and how it affects your ordering from me. I already know it does.  I am already doing everything I can (within reason – what do you want me to do? Exterminate the cats?) to make my order fulfillment center allergy free for you. But it takes time – and FUNDS. I am working as hard as I can for every change we make not only to Quiltville Inn, but to the Post Office as well.

The Post Office and Quiltville Inn will be CAT FREE ZONES.

In the mean time – please look to yourself to solve your problem and come up with a solution instead of demanding that everyone else make changes to make things better for you.

And this applies to SO MUCH MORE than just cats, doesn’t it?  I’m sorry, but I just had to get this off of my chest this morning. The email I received this morning was just the last straw.

I think I’ll go hug a cat -

***Edited to add*** Sadie is in her elder years.  I don't have much time left with her.  She will be coming to stay with me when I work at the Quiltville Post Office.  She may visit the retreat house to say hello when I also visit.  Neither she nor I will be LIVING THERE.

But if you have severe pet allergies, please consider the likelihood that Quiltville Inn may not be the best retreat for you as I can't guarantee who else has hugged a cat, or a dog before coming to stay.

And then it is off to the chiropractor, and up to the mountains I go.

Lunch with my friend Mona ahead!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Chunky Churn Dash quilt pattern found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog

As Jim Rohn puts it, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Or in other words, you become like your friends. Remember this from teenager-hood? It's still true today.

The people we surround ourselves with help set the baseline for what we think is okay, what we think is possible and what we are exposed to.

Find positive friends, and be one yourself!


Gwen Malinowski said...

Bonnie, you said it very well and there's no apology necessary. By the way, congratulations on all the progress made on the house and post office since the beginning of the year. Time will go by faster than you know it and you will soon open your doors for the first shipments and guests.

Unknown said...

people are seriously sending messages over cats? Get over it and move on, buy someplace else :(

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

This morning: "Happy for you with cats but I will not be able to order and I am sure the same with lots of people, I am highly allergic to cats. Them walking around in things does it for me. One cat hair is all it takes. " SO ORDER SOMEWHERE ELSE! As I said - I am doing all I can, but I can't rearrange my life so no cat hairs happen.

chrisknits said...

I am allergic to cats. Being in a room with them cause teary eyes and cough, but 1 cat hair is not going to affect a person severely, the usual agents are dander and saliva. I am so sorry you have to deal with these people. If I don't agree with a vendor's practices I just don't order from them. I do not take the time to tell them I am not ordering from them and why. I don't have that much time or energy. LOL! Girl, just keep doing what you are doing. I'd say you are killing it!

Kathy AmRhein said...

I agree that your ruler tip is the BEST EVER! It solved my "too small, what happened?" especially making quilts with smaller pieces. Thank you, thank you Bonnie!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I understand allergies - but I can't keep my life sterile for everyone else! But let me tell you, that Post Office can not be ready SOON ENOUGH. :)

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I am so glad!! It made a huge difference for me as well, so I am happy to share it. :)

Debbie B said...

Wonderful to see the progress on the Post Office and Retreat Center. All your hard work is paying off and it's going to be so fun. Love the turkeys. My Dad in Iowa had 22 of them in his backyard the other day. There's so much snow, the poor things are scrounging for food. Have an awesome day!

ladmquilter said...

I love your cat post, Dresden was so cute walking across the quilt. You can't please everyone do what makes you Happy, that is all anyone can do.

cbott said...

I have a constant "Bonnie mantra" going through my head as I sew: "Cut fat, sew thin", meaning that the line on the ruler is ON the fabric, but the fabric on the sewing machine bed runs next to the 1/4" line. I finally have a method that works!

Lisa T said...

I just love people! We all are the enter of our own little universes and somewhere along the line we have gotten the idea that everyone should change their lives to fit into ours. It makes me laugh. I bought your latest book from you even though it was 'cheaper' on Amazon with no cat hair. Let's not talk about what might be on that book from Amazon. Where have all the hands touching that book been? If you are that allergic to things, I am sad, but you need to change your world and not demand I change my world. And yes, we are just not talking about cats. My book was signed and loving placed in a mailing pouch by the woman herself. The cat, the supper cooking in the next room, her perfume, etc. just doesn't bother me and I have helped Bonnie with her projects. And while I am on my soapbox, too: Life is not fair. Everyone is not equal. Bad things happen to good people. And it's all about how we deal with these realities. Oh, I feel so much better. lol Hang in there Bonnie. No one said it would be easy!!!

