
Friday, May 04, 2018

A Day So Full of Happy!

Have you ever had one of those days – where the day is just so full of GOOD THINGS that you just don’t know where to start in the telling of it all?

That’s how I feel this morning – how do I even begin to post? Where do I start?

How about with these two lovely ladies who were part of the force within the Gwinnett Quilters Guild in Snellville, GA who made yesterday so special.

It wasn’t just a guild lecture day – it was a day of walking in to where my presentation was going to take place, and finding the room decorated all around with the quilts others had made from my designs.

They were everywhere!


Oh tables, on chairs -


In wonderful vignettes -


Committee tables were adorned with Quiltville Quilts!


And it was a full house!

I thanked the church for seeing ahead that their wall décor colors needed to match my On Ringo Lake backdrop quilt. The room was alive with chuckles and giggles.  I loved it!  this crowd was so responsive and interactive – It was like simply conversing with long time neighbors and friends. It is what any presenter would hope for and more.


Our luncheon location – Antiques in Oldtown, Lilburn!!

These gals went all out!


Front entrance – come on in!


At the front – Veggie stand!

Oh, Spring in Georgia– I love you!


This is going to take a while.

The thing is – there are so many photos to post, and I have just a bit of time before my workshop pick up time this morning that I’m in a hurry to get some of this into this post – I didn’t get back to my room until late last evening, and I didn’t feel like editing photos and blogging my night away – This post may have a couple of follow up posts in the future.

The owners of this wonderful place, Rowann & Hugh Wilkerson - live above the store (a big dream of mine for as far back as I can remember) and I was escorted on a personal tour of their place above.  SO AWESOME!  I have so many ideas on how to decorate Quiltville Inn – I can hardly wait, but where to start?

The shop and residence above was recently featured in Country Sampler magazine.  Check it out in THIS POST.

Lunch was served for the guild group in the back of the store and then we had time to browse and browse and browse.


Rowann’s Workhorse Machine!

Along with the antiques business, Rowann makes custom pillows for customers and other items, using workhorse machines like this beautiful (And so interesting) Singer 431 G, Circa 1960 we are guessing.  

I LOVE that fold down extension bed.  I WANT ONE!  Oh my goodness.  She said she had tried several “plastic” modern machines but none could do the work of this one good old girl as far as sewing through layers of upholstery fabric goes.  So happy to have met another vintage machine lover!


And yes, there were quilt sightings!

Hexagon from silk ties!


Playing “I Spy a Quilt!”

Double wedding ring in the cupboard.


Beautiful old Drunkard’s Path.


Stacks of vintage loveliness!

The displays were wonderfully and artistically arranged.  Not really room to lay anything out, so I just took photos of things as I found them.  Just SO wonderful!


Cheddar Bow Tie Bliss.


Best Justification Ever!

“It’s rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures…” Proverbs 24:3

Yes, yes it is!

And the day went on from here.  Seriously.  There was another antique mall involved.  I may or may not have purchased a sewing machine, a set of beautiful old ice tea spoons and two green transfer ware platters all with Quiltville Inn in mind.  HA!


Add a Culver’s run for 3 to the mix……and an evening out at the home of a sweet friend for a home cooked meal and play time with her two adorable young sons and I was just a happy wreck by the time I got back to my room last night.

It was a joy to spend the evening chatting quilts with HollyAnne of String & Story and get to know her in real time.  Here we are with her En Provence mystery quilt.  SO MUCH FUN.

HollyAnne has a series of free motion quilting workshops through her website and hosted on Facebook live.  If you have always wanted to learn to quilt with confidence on your home domestic machine, check her Free Intro to Machine Quilting out!

And with that…I’ve got to gather up all of my goodies and head out for my last workshop this week – Jared Takes a Wife with 50 students in attendance!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Pine Tree quilt found in Georgia!

(Antique shop stop #2 – more to come!)

I’ve loved this quote since I was a little girl and it is still so true today.

Yesterday just overflowed with Happiness --

Enjoy your Friday, everyone!


Dolores Clark said...

Oh what fun.. I came across 3 old copper Jello molds really inexpensive. I almost bought them then put them back. Would you be interested in them for quiltville inn decorations? I would be happy to go back and see if they are still available. If you would like them let me know I will see if I can get them. If they aren't your style pleas just days thanks but no thanks, my feelings won't be hurt in the least. If you would like them pm where to send them.have a great class today. Dolores

PalmerGal said...

What a lot of happiness in this post, anda lot to follow up. I would love to be able to free motion quilt on my home machine, so will look at that link. And the quilts in Your hotel room! I's a cold, windy nasty weather day here, and I intend to spend it mostly in my sewing room. It need straightening up, and my FW foot pedal is acting up, but I still hope to sew something.

earthmotherwithin said...

Wonderful stories...looking forward to more pics.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Have you considered those wonderful machines that you collect to be available for those who come to Quiltville Inn to use while they are staying? Of course you may cause some new addictions to these machines. I quilt at a friends house and she has her Mom's Bernina 1130 ready for me to use. It sews so smoothly.

Michele said...

Bonnie, I'm a new reader to your blog, though I've "known" you for years. I just had to tell you that this post made me grin from ear to ear and your happiness is infectious. God bless you and good luck with Quiltville Inn... I'm so excited for you.

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