
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Orange You Glad it’s ORANGE?!

December 15, 2018 at 01_44PM

These are Mona’s Part 4 units for Good Fortune!

I am just so tickled that she is sewing along with us this year – and just as excited to be waiting for FRIDAY to arrive, printing clues, digging into fabrics and having a blast.

She’s been leary before – afraid to be overwhelmed, and finished her On Ringo Lake after the reveal because she wasn’t sure she could keep up.  But this year?  No Holds Barred, Baby!

If you were to come look at my stash, you would see that I have LESS Orange than anything else. 

Is it because I use it more?  Or I don’t think of buying it as often?  I’m not sure, but even in my Fat Quarters, Orange is sorely lacking and I’ve used up quite a bit of what I had on hand in this year’s Good Fortune Quilt, so I’m giving myself a free pass over the coming months to stock the oranges back up.  I need them!  And you never know when another Snowpocalypse like the one we had last week will keep me housebound.  And what if I need ORANGE while housebound?  Permission granted!

I can’t WAIT to see the Part 4 shares in tomorrow’s Mystery Monday Link-Up!  Bring it on.  I’ve already seen so many wonderful shares through our Facebook Quiltville’s Open Studio group – and through following the hashtags #goodfortunequilt and #quiltvillemystery on Instagram.  Eye candy all around, let me tell you -

And the largest consensus of all? THESE WERE FUN! 


Signs of a string piecing addict! LOL!


Alternate paper sources! LOL!


I love this!  And I understand, it happens to me too!

And then another – “I was so sad to be done so soon! I want to keep string piecing!”

Bente M

That’s what STRING FRENZY Is for!

There are 12 quilts with string piecing in my new book.  They should keep you busy for a while!  And if that isn’t enough for you, and you want a string piecing challenge?  Guess who was featured on the Moda Blog with a shout out from Carrie Nelson? 


Read about it HERE.

Moda released their new STRING ALONG on the same day that Part 4 of Good Fortune went live.  The stars aligned, the universe is in sync and the string piecing continues with a Sew Along Challenge!

Collage 2018-12-16 08_02_59

I’ve been humming “My favorite things” with all these brown paper packages!

We have made it more than half-way through wave 4 – the rest of wave 4 is printed and will be seen to today and tomorrow – by tomorrow afternoon all of wave 4 should be out the door and on to wave 5!

Folks, I am holding off on Wave 6 until after the holidays, and I know you will understand.  I need some family time, some creative time and some relaxation. I will be at the cabin in Virginia from December 22nd through New Years, and return to do round 6 at that time.  In fact, wave 6 may just hit the store on New Year’s Day, so be watching for it!

Wave 5 will be out the door before I leave, and all shipping operations from the Quiltville Store will be put on hold while I am away for the holidays.  You can still place orders while I am gone, but they will be filled upon my return in the order in which they were received.

December 15, 2018 at 05_32PM

And I did!

I want to thank everyone for the kind comments on yesterday’s post.  There is no growth without struggle, and we’ve all had our share.  And it will continue if we are to continue.

Most of all – your comments and participation in this mystery, in reading my blog, and the statements that “I can’t start my day until I read your blog…” quelled my fear of the rumors stating that “blogs are a dinosaur, they are going away – no one reads blogs anymore.”

And what a shame if so.  We as human beings can’t really communicate what is DEEPER inside of us if we are just posting a photo with a quick caption to social media.  If people are so on the fast track that they can’t stop to REALLY READ what is going on through someone’s blog post, how sad is that?

Facebook and Instagram are fun for a quick fix on the fly – but to really get to know someone, that someone has to take the time to really consider writing it all out, and then it takes those other someones (You) to read it and to comment and participate.

So thank you for continuing to read and share by leaving comments in the comments section below.  It’s the only way I know that this blog is still alive and well, no matter what others are predicting regarding the demise of the personal blog.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

When the days ahead seem impossibly insurmountable, I approach life like I approach a quilt.

One piece, one unit, one block at a time!

Have a pieceful Sunday, everyone!


Bonnie K. Hunter said...

SO something happened with Blogger while trying to do an update and I lost the more than 95 comments to this post! LOL!! Oh NO! So sorry - I didn't get to read them all -- but I did recover the post!

Linda said...