Gail Topper said...

We can never be sure who handles things in a warehouse either! All those people live in homes where animals might live. What if fur sticks to their clothing when they leave home and it finds it's way into a package being shipped? I 'get' the severe allergy issue and it's why those of us who have them take medication in the hope that we can manage. So sorry for these inconsiderate folks making impossible demands on a business. It's especially sad when it's aimed at such a lovely person. ♥

Barbara said...

Quiltville Post Office is looking GREAT!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Keep going, Bonnie! I buy from you to keep the whole Quiltville Inn project moving forward. I like the thought that you packed my order, kind of like me packing my grandkids' lunches.

Aliceart said...

Crazy that you have to say this out loud. Your products are available from multiple sources. If you have cat allergies, order from another source.

Unknown said...

Bonnie- don’t even give these people one more thought! Ridiculous is all I have to say! I love hearing about all of your animals! I have a cat and he causes me to sneeze and stuff but I am not getting rid of him. We just all need to put on our big girl panties and deal with it! Keep being you- I wouldn’t change a thing😃❤️

Pam Dempsey said...

WOW - sorry you are getting unnecessary emails about the cats! Shaking my head. You are so funny - " I even put a bra on for this" , LOL. I LOVED the 16 patch blue blocks you made in January and what you are working on may be the alternate blocks? That will be gorgeous! I want to make one! :)

Shonnie said...

Re people with problems (any, not just allergies) expecting the world to change to accommodate them: - Hear, Hear! It needs to be said more often, and very clearly so as not to be misinterpreted!! I'm starting to sound like my Gramma, but many people need to be reminded that the world does not revolve around them, and they need to look after their own issues (silently, according to Gramma!). Keep doing what you do - the vast majority of us are enjoying your work with or without cats, dogs, special hypoallergenic virginal vegan paper, or whatnot. Remember that you're hearing from a more vocal tiny minority, and refuse the guilt that they're trying to inflict!

Cats said...

i LOVE tht you stood up on your hind legs and gave 'em what for!!! Being such a "public person" I'm sure you get more than your share of criticism (although I mean it as loving advice...LOL) yOU DO YOU! nO NEED FOR explanations or excuses, be it cats on your lap or water (NOT) in your iron... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Susie H said...

Truly amazing that someone would take the time to tell you this. You summed it up well by saying people need to solve their own problems. And again I totally agreed with you that this applies to so much more. Shaking my head here in IL.

stretchmarks said...

Stay strong and move on! We back you 100%. Things are looking great. Can't wait! Marilyn Marks

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry about those people who love to complain. Some people need to get over themselves and realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. My parents taught me to 'be nice first'. Pet the kitties for me (and Sadie, too).

rebecca said...

Well said. I love your cats and Sadie. I am sure there are many of us that do not have allergies that will continue to buy directly from you and be so very glad to do it. I am sorry for those with severe allergies, I am sure it is not pleasant. I have learned so much from you. The tip on ruler on the fabric NOT next to it was wonderful for me. Also, how to measure the ¼" seam. Please, Bonnie, YOU keep being YOU! That is why so many of us love to follow you. The post office is looking great. Blessings to you... [glad you were able to get it off your chest :)]

Mary said...

Thanks for the link. It was a crazy day on Social media! Sorry, I don't mind cats and dogs. Haven't noticed any cat hair in my orders from you. Have a great weekend. Tell Mona hello. I missed hearing you last night. Glad I can go to see old videos. Thanks to your Hubster for all his hard work!

Sara said...

Well said! Why do people feel they have the right to be so demanding - and rude?

ana s. said...

So understand. I finally blew up over the quilt names for quilt pictures on a Facebook group. I relented and found all the quilt names and at least 4 women did not read the information and asked, no demanded, that I give them the quilt name. I got responses from "thank you" to "you dont have any patience". I understand your issues and how hard it is to get away from them. I unfollowed the quiltville facebook group during they mystery after I counted 36 questions on where to get the information and it was available if they had spent a few minutes looking. Ana

Alicia said...

Bonnie.. Please delete people that try to make their Cat/Dog/stupidity issues yours. Thank you for putting up with the vocal minority. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Carry on with love.

Alison V. said...

It's really the worst when you make the effort to put on a bra and then your plans end up not coming to fruition. That's lost sewing time!

barblr said...

Bonnie, I am so enjoying your posts and wondered why I wasn't seeing them yesterday. 🤔
Love seeing the photos of the progress of Quiltville Inn and the post office. Looking good!!!
AND I love the cat photos and seeing the shinanagins.
Thank you for everything you do!♥️

April Sayers said...

