
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mona’s Odd Angles!


Mona doesn’t have odd angles – but her runner does!

This is the valentine runner that Mona quilted a few weeks ago. She had no idea when she was designing this that it was going to require a tiny bit of an adjustment when applying binding since the corners were roughly 60 degree instead of 45 degree.

And since I was teaching HER how to do it, I thought this might be a good way to share a couple of hints with you just in case you want to bind something with odd corners.


It’s easier than you think!

Here we are using a 1/4’’ finished double-fold binding made from 2’’ strips.  The whole key with this kind of miter is to STOP 1/4’’ from the edge that you are heading to.

Your binding will always flip up – and be straight with the edge of the next side you are going to sew down.  Here we have started half-way down side 1, and are headed to side 2 – the first short edge in this long octagon runner.  

Back tack your stitching just before you reach the 1/4’’ mark when finishing side 1.  

Remove the quilt from the machine, trim threads.  Fold the binding up and even along with side 2.


Fold it down, with the fold even with the corner.

Set the needle 1/4’’ in from the raw edge of the binding, right at the fold.  Make a couple of stitches and back tack.  Continue to sew to the next corner, stopping 1/4’’ from the edge of the next side.


Repeat the process!

Remove from machine, trim threads.

Fold binding up so it is straight with the next side.

Continue all the way around the quilt stopping 1/4’’ from the edge to miter corners at the 60 degree angle (or whatever your angle is that day!) Join ends in the traditional binding manner.

You might find my binding tutorial helpful when it comes to joining ends!


Good going, Mona!

It wasn’t as hard as she thought!


Table runner and small project bindings are great for evenings of hand stitching!

The corners folded over easily to the angle she wanted!


Max approved!

Seeing this cute Valentine runner (Mona’s design, no pattern available) has me already focusing on things beyond this winter.  Spring can’t come soon enough!  The snow still lingers – it hasn’t melted off the drive yet, though temps reached the low 40s yesterday.


Ummmm, yeah.

That’s my Moby up there to the right, Jeff’s truck in the drive.

The tracks you see are from my wonderful son hefting full mail tubs up to the truck so that he could drive them to the post office yesterday afternoon as our mail carrier can’t make it down the drive with her post office vehicle, and I’m not having that sweet young thing heft 7 tubs up the hill either!  My son, my hero!

December 11, 2018 at 12_32PM

Yesterday’s lunch!

Nitrates and carcinogens – yummmm!  Mustard or ketchup, anyone?

We decided a cook out in the living room was mandatory.  Our power has stayed on, and I am SO SO SO grateful.

You know those things they say about hind-sight?  

Were I to be at the Quiltville Post Office in Virginia, I likely wouldn’t have had power for a good portion of the weekend, and the state highway plows have pushed all of the snow about 3 feet high in front of the driveway so I wouldn’t have been able to get in or out.

The Hubster spent the weekend at the cabin, mostly without power and running by generator to make sure that pipes didn’t freeze, and to keep the snow off the lean-to to his man-shed, and the lid of the hot tub so that it didn’t cave in.  He has been plowing the drive with a blade on the RZR, and only had to use the winch on his pickup once to pull the RZR out when it got stuck. 

It wasn’t a place for me to want to be! Close to 20’’ is a lot of snow when you are mountain bound.

Here I was so disappointed that I was NOT moved into my Post Office yet – and the Universe knew better.

Starting my morning off right – Click to play!

My mornings usually start off at the back side of the house, behind the French doors giving love to Lola and Dresden while charting out my day. 

The Quiltville Stock Room is on the other side of this room I’m sitting in which also doubles as Dave’s office and all around storage locker for things like mail tubs and supplies.  We are in and out and through here all day long, so they have loads of company and people time.  So happy that they have settled in so nicely!

TODAY!  The gauntlet has been thrown down and I am up to the challenge!  (Again, the Universe intervenes when I need it!)

Due to the snow event and delay on incoming deliveries from UPS and FedEx – I got notice that my shipment of 1,000 book mailers has been delayed until THURSDAY AFTERNOON.  I usually receive an order on a weekly basis, but the snow threw everyone about 3 days behind.

There are approximately 150 mailers left in this house.  If I use those all up before the new batch arrives – this girl gets SEWING TIME!  And I am all for that -

Ready? Set? GO!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Happy Wednesday, my friends!

Whatever you get up to to day - I hope it involves some fabric play!


Loris said...

Lola and Dresden are beautiful and settled in nicely. I'm so glad you are giving them a sweet, warm home. My Sting Frenzy arrived here in California yesterday. Thank you! :-)

sue ledford said...

JUST TAKE IT EASY when you get the chance

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Bonnie, it’s been a while since I’ve commented here, but I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Wishing you peace, health and happiness for the coming year. Mary in Wa. State.

Margacat said...

Enjoy your extra ME TIME. I'm sure the kitties will want some also.

Cathy said...

