
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday Morning Ramblings -


There are days when all you wish for is time to sew.

I have counted on the holidays to bring me that “down time” that I need – but there has been LITTLE machine time over the past week. Still, I was able to crank out some more purple triangles where I was running low for a current project.  Pieced one evening, and then pressed the next.  It’s amazing what you really can do with an hour here, an hour there making you realize you CAN accomplish quite a bit in small bites of time.

Not that I’m getting cranky or anything – There are other things that I have longed to have time to do – and to be able to do them as a family has been a great experience to date.

It’s become our daily ritual – wake up, watch the sunrise, have breakfast. head down to the cabin studio to sit at my computer and type out that morning’s blog post, or write a mystery clue, or work on class supply lists for the coming year, or answer emails of a variety of natures – and by 9:30am I’ve been in the van, Sadie in tow – heading 7 miles up the road to Quiltville Inn to continue on with the next item on the renovation list.


This greeted us yesterday.


We noticed some damp spots in the Quiltville Post Office ceiling when we came up before Christmas.  We thought it was condensation due to many factors, but with a full on deluge of rain overnight and most of yesterday morning – BUCKETS of rain – this is what we walked into yesterday morning.

There is a definite roof leak.  And it is one of those conundrums – you can’t find it when it isn’t raining, and when it is raining you can’t fix it.  A roofer will be located.


The roof does have a slant -

Photo taken from the porch at Quiltville Inn.

But we had 20’’ of snow up here that stayed for more than a week.  The weight of the snow and the snow melt alone could have found a way to get through and damage the ceiling – So add another thing to the must-do list before I can move into my Post Office.

Evidently the universe knew that I was NOT to be moving in this fall before the release of String Frenzy!  Hind-sight is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?  We are hoping it is a quick fix – perhaps the roof just needs to be re-sealed, but there is no reason to be in a hurry for anything like moving the Quiltville Mail Order Fulfillment Center here for now.

Instead, let’s focus on some positives!


Hallway door leading from the back entrance has a new coat of paint!


Back entry closet also has a new 2nd coat of paint.


Interior of the Kitchen door and frame has new paint!


And best thing yet -

The hearth has grout!

It’s really looking great.  We made sure when installing this that the concrete board is indeed fire/heat proof as is the grout.  The stove is on tall legs, and doesn’t sit directly on top of the tile – there is plenty of air space all the way around.  The chimney will be painted with high heat paint.  We are taking every precaution to make sure that this is SAFE.

Just how much rain fell?  Well you should take a look at how the creek is rushing off the back porch!  Click to play:

And yes, that Lowe’s run did happen:


Ceiling lights.
Motion detector lights for the outside entries.
molding for the fireplace, stain and brushes
3 new brooms.
Tiling sponges
I am sure there is more in here – but I can’t think of it right now.


Plum tuckered out at the end of the day!

Which is the real legitimate reason that a lot of personal machine piecing time has not happened.  And I’m okay with it! It's been several evenings of plopping myself down in my comfy chair and adding hand quilting stitches to the oak leaf quilt.  Sometimes slow stitching is just the way to go after a busy renovation day.


Getting closer!  Only 96 string blocks left to make.  LOL!

But not today – it’s time to head on over and see to the next job at hand!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Don't let the fear of what others may think stop you from realizing your dream!

And that applies not only to my quilts, but to this dream of making Quiltville Inn the best it can be.

There are so many naysayers out there who think I am nuts.  I don’t care.

I have never felt more “called” to do anything in my life.

This is my dream – I can’t wait to welcome you in!

Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!


Unknown said...

You're an inspiration! My buddy Debi and I are looking forward to seeing you again and visiting your Inn!

NanaMike said...

It has been so exciting to watch the progress on the inn! I am very happy to see you realizing this dream. It's inspiring. Love that the inn is not far from Roanoke so I may actually get to visit!

Neller said...

I don't understand anyone who thinks you are nuts to do this. This makes complete sense to me, and I can't wait for an opportunity to sit and stitch in Quiltville Inn, or even just to sit and rock on your porch!

Alice said...

I am laying here , wanting to get up and get the coffee and head in to my sewing room ! I am on clue three

LoriM said...

My in-laws’ home flooded yesterday from their neighboring creek, and we are rushing cross-country to aid in the cleanup. That was a serious amount of rain in this latest system. 💗 Best wishes as you handle your repairs!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

I may never make it to the Inn but I will always feel like I have because of your pictures and stories. Bless their hearts, to the naysayers.

cityquilter grace said...

nuts?? no way...smartest thing you ever did i think...

Denise K said...

What an eventful week you've had! Home repair & remodel always brings unexpected projects. I hope you find the roof leak soon. Happy Saturday & happy sewing! Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

Unknown said...

It will come together slowly but surely.Not everything is in our time. Thank you for reminding me to look for positives it's not always easy to remember that when things are going terrible.Thank you for sharing your journey with us I so much enjoy seeing what is happening next!

T Holzer said...

