
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Last Minute Road Trippin’!

Facebook marketplace is proving to be dangerous – in a very good way!

It’s even easier than Craigslist, less dodgy, and allows you to peek at the profile of the person whose items are up for sale.

And it’s right at my fingertips.

TWIN BEDS has been my search item for the past few months, and on Monday, I found an ad that I’d been hoping to find -

Not just one, but TWO vintage white metal beds – HOORAY for room number FIVE!

The only problem?  They were in Lenoir, NC – which is not far from Wilkesboro, NC, but quite a haul from where I am in Wallburg.

Still.  What was the chance that I was going to find two beds in one location, just what I needed at an absolutely fabulous price?

I started up a conversation with the seller, and a plan was hatched.

I would meet with her realtor at the home of her parent's empty-and-up-for-sale house at 6pm last night after my last 4pm post office run.

What I didn't count on was that it would rain and storm from the time I hit Wilkesboro!

Of COURSE it would rain.  That's just the way things are.

Still haven't assembled the one on the left - new one on the right!

I reached a decision on my way back to Wilkesboro - rain had stopped,the sky had cleared, it was a lovely evening.

I could either turn right and head home, having to unload the van into the garage at home, not knowing when I would be able to bring the beds up to Quiltville Inn --

Or I could go LEFT, drive another 45 minutes to Mouth of Wilson, unload the van, and head home empty - job done.

Job done for the win!

I just love these beds.

And there is a story - as one of the beds has a missing brass bed-knob.

Lynn's parents have moved into assisted living.  The story is that they purchased these beds more than 40 years ago at an antique shop in North Carolina.  The knob has been missing more than 30 years.

I envisioned Lynn and her sister sleeping in these beds, playing "Hide the knob -- who's got the knob?" until the knob was finally lost for good and never to be found.

My next job?  Finding a set of replacement vintage bed knobs on eBay.  Or maybe -- we'll just leave it like it is as I love items that have stories attached.


Quiltville Inn at almost sunset

In made a quick run through of things, and was back on the road by 9pm just as things were starting to get dark - I was back home and to my own bed by 11pm.

(As I type up this post I'm sitting in the Greensboro airport ready to board my flight to Michigan.  I'm running on 4 hours sleep with a lecture tonight! Oh boy!)


These also came to reside at the inn!

I love décor of a primitive, farmhouse nature…and these two items are destined for the kitchen.

Isn't that what retreats are about?  Good food, good friends, and good times! 

And even better - they were 50% off.

And then I turned the corner and found just what I was looking for:



I am adamant in my vision of simplicity. The room numbers will hang next to each bedroom door, easy for each person to remember which room they are in.

Not having "themes" for the rooms allows me the freedom of changing quilts and décor to suit the seasons -- or my own whim!

Numbers it is.


Two rows left to go!

I got this far before heading out to Lenoir yesterday afternoon --and better than that:

There is only a handful of Quilter's Date Keeper & Quilty Pencil set orders left to fill, and they will be ready to go by Monday morning. 

Also coming next week - MORE DATE KEEPERS & PENCILS!

The rest of July and August are going to be crazy-travel for me.  I am planning on putting merchandise in the store in batches, as much as I think I can handle between trips, but allowing me a free and clear plate when I leave town. I'm thinking batches of 300 so that I can keep up with the demand and get things out in a timely manner without being backlogged farther than I can handle with much travel ahead.  Thank you for bearing with me!

And with that - it's about time to board so I'm hitting send!

July 12, 2018 at 04_47AM

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

No matter what your challenges are - meet them head on today!

Catch you from Michigan!

PS...I am aware this post has weird formatting.  This is what happens when I upload photos BEFORE heading to the airport, and add text in between on a different computer  FROM the airport.  No time to fix it - thanks for enduring!


Joyce Frazier said...

You are incredible! Love the new beds! Quiltville Inn is coming along nicely! The room numbers are perfect.

sao said...

These beds are precious. Quiltville Inn is going to be so awesome that I predict that you will reservations made in advance for five years or MORE! Good job, Bonnie. I love your style! Hugs and happy travels.
sao in Midlothian, VA

stitchinpenny said...

Having made the trip from Lenoir to Mouth of Wilson, it isn't that far, but it was a tough trip for us. you must have known a better rote. Clue me in, because it is a trip I will make again.