I love your blog and follow it every day. Here in the UK because of the time difference it doesn't arrive till the afternoon and I can't wait until I've read it. Today we have been at a Family Get together, 34 relatives on my side of the family. Now 7.35pm, home half an hour ago and I've already read your blog so PLEASE continue to write your daily posts. I love them.

Michelle S. said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for your blog I read all of your posts and enjoy them so much. It's like getting a letter from a dear friend! Thank you for all your teachings, I've attended one of your lectures and a class, wish I could attend more. Visiting Quiltville Inn is on my bucket list can't wait for you to open those doors!

hehjude said...

I'm trying to pre-order String Frenzy and it comes up as sold out. Is this only possible to order on Mondays? I have my account open to add it at any time. Please tell me that it will be possible to pre-order soon and not have to wait until the new year. Thanks for all you do! I'm enjoying your blog immensely. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

kath1996 said...

Bonnie, I learn so much from you every single day, whether it’s from your blog ( which I read EVERY DA), or your words of wisdom on Facebook, or from working on your amazingly wonderful mystery quilt. Thank you for sharing you talents and experiences with us, I appreciate all you do for us. Thank you for being you.

Gail Topper said...

This computer also goes to this blog first thing! A day should begin with a most pleasant connection and this is it. With all that presents itself to us during a day, this is stabilizing and comforting. Starting the day with a smile happens right here. Thanks for that and so much more ♥

sewnsew said...

I look forward to reading your blog every day. It was later today and I was wondering if all was well. Keep up the good work and encouraging us along the way. Having fun do the mystery quilt, especially the string blocks.

Unknown said...

Happy to re-comment! I love your blog as it keeps me connected to the craft while not able to get in much stitching time these days. Thank you for all you give to us and for sharing your journey.

Boots said...

Hey Bonnie, Please keep blogging! Your blog is one of the few that I read daily. Quilting is my "therapy" and you motivate me to keep this great craft in my life so that I can deal with the drama going on elsewhere. The daily quotes are great too!

Mommy Robin said...

Many of the blogs I used to sometimes look at have fallen by the way. Things change, styles of contact change. For some, the quick look through Instagram is sufficient. But for people willing to share as much as you do, that's not going to work! Sure hope you continue your blog for a long time to come. So many of us appreciate it and enjoy "spending time" with you.

Tina T said...

Count me in the reads blog everyday group! Most happy to dinosaur. Now I've got Simon & Garfield song stuck in my head. Feeling Groovy, anyone?

Susie L. said...

Oh dear, do you mean that my meaningful and profound statement that I sent out into cyberspace this morning is gone? (giggle) At least it was just the comments that were lost and not #4 of Good Fortune.

Marie Bernadette said...

Oh no!!! Keep writing your blog!! I might not comment daily but I do so enjoy reading your blog!

Unknown said...

I too read your blog daily. I'm "lost" when on vacation without a computer. Loving the mystery quilt. I'm a little behind but keep sewing away. Love the orange block. Keep on keeping us in your thoughts. You are in ours.
Polly Blank

khowardquilts said...

Your is the one of the few blogs I read regularly. Podcasts have taken over somewhat, but they are not the same. Podcasts are good when there is an interesting conversation going on, but it is easier to keep to a subject with a written blog and make sure it is understandable. There is a place of both on the internet.

Terri in BC said...

Bonnie, you are an inspiration to us all, and because of you I started a blog that has been sorely neglected the last year and half (mainly due to depression). I start my day reading your blog, and you have now started me to resolve to be more active on mine again, and share more than my sewing adventures. I love the personal feeling of blogs, and am disappointed that so many have moved away from blogs. By the way, you are so giving and generous, and I'm sorry to hear that you are getting grief from the impatient, greedy and not so kind people. I'm looking forward to receiving my order from Wave 4, and completely understand that as a one-woman show, you don't have the power to twinkle your nose and have the orders out like Amazon. Love everything you do for us. Please take care of yourself, and nothing by good wishes for you and your family and that things are better in the new year.

Elle said...

I start every day with coffee and blog surfing. Yours is one of my first 5 every day. I'm with you in that social media is a distant 2nd in my preference list. Keep on bloggin'. Take your time and take care of YOU! Hugs from Boise.

Fanplus said...

