
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

And The Quilty Box Winners are….


Oh, Sadie Jane!

No, the winner isn’t Sadie, but she steals the show wherever she goes and wanted to photo-bomb the post so how could I say no??

This morning we are drawing for the winners of the December Quilty Box and Quilty Box Mini!  Did you get your entry in?

Check out these lovelies:

We are drawing for our two Quilty Box winners this morning!

Here are some highlights to keep in mind:
  • Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
  • 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions are donated to Quilts for Kids - a non-profit which donates quilts for children in need
  • Each month we have 4 or more products (fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
  • Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $60
  • We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Your support is appreciated. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me.
Get Quilty!
Patrick Claytor, CEO
Quilty Box
Subscribe today at

I LOVE the fact that 5% of the profits go to Quilts for Kids!  It’s a win win all the way around!


Searching for entry 2512 of 6457 entries!

(Holy Moly!! What a great response!)


Pat Hall!  This full-sized December box is yours!

And the Quilty Box Mini goes to:


Who is entry 5970?


Jody Marker!  Congrats!

Ladies, I have emailed you both by the email addresses you provided with your entries!  Please reply with your mailing addresses so I can have the kind folks at Quilty Box get your prizes off to you right away. 

Thanks for participating and reading along, everyone – there will be a January 2019 box headed our way shortly!


Winterizing at Quiltville Inn

These paper towels were BLOWING – Click to Play:

No storm windows were present when we purchased the old house, and since I am not wanting to replace these stained glass kitchen windows – the only thing to do to keep that breeze down was to employ the shrink wrap method…


Blow dyer shrinks the plastic. leaving it crystal clear.


This will do until spring! 
And the towels are no longer billowing with the breeze!

We’ve come to the realization that no matter how “wonderful” the look of original single-pane windows complete with wavy glass is on this old beautiful house – there is ZERO efficiency with them and they will be replaced. 
There are many new windows that will have the look and appeal of the old ones but be much safer and far less drafty.

One of the window frames in Bedroom #4 came completely apart when we tried to raise a window – NOT GOOD. 

As much as I love “original” where possible – it’s also not good when air from the leaf blower on the front porch (blowing off the remainder of dead leaves from a previous storm) wafts the dining room curtains on the INSIDE of the house when blowing off the OUTSIDE.  Nope. Add new windows to the list.
I have purchased THE MONEY PIT. LOL. 


Shelf liner in the kitchen is all done!

And the next trip to town will have me grabbing some double stick tape.  This stuff shifts around every time you put something on it, or lift something off of it.  Does anyone have any better ideas? (I’m almost afraid to ask! LOL!)  Same thing with the liner in the drawers..looks great, but shifts around something terrible.

Leftover pieces have been placed in a basket to be used by quilters to stop their foot pedals from scooting around on the floor of the Quilting Quarters.


From down at the creek.

Jeff and I took a walk down to the creek since the brambles and brush are gone.  I’d never hiked down this hill before – it’s a bit steep and mud made things a bit slippery. 


Fun to catch the house from this angle with no leaf cover.

And no mosquitoes.  Though Jeff did find someone's OLD cell phone in the creek.


Movie marathon and hand quilting Christmas Day away -

We were back to the cabin by early afternoon.  I threw potatoes in the oven to bake.  While they cooked we dug into a Harry Potter marathon, taking breaks to throw delicious filet mignon on the grill and whipping up a large garden salad to go with it.

It was a wonderfully easy Christmas dinner for just the three of us, and of course topped off with pumpkin pie after the second Harry Potter was finished.

Jeff had to head home to Wallburg last night due to his job this week, but he will be back up for New Year’s and we will continue the Harry Potter marathon then.

Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire took us into the evening hours and the hand quilting continued until bed time.  This morning my under finger on my left hand and the side of my thumb of my right hand where the point of the needle hits as I rock each stitch are a bit tender!  But it hurts so good as they say – much quilting was accomplished while spending time with family.

Family text messages and photos flew back and forth along the Sibling Hotline all day long, each of us sharing in each other’s Christmas happenings.  I love this part of technology.

Sharolyn received her package and opened it – she loves the quilt.  I am so glad.

I had a short video call with my dad, but we will continue it later – he was just heading off to dinner with Sharolyn and family at another friend’s house.  It makes me so happy to know that he is surrounded by Mark’s family and they have not let him spend Christmas alone.

The plan today is to fit some Quiltville Inn time in this morning.  We are ready to start laying the tile on the new wood stove hearth. 

I’ll be working here in the cabin studio this afternoon as a Boise State game is on TV and I know where to hide.  LOL!

There will be some computer work as well – new class supply lists are needed by the first of the year for the workshops I am offering out of the new String Frenzy book.

Be watching for wave 6 of 500 copies to happen on NEW YEAR’S DAY!

Of course, our Mystery Monday Link-up for Part 5 is still going on, and entries are open until 11:55pm on Thursday in preparation for Good Fortune part 6 going live on Friday!  Whoowhooo!  (Part 6?!?  6 Fridays will have happened already since we started? Someone slow this freight train down!)

