
Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Showin’ & Sharin’ along the Rogue River!

I took this photo yesterday morning before my ride arrived to carry me from Rogue River to Brookings. 

Oregon is a land of many climates and terrains.

Mountains and rivers, oceans and rocky coastlines.  High desert and fertile farmland.

Oregon is the birthplace of both of my sons and the hubster as well.

It can be absolutely freezing and snow covered in the higher areas, and just above California on the coast – I actually drove through the upper part of California yesterday to get to Brookings – it can me 20 degrees warmer in just a 2 hour drive.  And that is exactly what happened yesterday.

The great Pacific Northwest!

Heading toward the coast.

As we drove, I went through all of the wonderful Show & Share quilts from my two days of workshops in Rogue River – WOW.  JUST WOW!

There are phenomenal quilters everywhere, and I am so grateful these quilters brought their wonderful quilts to share with us.


En provence times 2 on this rack!  So happy to meet their makers!


I love the colors in this Pineapple Blossom from the free patterns tab!


A gorgeous Allietare top ready for quilting!


Steve brought a couple quilts from his own designs – over the top fabulous!


What’s not to love about a big and bright Scrappy Trips!

You’ll find all of the two day’s worth of wonderful shares in the video below.  Click to play:

It was just a wonderful array of beautiful quilts over the course of two days.

Remember – if all you see is a black screen, it is likely because you are using Internet Explorer.  Try a different browser.  I use Google Chrome. You can also view it on my YouTube channel.

We had a fun lecture last night with the Azalea Quilters guild and visiting friends – before heading off for that adventure I was able to catch this sunset from my hotel room.  Click to play:

There are more photos of beautiful Brookings to come.  You can also check them out in my Instagram, and Facebook feeds.


Thank you, Mountain Stars Quilters of Rogue River, Oregon!

(from a painting hanging in the hallway at my Rogue River Hotel!)


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Quilt shared during Day 1 of our Rogue River workshops.

Being thankful isn't limited to one day in November.

Off the top of your head, list three things that you are grateful for in the comments section below.

Beyond the normal, this morning I am grateful to hear the ocean outside my room, a comfy bed for last night's sleeping, and eyes that can still see the text on this screen!

Your turn!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


Quilter Kathy said...

I am grateful for... YOU, my wonderful renewing hobby of quilting, and my wonderful friends who have sustained me when it was hard to do for myself!

Sarah Aldrich said...

Three things: New Fairfield, CT - my town. I have owned a store here for years and the community really supports me.

My Grandkids - 2, one girl, one boy.

Firefighters - my son became one this year. God Bless all first responders!

Mary said...

I thank you for sharing your travels. Many places I've never been. 3 things I'm thankful for today... Warm Quilts on a Foggy day, Hot Cocoa with a candy cane and whipped cream, and Grandchildren x 21.

Unknown said...

Three things I am grateful for:
My wonderful kids, a job that I absolutely love (I work at a doctor's office) and the ability to make quilts that give comfort to others. Just three of the things I am so grateful for.

Claudia Duke said...

Genetic testing and great doctors, my husband, my children

Joan E said...

I'm grateful for those willing to teach us quilting, especially you, Bonnie, for my children and Grands who put up with my quirks, and for space to create.

freda spencer said...

I am grateful for my family. 60 from me down. glad that I am still alive 78 years. glad I can quilt and crochet. my email is not @ g mail.com . it is @yahoo.com

Carosyrup89128@yahoo.com said...

I'm grateful for my life, by family, my friends, and for God, who gave it all to me to cherish!

CheriB said...

I am thankful for my family, the kindness and generosity of fellow quilters and your blog postings.

Bev said...

I am grateful for my loving and supportive extended family, the last 75 years of life with more to come and this wonderful avocation called quilting with tha fabulous folks like Bonnie who share of themselves!

Unknown said...

Husband of 25 years, 3 happy, healthy, smart boys who are respectful and the possibility of SNOW DAYS! (that reads sew days!)

Lenore said...

I am grateful that I can be with my sister-in-law today supporting her when visiting her oncologist to hear what treatment she will need to undergo for her inoperable cancer.
I’m grateful we have a loving family.
I’m grateful that we live in a wonderful country.

Frieda said...

I am grateful for my husband, a place to live, and food for my belly!

Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie you make it hard to pick only three. First I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who loves me enough to give me the ability to provide for myself. I am grateful for all the past military service personal that have helped provide this great country's freedom for us to enjoy and third, I am grateful for all who in some way has taught me the things that I've needed to know to survive all the trials faced in this life.

mangozz said...

I am grateful for my cat, a place to live and a wonderful sister, not necessarily in that order.

Ames in VA said...

Faith, family and freedom. Great suggestion!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family, for living to 75 after surviving kidney cancer 8 years ago and for a friend introducing me to quilting about 25 years ago!

Charlene S said...

I am grateful for my husband, my grandchildren, and my church.

Patsy said...

My salvation, my family, my health.

Carmela said...

My husband, my health, family, friends and faith! And of course Bonnie K. Hunter for all you do for quilters! Much thankful and grateful!! Enjoy your teaching trip!

Anita said...

I am grateful for my husband's successful heart surgery this summer, being able to live in rural Idaho and my children, grandkids and great-grand daughters.

Grace said...

Thanksgiving for 1. A God who loves me and I Him 2. A husband who has survived cancer in 2012, 2016 and now in 2017. 3. Two wonderful kids and 12 grands and now 1 great and more to come. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us in our quilting adventures.

Trudy said...

I am grateful for you sharing so much information with all of us, for good health and my family.

Bella said...

I am grateful for my Lord, my loving husband of 42 years, and all generations of our family.

Vintage4me4ever said...

