
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Night of Indigo Blue…

Boy was it nice to sit and stitch last night! 

I finished the 5 missing border units while binging on season 6 of Call the Midwife – it’s now available on Netflix!

Oh, how I love this show.

Maybe because it’s “Just for me.” 

The menfolk in my abode get squeamish over the sights and sounds of newborns joining us in this life.  How do they ever think THEY made it into the world?

It’s funny to watch them leave the room as soon as the nurse says “Okay, sweetie, now push!”  LOL!

The show has now entered 1962, the year I made it into this life so I am enjoying the clothes, the hairstyles (endless up-do’s and aerosol hairspray!) and the music.  There is a lot of learning that happens in between the story lines.  Headlines of what happened at that time, treatments that were all the rage, that are now outlawed. 

50 years from now folks will look back on THESE years we are in now and think the same thing I bet.

But for me, Call the Midwife is pure pleasure.  It tugs my heartstrings, my faithstrings, even my gigglestrings.  Wonderful show.

Borders going ON!


Attaching the last side!


The gigglestrings are getting tugged here too!

I love the zombies and spider webs that snuck in.

In this one photo alone I see fabric from the 1980s (neutral heart print, upper right corner) 1990s (thimbleberries sand print far bottom right corner – just a peek of it!) early 2000s fabric (country stars, dead center bottom) and a bunch of others.  My scrap chronicles go way back, and I love sticking these memory fabrics in wherever I can.

I did use the Sharon Hultgren Center Square ruler to cut my blue on point squares – and guess what?  I got a message from her this past week that she has found another couple cases of center square rulers while cleaning out a storage space.  She is going to send them to me when she can, and we will have those available when she does. 

I cut the corners for these units with the Essential Triangle Tool and they fit perfectly.

With all that is going on with my brother’s brain cancer, and the advancing stages of my father-in-law’s pancreatic cancer, I have had to put designing a square in a square tool of my own on back burner for now.



I love quilts that finish with the piecing – no plain border needed outside of it to diminish the effect of the piecing.  This one will get a scrappy neutral binding so the blue squares continue to float.


ALMOST enough backing fabric.

I’ve got enough for 2 lengths, but the quilt top is 80’’ x 88’’  and 2 widths is just not going to cut it.  I’m going to have to piece something in between.


Extra 9-patches and snowballs to the rescue!

I still don’t remember what these 9-patch blocks were originally intended for. But I do remember piecing them by treadle when I was just getting the hang of treadling.  That could explain why some required squaring down and trimming.  Yep.  It was a learning experience!  Those way-less-than-perfect blocks will be fine on the back.

And I’m taking everything up to the cabin with me this morning to spend a few days in wooded bliss!

There are also 2 quilts to attach binding to and start the hand stitching on, so I’ll have some busy evenings ahead.  Some to share – some to keep secret – for just a while longer.

And now on to some FEEL GOOD news.

This has been a devastating few months.  From the fires in the northwest to the hurricanes in the south. (including Puerto Rico which is NOT another country, they are AMERICAN!) If you know someone who has lost a sewing machine due to fire, flood, hurricane or other disaster, this video is for them:

Please share it with those who have lost so much. Thank you Studio E & Blank Quilting!!

If the sound doesn't play...click the little speaker at the bottom right of the screen.  If it has an X it is turned off. Turn it on.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

En Provence quilt finish shared during our Boca Raton workshops last week.

What you focus on is what you will find again and again and again! Look for the good in every day and you will find it.

Or go one better.  BE the good stuff someone else is searching for.  You might be the only good stuff they find that day.

Much love on this Tuesday -


Stephanie said...

Love the colors in this quilt! So excited about the Center Square Ruler. Is there anyway I can buy one in advance? I ALWAYS miss out when you announce you have some.



stretchmarks said...

The Call the Midwife books are wonderful, too. Worth getting. I have some of the white and blue "2000) material meant for a graduation hunter's star and never made. I'd be glad to send it to you. Please PM me with an address?

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

To Stephanie above - I am unable to pre-sell as I don't know how many she is sending me or when they will arrive. The best thing you can do is check my blog every morning and you will know when they are available. Thank you for understanding.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

@ stretchmarks - my email is found by clicking the circle with the envelope in it just below my signature at the bottom of each post.

Mary W Quilts said...

This quilt is a stunner! I love the idea of the neutral binding to float the squares too. I'm driving from Myrtle Beach through North Carolina to Asheville tomorrow. I'm going to stop at Mary Jo's and pick up some "school bus" cheddar. It gives such great contrast to the blue and light neutrals. Mary in Boston

Janet said...

Bonnie, I love Call the Midwife, also. I remember the things they bring up...drugs, etc. The music in the sixties is the music of my teen years. Thanks for recommendation. Love your quilt and your great quilting ideas.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I love this quilt and the blue just makes it. The ideas you have from just scraps of fabric are so amazing. It was such a joy to hear that your family in Puerto Rico were safe, although I know they will have quite a struggle ahead. Praying for them. May I say I look forward to reading your blog post. They encourage me to quilt some everyday and to enjoy each day that God gives me.

T Holzer said...

Gorgeous finish, Bonnie. You have more than enough on your plate right now...take care!

Teresa said...

