
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

So Many Firsts! (And Gift-Away Drawing!)


Dad and I went out and about yesterday.

It was really too cold for any “real” hiking – and Grayson Highlands State Park was full of hunters for a controlled hunt so not a good time for us to be on trails, anyway.

But we did what we set out to do – what was on our agenda to do, and what I was so happy to do!  I showed my dad around the area and I think he gets it why Southwestern Virginia has just captured my heart and won’t let go.

“This is sure a world away from where you grew up!” he said, memories of growing up in the busy and bustling bay area of California. Life in San Jose in the 60s, 70s, and 80s definitely WAS a world away.  I never would have thought life would send me here, either!

To my young self – a life in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia was just not even on the radar.  Yet here I am.


Stopping to photograph old weather-beaten rail fences.


Can you see how this fence resembles the quilt pattern that we are so familiar with??  4 rails zig-zagging their way across the wind blown land….

I have often thought this fence would be a great quilt photo op spot.  Only – I keep forgetting to bring the quilts!  I just may have to go back this week – guess what quilt requires photography?? *sneaky smile*

Folks have asked if Dad was going to be in the reveal photo for this year’s Quiltville Winter Mystery Good Fortune coming up – and of COURSE he will!  I’m counting on it.

The past couple of Thanksgivings he has spent with my brother Mark and his family, and I’m really glad that he did make those memories while Mark was still with us. He’ll be going to Idaho to visit my brother Scott in December, but this week he is all mine.


Down a winding country road – mountains in the distance.


And cows – they make me smile!


Best of all! 

Taking him to see Quiltville Inn!

And I love watching him whip out his camera and take photos – like daughter, like father!  I don’t think he really could comprehend the enormity of the house until we pulled around the corner and could see it there, large and imposing.


And getting to take him INSIDE – wonderful!


Bed number 16 – in place!

This vintage maple bed is perfect in bedroom number 4 and doesn’t require any refinishing. It’s in the room with Jeanette’s beds with the pineapple finials.  I should be ready to order mattresses and box springs by SPRING!  (It’s a spring thing!)


Brrrrrrr along the river!

Big Wilson Creek runs behind the Inn and empties into the New River.  I took dad  down to one access spot so he could get some more photos.  The next time I am up here, this river may be icy with floating chunks and ice jams along the banks.  It’s still beautiful in any season.


But best when shared with someone you love!

And now what you’ve all been waiting for!

Our String Frenzy/Quiltmaker/Signature Thread Gift-Away closed last night with 7041 entries!  Let’s draw for some winners!

The Jan/Feb 2019 Quiltmaker Issue and Signature 60 3 ply winner is:


Elaine Sihilling!

String Frenzy and the Signature 40 wt is going to:


Patty Booth!

Ladies, I’ve sent you both an email.  Get back to me with your mailing addresses and we’ll get these goodies right off to you.

For the rest of you – don’t forget that String Frenzy Pre-Orders open in The Quiltville Store on BLACK FRIDAY’s PART 1 MYSTERY POST! Limited to the first 500 customers.  Books arrive next week.  When the first 500 have shipped, I’ll be adding 500 more copies to the store, and will be working this in waves.

Or to stay on TOP of the wave, not be pulled under it!

For more info on what is happening on Black Friday, click to Last Friday’s Post and read the whole thing.

I hear dad stirring – it’s time to get breakfast on and get this day going!


Quiltville Quote of the Day.

As we close in on Thanksgiving and the crazy pace of the holidays ahead, one thought keeps coming back to me.

I am so grateful for the kindnesses of others over the past year. (And beyond, really!)

It has been a year of seemingly insurmountable challenges, but also abundant and innumerable blessings.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friends!


Joyce Frazier said...

Congratulations Elaine and Patty. Have a wonderful, memory making fun time with your Dad. Cherish the time with him!

April Sayers said...

Thank you do much for all you do. I so enjoy your writings that bring cheer each day even when I know your heart has been breaking. I have been fortunate enough to be in three of your ckasses and own all of your books - I live in Virginia so if small guilds can’t fill the classes and I find out, I jump at the chance to join. Enjoy your father and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I look forward to the first clue in the morning! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Donna S. said...

Bonnie, love and comfort to you and your family this thanksgiving holiday visit. Wonderful photos that you have shared, they also show how proud your father is of your accomplishments.
I would love to be a guest at the Quiltville Inn!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

You have made me miss my own father. Great pictures.
Happy Thanksgiving.
xx, Carol

Mary said...

The fence is a great place fora Photo-op!. Zigzag Rails. Like most things, you see a Quilt in it!Have a Great Thanksgiving! Whoop, Whoop 2 more sleeps!!!

Susan said...

What a wonderful way to start a holiday weekend. Hi to Dad!

Grandma K said...

You have made me miss my dad just like Carol (comment #4). Lost my dad almost 40 years ago. Enjoy the time you have this week with yours. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to my first mystery quilt with you.

Laura said...

I don't know much about mattresses, but we took a chance and ordered a Casper mattress for our son's room. They aren't terribly expensive, and I took a nap on it the other day to try it out. It was very comfortable. Just an idea if you are looking to buy 16 of them! ( I'm not affiliated with the company, just satisfied with what we bought.)

Kathy AmRhein said...

