
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Wonky Wishing on Lake Oconee!

It was a Wild & Wonky Day in Lake Oconee, GA!

It’s been a few years since I was last here – but the warm welcome of smiles and hellos, hugs, and helping hands let me know that the door is always open for me here.

Madly playing catch up with those I remember from last time, in a frenzy to get the quilts set up, backdrop hung, Quiltville Store laid out and ready for those attending – it was a whirlwind of a morning.

And then to my delight I see a huge group of gals come all the way from my old guild in Aiken, South Carolina. 

They gathered together for an early morning road trip to Oconee – just to say hi, fill the seats, and give me their support.

I am so utterly grateful for their smiling faces!

15 years of knowing those Aiken girls.  We are in touch on Facebook, but we don’t get to see each other often enough in person.

It was all too quick – After the guild presentation was over, we were setting up for an afternoon workshop and I bid the Aiken girls farewell as they headed out to lunch and whatever else they had planned for their day. 

And then we got busy with another Wonky Wishes day – the 2nd of 3 on this 3 guild tour!


Busy stitching in the afternoon!

It was another ‘hug the wall” day as the best place to be is in close proximity to wall plugs.

How many Wonky Wishes blocks cam be cranked out in only 3 hours?? 

“No need to rush, this is not a race!”  “Don’t worry about the time, just settle in and enjoy the process!”

And the blocks were coming out great!


LOVING the Christmas inspiration!


Oh, the happy joy joy!

This 3 hour class accomplished so much!  Check it out -

They got this process down pat - now they just have to add more TIME into the mix.

Many of the ladies are also in today’s Star Struck workshop (free patterns tab!) and I let them know that they should just keep these star point units at the side of their machines, using the triangles and squares as their Leaders & Enders for today’s project – win/win!


Beautiful evening on the lake!

I love learning new things about different areas.  One thing I didn’t know was that Lake Oconee is man made.  Oh, the stories that came out at dinner about who owned the land, and how farms, fields, and big old stone houses are buried beneath the water.

Lake Oconee is the second largest lake in Georgia, running through the history-rich counties of Greene, Putnam, Morgan, and Hancock. It was created in 1979 when Georgia Power completed the construction of the Wallace Dam on the Oconee River.


My favorite time of day this time of year!

5pm until dark in the summer – that’s my bliss time.  And with the arrival of May in Georgia, sweaters are no longer needed.  Sandals have come out of cold storage, and capris are now the daily attire of choice!


An after dinner shot along the shore.

A good sized group of us headed over to the lake for a yummy dinner out on the patio with much conversation to make the most of that “best time of day.”

I had  more grandiose plans of setting up the featherweight and stitching last night – but after taking care of some work computer stuff, and taking care of needed phone calls that had been put off due to the lecture/class day – I called it quits and climbed into bed.

One of the “HOORAY!” things that was accomplished is that we’ve got the power on at both Quiltville Inn and the post office building next door.

We are now working on switching the previous owner’s internet account over to ours so there will not be any interruption in service.

It’s hard to even get service up there –there are only so many nodes available, and when you move into the area you are put on a “waiting list” until something becomes available. 

Basically - you have to wait for someone to die (or move away!) to get service. LOL!

So it is important that we just take over their account, rather than start a new one of our own – who knows how long that can take?

At the cabin we just use our phone data for connectivity – we’ve got a good signal with Verizon, but I know that those who are coming to see me will have many different carriers.

Remember when my friend Irene came last August and couldn’t find me because her AT&T had no service there?  Guess where she found wifi?  In front of my post office building. 

So that’s the next hurdle.  I have so much to share about this place – I feel like we are all in this together, getting it ready to welcome guests.

This afternoon after our workshop is over I’m back on the road and headed up to Snellville, closer to Atlanta (And all of that traffic!)  I’ll be spending the next couple of days with the Gwinnett quilters, and heading home on Saturday.

I’ll have Sunday to repack, get mail order out, and head to Seattle on Monday.  Whew.

(Somehow I don’t think much sewing is going to happen for quite a while yet!)


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage Lone Star quilt found in Illinois.

Letting go isn't something we do just once. Repeat as often as necessary!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


stitchinpenny said...

Sounds like in spite of the work your excitement over Quiltville Inn is lifting your spirits so much.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sounds like the quiltville inn is not all that far from the cabin and well be another home for you while you are getting it fixed up for retreats - this is going to be such a adventure for you and your retirement years - you will love it - hope it all goes smoothly

Sue Straits said...

I was so excited for you when I read about Quiltville Inn. Looking forward to reading about your adventures in renovations. Thank you for sharing so much with us.

Log Cabin said...

Yes, I feel like we're in it together with you. We're all here rooting for you to be successful and happy. Keep getting your rest on your busy travel schedule!

Cpqwilts said...

Just remember........each day brings Quiltville Inn a little bit closer!!

Violet Withey said...

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself. From 81-85 we lived just south of Snellville. We enjoyed the area but got transferred to Alabama. Looking forward to visiting when you open.

Barbara said...

Love the Wonky Wishes and can't wait to make one of my own! Looking forward to more Quiltville Inn news, too.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

It will be so exciting to read along as you get Quiltville Inn ready.

Mary said...

Excited to see more pictures as you furnish the Quiltville Inn. I see Quiltville Mystery Quilts on all the beds..

Ellen Page said...

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NJ Patty said...

Wish I could come and help!

Peggy in Aiken said...

Bonnie - I enjoyed meeting you and your presentation at Lake Oconee was just terrific. I was with the Aiken group and was inspired anew to get my scraps out and start quilting one of your fun-filled designs! Thanks so much - enjoy the rest of your Georgia adventures and y'all come back soon!

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