
Thursday, December 06, 2018

A Sneaky Santa Quiltville Delivery!


I’ve got Mona helping me process book orders!

She arrived mid-afternoon to spell Jeff who had his other job to go to – she set right in and got busy with learning the ropes of order pulling, invoice matching, packing and postage sticking while I did the job of signing and printing postage from my end.  We are making a great team –

And that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been any opportunities for laughter and a few “Oooopss – this postage label doesn’t match the name on THIS PACKAGE!” moments!

Getting closer toward 5pm, after the post office was closed and there was a bit of daylight left, Mona spied a package just as I was printing the label -

“Hey!” She said – “Isn’t Kernersville, North Carolina close to here?!”  “Yes!” was my answer ---

And I looked at the label.

And right then and there Mona said “We should get in the car, and deliver this order to this lady and surprise her!”

“Let’s DO IT!” was our joint answer, and as quickly as I could grab a gift bag and a Christmas ornament we were off --


Is there anything more fun than a surprise delivery??

Click to play:

This just made my whole week!

It was back to the house, more book orders to get out while Jeff made us Tacos for Taco Wednesday.  By 8pm we were so done in that it was a feet up in the recliner, full on Amazon Prime Night -

We started watching the Julia Roberts series, Homecoming.  Have you watched it? We made it through 3 episodes before it was just time to call it a night and head to bed.

This morning we are up and at it again – no postal service yesterday, and there are 8 tubs of mail being taken to the post office this morning before hitting the orders hard and heavy again.

As soon as this posts – we are off and running!

Did you throw your name in the hat for yesterday’s Quilting Cozy E-book series Gift-Away?  10 books!  10 full books!  You will love them!

Have you checked out the incoming links on Monday’s Mystery Monday Link-Up for Part 2??  Some BEAUTIFUL shares there!  Great job, everyone! 

There is still time to get your entry in – they will close Thursday night at 11:55pm EASTERN.

December 06, 2018 at 07_18AM

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Allietare quilt shared by a student!

When you feel a complaint coming on, justified or not -

Find something to be grateful for!

Have a wonderful Thursday!


BlessOSU said...

What a wonderful surprise! You and Mona are a great team. It is so great that you are just one of the girls! Have a terrific Thursday!

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh how fun for Lucky Rebecca! Thanks for sharing the video with all of us... I started the day with a big smile :)

Pattie D said...

Love todays quote or should we say challenge! Doesn't it just feel great to make someones day?! Loved your sneaky Santa surprise!

Pam Dempsey said...

Oh my! If you had delivered my string frenzy to me I probably would have screamed, wet my pants and then fainted to the ground :) What a great surprise,lucky lady! Mine arrived Tuesday by our regular mailman and he doesnt give me the same effect ;) Love my frenzy book!!! Thank you Bonnie !!!

Cats said...

how exciting i probably would have done a similar reaction to Pamela Dempsey ^^^ had you surprised me (the more so because I'm in Carlsbad CA, a tad far for a 'surprise'...what a wonderful thing to do... How many Frenzey's will you sell, we should have a contest to guess the total by a given date... by the end of your last pre-order wave? Imma gonna guess 5876... LOL, it's raining again and we're so grateful! Make it your best Thursday ever!!! xo

Susan said...

I'm sure you've shared before, but remind us how you and Mona became friends. It's wonderful that you found each other so you can have a sidekick in your adventures. i love knowing that you infected her with Quiltlove.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie you're the sweetest! What fun personal touch hand delivery surprise! Made my day! Lotsa love!

Merrie Star said...

Loved the surprise delivery of Bonnie (and Santa's Helper-aka "Mona") goodies!!

Mary said...

No complaints here! I'm so glad Mona got to help make Rebecca's day! What a fun thing to do. Waiting for my mailman...

Jo said...

Just another reason we love you, Bonnie. Wish we could all come and help you get the orders out so you could spend more time designing great quilts for us!

Pam Dempsey said...

yep - I'm in far northeast Texas -Linden -in the Piney Woods - and it would be a stretch if Bonnie & Mona showed up here....Imma gonna guess 7246 string frenzies sold ;)

Kay said...

What fun for all three of you and us - brightened everyone's day. You are such a delight to get to know through your blog.

Lenore said...

My reaction would have been the same as yours Pamela ����.

Pam Dempsey said...

lol ;)

JoEllen said...

OMG....now i’ve Got to break it to my husband that we are moving to North Carolina! So there is a chance to meet Bonnie Hunter (my favorite quilter)!

Pat said...

I love it!

lvkwilt said...

How fun! How wonderful that you took the time to make someone's day! I think we'd all appreciate meeting you and Mona!

Helen T. said...

Loved the video and the calm way Rebecca accepted her delivery. Thanks so much for sharing it. Very cool!

rebecca said...

That was a wonderful surprise! How fun!!!

Jacqueline said...

What a fun surprise. I am happy that you have a Mona in your life and that she has a Bonnie.

Nikki said...

What a fun surprise! I felt like I was watching a version of Publisher's Clearing House! Loved it!

Nikki said...

P.S. So excited about Clue 3 tomorrow, it's my first mystery.

Loretta McGinn said...

Bonnie, I absolutely LOVE Julia Roberts so watch anything and everything she is in. I watched the first two episodes of Homecoming and just couldn't bring myself to watch anymore. Am I missing something. I love what you love, so I will watch it again. Take care....

Loretta McGinn

Nel from Nebraska said...

Homecoming.. thumbs down, too.
Loved the surprise visit you made... you little stinker!
Mona.. need any more scraps? Sent you a boxful once.. need anymore??
Tomorrow’s is Clue #3.. woohoo!
Nel in Nebraska

Podunk Pretties said...

Only you Bonnie. You've such a wonderful spirit. I don't know of any other quilter of your fame and status that would make a special delivery. And with so much on your plate. You are one of a kind!

minnesota nice said...

I keep thinking about your poor mail person. I hope they get a great gift this year :)

Nancy Toth said...

Loved the surprise !!!! Bonnie you are Amazing g !!! Thanks for all you do for us.

Coleen Robinson said...

Quilters have a generous spirit. Your home delivery was super. I got my book ordered this morning, so now I'm HAPPY!

Unknown said...

I keep hoping I will catch the wave and get to order your new book. Anxiously awaiting the next wave. Have a good week. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Vivian said...

You and Mona make the best Santa elves! Now that's what I call a very Merry Christmas delivery!

Jaye said...

Super fun that you delivered the order yourself! So nice of you. Have a Merry Christmas!

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