Bonnie, I've not seen you mention the cellar? The round foundation with windows at Quiltville Inn. Is that a usable space? I just love old homes!

cityquilter grace said...

the fence probably goes back to civil war days...thanksgiving is all about family and food...in that order!

Tiffanee said...

Daddy Daughter times are the best. My Dad and I shared the love of the outdoors fishing and hunting...he always loved this time of the year...He’s been gone 10 years that seems like yesterday. Give your Dad a hug from me please. Thanks for sharing your Dad time with us💗💗 Enjoy your time and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!!!

rebecca said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie. Enjoy your family and friends 💕

Judy T. said...

Where in VA do you live, April? I'm in Staunton.

I love stitching said...

I got so excited when I saw the name Patty was the winner of the String Frenzy and Signature weight thread and then my eyes continued and saw Booth not Bertrand but i am so happy for her and I am sure she is over the moon excited like I would be if I won.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am so happy you found the Pearl Onions for your Dad.
I am hoping to be on of the first 500 on the Pre-order if now I will be patient after all I have the mystery quilt to work on.

Suzzysews said...

Glad you can spend Thanksgiving with your Dad! My Dad passed away and I miss him so much. Cram onions,yum! I have not had those forever! Grammy used to make them. Tried it once with jar baby onions....too bitter. So I will try it your way. Excited about mystery, new book, and free quilt! By the way, where is Sadie Girl?? I kiss her puppy face!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

It's not a liveable space...it's a crawl space with a dirt floor.

claudia said...

It's wonderful to see the smiles on your faces! I see a fantastic Thanksgiving for you! Happy Thanksgiving from the PNW!

Phyllis said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie to you and your family. So glad that your dad could see your Quiltville Inn. You know he's so proud of you. Can't wait for the mystery!!

CathyQuilts said...

I am so thankful for the joy you bring to my life, and many others, at amuch needed time. God bless you and yours and I thank them for sharing you with us all. Happy Thanksgiving all!

thepecanlady said...

Happy thanksgiving to you and your precious family Bonnie. May you enjoy past memories and make new ones.
God bless you for YOUR kindness and graciousness all year long!
We have so much to be thankful for!! 🙏

Dadsmoongirl said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie! Enjoy your time with your dad!

CherylP said...

Seeing that great big smile on your face along with you Dad is priceless! Cheryl Plourde

Betty S said...

Your area down there is so beautiful. I love the view of the mountains. My aunt used to live in far western NC. We had to relocate her up to Mass when her health was failing.I so miss her and visiting that beautiful area. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Bonnie and make wonderful memories with your Dad.

Nancy D. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to your & your family, Bonnie! I give thanks that I discovered you and your Quiltville blog several years ago. Such inspiration and love.

Patty...I want to be in that first 500 too! Miss seeing you at Chelmsford Quilt Guild. We’re finally settled in Myrtle Beach!

Donna Endresen said...

Congrats Elaine and Patty, Enjoy! and Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie and Family! Enjoy time with your Dad!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is gray now, but not as bad of weather as the East coast is getting!

Brenda said...

My dad has dementia, and even when we're in the same room, I miss him terribly. I'm looking forward to Friday morning---I'm hoping my skill set is up to the challenge! Anyhoo, thanks for the mystery quilt and enjoy every minute you spend with your Dad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything that you do. Blessings on you.

Kerry said...

Ahhh your dad is so proud of you. :D

Love those zig zag fences. Very partial to coooos too. In the field above us I had to do a double take as they looked like they were standing on the roof of the farmhouse slightly further down the hill!

Anne Hayward said...

Great pics, so nice to see you having fun with your dad.
A weird question but why are the fences zigzagging I’ve never seen them like that before.
Congratulations to Patty and Elaine enjoy your books and threads such fun.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing Tiffanee... Lost my Dad almost 24 years ago. Miss him and our time together every day. Glad you get this special time Bonnie, especially while losing Mark is sow new and raw. Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for all you give to us.

Jacqueline said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. And thanks for being you.

Angela said...

I love that you love the mountains! I sometimes wonder if people who live there take it for granted. I fell in love with the Appalachians of East Tennessee the first time I laid eyes on them in 1990. I live in the flat farmland of Indiana. My MIL is from Tennessee but moved to Indiana many years ago. We make a trip south every year to visit friends and family. Now all these years later I realize I leave a piece of me there each time I leave. Seriously, I start to cry as we leave the last of the mountains behind behind on our way home. Our dream is to move to the mountains when we retire. I'm so glad you enjoy your mountains and share them! Enjoy the time with your dad. I'll pray for you and your family through the holidays.

Louise said...

I wonder if we were school mates back in San Jose? I lived near Branham and Meridian from 1973 to 1976 when I was in 5th, 6th and 7th grade :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Dad!

Justhaveingfun said...

congrats to the winners!! Bonnie so happy your getting to show your dad the new place and spend some good quality time with him! Happy Thanksgiving.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

WOW! I'm a SF bay area native, too! And in the same era, late '50s, '60s, '70s... but in the middle of the peninsula... East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Redwood City. Would have been amazing if our paths had crossed back then. But like you, left the busy world for the rural peace and quiet. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your Dad, Bonnie! Time flies by too fast and then they're gone.

Rosemarie said...

Bonnie, I too ended up on the other side of the country from where my "home" is. My bon Voyage present from friends I was leaving was a lawn sign that says, "Bloom where you are planted". I have been trying to do that for 27 years! Looks like you made it in less time!

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