Sometimes, after reading your blog posts, I actually wonder if you sleep?!?!? lol. I've watched your "dream" come together and hope that I can one day see it in person with a few friends. Just think about those who haven't followed their inner callings and what they have missed out on, heh?? I admire your courage in this, Bonnie!! Happy New Year to you and I'm excited to see where '19 takes you!! Enjoy your ride!!

Unknown said...

You are living your dream. I am looking forward to watching the progress on the Inn and being able to visit after it opens. The constant travel takes a toll and this will be easier on you. Enjoy your day.

All8 said...

I've found that when others tell you no or tell you that you're dream isn't possible, it just means that they can't see how to help you. Of course, that doesn't mean that the dream is impossible, they just can't help you realize it.

Bonnie, you just keep on. Keep dreaming big. You'd only regret not following it. I believe in you.

Cats said...

if the universe would grant me the ability to join you with the first group being welcomed to Quiltville Inn, my life would be complete! Boo hiss and begone all the naysayers... but them out of your consciousness, give them no energy on your blog or anywhere else... we (me & the Universe) support you in all your challenges, trials and triumphs! Thanks for sharing and your contribution to my life, Cats in Carlsbad, CA

Rivah Rats Quilting said...

I religiously follow your blog, the day doesn’t start right without it! Love hearing about the progress on the Inn and can’t wait to come there for a class and to make some new friends! Thanks for taking the time to write each day!

Diane Evans said...

exactly !!!!! sew on !!!

cindy b said...

Love following you!!! There is no time for negative people...thank you for including me in your journey!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I don't think you are nuts - you and your hubby have a plan with the big house and it will be retirement income for sure in the end!! you will be close to your cabin that you love and one day it will all pay off - good luck to you

Phyllis said...

I know you're so excited Bonnie even though those little or big incidents happen. What a dream you have and it's coming together. Keep that spirit and body moving so this will get completed in it's own time. Love watching the progress!!

Mary said...

You're not 'Nuts'! Driven to help yourself and make a dream place for Quilters. It's really exciting to wake up and see the progress. My Tiara Time Buddy and I are making plans to come. She's excited to meet you!

Leah said...

I love watching this dream of yours unfold, one step at a time. Part of me would like to run a small quilt retreat center at some point. Not sure if it will ever happen, but it's fun to dream.

Thank GOODNESS you had not already moved your inventory into the post office!! This roof situation sure is a headache you didn't need, but oh, it could have been so much worse. Focus on the positives, indeed. I hope it's a quick, easy fix for you!

Bente Antonsen said...

Having a rebuilding project is just fun!! Lots of problems during the process, but a happy journey. Everything can be fixed!!

deb said...

Leah, I was just about to write the same thing! Bonnie, I've been watching and reaching every step of your dream! In fact, last night I rewatched the video you posted of QI shortly after you closed on it. So excited to visit!

andifar said...

What wonderful memories you and family are making together. Soon, the Quiltville fan club will be able to make wonderful memories, too. I read your blog every day, and would stroke on paint with you, if I were closer. Instead, I thank you for give me something so positive to focus on each day. Love you lots, Paula

Lee said...

So sorry another glitch came into play with the leaky roof. A thought came to mind, and you may have already thought this too and dealt with it, with all the safety checks and all, don't forget the inside of the chimneys where soot can build up or if the chimney isn't capped, perhaps birds/squirrels have nested leaving debris. All of your hard work will reap many joys down the road, and what a process while looking toward the day when you can move into the post office bldg and then host your first group of quilters at the Inn.

Helen T. said...

There is always something but better to find these problems before the inn opens. You are all doing such beautiful work and making huge progress. Following your heart and knowing what is right in spite of naysayers is the way to go. Enjoying following your progress and mine in "Good Fortune". Many blessings are wished for you and your family.

Shelnjohanne said...

And I can’t wait to come, admire and share time with you and other quilters who love your inspiration.johanne

Barbara from Arkansas said...

I love to see the progress you are making on the Inn. One day I hope to visit and stitch awhile with you. Working on my clues. Slow and steady each day a little more done. Thanks for your inspiration.

Linda said...

Enjoy following your dream, Bonnie! To heck with the naysayers! I thinks it's great that you and Hubby and son are working together on this project. Perfect family time.

Kay said...

Thank you for letting us be a small part of seeing your dream and journey to fulfill it come to fruition. Your hard work and determination is inspiring. It is amazing to see how much you accomplish in a day. I begin each day reading your post. I say to heck with and be gone to any naysayers; you have a huge army of supporters.

Kerry said...

I think it's great going for The Dream - one of those things that if you didn't you'd always regret it. :D

Barb said...

The first "big" quilt I made was a gift for my sister, a green star, from an old quilt magazine. The pattern was titled 15 minutes sewing a day and you can make this. Strip pieced and broken down into manageable bite- hmmmmmm sound like anything else we are busy with???....- I managed to make a queen size lone star quilt. Your "quilt" as well will get done, one bite at a time. Happy weekend Bonnie.

Farm Quilter said...

Being "crazy" or "nuts" just means your dreams are bigger than your listener could every imagine dreaming. Keep on being your very best crazy...we love it and have enjoyed watching you stretch to achieve your dreams!