Hi Bonnie - your blog is one of the very few i read - so well written and yes i fell I know you well - even from a far in Oz - please don’t stop

Joni said...

I, too, start my day with your blog and a hot cuppa. I am not 'social' and never intend to be, but I adore my few blogs that I read daily, weekly. I love your honesty, grit and get go. You are so inspiring! Can't wait until after the holidays to try and get in on wave 6... here in the Pacific NW! Happiest of Holidays and Wishing the very best in everything you touch for the New Year!

Bente Antonsen said...

Iread your blog almost every day and love your quote of the day. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

C.B. said...

Oh, Happy you found the errant post, Bonnie! I'd read up to 50 earlier and thought I'd read the rest later, after getting our Christmas cards ready to mail. I'm shocked how some people vent their mood on a person so undeserving as you are. With all your wonderful Quilty friends who have bonded with you via your Blog, Workshops, Travels I personally feel your pain. My String Frenzy is doing the hip-hop and has made it to NY so far. I love being able to track it as it passes from hand to hand along the route at least 14 times since it left your hands! Am I anxious, no, not in the least and neither should anyone else. I'm amazed at how you challenge yourself for the good of the Quilters of this World! May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas surrounded by memories of times past while looking forward to what the future holds for you! Bless you and yours! CB in BC!

~M said...

Sitting here in my ORANGE sweatshirt and LOVING all the ORANGE sting blocks I've been seeing in my news feed! I'm not able to participate at this time but sure hoping ORANGE blocks play a huge roll in this quilt so I can sew later! 🧡🧡🧡

Unknown said...

I love orange too! Made on Ringo Lake because of orange and blue. I also noticed in your new string book a pumpkin quilt, than our new mystery I bet Mona found some orange in your stash. Bonnie no wonder you need to buy more orange fabric. By the way, peach and flamingo are my favorite shades of orange.

scraphappydenise said...

Your Blog is my Home Page..... if I don't check anything else, I go to you blog first, then to facebook, and on to other media. It amazes me how our society is increasingly more "It's all about me". My kids, my time, my priorities matter more than those who are around me. Yes, we all need to take time for ourselves, but putting a paypal hold on a free pattern that was their error in the first place? REALLY? Please take care of yourself over the next week and a half..... take time to recharge and breathe. Our orders will still be there when you get back. I'm still working on Jamestown Landing and the mystery at the same time, so I won't be starting anything new in the next week, and even if I wanted to, Your previous books and free patterns offer me so many options! Thank you for all you do, and prayers for your sister in law.... that she beat the beast of breast cancer. HUGS to you, and your family. Merry Christmas.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Sorry my comment got lost. I read your blog everyday. First thing, you and Wanda. Deep is right. Just a pic is like powdered sugar- surfacey. Thank you for all you do and all the time you take. I love your fans and their comments and photos also.

Cindy said...

Hi Bonnie. I too started reading the comments early on and had to stop figuring I'd get back to them later. Had a surprise waiting for me, as I'm sure it took you by surprise! Even had to get to today's blog differently, but get back I did.

Love reading your words every day. It's a bright spot in my day spent taking care of my hubby with dementia and numerous other health problems. You're my breath of fresh air in a crazy, mixed up world. Don't have much time for sewing right now, but my clues are all printed out waiting for me. Am anxious for a few spare minutes to begin putting fabric pieces through my machine.

Yippee, my String Frenzy is on track to be delivered tomorrow. It's made it all the way across the country to Whidbey Island, Washington. Can't wait to get the mail Monday afternoon.

In another subject, the light fixture I wrote you about. I haven't forgot, I just can't find it's hiding place. I know what box it's in, but finding it is another thing. As soon as it shows itself, I will get a photo off to you.

Sending wishes for a blessed Christmas season. May God's peace surround you and your family. Thank you for all you do for everyone.

Unknown said...

While we all love and look forward to getting our orders, free tips & tricks to improve our accuracy & efficiency, Mystery Quilts each year at a time when a lot of us need something to focus on, writing your blog & connecting quilters all over I appreciate and admire what you manage to accomplish. BUT I know others join me in hoping you take enough time for you and yours and let the Negative Nancys stew in their own dissatsfactions. Try not to take their complaining and "me, me, me-ness" personal and upset you. You have a ton of people who care about what amazing things you have accomplished as a one-person business!! 😉 Hang in there - we support you!

