
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Off We Go to Texas!

This machine makes me want to sing!

“Isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful…..”

Some good ole Stevie Wonder!

She came out of hiding the other day – we moved her into bedroom #4 at Quiltville Inn – mostly to serve as a small desk in the corner of the room, but I also SO BADLY want to get her sewing!

She came as a gift from a fellow quilting friend who thought that Quiltville Inn was the perfect place for her to be enjoyed by many. 

Can you believe the copper detail?  How GORGEOUS! 

I had seen a similar machine, but in black with a textured finish – but this one.  Oh, my goodness!

We will brighten up this corner and she will have a new place to reside!

I tried doing a blog search to find the original post – and as I am off to the airport in 30 minutes, I just couldn’t find the information with little time to spare.

I am hoping by the time I am back from Texas that the great window replacement of 2019 will be under way.

Yesterday morning’s sunrise.

Ice was long gone by the time we woke up – temps were hovering around 40, and by the time I reached home in Wallburg, NC we had climbed to 61.  How quickly the storm came, and how quickly it went away.  SO GLAD!

Yesterday afternoon was a whirlwind of getting book orders signed and sealed – and it was clear til 4pm when I was ready to take things to the post office that I realized it was a holiday – NO MAIL DAY!  LOL!  Well, what was I rushing for?  I guess it made me that much more ahead of the game, and gave me more time to get things ready.

Of course these two were demanding loads of attention!

I’ve started letting them beyond the French doors to the other side of the house, still taking care with 19 year old Emmy Lou – who doesn’t seem really bothered by Dresden and Lola.  Dresden is one big scaredy cat, though – If you looked up Hissy Fit in the dictionary you’d find his picture.  He is all growl and spit, but so far has not struck out at her.

Stock Room Help  - or Hindrance?

Lola has to be UP UP UP on everything.  That includes my design wall as she found her way to my basement studio yesterday.  I didn’t see her do it – but I certainly saw the blocks all down on the floor, and evidence of her trying to crawl up the wall to get at things! Oh. Boy.

Oh Lola!

As high up as she can go!

Adding a bit of XING (ZING) to my life!

Yesterday was also my day to repack the trunk show and include the new quilts from String Frenzy in the mix! 

Xing is one of my favorites – how can you not like crumb centers on fun stars mixed with string blocks and really skinny sashing so seams have a place to “go” without having to match points for fold bulky seams back against themselves?

My favorite part about this quilt?  The aqua sashing was some leftover yardage from my Mother-in-law’s stash.  She passed in 1983.  I’d been holding on to that piece of solid aqua for a long long time and used it in two quilts in this book – the second one is Daybreak which I will also be teaching while in Texas along with Straits of Mackinac and Sand Castles.

This morning I’m off to San Antonio where I’ll be through Saturday morning – and then I’m off for a couple of personal days spending some time with 16 wonderful ladies on retreat at Brazos House – and then up to Denton for another retreat with Minding My Ps & Qs Quilt Shop!

We’ll have 11 days to cram in as much quilty fun as one can personally have!

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Vintage Quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

Check out especially the many neutral diamonds that have seams in them.  Frugal quilter!

Boundaries can ALWAYS be adjusted.  Don’t just put up with something because you want to make other people happy, or because you always have done something a certain way.

To be healthy we have to learn to say yes to things that work, and no to things that just don’t any longer even if they have in the past.

Have a WONDERFUL Tuesday, everyone – I’ll catch you next from San Antonio!


Jo said...

Such a lovely machine. Enjoy all that you do. Just don't burn out.

Elaine Breiner said...

This was my grandmother's machine and cabinet. Took it to Bonnie last June. Glad it has a new home.

Shari Z said...

Elaine, what a beautiful looking machine! How wonderful of you to share it with those going to the Quiltville Inn!!

Cats said...

quilt from Kevin the Quilter is blanked out! Maybe it will show up tomorrow... some of yours have shown thru the next day after you post! Love and sunshine, happiness and cats cats cats... all bluff and nonsense hissing at the girls? Never a dull moment, esp. now they've been "released"... thanks for your encouragement, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Margacat said...

That's been happening to me also, since Bonnie's been back from Japan. On my tablet on the right side of Bonnie's blog, there's a mini slideshow of some pictures, a little ways above the picture of her books. Yesterday's quote and today's quote are in that mini slideshow. I think the quote will show up when I finally get the email about today's blog, around 11pm (Pacific time)

Kay said...