Oh my GOSH, Bonnie I love, love love this quilt. It is so wonderful. You've changed my mind completely about cheddar fabrics. Can't wait to see it all quilted and bound. I'm getting excited about the mystery! I promised myself I wasn't going to buy any fabric until the mystery colors were announced, but alas...huge fail! My sister Mary and I went to the guild retreat in Berlin, Ohio and she HAD to go to Miller's for something. And who can resist the $3 fabric in their sale bin! So my new promise to myself is that I'll exclusively choose neutrals from my giant neutral drawer for the mystery. (Unless I can't help myself!) I'm not opposed to filling out the colored portions with fabric from the quilt shop, but I'm going to do my best to shop my stash. Teresa

Roxann in East Texas said...

This quilt - I love.

Mary said...

I will be watching for those Square in a Square Rulers! Call the Midwife series is such fun to Binge watch. I'm a 60's girl, my childhood happened then as well. It makes me want to go to ENGLAND. It's on my Bucket list. I love to hear the accent when they talk. lol, on the menfolk leaving the room. Happy to see the Orphan Blue 9-patches playing nice with your border blues. Have fun piecing the back insert panel with the leftovers. I picked up a few $1.50 Fat Quarter Neutrals at the Quilt Show last weekend in Utah. Waiting for the end of October with one eye on your feed. Gotta get the paint swatches, quick! Then I can find pretty colors in my STASH in November to prepare for the Mystery. Have a great rest of the week at the Cabin. Your Brother and FIL are in my prayers.

Mary Ellen said...

Beautiful quilt - indigo blue with white and cheddar. Swoon! I have a bunch of schwe schwe fabrics I have been saving. Time to use them! Bonnie, did you wash them first? Mine are as stiff as boards. I normally do not prewash my fabrics but these seem to need it and others have warned me that they will need washing to soften them up and to get extra dye out of them.

Mary Ellen said...

Forgot to mention that I watched the video of the fabric company president who is giving away sewing machines. I love his heart and generous attitude. Thanks so much for sharing this little video.

viridian said...

The combination of indigo and white (seen in your border) is so wonderful. Now I am thinking about a new quilt project...

Peg said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I love the colors you chose.

Unknown said...

First off, prayers to all who have something/someone in their lives struggling with health issues, weather related or devestation. Bonnie you are inspiring me in so many ways to makes quilts, continue working on the last mystery quilt and looking forward to the next one. Prayers to your brother Mark as well as your Father-in-law. Enjoy your time away at the cabin. Hope the hubster is feeling better as well.

Suzzysews said...

Hi Bonnie! You are a wonder! Love this quilt and the colors! Prayers continue for all your family membersπŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸ€— Hope the cabin gives you some peace. I am sure Sadie girl will love walking and sewing with you❣️🐢🐝🐝 Hope I hear about the square rulers early, I seem to always miss here announcements early on! Best regards to you❣️😎

Mommy Robin said...

What a gorgeous quilt! Just love it.

I've just returned home from picking up my Chunky Churndash and En Provence. The Chunky Churndash has been languishing - I was toying with making it larger - and I realized while it was away that I didn't have a plan for the binding. As it turns out, the scraps she returned from wideback that I splurged on for En Provence (we can buy widebacks for $10 - $10.50/yd at the local Mennonite store) will be PERFECT for it! And I do have a plan for the binding for En Provence - remaining constant.

Talkin' Turkey is winding down - I will be doing the string piecing for the border this weekend, then get that top together. And through it all, I also binge watch "Call the Midwife." I'm pretty sure that I've seen all of the recently released season, but that's okay!

Glad to hear that your Aunt and Uncle are safe; the struggles of recovery will be long and challenging for all in Puerto Rico, I am afraid. But being safe is a major step in the right direction. Hopefully we will soon hear good news of Mark as well.

Enjoy your time at the cabin!


Unknown said...

Love your finished quilt it's going to be beautiful like so many others.. continuing to pray for your your brother and father-in-law.

Sewgranny said...

As always a gorgeous quilt, prayers for your family and I just finished season 6 of Call the midwife...absolutely loved it!!!

u keep sewing said...

Double, Triple❤️❤️❤️ that quilt and border. Thanks so much for sharing.
Special best wishes to the family members.
Have a good one.

JDonhorses said...

Thank you for the movie suggestion, Bonnie! I'm watching the first one now, singing Que Sara Sara!!! Thank you for all that you do for us, including blogging every day! We DO appreciate you! Blessings & prayers to you and your family.

ShirlR said...

This quilt is just beautiful! I love the border; it sets the quilt off perfectly. So wonderful that Henry Glass is giving sewing machines to those in need. How generous. Thanks for posting the video of this kind man. The color of the sewing machine he unpacked is wonderful. His kindness will bless many people.

Wendy said...

I know this block has a name, but when I look at this quilt, I see Xs and Os. It's a stunner, and I love the border. Another great finish, Bonnie!

notolderbetr said...

What a lovely quilt, Bonnie. I so enjoy seeing them in progress and completed. BTW, my husband was not squeamish about watching the births in Call the Midwife. Our son was born by Cesarean so he didn't get to see the miracle of birth--nor did I. We really got into all that emotion. We've actually watched the series on Netflix twice. Thanks for your quote of the day. It applies to my life right now.

Ellen said...

I'm another fan of Call the Midwife, and have enjoyed One Born Every Minute on youtube.com. It's very moving to see the dads moved to tears with their new child, and their wife's birth experience. Quilts and babies go together.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Great post - I just love your indigo and white/yellow color scheme. And all the scraps from over the years. My husband and I both love Call the Midwife - so well written and just excellent in every way.

Unknown said...

Love the indigo blues, they speak to my soul. I learned so much watching Call the Midwife. I sure hope they continue. Scored a new to me vintage Kenmore off my neighbors porch. Flying along on the leader and enders. I am using teals as my four patch and scrappy happy for my rails.

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