I am so tired of everyone demanding we change for them; you said it well, “buy the tools somewhere else.” You do an excellent job of teaching and sharing what tou have learned, do not let the ugly oeople get you down.

Unknown said...

I seriously laughed so hard at the "I even put a bra on for this" !!!! Can't wait to spend a week with you in Bedford!

Kathy Johnson said...

I'm sure the "Girls" appreciated your efforts on their part. Hopefully, it works out next time.

Janna said...

Bonnie I'm so sorry, the nerve! To quote my favorite cat movie (Aristocats) "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all".

Jo said...

I probably have cat hair in and on my luggage and my clothing sometimes comes out of the dryer with cat hair on it. Will I be banned from Quiltville Inn?

Unknown said...

You can’t please everyone so don’t even try. I gave up years ago. You are a wonderful giving person so don’t ever change.
I know how you feel when people pick on you because of pets or the amount of love we give to our pets. I have dogs (two) and one of them is a Saint Bernard other is a Beagle. I made them each a quilt Wow and some snarky comments when I posted the dogs laying on their quilts. I just thought to myself ... How sad you must be to make such mean comments that brought such happiness to me. You go hug your cats and I’m going to hug my dogs. Have a blessed day Bonnie.

KristinMathews said...

Well said!! thank you!!

Valerie said...

"I even put a bra on for this -" OMG!! Last time my granddaughter stayed for a visit, one day I said, "Hey, you want to go to the fabric store?" Her quick reply? "I'll go put on a bra!" I laugh every time I think of it. Bonnie, besides everything else you do, you brighten my day. Just keep being you.

KristinMathews said...

I have never before posted here, but just feel compelled to tell you....WELL SAID!!! And isn't it a shame that you even have to put it out there for those clueless people. They know who they are. I absolutely love and look forward to all your photos and posts!! Every day!!! whew!!! You are an amazing, prolific and giving person which is so easy to see just from your posts having never met you. I am thrilled for you that changes are coming with your Inn and post office!!! It's going to be so fun for you and you're going to meet even more fun people!! It IS good to vent and get it off your chest..it's necessary to expel those bad thoughts and words others say. Your loving persona and generosity are what makes you YOU!!!! Don't ever change!!! We LOVE you!!!!

pdudgeon said...

Good for you, Bonnie! We all know that allergies happen and life has to be adjusted in order to cope with them. But making other people feel bad or having them make the adjustments for our problems is not cool at all.

Lynn B said...

Dog hair is a condiment in our house!

Sandi1100 said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm sorry that you are getting emails about your cats. I love seeing them and the progress they are making there. Like you, I have taken in 2 cats that were family. Hang in there and don't let them bother you.

Susan In Texas said...

Good grief! They flounced from your store. I thought that only happened on facebook groups. People, just leave already, no one cares. LOL And I totally agree that your house is probably ten times more hygienic than an Amazon warehouse. Better cats than rats!

Diane larson said...

as the old saying goes, you can't please everyone so just try to please yourself! So glad to hear about your talk with Francis, I have been enjoying the Quilt Fiction podcast.

Debbie P said...

Bonnie - I understand how difficult it can be with allergies and sympathize but agree with you - I laughed out loud at your comment "I think I’ll go hug a cat"! I'm going to snuggle mine right now ;)
Good luck with all your hard work at Quiltville Inn!

Unknown said...

Good for you Bonnie! I also have a cat and I get the allergy things but I understand if you do not want to come to my house, touch one of my quilts. Let it go people, life is to short!

Loris said...

Yay! for you caring for your son's cats!

piecrust said...

I have a friend that owns a gift shop. On the door is a sign that reads, "Allergy to wool. Please do not enter if wearing wool items." I have never seen anyone turn around and leave, they just come on in. It doesn't take but an instant and my friend is running out the back door, grabbing an inhaler as she goes. (Lady was wearing a wool scarf.) Can't people understand? I know they want to shop, but come back on another day when you are not wearing wool or in this case, when Bonnie gets everything moved to the Post Office.

Mssundance said...