Ann Parks said...

My day starts with your blog! I enjoy hearing about the many adventures happening at your house and, of course, all the quilty goodness you create! I do not feel the need to be the first one on the block to have a copy of String Frenzy so I will patiently wait until the ordering settles down to a more steady pace. I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing holiday at the cabin!

Annemiek said...

Hi Bennie, Yes!! to blogging, as it is so much more than pictures. Mine was one of the 95 messages lost ;-) so I'll send it again: Thank you so much for sharing all the quilty goodness and your wisdom as well. 15:00 hrs Central European Time is my daily Quiltville moment. Lots of love from Holland!

Annemiek said...

Sorry.. Bonnie!! Silly Dutch autocorrect

Unknown said...

Take it easy on yourself this holiday and be gentle as well. I lost my father in March of 2017 and I just couldn't get into the Christmas spirit last year (though a one year old grandson helped). I am in awe of your talent and energy and kindness so please don't let the negativity get to you.I read your blog daily and would miss it immensely. When you can, take solace in your happy memories. I will be praying for your sister in law.

Quilting_Chris said...

I for one can not imagine not reading your blog on a daily basis. I feel like I know you even though we just passed as ships in the ocean at the last Road to California you were at. I enjoy so much reading about your adventures in antiquing, teaching, travel and now the Inn. Please know we are out here and reading avidly. Don't listen to those pesky people.....keep being you.

Karla Strachan said...

Having so much fun working on the mystery with old friends and new friends.

714dragonfly said...

Love all your blogs. It inspires me as well as gives me thoughts to ponder

Dawne and Dale said...

I start my day with my blog catch ups, yours first!! Even if I don't keep up with others I can pace myself to keep my creative juices flowing. Keep these wonderful blog posts coming and Happy safe holidays up in them there hills!!

Shelina said...

They have been talking about the demise of blogs for a long time. Don't believe it. I am still going strong. It is a better way to form friendships and get to know people.

Debbiegsp said...

Oh, Bonnie. I thought it was me that broke your blog. I was writing a comment and pressed "publish". The Blogger window came up and said this page did not exist. Oh, no!,,,,,,I killed Bonnie's blog with my lack of tech skills! I'm so glad you were able to get the page back up. My daughter, who understands computers much better than I do, said that it probably froze because so many people were on it at the same time. I hope that was the reason, everyone all wanted to say THANK YOU at the same time. Please keep writing your blog, I read it every day, and always look forward to whatever you have to share. Thank you for having the courage to share the hard times as well as the successes. I love the quilting, the travels, the adventures, and misadventures. My daughter decided to try doing the mystery with me this year, and we have a lovely time together in the evenings, quilting and visiting. Thank you again for all your dedication. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your blog, your spirit and creativity are part of my life! I start the day with your Blog post, work on your patterns, enjoy quilts from your creative mind which I have already made. I think of your struggles and triumphs this year as I work through my own challenges. You are an excellent mentor even though we have never met!

charityquilter said...

Oh Bonnie! I read EVERY single post. Maybe not the same day it's posted, sometimes I have to play "catch up" because of my schedule but eventually I read them ALL. Thanks for taking the time to communicate with us.

Clearbrook MN

priscilla said...

Bonnie, PLEASE don't stop blogging! I really look forward to reading you every day. It's starts my day off on a positive note.
Happy, happy holidays to you & your family.

JuliAnn Craver said...

Bonnie, I also read your blog every day it may be in the morning or after I get home from work. You are a great inspiration to me and many of my friends. At JoAnn Fabrics you are a big topic on conversation (All Good). I enjoy laughing, visiting different countries be it virtual and I also cry with you upon you losses. Your almost neighbor. Hugs

Joy said...

I look forward to reading your blog everyday, as soon as I get the chance. I don't get to sew much during the season I'm in so I sew through you!! I enjoy all you do. It's a sad day when someone, a quilter no less, can't find something better to do with their energy than criticize someone. They need to go sew a mariner's compass and let it direct them to a better attitude!

Kerryn connor said...