#1. God, family, friends, and to be able to live in this beautiful free Country of ours.
#2. So grateful for a warm shelter over my head, a good bed to sleep in and food to eat, I truly feel sorry for anyone that is cold, homeless, and hungry.
3. My mother that taught me to sew, and the wonderful resources that followed, Especially the night that I found you on you tube, my fabric stash, my collection of sewing machines, and to finally be nearing the end of these flying geese, Even though these 400 cute little bonus blocks are so worth the time it takes to make them. Happy Sewing everyone :)

Unknown said...

Bonnie---1) I am thankful to have the lord in my life. 2) I am thankful for my family & friends. 3) I am thankful for finding your website, when I started quilting. It has helped me out so much, I have learnt so much from you. Thank you again for all you do for us all. God bless you.

Avon said...

I am greatful for God, Country and family. Followed closely by friends, hobbies, and last but not least our wonderful earth. I forgot those who protect our freedoms. They need to be up there also.

Chris Macklen said...

My sewing machine for all the joy it brings, my osteopath for keeping my body mobile, my grandson for the fun and cuddles

Ann said...

I am great full for God, my children and grands and great grands, and Bonnie Hunter who got me back into quilting and entertains me every morning. Wonderful having you as a quilty friend but not when we do flying geese.

Deb B. said...

I am grateful for my terrific husband, my wonderful family, and great friends. I am blessed that I met my husband almost 39 years ago. Because of him I have three children and nine grandchildren. I am also thankful for the many friends I have made through volunteering and sewing. (I can't really call myself a quilter since I have way more quilt tops started than I have finished.)

annieb said...

I am grateful for a God that loves me and all my family, I am grateful for a loving husband of nearly 55 years and all that he provides for us. I am grateful for family: 3 wonderful children & their spouses, 14 grandchildren that include their spouses, and 8 great grands, no spouses yet.

I love stitching said...

Is grateful for my husband, my job and my family.

So many more things but those were the first three off the top of my head.

Grateful for your emails every day.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

I am grateful every day for the BIG things, like family, home, and country, and especially this morning for the LITTLE things--a cup of tea, the internet, and a needle in my hand. Thank YOU, Bonnie, for reminding us to have an attitude of gratitude.

Unknown said...

I am thankful that I have a Father in heaven that watches over me and shows me His presence every day. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, children, and family that supports me in this battle everyday. And I am so thankful that God poked me one night so I would find this hidden tumor early and get on my journey to claiming victory over this cancer.

cv quilter said...

I am grateful for this morning..I am able to get out of bed, put my feet on the ground and plan what I will do with my day.

I am grateful for the wonderful husband who sits in the recliner next to mine, with our little dog Snickers on his lap.

I am grateful for the dryer repairman who will come and "hopefully" repair my dryer. It's been a few days without it and it's getting pretty cold to be hanging my laundry out.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to just pick just three things for which I'm thankful because my husband and three children are already more than three things. However, I am thankful I have reasonably good health at my age, I am able and have time to continue to quilt, and I have many wonderful friends (and I count you among them, Bonnie). Joy to the World!!!!

sue s said...

This is a good day to remind me to be grateful. I am grateful for a loving and supportive husband who's been by my side through a tough two years. I am grateful for good friends. I'm grateful I can enjoy the changing seasons. Thank you Bonnie for letting me comment!

Kendra said...

I am grateful for: the grace that God has given, my family and so many blessings I'm still counting - I'm thankful to be retired and able to have time to sew and garden - things I only dreamed about when working outside the home.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

For God, the family he has given me and my health. 18 years ago I was told by the doctors that I had a heart condition that would allow me only 3 to 5 years to live. God had other plans and I am so thankful.

Cats said...

my health (even in the midst of "it", my family, my abundance ... and Bonnie Hunter!

Unknown said...

Bonnie who has kept me informed about quilting techniques an encouraging me to new goals. Even at 85 I am still trying to appreciate skilled quilters who share so willingly and keep us on the "I wanna make one more quilt!" journey. Quilting has been one purpose that God has directed me toward ever since the stroke over 26 years ago. My first wish has been granted.\:"if only I can quilt". I was able to start in rehab with my arm in a sling propped on the arm of a wheelchair under a quilt that I needed to finish! This mystery has inspired me to attempt my second one. The enProvence was my first and it is quilted and gifted. I am thankful for my family.health and God who have given me the chance to be strong and have a purpose to try to do my very best each day. The doctors say I might live to 120. ha

Unknown said...

What a wonderful bright and beautiful quilts in your Show n Tell, and nice to see some gentlemen quilters, are there many across the pond. I am from the UK and don't know of any here.

Joni said...

I am thankful for YOU and this wonderful passion of Quilting, I am grateful for my family and how we stick together through it all and our beautiful country full of loving, caring, thoughtful people.

Bambi Pearson said...

I am grateful for my husband, my children and the love & grace of God.

Stitcher/aka Paula Hedges said...

I'm grateful for today, the breathtaking view of Mt. Rainier, and the ability to decide which quilting projects I will will work on today when I get off this addicting laptop!

Amy said...

A beautiful snowy day- cuddled up inside with a book or a sewing project!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

1) my 4 grandchildren
2) my 2 children
3) the freedom I enjoy living in this wonderful country

Merry said...

My life, my family my quilty friends. Claudia

Betsy said...

I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for a God who loves me. I am thankful for the snow that fell all day yesterday and last night clothing the beautiful mountains of Ashe County in white wonderfulness. ( I am also thankful that I do not have to go out in it)

QuiltGranma said...

1. thankful for my precious hubby of 45 years!
2. creativity to be able to beautify the world around me
3. hands and skills to do just that.

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