Dear dear Bonnie!!! I am so grateful for you and that you and I are so in agreement with our perspectives in life! You are who you are!! I am who I am! I am way past people pleasing! You have cats & a dog(everyone knows that, or they don’t read your blog) I’m good with that!!! I have a dog!!! If that were a problem it certainly is not yours to own! I am very verbal, I tell people what’s up and don’t hide it! If they have a problem they own that problem, Not me! I have developed a thick skin over the last 10 years since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia! I still have a lot of growing to do and you my dear one are a part of that growth! You make me smile everyday!!! And that is the one thing I need most!! So I thank you for being you!!! And you are allowed to vent all you want!!! Have a beautiful Thursday!!!
Patsy from Nebraska

annie123 said...

It seems pretty clear that those people sending you messages about cats have much more serious illnesses than allergies. Just block them.

joyceandmike said...

Life is full of round-a-bouts. Go around and about your own business! Happy day

Kay said...

You get Hurrahs all around today. 1) For standing up and taking no more "bull". You work so hard, and the majority of us appreciate all of yours and your family's efforts on others' benefit. 2) Sharing with us the work, frustrations, triumphs, and progress of your dream (coming true) of Quiltville Inn and Post Office.3) Giving us helpful tips, tricks, and tools to make our quilting journeys so much better (and more accurate). 4) Giving us inspirational quotes each day to uplift us, make us think and hopefully do better (as humans). 5) And the chuckles along the way - "even put a bra on" absolutely cracked me up. Being retired, I enjoy the luxury of not having to wear one every day. So I consider extra effort when I do, but of course others don't realize that. LOL Hang in there - Have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw the picture yesterday, I thought Oh No - here we go. I have 3 dogs, a cat and a macaw - If you don't like my animals stay out of my house. Good riddance..

claudia said...

I have cats, so I just mix all the things from your cats with my cats and party on!
I love what you do and I am amazed at your energy. The fact that you love people shines in every word you type. That is why I will always order from you and follow you and oh yeah! Thank you so much for all the tips and tricks you share with us!!!

Saska said...

There are some people that I'm allergic to. Perfumes, candles and motel air fresheners (!) also get to me, but I don't need to tell you that! :)

Angela said...

I have a plaque that I have had for years that reads "No outfit is complete without dog hair!"...Now I need to find one for cat hair!

DJ said...

Oh, my!!! I have allergies to both cats and dogs. have had allergy shots and when needed I take an over the counter allergy med to supplement. I frequently spend the entire day quilting in a home with 3 big cats. I'm a big girl, I come prepared and have a great time. I have never had a problem with things I ordered from Miss Bonnie, and even if I did, I would consider it my problem NOT hers. I am a big girl, I can handle my own issues and not trouble others with them. Thank you Bonnie for being who you are.

Joan E said...

Love all the responses, am a retired mail carrier, proud of it, too! I so wish I lived close enough to volunteer to work for you for free. I am hugging my cat and dogs, braless, lol! Smile lots xx

Robin from Leavenworth WA said...

Well, I have had a nice read. Have to put the "Girls" in their slings and go to the grocery store. Thank you for such a fantastic read. Keep up your great work.There are so many choices in this world, do not change YOURSELF! LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

Anonymous said...

Why did this person feel the need to spill her allergy problems on you? You have your own allergy problems! She didn't need to tell you that she will never order from you. So sad that people need to feel that they have to put people down. I love hearing about your cats even though I too am allergic - and nothing I have ever bought from you has ever bothered me.
I will always order from you - even if items are less on other websites - I want to help you see your dream of Quiltvilla. I love reading about how it is coming along and knowing that when I spend money at your site it is helping this dream come alive. Keep up the wonderful blog! And Thank you for all you do! I always am learning from you - great tip today.

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

A bra? You put a bra on for us? are you crazy? lol Don't do it for me! Dogs and cats are so much nicer than many people! Unconditional love and attention from all of them, sometimes demanding it from us! :) Love all the progress on the Inn and the Post Office. I'm far away and will never see it in person, so I love the progress! Keep being You!

stitchinpenny said...

Bonnie - I personally want to thank you for taking care of Jason's cats so he can follow his dreams. His dreams are so much more important than trying to please everyone in the world. All of us at some time or another want something irrational, but I cannot imagine the need to tell you that the cats make my irrational want your problem. I don't get the reasoning in hurting your feelings because I want something that is impossible and because you have pets that make your life richer. Life is not fair let her get over herself. You are a fantastic mentor and contributor to the quilting community, cats and all.

Phyllis said...

That's certainly obvious!

Judy said...

You could not have said it any better. 100% on the mark an so very true.

tlclauricella said...

Can't believe someone would take the time to write that email. I am so sick of people!

dorothy said...