I too start my day with your blog/personal diary,and a cup of tea. Thank you seems so little to say to you. I reiterate all above. I have found social media takes up a lot of time. I would rather sew. I am sewing GF on my treadle,so happy to still be able to keep the wheel going forward, after it has stopped. Something I practised 60 years ago when my mum was teaching me to sew. Finished ORL, and the 98" Baltimore quilt I did for a friend, It is at the quilters. Have a wonderful Chris mas. Kerryn

VA said...

I read your blog every day and have joined the FB group. I keep up with the 'goings on' more through the blog than FB or IG.

Pam said...

I read your blog every morning with my cup of coffee, that starts my day! I hope you will never stop writing your blog. I love your adventures, creativity and positive thought for the day! Thank you for all you do for us! Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season!

colleen said...

I want to say I love popcorn made on the stove with a popcorn pan. Yes we have a popcorn pan really not just one pan but here is how it works at my house, I use stainless steel Reverwear pans we have different sizes but a certain size is what we use to make popcorn so it’s called the popcorn pan.
We use it to make boiled potatoes, steam vegetables, make rice and any number of foods on top of the stove but if we need that particular sized pan it is referred to as the popcorn pan.
I wanted to post this on your blog yesterday but I didn’t have an internet connection .

I am old I don’t know a lot about the internet and computers but I found blogs and bloggers and there are a few that I enjoy reading often well as often as they write.
I miss reading the blog when say you can’t get a connection to post or when you are not able to blog because you are human and life happens but my life goes on
One blog I was enjoying reading just slowly stopped being written I don’t know why I miss it and life goes on
Your blog is my most reliable reading blog of course I get really hooked in during the times you have written a few times a day then life happens and you go to one time a day and it’s like I am missing reading your multi per day posts but in reality I should count my blessings that I get to read you once a day and the blog arrives in my email automatically rather than me hunting your blog down

Bobbie said...

KEEP UP THE BLOG, I read it everyday and enjoy it so much!! Thanks for all that you do and share.

Anne Hayward said...

Love love love your blog, I usually read it twice lol. In the afternoon I get the daily one ( as I am in the uk) then first thing in the morning I reread it over my morning cupper. Please don’t stop you have given me and other so much inspiration and I think my quilting is definitely improving with you tips and videos thank you.
I hope you have a lovely restful holiday with your family you deserve the rest as you never seem to stop lol.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Fisgig2 said...

Hi Bonnie I just wanted to add to the other comments. I have been following your blog for years initially I found you through your Scrap savers System. Then I read a post you wrote about going to a retreat and your writing drew me in. You open up quilting experiences for me and travel through the United States that I will probably never be able to do myself. You encouraged me to get back into patchwork by holding my hand and explaining techniques so clearly. Be kind to yourself and know that you are an important part of so many people's day.

Quilterlady said...

Yes, please I especially loved Saturday's post and copied keep on blogging! I love your spirit and your ability to express in print your life experiences which I and all who read your blog get inspiration to be a better person and to look at life with a positive attitude. I sent your Saturday inspirational comments to my granddaughter who is struggling with her life right now. Thank you!

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, I start my day with my coffee and reading your blog. Just helps the day get off to a 😊 start. Glad to read you’re taking some holiday time for yourself. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas 🎄 🤶

starflash quilts said...

Reposting! (;@> With hugs this time xx
I have four patches, hst sets and string sets in my stash, all scrappy, along with strips I never seem to use. I am waiting for the reveal to see if the design suits scrappy, I have to use some of this stuff!

Jacqueline said...

I too start my day off (EVERY DAY) with your blog and a cup of coffee! I would miss it terribly if you stopped writing it! Some people just have a nack for writing and you are one of them. You are a whirlwind of adventure and inspiration. I laugh when you laugh and I cry when you cry. This is my first mystery quilt and I am enjoying it so much. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your vacation and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Marcia said...

My green, purple and orange Allietare is at the long armer. When you come to Shipshewana in 2019, I'd like to be in the show and tell video, may I please! You can tell I don't get these done in a timely fashion. But GF is caught up.

Love the blog, I'd think that would take a lot of time and effort, but we all enjoy it and anxiously await it's arrival.

Karen said...

Love reading your thoughts! I finished clue 4 yesterday. Had enough orange in my stash! Strings are one of my favorite things. I have 1 and 2 done and am almost done with 3 plus all the bonus triangles! Keep up the good work.