Ruth said...

OOOOh, a missing bed knob! Remember the movie "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" with Angela Lansbury?? Maybe it was a magical bedknob....
I love that dresden plate quilt on the white bedstead! It looks so soft and fresh with that scalloping.
Numbers that hang Beside the bedroom door mean they will always be visible! So Smart of you!

Debbie M said...

Ooh, I love how things are coming together at Quiltville Inn, reading about the progress and seeing pictures of each acquisition. You are one busy lady for sure! You keep me inspired with your blog so keep those posts coming! Can’t wait to visit in person!

Jeanna said...

Oh how I hope to visit Quiltville Inn some day. Safe travels Bonnie!

Cats said...

I start my day in Carlsbad CA with your blog, whilst having toast and coffee... usually about six-ish. What a wonderful boost to get moving and doing...Thank you... and as most of us have opined... love the Quiltville Inn and hope to be able to experience it in person... thank you ... and the muddled format? Didn't even notice, must need more coffee...

Sally Langston Warren said...

A vintage bedknob will be fun to search for in your antique jaunts. If it doesn’t match the other 3 exactly, that’s fine. We aren’t matchy matchy people, are we? We like to substitute what we have for what is missing. If the “new” knob is a little different than the 3 old ones, then you can remember which ones were original and which one has the new story. I grew up with 3 iron beds for the 3 girls and one of my knobs was missing. Daddy found an old finial knob and used that.

Mary said...

Lovely bed frames! Complete with a story. The numbers you found are perfect. My husband's family had numbers on the doors. Their home was built from a former Barracks. His room was 209, I think.
Loving my Grandma time this week, got our Slurpee yesterday. Safe travels!

Shiloh Nanny said...

Hi Bonnie, I've sent you some info about some Amish box springs and mattresses for the Inn to your home address. Thought it might be a possibility. Be on the lookout for it.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Love the numbers. Another blog I follow is a couple who are renovating an old inn in Virginia. They are also on the lookout for room numbers, but they are looking for ones to match the few they still have, which is a much harder search than yours.

Have a good trip!

Mommy Robin said...

My date book arrived yesterday! I'm so glad I ordered it when I did. Planning to get all of our important dates in it, instead of on scrap paper that family birthdays were given to me on when I got married 40 years ago! Looking forward to seeing you in Bedford in a little over a month!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Bedknobs and Broomsticks! Maybe you just need a copy of that near that bed with the missing bedknob. Fun movie!

Pamela said...

Exactly what I was thinking!

Susan T. said...

The formatting doesn’t look any different to me. Looks like usually does. Glad things are moving along.

crazyquilter1@gmail.com said...

I love your quote of the day. Sooo true.

Lisa said...

No weird formatting for me on my cell this morning. Immensely loving the progress you're making on the Inn. Thank you for sharing all about it with us.

Lisa said...

Oh, and I love the format of the room numbers!

Kerry said...

Ruth is right - I wonder if they were jumping on the beds shouting treguna mekoides trecorum satis dee to go to some other world! What fun they must have had. Thanks for the post - lovely story and lovely beds.

Anne Hayward said...

Just loving your diamond tile quilt really beautiful, those 2 beds are the perfect find for Quiltville inn.
Your making a tremendously great job of finding just the right pieces to make it the perfect retreat. I hope one day to be able to come across from the UK to experience the beautiful place for myself.
Safe journeys and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Unknown said...

Our iron and brass bed purchased from an antique shop around 45 years ago was and still is missing a brass knob.

Kay said...

Love the beds and the story. The inn is coming along beautifully. And the room numbers couldn't be more perfect. Would love to visit when I visit my sister in NC.

HRH-DMK said...
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HRH-DMK said...

Isn't that funny Ruth, I was thinking the exact same thing! If Bonnie put a close-up picture on her blog of the one bedknob she does have, I'd bet someone out there might just have one hanging around to give her! Oh, I hope I am lucky enough to get a spot at Quiltville Inn when she starts taking reservations. And I promise to bring earplugs for my roommates! ~Diana from Toronto

gardenwitch said...

I thought about the book Bedknob and Broomstick right away I had forgotten about the movie. Of course since I'm a librarian I think the book is better. I also really want to come to the Inn! Can't wait to get my name on the list.

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