I was going to actually try and catch quilt cam live for a chance, but I am in the area of Colorado that no power, due to our hurricane winds and blizzard! So will try and catch your interview on Saturday. I so want to make the trip east when you are up and running! Keep up the fight don't let people drag you down. You bring joy to so many!

Mommy Robin said...

I'm a dyed in the wool (which I have an allergy to, btw, LOL!) cat lover. I grew up on a small family farm. Barn cats were an assortment of litters a couple of times a year and those that people dropped. I'd like to drop them... Anyhow, when the kittens were old enough, Dad would tuck them in his denim farm coat and bring them to me to show me. Dad was my hero, a single father by 20, and a kind heart.

Jason is lucky that you and DH were willing to keep his beautiful pets. They sure seem happy and obviously enjoy you. Such a happy story, connecting you to him and not leaving them off to fend for themselves or at a shelter filled with others. Too bad that others have such a small vision they don't see the circle of love right there.

All of that said - I'm sure it'll be lovely to have a stock and shipping area other than in your dining room/kitchen table/basement and any other areas you've made do with. It's all coming along nicely now!

Melissa said...

That is cute cat fabric! For a while I was doing a club with cat fabrics (this was probably 20yrs ago). Eventually the store owner closed down her business, but I loved it (it was all cat fabrics!). I have a crown of thorns quilt started using the cat charms that I would receive for all the little triangles, I think I need to pull out those blocks again :)

Take heart with negative emails. You can only do your best and I'd (along with thousands of others) will never fault you on that. I'm kind of disappointed not to have received any cat hair with the book/ruler orders I've made... my own dog and cat don't even get alerted when the mailers have come (that another cat may have passed by) :)

cityquilter grace said...

oooh excellent progress on the PO...and seriously you have to apologize to these cat people???? sheesh....there is no end to control freaks!!!

sms said...

I love cats! I lost my sweet kitty last November. She was 19. I love seeing the cats in your posts. I cannot believe someone would make the comment that they won’t order from you because of the cats. That’s unreal!

Sonja said...

Hi Bonnie, met you in Birmingham August 2018. Would you’re pleas hug Emmy Lou, Lola and Dresden for me. I love kitties but can’t have them at home as my DH has kitty issues. I love them and will hug any that needs one. Others who have issues should choose an alternative supplier maybe. For me I am just grateful you spend as much time as you do teaching and creating for us. Thank you

Holly Burch said...

Amen! Could not have said it better. No need to put a bra on for me either. Bet if we took a poll we would discover many of us were not wearing bras at that time last night either! Absolutely love your furbabies and personally, I would consider a piece of hair from one or more of them in an order from you a bonus! Quilt on, Bonnie, quilt on.

Kerry said...

Please can I order a cat from you. I seem to be missing something in my quilt room. If not, then a puppy would be nice too. ;)
Lots of hugs xx

Mary Ellen said...


Mary Ellen said...


Wendy Crigger said...

Thank-you for standing up for your fur babies. I love my animals too. They are better than people in so many ways starting with keeping their stupid comments to themselves. By the way a group of cats is a clowder (or colony). Shared the fact about a group of turkeys being a rafter with my hunting husband. He had no clue. Reading your blog everyday makes me smile. Thanks.

Dalina said...

I love your blog post Bonnie, you are the greatest gift to my Quilt world. I have a cat and a dog, and a son in law allergic to cats. But he still comes over and doesn't complain even though he sneezes and snuffs. It is life, and some people just don't know how to deal without insulting others. I love all your updates at the post office and Quiltville Inn.

Froilan said...



Jean said...

Well said. There are many pet free places people can shop. In my experience, most people with genuinely serious allergies are grateful for their epipens not to mention their lives and they just do their best to get on with things without unnecessarily imposing on someone else. You are open about your cats - that's enough.

Susan Taylor said...

I am always stunned by the actions of those people that are "always right" and expect the world to cater to them. This is seriously another low for being uncaring about others. I will continue ordering from you and your cats and dog. It will be used and enjoyed in this home with our own animals. thank you for everything you have done to help me be a much better quilter!

Sylvia Forster said...

I am glad you got this off your chest. I totally agree that it's quite nervy to insist that you cater to this woman's demands. Seriously. Anyone who follows you knows that you are a kind person but you stand up for yourself, which I admire. Looking forward to more updates and stories. I bought a couple of men's shirts today at Goodwill for $1 each that I hope to use in an upcoming quilt. Size 18 -- lots of fabric. Score!

Elaine Nemeth said...