Enjoy your play time Bonnie, you've earned it. I am looking forward to receiving my copy of your new book. Take some time to enjoy the Christmas season. 💖

Beth said...

I am off to a retreat tomorrow where I will be demo-ing how to add a border. I will be referring them to your border tips for further reference. Just finishing quilting a quilt I WISH the quilter had known about measuring thru the middle! I had a 'nice generous' amt of border fabric to make friends with! Thanks for all you do...

Cats said...

mustard, please! Got the email my order had been processed! yay... still so much to do before the 15th my Utah son and his wife have decided to travel pre-high volume time and we'll have our celebration on the 15th... see cats hustle! Still my days are grounded, i start each morning with your blog and wonderful daily advice. I'm tempted to write EVERY day, just to feel connected... LOL, we've not met in person, yet! Cats in Carlsbad CA -- i think the days are getting longer, can Spring be too far behind?

Unknown said...

AWE, hindsight... glad you aren't in the 20" weather at the cabin. Stay warm. Yes, there will be fabric! Gotta dig in on those Christmas gifts. Part 3 just needs pressing. Happy Wednesday!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Good Morning Bonnie. I so enjoy coming to you blog and seeing how life is for you. We don't have snow so it's nice to see it's beauty and how other people cope. And to see your darling cat. What a sweetie.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Got my copy of String Frenzy--yay! I saw Sand Castles in your planner quite a while ago and loved it, so I think that will be my first project. Thank you so much for all you do.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your video with Lola on your lap. My Clifford was on my lap while I watched... Also a morning ritual at my house. Our fur babies love their human time!!

Barbara said...

Sewing time is always great! Thanks so much for the binding odd corners video - I have an odd shaped table topper that needs to be quilted and bound and I wondered how to do that.

Barb said...

if you get sewing time, does that maybe mean a short notice Quilt Cam???? Be safe and warm no matter what!

Sandi1100 said...

Hi Bonnie,
Are your son's cats still in part of the house without your cat? My dad passed away a couple weeks ago in FL and we just brought his cat back to NY with us. He's used to being an only cat and now he lives in a house with 3 other cats (all strays). I'm hoping they will all get along eventually.

Dalina said...

I did it last night! I finished quilting On Ringo Lake, it has a few kind of yucky spots on it. I am going to have to pull threads through and fix spots. My machine kept shredding thread for some reason. I changed to several different brands with no change. So I borrowed my granddaughters little Brother machine and finished it. It is far from being my best quilting but it will do. I got my binding sewed on this morning; so I can spend the next few evenings hand sewing it down. Yea! Thank you for another beautiful pattern Bonnie.

colleen said...

Ha ha if you don't get your supplies you get a "sewing vacation"
Seems like this is your "family break time" after spending all the rest of the year traveling and teaching.
Everyone needs a break to rest and recharge I hope you are able to work yours in, even if it takes late supplies to get it
From cold well cool California

Shirl said...

Found time is more precious than found money!!!! LUCKY YOU and HAPPY SEWING!!

Connie Wolfe said...

WOW! I seldom win raffles or door prizes but I won one of the remaining mailers. Hooray! And, thank you Bonnie and son for persevering in difficult times which you somehow make into a good time. I am looking forward to the books and rulers.
Thanks again,

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Since you can't fight Mother Nature & win you might as well do what order filling you can and then enjoy a good sewing session. I'm so wanting to start a new project, but it will have to wait until after Christmas.

Julie said...

I got my String Frenzy today! Thank you, Bonnie!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I am off to out cottage for the weekend, and I'm bringing my machine and all of my good fortune fabric so I can be ready for whatever you throw at us for clue #4 (maniacal laughter).

colleen said...

Mona looks so lovely and you are both blessed to have such a good friend in each other. Oh and the animals are wonderful it's nice to see their pictures Max especially touches my heart as we have had a similar looking dog

kupton52 said...

Hi Bonnie...(my middle daughter is a "Bonnie" too)....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for this tutorial---you just enabled me to bind any angle with these great instructions. I'm a long time reader, but seldom commenter. I am loving the Good Fortune QAL. Thanks for all you do. Blessings from southeastern West Virginia.

Judy said...

I love seeing the red fabric with the stars! It crops up now and then in quilts at Quiltville. I used that fabric in the first quilt I ever made. I bought all the fabric at Walmart, and I still have some, too. That must have been about 2005 or 2006. LOL

purplequeen said...

Bonnie is there any way you can make your binding tutorial printer friendly. When you have time. . . lol.

VickiT said...

Thanks Bonnie for showing the odd angle binding help. That hill looks nasty with all the snow and then to have full mail tubs too! Yuck. I think you should see if you can find a nice, long toboggan at a 2nd hand shop or new if necessary. Load the tubs on that and pull it up that hill. Surely that would be easier than carrying them all. Bonus, you may get more than one per trip on a toboggan. Plus, then he gets to ride it back down too. Sounds like a nice mix of work and fun all at once. LOL

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