
Saturday, October 07, 2017

Finishing Number Twelve.

This is me, this is now!

Here I am at my desk in the basement studio, and my attention is being valiantly fought for by miss Emmy Lou who seems to think that petting HER is much more important than typing.

Oh sister, you are so precious.  She’s 17.  I often refer to her as “The Last Cat Standing” because out of all of the cats we’ve had over the years, she is the one I didn’t expect would make it this far.

She is just sweet and easy –has never been a bother.  She doesn’t scratch things, tear up things, jump at design walls, eat thread or pins – she just naps and observes.

She is also a touch-activated purr box, and my snuggle love when it is time to go to bed for the night.  She will come down here…meow at me to let me know “It’s time!” and she waits for me to crawl into bed and adjust the covers so she can curl up right against my right side.  In the morning, it’s her nudges and purrs and gentle chirps I wake to.

She knows how to get front and center and demand attention!

I put in the last stitches last night!

It must have been an omen,  as this household waited anxiously for the Boise State University game against BYU last night – it didn’t start here until nearly 10:30pm!

It was my sister Joy who pointed out to me in a comment on my Instagram post last night that I was showing my true colors in regards to team support with this quilt!  Blue & Orange pulled it out with the Boise State Broncos for the win against the BYU Cougars, 24-7!  Now that’s some quilt mojo for ya!

This morning was the perfect morning to head out to the neighbor’s pasture fence for some quilt photo opportunities - click to play the video clip:

Fog isn't necessarily great for quilt photos, but I loved the feeling of being out there early morning and surrounding myself with this beauty.


A bit dark on the quilt, detail – but I love that fog!


October in North Carolina.  So beautiful.


China kits all packed up and space-bagged!

The digital pattern for Rishi is now available in the digital patterns section of the Quiltville Store for the low low price of $6.50.  But if you wait – a little bird told me that ALL digital patterns will be on sale DURING our China trip, so wait for that announcement if there are other patterns you want to stock up on.

Maybe you will want to stitch with us while we are stitching this up on our China trip?

'Rishi' means Solar Eclipse in Mandarin. I felt it a fitting name after the hoopla that recently happened with our eclipse this year!

This quilt measures 30’’ x 30’’ and is the perfect way to get your feet with with English paper piecing and 60 degree diamonds, a bit of applique and some fun scrappy borders using the Essential Triangle Tool


THIS happened yesterday.

Sometimes I design well, sometimes I don’t!  Have you ever had an idea inspire you for days, and you couldn't wait to work on it to see how it would turn out?

And then once you stitch a section it doesn't look as great as you had hoped? I reconfirmed something yesterday afternoon.

There are no mistakes in quilting, only potholders!

The project I had hoped would be fabulous, just wasn’t.  Drawings don’t always translate well in fabric.  So back to the design board I go and I’ll find something to do with the pieces that just didn’t work.  It’s about allowing yourself the time to play.  Even if it didn’t work this time, these ideas can step up to something even better.  But if you don’t allow yourself the time to experiment due to fear of failure, you’ll miss the opportunities for something better.

And after all, it’s only fabric and there is more of that where this came from!

I believe this weekend’s project is to repair the drywall in the basement from the plumbing fiasco of a few months ago.  There are new carpet tiles to glue down and that side of the basement is….well….

Fabric that comes in has just been filling up bins and baskets and hasn't been put away for months....it's the bins of despair right now. LOL!  So it's going to be REALLY ugly down here until it is better.  But we’ll all be in the basement together.  I like that idea.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

My mantra as I tackle the other half of the studio this weekend. But it also applies to life in general.

It's hard to let go, but if you start with the small stuff it is easier to work up to the big stuff.

Have a great Saturday, everyone!


Cheryl@home stitching said...

Your blue and orange quilt turned out great! Does it have a name yet? Love the project for the China trip. Such a pretty combination of colours. I love the name"bins of despair" as I have a few of them taking up space in my quilty room. Guess I need to just dive in and get them looked after. Thanks for your inspiration in the quilting part of my life and have a great day.

Nancy said...

Love seeing Emmy Lou and reading what a sweet cat she is. Our Toby has been with us 17 years, and probably was about 1 1/2 when we rescued him. He is feeling his age and has issues, but he's still a sweetheart.

helen said...

Spring has sprung here in Australia, so am doing some sorting and tidying. Batting off cuts of to the church craft group and some left over frabrics. Mysewing room is bulging and want to move forward. Have a great China trip

mascanlon said...

So it's better to click the ads closed than scroll by? I just love this quilt Bonnie, the colors, the pattern. I think it has to go on the list! Thank you so much for all you give to us everyday!

Valerie said...

I cannot wait for your new book to come out. I can think of at least three quilts you've made recently that will be in there that I really must make, this blue/cheddar/neutral strings one included. So any quilts besides those are a great bonus. Your saying about no mistakes, only potholders cracked me up. Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing your life and quilts with us.

Unknown said...

Love you blog & the early morning pictures with the fog!

Diamond said...

I love your blogg and look forward to it every day. You are amazing. Thank you for everything you do.

Joni said...

The foggy quilt pics took my breath away. Beautiful! Your Emmy Lou is a sweetie. Our pets just make a day happier. For years I've been collecting cheddars and indigos...now thanks to your awesome design prowess, I have a plan! Thank you for inspiring and sharing.

Kathy's A Quilter said...

There are no mistakes in quilting, only potholders! LOL, I just blew tea out my own spout with that one. Please may I quote you?

DeAnn said...

I feel that the college football game was like two children fighting. I was born in Boise, and I live in Utah. Lol. Down deep, I'm glad that Boise won. My roots are deep.

Julierose said...

this must be why I have SO MANY potholders rotflol...hugs, Julierose

folksmith said...

Yea!!! Boise.

Unknown said...

Love the pic of Emmy Lou. She looks good!

Rinachiyya said...

Bonnie your quilt is gorgeous! I love it!!!!!
Love the colors but also the pattern.
Well done as usual!!!
Happy quilting, Yoka Bazilewich

notolderbetr said...

When things don't work. That's the story of my quilting this summer. I worked for weeks on a design I "invented" only to have just about everyone tell me it just didn't work. I wasn't exactly pleased with it either but I didn't dislike it as much as my husband (my biggest fan) and my quilt mentor. My mentor suggested how I could rescue it by salvaging some of it, adding borders and coming up with a more appealing quilt. Right now it's hanging on my design wall because I just can't let it go yet. I still like my idea.... Thanks for your encouragement. Your column is a favorite of mine.

Unknown said...

Love your blog!! Could you please explain how and when your "Black Friday" Mystery will begin. Would love to get my local guild involved this year, but not sure when it really starts and how it works. Got into it late last year, but loved the results of my "En Provence" quilt!!

Rosieq said...

Good morning, what a wonderful way to wake up this morning...first with Lori Kennedy and an October photo opt with a railroad bed and fall leaves; then you with the lovely quilt in the mist of a foggy morning....how does Robert Frost's poem go? Something about like cat's paws....

Thank you, have a wonderful week!

PalmerGal said...

It's Carl Sandburg who wrote that:

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Unknown said...

Emmy Lou has the biggest, soulful eyes I've ever seen in a cat! She is really special.
Love your quilt, as always.

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