I found you dear friend. You have made a wonderful joy in my life. 3 leader enders late 3 and 1/2 quilts off your free pattern and 3 mysteries later. And and now a class coming up in Shipsheana yahoo.you are a terrific lady. A 2 cat one dog person
I love your blog and joy you bring to my life.

Suzzysews said...

Dear Bonnie, Good for you! Some people do NOT know when to keep their mouths shut!! By the way, I love pets and was looking forward to meeting your "gang" at Quiltville, or maybe a new member who camps out there. Live your life Bonnie, and you people who do not like it go elsewhere.

Mary said...

But are your products gluten free? I’m not sensitive to gluten but heard it is bad! Also hope you don’t use corn syrup, that is certain death. Your friend from 3 classes in Bloomington.

Lainey said...

For the first time ever I was going to be set up for 10 am local time to join in on quiltcam. What a bummer it didn't go. Have to try for the next one. I don't have cats but I love them but I do have a german shepherd that could win gold medals for shedding if they ever made it an Olympic sport. Give your kitties and good scritch for me. Just putting the binding on good Fortune at the moment. I will be doing quilt along mysteries in future instead of waiting to see them finished first. This was much more fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anne Hayward said...

I cannot believe that people feel they have the right to tell you how to live your life! You share so much with us and I am truly grateful living in the uk I cannot order from you anymore as postage cost have become unreasonable and I accept your reason for this change. I loved getting signed books from you but you are doing what is best for all of us.
Since following you my quilting has gotten so much better as I follow your measuring and sewing tips now and have really enjoyed doing 2 mystery quilts with you so much fun.
Thank you Bonnie for sharing your life including all the fun you have with Sadie, Emmi-Lou, Lola and Dresden, have a fabulous day.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Beth said...

Bonnie, as someone who is living a country life, I completely related to the truth that putting on a bra is an indication that either something big is happening or company is coming. :)
Regarding allergic customers v. cats, all I can offer to this discussion is that I think your heart is in the right place and that both Dresden and your favorite Oregonian must appreciate your priorities. My aunt and I always said that was how we weeded people out: if our dogs / dog hair / everything that goes with having many dogs around the house bothered them so much that they wouldn't visit. Oh well. We weren't going to turn our backs on the ones who gave us love every day to court people who might come by once in awhile. I still haven't found a flaw in that logic.
Thanks for the measuring advice. You're a gem.

Debbiegsp said...

Hey, Dorothy! I live in Utah and want to take my camper when Quiltville opens for business. Shall I stop to pick you up on the way? A cross country trip with quilters would be amazing! Sorry you got blizzard, we got heavy snow again. I just keep reminding myself that all this rain and snow means no drought next summer!

Penny said...

I guess I don't understand why someone would email that they won't order because of cats when all that person needs to do is move on & order from another source. Great progress at the Inn ~ I so enjoy seeing pictures & reading what's being accomplished! Thanks for sharing!

Karen from Texas said...

I'm a dog person, but I really enjoy seeing pictures and reading all about the felines. You are a wonderful mom for taking in the cats. They are beautiful and your stories about them are fun to read. Those complaining about their allergies probably grew up receiving "participation" trophies and learned that they are the most important being on this planet. They don't deserve another thought!. I too am a Jim Rohn fan. He was Tony Robbins' mentor. (I attended his firewalk seminar.) So awesome. You are also awesome and I love how you live life to the fullest. Thanks for all that you share and do for all of us. I wish I had half of your energy, passion, and talent.
Karen from Dallas

Hilda said...

I agree with your thoughts. You are such a fantastic person with such a positive attitude. It is refreshing. It seems the whole world expects everyone to conform to their wants and needs with no care to anyone else. It is sad!
Have a wonderful day and thank you for all that you do and for being you!

Helen S. said...

I cannot have animals for many reasons, but so enjoy seeing yours up close
in all the pictures.Quiltville is a joy to read first thing in the morning and watching everything come together for the Inn and post office is exciting.
Many blessings,

52KID said...

I can't believe that Sadie won't be part of the Quiltville Inne, I'm sure she's going to be very sad. Keep up the good work, it would be nice to have a pet friendly Quiltville, I'm sure most people would love it, but it's your decision to make. Love reading about your everything and sorry that some people are rude to you.

Kb48 said...

As an owner of 2 cats (at one time there were 4), I totally agree. I longarm for myself and for charity and QOV - I try my best to keep the cats out of my quilting studio - even put in french doors - but cat hairs still migrate in there, no matter what I do. And then there are the times I just want their company while I'm piecing!!! I know there are people who are allergic, but totally agree with you - order from elsewhere, don't try to make the cat owner feel guilty for loving her cats!

