
Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Ramblings From the Heart.

Peach Blossoms!

I’ve been watching these buds through the window at Sharolyn’s since I came to visit on Tuesday evening a week ago.  I peeked at them again on Saturday night when we gathered for a small family dinner, just my dad, my nephew Spencer and his wife McKinna in attendance – others were busy, or caring for a sick baby and no one wanted to be the cause of gifting Sharolyn with any germs due to yesterday’s procedure.

I checked in on the blossoms again un Sunday evening – but yesterday was so busy I didn’t look again until this morning as I was gathering my things to leave.

They are open!  FULLY!

How can you NOT smile at such beauty!

I think there must be a reason why flowers are so often given when there is an illness, a loss – they honestly do remind us how precious life is, how much beauty it holds and how fragile it can be – and how quickly the blossoms pass.

Pear tree in the front yard – already going to leaf!

I am heading home tomorrow – today is the last day,  and my heart is so full of so many things.  Missing Mark, seeing how his children are doing, how Sharolyn is coping – and yet still feeling just a bit on the outside of things as the sibling, not part of the immediate family.

Signs of teenage strength!

My 16 year old niece Ashley is a constant reminder of all of the good things that Mark was.  She is missing him terribly, afraid for her mom – so much upheaval in her young life, yet she is STRONG!  

I also love that she may be “just a bit” like her Auntie Bonnie as the bathroom mirror was covered with encouraging phrases she had written there to keep herself feeling positive about her life ahead.

Today will be a good day even if it’s hard.

Well said, sweet girl!

And patience bears beautiful fruit!

There is something to be said about picking your own breakfast in the morning, isn’t there?

My view as I type.

I’m part way in between Gilbert and Sun Lakes – I decided to pull off and type this post from the comfort of a Mc D’s so that when I arrive back at my Dad’s I can give him my full attention and make the most of this day.  

I don’t want to have to say “Wait a minute while I finish this…” I want to be present.  I have answered emails, composed my thoughts and feelings on leaving, and have made up my mind that this last day “Will be a good day, even if it is hard.”

The port surgery went fine yesterday.  We rested, relaxed, laughed and talked and made some plans for the future.  

Chemo starts Friday and will be a period of about 5 months – so I am hoping by fall that I will be able to bring Sharolyn out to Virginia and share my space with her.  She is great at decorating and organizing and I would love to distract her with a bit of southern comfort, charm, and autumn color. 

I’d like Dad to perhaps come out in the summer and get him away from the AZ heat – not that it isn’t hot and humid in the south, but the Blue Ridge Mountains are something he hasn’t seen in the summer.

The hardest part is feeling a whole country away – west coast to east coast – but we will deal and make the best of it and see each other when we can.

Some stitching happened – but not much.

I have a feeling that there may be some movie watching today and perhaps I’ll get another block together.  I have to admit though, it really isn’t my priority right now.

Isn’t it funny how perspectives and priorities change at different times in our lives?

There is a lot to be looking forward to as I go home.  The windows at the Quiltville Post Office and Quiltville Inn will start being installed in the next couple of weeks – ALL OF THEM.  

We decided to bite the bullet and replace the old windows NOW rather than later.  They will pay for themselves with the energy they will save.  It won’t interrupt any retreaters if we do it before.  

Further into the money pit we go – but with great reason and great results.

The two fireplaces in the Quilting Quarters have had new gas logs installed since I eft for Japan – with thermostats and remotes!  

No one will have to get on their hands and knees to adjust the flame up or down, turning off the pilot lights in the process.  One click of a button – flame up!  Flame down!  

I am so excited – I can’t wait to get my hands on the clickers myself and give them a go. (That was the best Happy Birthday to Me I could ask for!)

Bit by bit the drywall ceiling in the Post Office has been cut away so we can start the repair from the water damage.  The new roof sealing will happen as the weather warms up.

The electrical is being fine tuned – the consensus is to put the garage on its own meter freeing up the breaker box for more power to the Quilting Quarters.

I’m a bit freaked out that so much has to happen in just over a year – time is flying but it seems like we are finally getting some progress on some things.

Of course there is still copious amounts of painting to do and I will be found brush in hand as soon as windows are done – touching up window frames and sills, door frames and jambs and wherever else is needed.

Bathroom remodeling still to happen -

So yes.  I’m ready to go home.  Tomorrow.