I’ll be spending time over today and tomorrow writing and tuning up Part 6 so it will be ready Friday morning.

And I think that catches us up with everything!


Quiltville Quote of the Day.

There's a New Year around the corner.

What choices will you make to make it better?

What can we still choose to make the last days of 2018 better?

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Kay said...

Your posts make my day. Today's quote hits the nail on the head, and my choice is to make better choices for my own well being. I'm also letting go of comparing my skills and abilities with others, because we are all on different paths with different experiences.

Robby said...

Your shelf liner problems surprise me. Any time I've purchased shelf liner, it has a backing that peels off and the whole vinylish piece gets adhered to the cabinet floor. Not quite forever, but it really sticks for years. The cushiony shelf liner doesn't have that. I wonder if you could lightly spray it with something like spray baste and then flip the piece over to lay with that side down in the cabinet? Good luck!

Judy said...

I just re-did my kitchen shelves and used my staple gun to hold the paper in place. I stapled very close to the edges and the staples are barely seen. As I was reading today's post I thought to my self I wonder if you had any idea what kind of expense you were going to incur when you purchased Quiltville Inn and then your money pit comment came up. You are doing a beautiful job of renovating and keeping it looking original. Many a quilter is going to be very happy spending time at Quiltville. Merry Christmas (a day late) and a Very Happy New Year.

Gail Topper said...

Shrink wrap! Brilliant!! Will suggest this fix for a friend having the same problem with ancient windows. ♥

Mary said...

Congrats to the Winners. Choices, choices! I choose to enjoy each day of the rest of 2018. Playing Scarlett O'Hara... There is time for every good thing. Glad you had those texts and FaceTime with family. It all started with a Family.

Old Farmhouse Quilts said...

Basting spray!! But spray it on the liner not the shelf. If its directly on the shaft, every little piece of dust will stick to it.

Unknown said...

I bought vinyl floor tiles with sticky back ......they cut easily to fit anywhere and stay put and wash easily for lining old grungy cupboards. Looks great.

Old Farmhouse Quilts said...

Shelf not shaft.

Tammie said...

I had the same problem with the non adhesive shelfliner. My husband gave me his spray adhesive that he uses to attach paper to wood, worked like a charm. And I could reposition it, if needed, and stick it back down. Cheaper to use than my expensive quilt spray adhesive!

Unknown said...

As long as the tub doesn't fall into the foyer, you're doing great!

Jacqueline said...

I am happy for you that you are getting some family and quiet down time. Both are restoring.

Looking forward to Friday for the next release.

KathyF said...

Kathi Pauling you made me belly laugh! Oh Bonnie, you are such an inspiration. Love all the Inn updates. And so happy you get to spend this time with your family.

Judy in Michigan said...

Do all of your sashings come together with a gold pinwheel on the quilt you are quilting? Nice touch. I gave up on that type of shelf liner and went back to the sticky kind. It isn't as sticky as the old version - what was it called? Contact paper?? You might try it somewhere that gets lots of use. Have a fun day. Wish I could just drop in and give you a hand.

Leah said...

Glad you and yours had a good holiday!

One of my gifts from my mom was money to buy your new book. YAY! But I'm going to wait another couple of waves until the early frenzy dies down, and then see if I can get in line. ;)

Choices for next year: one small one for sure - I have three quilts (two twin, one queen) with completed blocks, laid out, ready to start joining rows. I hate all three of them. Most of the fabric was either gifted to me or was poor decision-making at a garage sale, and I don't care for any of it. They are giving me guilt, when I want to be working on other things. They are going to get boxed up and donated to the charity quilt group at a guild. I am going to wash. my. hands. of these quilts and move on to something I like. There! That feels like a good choice.

Have a wonderful, restful, productive week!

Donna (Brentwood CA) said...

I have lined my pantry shelves with 12” self stick floor tiles, bought on clearance. Works great in bathroom and kitchen cabinets as well!

fwJIquilter said...

Another option is this product: Gorilla Grip Original Drawer and Shelf Liner or something similar. I have used it and it works well.

The inn is looking good.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Sweet Sadie Jane is the cutest pooch ever!!! Love how she steals the show 😁

Donna Endresen said...

Congrats to the Quilty Box winners! Jody Marker is a local gal/guild member, so that gave me an extra big smile!

Bonnie- instead of the regular shelf liner, I use the extra thick kind that is rubbery and has holes in it for certain shelves/places. I also use it under my swing machine on the cabinet of an older singer I no longer have. It is real grippy like the stuff they put under rugs.

On steep muddy hills like the one you took your hike on, we use ropes tied around the trees to help pull us back up the hills if need be, also. But it is great to get out in nature.

Have a wonderful day and good luck with the hearth!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is warming up to snow again, so I guess I need to go shovel more snow out of the far driveway this afternoon.

Valerie said...

Oh, Bonnie, I thought I'd use some Christmas gift money to attend a class with you, knowing you would be in the Phoenix area soon after New Year's Day, right? Turns out you will be in Phoenix while I am visiting family in Texas, and you will be in Texas shortly after I return home to Phoenix. LOL!!! Guess where that money is going now? Into to my Quiltville Inn Retreat Savings jar. I can hardly wait, but I am enjoying your posts about all the projects there in the meantime.