Mairi said...

I did not think a plastic wrapped ruler would be a huge allergy issue...their grocery clerk probably has more pet hair on her/him. Good Grief! Enjoyed the updates...you guys are working very hard on the improvements. Very exciting. Loved the put the bra on comment...cracked me right up.

julybaby8 said...

Forget about the complainer. We all enjoy seeing the pets and their escapades. I look forward to your blog every morning , I enjoy your photos and keeping up with your renovations. It will be wonderful when all is complete. I know it is upsetting to hear negativity , I agree with what you said about the person solving their issues not making everyone else change for them.
Have a great day.
Enjoy your day.

ALICIA said...

Un gran abrazo ¡¡¡¡¡ a los gatos, Desden, Lola y Emiluo. y también un lametón de Patch

Tina K said...

Re your small comment--there is NO such thing as a good bra! It's the first thing that comes off every time. Now, the cats--love all of God's creatures, but always had at least one dog and two cats until I moved into an apartment. Miss having furry friends like crazy.

I'm just saying: said...

I've been allergic to cats since I was 10. I grew up with cats and so it was a weird thing for me to suddenly have an allergy towards them. The worst case was an asthma attack where I couldn't breathe. All this to say, as an adult I currently have three cats. When I eat healthy, I don't have issues. If I eat badly, then I do. My cats have the entire sunroom to themselves and two enjoy outdoor time and occasionally they're brought into the home and cuddled, but mostly we play with them in their space. They never go near my quilts. But if these people are trying to tell you how to run your business... ugh, so frustrating. Where do they get off? Entitled much? But I can't help but wonder what their diets are like. Thank you for letting me share.

Unknown said...

Your heart is definitely spreading love to all quilters,just keep on with your dream.It is amazing how much energy you share with a world of us who dote on your thoughts for the day! Don't change! We need you too!

Unknown said...

Thank you for all you share with us. A long time ago I was at my lowest point. I surfed the internet and found a beautiful fairy with twinkling eyes and a huge heart. Even though I didn't quilt I followed her every day. Her uplifting spirit and her joy in life raised me up. She taught me to love life again. To take the pieces and make them whole just as she did with her beautiful quilt designs. You are so special. Ignore any nay sayers Bonnie. You are wonderful and we all love you. Thank you for teaching me quilting and sharing your joy of life with us.

Granny to 3 Boys said...

How RUDE some people can be. Ignore them! We do love you and appreciate you sharing your travels and adventures with us. My daughter has 2 Maine Coon cats and a small one like Emmylou. They are just the best. Please keep sharing with us!

Patti p. said...

Love your comments to the cat complainers...good job. I have 3 cats and they are everywhere..usually lots of help and company in the sewing room!

Karen R said...

Bonnie you are right on in your blog on cat hair today,I have cat's my son who IS allergic has a cat and works around his allergy.
I am also a retired truck driver so to all the people allergic to things,just because Bonnie has a cat(or dog or whatever) doesn't mean you are safe from the allergy trigger. I have picked up from manufacturers,warehouses and stores and you would be surprised what allergy triggers you will find in some of these places and those trailers don't have a wash out after every load(only certain places require that). So 1 person's cat in a quilt shop should be the least of your worries,there are a whole lot of stops's of unknown before this said place. Buy your item and take it home and wash or sanitize it and enjoy it. Keep on quilting and enjoying those fur babies!!

Unknown said...

I love your pets !

Sophia said...

I love your pets! Am allergic to cats but I refuse to give up their love and cuddles (a little suffering is good for the soul). Am also allergic to chickens, horses, dogs but I have them. What the heck, what is the price of a more love! Ignore the @#&* idiots, enjoy your fur babies! My last fur baby was with me for 24 years!

Unknown said...

Bonnie -- I am so sorry you have to deal with people like the ones who have been hassling you over the cat hairs. Life is too short. Loved your reply, but sorry you had to write it.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

Totally 100% in support of you and your furbabies. I have 3 myself, dog, 2 cats, and I wouldn't part with them for ANYBODY! Including an ex-husband (that's one of the reasons he's an ex) or a new husband (which, BTW, loves them as much as I do, and they, him... so good test of character for all!)

Rhonda Albrecht said...

I cracked up at that one, too. I come from the 'hippie era' of the '60s and '70s, when the feminists were burning their bras. So, I can relate to Bonnie's mantra!