Den said...

I for one am so glad and grateful that your dream is one that benefits all of us want to be Quiltville Inn retreaters. The way you share your life and the progress on the Inn daily on your blog is such a treasure, I so enjoy your blog posts! I’m also grateful your family is helping you in this endeavor.
Thanks again for all you do for us!
Mary K in New Mexico
PS I LOVE my String Frenzy Book, thank you

Lisa said...

Many people dream or talk about doing something, few people actually do the thing they dream of. The naysayers are jealous that you are accomplishing your dream. Way to go Bonnie! It is a delight to see the progress that you're making on your dream.

lvkwilt said...

I think we are all hoping to go to the Inn some day and are in awe of the amount of work/energy you are all putting into the renovations. It is fun for all of us to see your dream coming to fruition! It is going to be lovely and you won't have to travel for work any more! Yeah!!!

Bella said...

You are a model as to how to handle a set back in plans, and it's great to read along as Quiltville Inn develops. I hope that the roof repair can be accomplished quickly for you. Happy New Year!

Darlee said...

Build your dream, and they will come.... And it will be amazing!! You are an inspiration to many. Just want to say your essential triangle tool is awesome. Enjoy your time with family.

Tina T said...

Very doubtful I will ever have the opportunity to walk through those beautifully painted doors. But because you share it's progress, even the backwards ones, I can feel a part of it. Any order I make (waiting for the "frenzy" to die down) I will be some part of it's making. And I am sure that there will be many pictures to come of it full of excited quilters doing what they do best! Thanks Bonnie.

dlamore32 said...

As with any project there are always set backs and also little triumphs. It is fun to follow along with you on this project. Best of Luck.

Rhonda said...

My dream is to come to Quiltville Inn and enjoy a retreat of a lifetime!

Angeliasue said...

Hi, Bonnie. My 1st comment must have gotten lost in cyberspace! Sorry about the leak. One things after another, eh? But you will get it fixed asap. I know you are disappointed not to get moved into your new "office."
I was wondering where you have the pattern for the quilt on the floor that is almost done. Thanks.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

It's not even a completed quilt yet, which means there is no pattern. I'm still working off the top of my head. Stay tuned!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I sleep at night. Like most folks. Soundly. :)

shoshu said...

Good morning Bonnie,
where i am it's sunday morning, and sunday is a regular day!!!! i will probably never join you at the inn as i live in Israel and a trip to the us is not seemingly in the cards for me. HOWEVER, i'm totally behind you in this dream, [maybe in many dreams!!!]. it's totally worth it, not only the wonderful end result, [does the "end" ever come? hope not}, but also the process. as tehy way oin my part of the woods, a good thing comes with effort, the more effort, the better the thing. and i would add, that making the journey in sink with the end goal [as you are clearly doing] makes the whole process even more precious. dream on, and don't ever give up!!!!!

Anne Hayward said...

I’m loving seeing all the progress your making at Quiltville inn and today it reminded me of an old saying my mum has told us over the years, “ how do you eat an elephant.? One bite at a time! “
Loving you string quilt on the floor it’s really looking interesting.
Enjoy your sewing be it by machine or your hand quilting of the oak leaf, it’s your downtime to rest as you want, I think you do an amazing job of everything you do and I wish I had half your energy.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Donna P. said...

I've enjoyed watching the Quiltville Inn come to life. It may seem slow to some but isn't that life? Taking its time, doing its happy dances, one step forward, two steps back. Life.
This may have been mentioned many moons ago, but when did the Quiltville Inn appear in your dreams and come to reality?
Blessings and Happy New Year

My Beautiful Beginnings and Beyond said...

Bonnie, every morning I look forward to reading your blog. It lifts me up and keeps me motivated to do all those things necessary and the fun things like quilting that I love so much. I have been quilting off and on for many years, but this year my mom passed and I inherited her quilting/sewing machines, stash and all that goes with it. I have been given a very precious gift and am falling more in love with. Quilting everyday. I am so excited to see the updates about Quiltville Inn and watching the progress you and your family are making. When you are working at the Inn you are making our dreams come true through you for this adventure and we love it just as much you do.
Blessing and Happy Quilting

Elle said...

I suspect most dreamers were called nuts when their ideas went public. Yea you for having the drive and stamina to get it all done! Your energy amazes me.

Wishing you a BLESSED NEW YEAR as you bring travel teaching to a close and Quiltville Inn teaching to fruition.

Thank you for all you do for the world of quilting and quilters!

Flower said...

I so enjoy reading your posts. I am learning so many new quilting techniques thanks to you.

Shirley said...

I am enjoying every step of your progress.....

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

I love watching your progress as your dream comes true! Keep posting!

nancyb said...

bonnie, I compare your WONDERFUL old house to having a baby. it's such hard work carrying that child, painful to deliver, scary to get to know him/her but then you get through all of that and you minimize all that stuff and just sit back and love and enjoy what you've created. you're going to love your house and so will we! we're rooting for you! take heart. happy new year!!!

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