What a gorgeous machine - quite the beauty! Curious cats exploring new territory makes adventures for you as well. Enjoy your Texas get away. I'll be going to the Hill Country in April - wildflower season, and will be visiting lots of family and friends.

Mary said...

Lola uses your containers as stepping stones. Silly kitty! How nice to use the Aqua fabric from your MIL. It sings as sashings. Yea for personal time with your Texas quilty friends. Watching for those pictures and fun. Loving that corner at the INN.

JANET said...

I have never seen such a beautiful machine!! Wow! Thanks for sharing it. I will be thinking about it for some time to come. The quilts with the sayings have been blocked on my computer also. Did not know they would come back in a couple days. Will check then. My favorite part of the daily blog.

WeedyMama said...

My girls were wall climbers when they were kittens (4 yrs ago). "I can get that for you mama."
A few squirts from the spritzer bottle took care of that little behavioral quirk.

Robin from Leavenworth WA said...

Lola is no dummy. Heat RISES!

Lisa T said...

Bonnie Hunter - Your last sentence gave me chills!!!!! Last night, I pulled a 'let's clean that closet' of yours and cleaned out the linen closet. Of course on the top shelf were all the kids blankets (36 years old) and quilts from my husbands granny. Also pillow cases full of crocheted afghans from me and my Aunt Bert. I picked up this one afghan and did not know where it came from. Think it was on the back of my mom's couch but not really sure. Pretty, but I didn't see a person there. Time for it to move on. And some of the kids stuff was not anything that I had feelings for so they moved on. The hardest bag was full of my passed mom's sheets and blanket and bedskirt. Those things only brought sadness. Even had the matching towels and bathroom rug. Just made me sad to think of how she was when she used those things. Gone! Decided things only stayed if they brought good feelings and a smile. Had to warn the hubby to actually take them to goodwill. He has this habit of keeping things he thinks he might use one day and then I find it in the garage and the bad feelings hit me like a tank. He promised he would let them go!! And this morning I get a text from a friend who has made a daybed cover from a wonderful piece of fabric collected from another good friend who has passed. That made me just beam!!! My little heart loves it that she will always be on that day bed!!! So I completely understand every bed set, sewing machine, wall hanging, etc that you have been gifted for the Inn. We all need some things to go to places that they will be loved and cherished. You hit the nail square on the head today, girl! Like you do on most days!!! xoxox

Brit Schjelderup said...

Well said!

Marion said...

We had a kitty who would claw the carpet and tried the spritzer bottle trick with her several times. It didn’t work as every time we did, she thought somebody had tinkled and neglected to cover it up. So, of course she had to do it. Silly little thing always did March to the meow of her own drummer. Lol. Loved her and her mum and auntie to bits anyway.

Unknown said...

just my words

Alice said...
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Alice said...

My cats always join me in my sewing room. Have fun

PattyL909 said...

The windows should go pretty quick, 1person did our 16 in 3 days. I think about your Post Office roof. Have a salon in the ‘basement’ of my house. When we had to replace the entryway roof we put a metal roof on...yes it costs more but it is awesome that the least little bit of sun makes the snow melt unbelievably fast! And that we will NEVER have to replace it again. And with a sloped roof it is the best. Safe travels! .

Cats said...

Yesterday's blog is up and Kevin's quilt and the quote show! today, it's one of those things that happens and Bonnie did say she was having issues with some changes... I don't care, it shows up when it shows up I just love everything about this site and whatever Bonnie does is ok with me, she contributes so very much to my life...!!!

pbrenner said...

Welcome to my beloved home state! I'm a San Antonio native (and still work here, though I live 50 miles away in the hill country). I hope you have a wonderful time and are welcomed with the best of Texas hospitality!

Retirementissofun said...

I have 2 very unique treadle machines. My father started collecting and refurbishing them when we lived in Michigan in the early 70’s. My lifelong favorite is a Wilcox and Gibbs from the mid 1800’s. It does not have a bobbin and makes a beautiful chain stitch. The other is a Seamstress by Eaton patent date 1890. It is in a highly ornate full oak cabinet with a lift mechanism that lifts the machine to the top when you open the lid. Both are in working order but may need new leathers for the treadles. If you ever decide to start a bit of a museum for great old machines let me know.

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