Helen S. said...

Read your blog everyday and enjoy your travels, shopping in antique malls,and great suggestions for all my stitching.Your blog comes a day late even though I live only a few miles away from you.
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas filled with lots of laughter!!

Donna P. said...

Bonnie, I am thankful for your blog and for you - so much encouragement for all of us from all of us! Have a blessed holiday!

Unknown said...

This is Lois who belongs to Dennis from Kansas. I read your blog every day and I was one of those who needed the mystery this year. Our 15 year old grandson had to have emergence surgery Wed. night before Thanksgiving. So Thanksgiving didn't happen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Praying today is a better day. My heart goes out to your SIL...Your quote for the day today is appropriate for all of us. Thank you so much!!

Unknown said...

I don't post often but I read you blog everyday. You have taught me sooo much. Thank you for all that you do for us and have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Oh my! No way did I think you were worried about your blog. I love your posts. Another famous quilter stopped her blog b/c of expense. Several of us carried on with posts on facebook. Granted there are not as many of us, but we do enjoy touching base with each other. Your blog is so popular and is evidenced by many factors like the number of entries you obtain in one of your giveaways. Stick with us, Bonnie. We love you and all you do for us.

Alice said...

I think all of us quilters read your blog Bonnie, I tell people about you all the time !! You and your blue ridge mountains !!

goldengirl46 said...

Your blog is one of the first things I read each day. I don't know where you get the energy and time to do this but am so thankful for it. This year the MQ has to wait until January but am working on Punkin Patch as I recover from surgery but enjoying evrryone's posts. Thank you and may you have a joyous holiday and Happy New Year.

NJ Patty said...

Look forward to your blog every day.It is like connecting with a friend.

Flower said...

I love your blogs and I’ve learned so much. My copy comes at 11:00pm which works most of the time, unless it your clues. I then have to go searching!

badputts said...

I love your blog posts, Bonnie! You give me inspiration in so many ways! ( Not all just sewing) I wish you a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the love of your family and friends!n

tealeafquilts said...

Everyone gets time off from work at Christmas! Why not you! Your work is us, but we can wait. Have a great time!

julybaby8 said...

I look forward to reading your blogs every day . I’m amazed that you find time. I ‘ve mentioned you often to friends. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Yes, Bonnie, I do read your post every morning while enjoying my first cup of coffee. I don't write many comments, but I love to read your Blog and see what your previous day was all about. I don't get your Blog until a day after it's written, so I'm always a bit behind. Thanks for staying the course and keeping us all informed

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

There will be no more copies of String Frenzy until AFTER the holidays. Check back after New Years.

Natalie in Maine said...

Bonnie, I enjoy reading your blog and hearing about your day and am always amazed at how much you accomplish. With selling that many books there are bound to be a few issues or problem people, unfortunately. If people are in a super big hurry and going to be nasty about waiting for a book they should order somewhere else, rather than give Bonnie a hard time. If you enjoy and appreciate all the hard work Bonnie is doing, order from her, do it with proper email address and mailing address, DUH.... and be patient and wait. I think those who aren't should be ashamed of themselves. Just know there are a lot of quilters who love and appreciate you, and want you to be happy and healthy. Glad you got this last wave of books out the door and now you can relax and enjoy doing other things, The rest of us know how hard you work, and appreciate you.

dapples said...

Happy Holidays!

Kay said...

I am among those who can't start my day until I have read your blog. I am also one who still enjoys snail mail, and write to friends and family regularly. I'm not sure why it happens, but your posts show up the next dat rather than the day (Sunday's shows up on Monday). A blogger posted the hint of scrolling down to "newer posts", so now I am able to get caught up. Enjoy your time at the cabin soaking up family time and relaxing. With all you do for others you have certainly earned a break.

annieb said...

Your blog is my first read after my Quiet Time & Bible study. I enjoy living a day vicariously through you. Your uplifting, giving prospective on life is very helpful. And on the rare, rare occasion when I disagree with you, it is instructional for me to reason it out for myself why?. Sometimes I change my mind, sometimes I don't, but I try and keep it to myself. Have a blessed holiday, at your own pace, your own way. Hugs.

Ginny A said...