But I’m sending this off now because I’ve got one more day to spend with my dad!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Life is funny this way.

What you put out there comes back to you!

Which direction are your thoughts leaving you today?

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!


Mary said...

Time spent with family is so precious! I agree, even handwork can be put away while you just 'sit and spell' like they did on the Beverly Hillbillies.

stitchinpenny said...

Give the gift of you to your dad and lovingly accept the gift of himself that he gives in return. Quiltville awaits, but that is tomorrow and it will wait for your attention. I bet if you get to the point that you feel there is too much to do, a post asking for a little help will cause a flood of people willing to ddo whatever they can. It will get done on time and right, because you are you.

Unknown said...

So many things happening, both good and not so good. I love reading your posts every day. Thank you for including all of us in your musings.
I too love flowers. Last week my dear Emma dog passed away. The vets office sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Such a nice thing for them to do.
Have a wonderful day with your Dad and safe journey home.
Evelyn in Nova Scotia

Mary LaPointe said...

Bonnie, what an AWESOME theme for a quilt, possibly a memory one. I could think of a gazillion ideas from just this post. Your title of this blog is a great name for the quilt. Thank YOU for opening your heart and sharing with all of your web friends.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

There is much insight and heart in this post today; hang on, my friend. Prayers surround you and your family, wishing you safe and uneventful travel.

Sue OC said...

So glad you were able to be there for your sister-in-law and niece. Just want you to know, that I was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago, and it was not a good diagnosis. I realize that I am a miracle for surviving this long, but want you to know that she will have a good long life going forward.

Sam said...

I love how the blossems opened up just in time for you to see. Have a great day with your dad.
What do you use to write on mirrors with?

Sharon said...

Enjoy your Dad time. I cherish every day I get to spend with my dad and our house puts all things on "pause" when Dad is here. It's worth it. Safe travels!

Susan In Texas said...

I know what you mean about being the sibling on the outside of the immediate family since that is my default location, but your presence and care enlarges the circle of caring, invested adults around your brother's children at this scary time, and that is a really good thing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder to stay positive. I can’t wait to book a stay at Quiltville Inn!

Kathy Johnson said...

Don't even dare think about things blooming. It will still be a quite awhile for Minnesota. I think I need to applique some flowers.

Denise Patterson said...

Enjoy visiting with your dad today. Continued positive thoughts and prayers for your SIL. Safe travels home tomorrow!!

Judy said...

Even though many of have never met you we feel like we are your friend and are here every step of the way no matter what it is. Your posts have inspired many readers, the internet can be an amazing thing. I wish I lived close to you, I would be at quiltville to help do whatever needed to be done. Take it one day at a time an it will eventually get accomplished. Safe travels home.

Amber said...

Enjoy your time with your father.

Kay said...

So happy to hear that you have enjoyed quality time with your family. When we lived in Phoenix, we were warned that most of the orange trees were ornamental and not for eating - that was disappointing to learn. Keeping you and yours in my prayers, especially Sharolyn.

Shiloh Nanny said...

Even with your trials and tragedies, I'd love to have a big family like yours.

Barbara B said...

I am so glad you were there for your family. Spring is around the corner and new buds, new hope, will be popping out everywhere. You have had such a trying year but God has blessed you and the rest of your family with people who love them and you. I pray the next five months go speedily and all is well.

Cathy Green said...

Happy 2019! This is going to be a GREAT year! Below freezing here south of Seattle right now, but spring is on the way! Can't hardly wait to see the new bulbs and shrubs I planted in November after months of having a dug-up yard!

Donna P. said...

Your life is so full right now - Dad, Sharolyn, family in general...it truly is hard being away but I also know those short visits are wonderful and full of love.
Whether near or far, in laws or "outlaws, family is family - to be cherished and loved and you do it so well!
Spring will be here before you know it with new life, new adventures, new hope.
I can just see you back at the Inn in front of the fireplace with your clicker shouting "Flame ON!" (Fantastic Four). LOL!

Laura said...

To be 57 and still have both parents is a blessing! Enjoy time with your dad.

Doris said...

Your comment on "what you put out there" reminded me of a wonderful saying my mother-in-law had. She firmly believed in the return of good deeds and she always said, " spread your biscuits upon the water and they will come back buttered". Lovely thought! May all our good deeds be multiplied as they return!

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