Carol Nye said...

I had forgotten that some people are allergic to cats! To them, I offer my deepest sympathies! However, I didn't know a person could quilt without a cat! I had a cat who checked the knots when I tied a quilt. Another, who used to sit and watch the needle go up and down, while the machine was being used. I never had anyone complain about the quilts causing an allergic reaction.
Of course you had to take your son's two cats (your grand-kittens)! Kudos to you and the hubbster for taking them in! I did the same with my daughters cats, years ago. Be prepared for the tears that will come when he is once again able to take them back!! It is really hard!

Jo Ann said...

Loved it! When I get home from my volunteer work, off the bra goes! What a chuckle I had when reading that. So much more comfortable. Maybe one evening on Quilt Cam, we should all be bra-less. But, sorry to say, you would be the only one on the cam to be seen. We could all send in photos! PS, a little hint, deodorant/antiperspirant under the girls keeps all comfy, and not sweaty. Hope I gave you and some other ladies a good laugh! Pet those kitties for me. As I pet my doggie.

Jo Ann said...

in mine also. And my daughters, she has a Lab, who is a wonderful dog, but the hair is everywhere. And we end up bringing it home with us after our visits. But I wouldn't change a thing. I love all of our animals.

charityquilter said...

Oh Bonnie, It saddens me to know that people can be so heartless and sent thoughtless messages of selfishness. You are doing a GREAT job. If they haven't got the patience to wait for the changes to be completed that you are working so hard to achieve - that's THEIR problem.

Clearbrook MN

Ramona said...

My, my, my. I don't understand people who feel it is so necessary to complain about something that truly has no effect on their lives whatsoever! Whatever happens when she goes to a meeting and sits next to the person with six cats at home?! Or stands in line at the market behind the person with a tiny kitten in their pocket? I have been that person when I have four week old foster babies who need to be kept warm. I have four of my own, grew up with cats all the time. Taking in the fourth tipped my scale and I now take an allergy pill every night before bed. I love my babies and wouldn't change a thing. Besides, I agree with Carols comment, I didn't know you could quilt without cats!
Sorry you have to get messages from people who just can't see beyond their own little box.

Irene said...

Well said, Gail Topper. I like to place orders from the convenience of my computer. I never thought about people who came in contact with my packages. But my little dog Ginger loves to smell the packages from top to bottom so she can get the whole story of it's trip to our house. LOL

Beth said...

Carol, you made me think of my dad, who graciously agreed to let my cat stay with him for a little while...and then fell in love with the little stinker. It was a two-way street and I couldn't bear to ask him to give her back to me, so I let her stay, although it broke my heart to be apart from her. Then, after Dad died, I still couldn't bring her home because that little cat reminded my mom of Dad so much! She'd say, "Remember how she would always nag your dad about turning off the tv and going to bed?" It was very sweet, and when my mom had an emergency surgery (an amputation), it was the need to get home to "her" cat that really motivated her. She told the occupational therapist that she needed to learn how to get up from her wheelchair to reach the cat food and then bend down to put it on the floor for her cat, right away. And she did. They were good for each other. And that sweet cat was good for me when my mom passed away unexpectedly and it was finally time for me to bring my cat home, eight years later.

Pam Dempsey said...

I hadn't heard about using antiperspirant under the girls before! That would sure help. I have had chafing and it's SO uncomfortable. I admit I prefer braless days,staying in my pj's and sewing barefoot for more control,lol ;)

gardenwitch said...

Yes! People get mad at me when I say life is not fair but it's true. Instead look at all the beauty God has graced us with in our world. Go Bonnie!

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie, thank you for saying what you said, sorry their are people who do this. In my job I have the same issue, but not just with cats. This apply's to so much today, I am so tired of people thinking everything and everyone should change for them and make everything easier for them. Sorry but I also am tired of having to deal with people who think we should speak their language and they come to America for all the country's great benefits but they do not feel they should adapt they are expecting us to adapt. If I move to a foreign country I would learn all I could about the culture and definitely learn the language. But everyone is acting entitled in today's world.
Ok sorry, I do want to thank you for all you have done over the years to bring us happiness, knowledge, friendship, and your time. You are a wonderful woman and I am so thankful for you.
Keep going you are awesome.

BAMM said...

Bonnie, you are too funny! I am just about rolling on the floor laughing.
When my kids call and tell me they're coming over, I ask them how long it will be so I can put a bra on!

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