Jen Kirby said...

There is like a felt strip stick on for the window frame available that stops the gappy breezes Bonnie, here so I imagine you have it too. Works on doors too.πŸ’•

Craft Mad said...

HI Bonnie,
L also use the rubber non slip mats in my draws. They stop things from moving on top of them, are create a bit of cushioning. as
I am in Australia, my guess would be you could get it on Walmart or Costco. It is usually sold in a few differerent sized rolls, and limited colors, and you cut it to size. There are holes in it, usually diamond shape, and can be cut with normal scissors. It is sold under a variety of names.

Nel from Nebraska said...

One thing I noticed when I met you, is how hard you work. You are the Energizer Bunny, girl!

Linda said...

Congrats to the lucky winners!

Janet of MN said...

Greetings Bonnie. I also had a very old house and had to solve the window problem with custom made storm windows on the outside. Not the cheapest solution (nor did they open)but permanent and it worked beautifully.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

Would be great if you could find someone who could incorporate those original stain glass windows into a double or even a triple-paned window, so you could keep the original's beauty! Win-win, then!

Dmurph said...

I love what you are doing with the Inn. I am not physically or financialy able to go where it opens. About the shelf liner, I used a little bit of spray on glue on mine. You just need to use a light/lite hand with it. I sprayed it directly on the shelf then placed the liner on it. I hope this will help.

Unknown said...

Ahyone, need help printing out the part where the blues, orange, neutrals are cut and pieced. I was printing when my paper jammed! Duh no way can I get it to copy. I have tried so many times that I am looking like I am making multiple copies! No, I DO NOT copy to distribute! Please help me continue this quilt. I am making it for my grand daughter for next Christmas. This is my third mystery and it takes me a year to finish piecing them. You gotta know that on Christmas I am alone, now 86 and need something to keep me from having thunderstorms so bad that I cannot think straight; let alone keep my sanity. Sewing quilt tops keeps my mind busy and I have happy thoughts until it is finished. I am needing a hard copy to reread from my sewing machine. Thanks for your fantastic contribution to the quilt communnity.

Alberta Schlundt said...

WOW!! The quiltville retreat house is coming along great!! Love it. I sure woud like to be able to go to a retreat there :) But I am 77 and not sure if I coud make it in my life time :)Many HAPPY WISHES for the up coming year! God BLESS you and your family :)

Anne Hayward said...

That kitchen window is so pretty, but I fully know what you mean about single glassing and drafts!
I’m sure you’ll come up with a great solution, I’m loving all the wonderful things you are doing at Quiltville inn, it’s going to be an amazing place .
Congratulations to Pat and Jodieon your box wins xxx

Sue McQ said...

Bonnie...aren't stained glass windows a treasure?! Before you know it, all the major repairs and oops will be behind you and you will be able to revel in all the splendor. Blessings to you and your family.

charityquilter said...

You could use a bit of poster putty (Fun Tac or something similar) to keep the liners from shifting.

Also, I can just imagine a storage cupboard full of quilts with the old drafty stained glass kitchen windows on the front.

Virginia (your Minnesota look-alike - LOL)
Clearbrook MN

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I have a shelf liner that has a bit of a tacky backing on it (think contact paper but with only post it note sticky on the back). It's great.

dbuggy1 said...

Great job painting and fixing up Quiltville Inn Bonnie! I think the plastic goes on the outside of the windows (cold side). If you put it on the warm side (inside) it can cause mold. I watch a lot of HGTV. lol

Markey said...

In my camper I use the grippy bubbly shelf liner. It truly stays in place

Nancy said...

It is very likely that there is absolutely no insulation around those window frames.

cplcpa said...

I had a double take when the photo showing the quilting you had done came up on screen. You see I am sitting on one extremely similar! Well, the applique is the same design (cannot think of the name right now, of course) but mine is without the beautiful flying geese flying through yours! Mine is a vintage one I picked up for a song (practically) in one of the almost abandoned ghost towns on California Highway 49, that follows rivers and creeks that were the areas where the 49ers (1849) experienced California's gold rush. The old windy and hilly road is covered with old buildings now housing historic hotels, saloons, restaurants, liquor stores and many, many antique stores with unique items. I love to get away a couple of days, stay in one of many historic hotel and shop at the junk stores that are called antique stores but they rarely really have very few antiques. As I said, I have found a lot of very low priced vintage quilts. Most are from 1950-1970s, but occasionally either I or my DH find some great old quilts, 1920s or earlier, nothing like east coast antiques of 1700s, 1800s and very early 1900s, but 19302 thru 1970s have provided some nice unique quilts in pretty good condition, often in good condition. Enjoy seeing your finds as well as reading the quotes, reading the blogs and getting jealous here that the Quiltville Inn is sooooo far from here I doubt I'll get to visit. Maybe once. sigh.

Monica G said...

Regarding the windows, This Old House on PBS was showing an alternative to replacing old and inefficient but beautiful windows. Might be something to check out for Quiltville Inn.

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