Coffee and Bonnie every morning! That is how my day starts. Wouldn't have it any other way. You have affected me in so many ways with your strength, wisdom, passion, commitment, humor...it is hard to imagine a day without you. I think of you as a friend and that is always a good thing, right?

Unknown said...

I discovered your blog earlier this year and it immediately became my favourite blog to read. I save it to read with my mid morning coffee when I know I won't be interrupted. I have also started reading your earlier posts and am up to mid 2006 and am really enjoying it as I feel I am getting to know you even more and also learning a lot from your older posts. Please do not stop blogging as you give many people all over the world much pleasure every day, thank you.

Nancy said...

Here is my morning routine. I fix a cup of coffee, turn on the computer, click on your blog and visit with an old friend over a great cup of coffee. You launch me into my day. I would be lost without you!

Connie W said...

Friends guided me to your blog earlier this year. Please keep sharing with us every day you are able. Yours is the only one I read. Merry Christmas!

Christy Miller said...

Good morning, The morning is almost gone because I woke at 11:21am. Can you believe it?!!!! Dogs always get me up between 5 and 6am. Husband knew I was wiped out so he answered their call, bless the man. The point of this message is to tell you that the first thing I do in the morning is make coffee and check out your blog. You feel like a close friend to me and I pray for you, laugh, with you, become indignant with you, and share your joys and sorrows. Your life ups and downs are so much like mine and so many others that it is encouraging to me (us) to watch you walk through life and handle everything with Grace. Ha, I love when you are angry about something and then work your way around to a good solution. Loving that when you need to put a job down and rest, be with family,and regroup, you just state it as fact, asked for understanding, and get on with what you need to do. Your real to all of us. Your blog is the type I love to read because you do not polish it up, and hide your reality. Just as I share my whole self with my close friends and they me, you stay real with us (me). Thank you for that, never regret being authentic. Now, as I go fetch my next cuppa hear this clearly. The world is full of readers. Blogs are not going out of style, especially yours. I (we) love learning from you and would miss the whole of you. You, my girl, march to a different drum and we all love the beat.

Deb Mac said...

I got a giggle out of your headline this morning. I thought it was an email from my alma mater, Wartburg College. Wartburg started using "orange your glad" as their advertising byline about 10 years ago. Interconnecting circles. Thanks for the giggle.

Kathy Henderson said...

Hi Bonnie! I wouldn't worry about the future of blogs. They will never fully go away. You have so many devoted followers (including myself) that will keep you going. I am also one of those who cannot start their day without reading your blog. I don't comment very often, but this is something I'm trying to change. If I don't comment - you don't know I'm here! :) Thank you for all you do. You have impacted more people than you know, in ways small and large. Have a wonderful Christmas and I can't wait to see what you have in store for the new year.

QuiltGranma said...

I am signed up for over a dozen quilt blogs that come in my email. If that option is not available I do not sign up! I only have time to look at email and face-book. Any other source I am not going to try! I'm "old" and do not want to bother with figuring out those other things. I love a good read, with the stories of the person's life and nice pictures of their progress, yard, travels or cats.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I cannot thank you enough for all you do and so willingly share. I am further behind in my journey of learning life lessons, and your quotes/blogs/comments are real and comforting. YOU make a difference in my world. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Bonnie--I read your blog every day. I wouldn,t miss it. I love reading it to keep me inspired. I got my string frenzy and plan on starting on a pattern after Christmas. I have soooo many scraps, I,ll probably never get them all used up(lol). I am doing your mystery quilt and haven,t missed doing 1 since I started quilting in 2009. You inspire so many of us and we are so thankful you share so much with us all.

marsha said...

Bonnie, missed this post somehow. Usually read them even before I have gotten email notification. Like you, I also rarely buy orange unless it is a fall fabric. Don't think I have enough scraps to do the strips, so purchased a FQ bundle on-line last night. Don't expect it soon because of the clogged mail right now, but haven't even started any clues. Have to finish 2 large lap quilts for MIL (104 yrs) and her roommate for Christmas in the nursing home. Then I can play with Good Fortune and maybe FINISH one of your quilts instead of having them stay in their special drawers in all forms of completion.

Jo said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I don't have other social media and have a blog myself. It is the electronic journal we keep and if it makes others happy reading along then I say, KEEP IT UP AND CONTINUE TO ENJOY.

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