
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wednesday in Bedford

It started out as a day of computer work.

A day to catch up on emails and put some effort toward some future projects.

A morning requiring some brain power.

I had Mary working across from me on one side of the table, doing  some edits on her future book project and we made good use of the quiet morning just being busy together.

But afternoon eventually arrives all too quickly and we headed back to Bedford so Mary could meet up with an appointment at her shop, enabling me some time to wander around this corner, and around that one.

“You should go into this Vintique Shop!” says Mary as we drop her car at the cute little Gulf service station to have her tire pressure checked. 

The afternoon was so very very beautifully July that we decided to just park there, let them check things when they could work it in, and we would walk up the street to her shop.

And off Mary goes to meet with her client, and I don’t need any further pushing to go check out a new to me vintage place.


Log cabin maxi dress circa 1970s!

The shop was mostly vintage clothing, but oh, the displays were WONDERFUL!  The owner has a real knack for arranging merchandise in a way that will make the shopper wander, pick up and touch – and remember!

As I’m writing this I realize that the items I bought are wrapped in paper in the back of the van – a set of pyrex mixing bowls with a chicken pattern, and a beautiful juice pitcher.  Photos to come on those.  They are destined for the cabin.

Around the corner from the shop is another antique mall/home décor place I love to wander.


Do I or do I not want this bowl and pitcher?

The dresser in the guest room at the cabin has a perfect spot for a bowl & pitcher.  I love the design on this one, but it was dated in the 1970s.  There is still the second half of the mall to tackle in Verona on my way home, so I just may wait…


But this is lovely!

I also like that this was artisan painted, not mass produced – so I’m weighing in on the pros and cons on both sides.


Of course, shopping at Mary’s did happen too!

As I look at this, I realize that once again the neutrals outweigh the colors, but I am so happy with my findings – there are beautiful fabrics at Mary’s Quilt Shop!


Other findings!

We are taking a SPA DAY today and headed over to Bedford Springs for a much needed massage and a day away from computers, projects and people. 

One of my favorite things to do after a long Bedford Bath soak and a massage is to curl up in a comfy chair in the quiet room with a book and just disconnect myself from all electronic items.  Totally unplug.  I realized yesterday that I needed a book, and found this crime novel in the antique mall for $1.00.

The quilty looking book?  It’s a day planner by C&T from before I was with them!


Oh my!  Do I ever love planners!

This one was published in 2014 – and I love planners that are good for “ANY YEAR” starting with January 1st without a “day of the week” attributed to the date.

And then my head started spinning.  How many quilt photos are in this planner?  Would I have enough to have them do a planner for me with all of MY quilts in it?

Wheels are turning.  This is something that is going on to the “dig deeper” list.

So let me know.  Do you use planners?  if I did a planner book with my designs in it – would it be something you would pick up?  Leave me a comment below if you say YES (don’t bother with the NO’s – it would make things too hard to count.)

This just could be something for the future.


And this did happen.

Binding is on, waiting for some hand stitching.


And I ended my evening with conversation and some hexie time.

And with that – it’s time to run out to the springs and I haven’t even hit SEND yet!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage Rose wreath applique from the collection of Cathy B.

An unexpected compliment maybe the nicest thing to happen to someone that day.

Spread some happiness around!

have a terrific Thursday, everyone!

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Sequoialynn Sews said...

Yes! Glad you are having a great trip!

Johanna said...

A planner with pics of your quilts would be great! I would buy one. Have you thought of doing pens or pencils with your quilt designs on them. I think that the combination of the planner and pens or pencils with your great quilt designs would make a great gift for any quilter.

Unknown said...

Yes to the planner.

Trish said...

yes I use planners all the time!

Gale Wrigley said...

Oh my goodness YES! I am constantly creatively stimulated by your quilts. I might end up in warp speed overdrive, but it would be worth it. And yes I use planners. Have for years.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie. What if you did a"quilt" planner starting with one of your mystery quilts. The first 6 or 7 weeks would focus on the instructions, tools used, colors used, notes, short cuts, kinds of a cross between a planner and a quilt journal. Include a place to put a pic of the finished quilt. Then the rest of the planner/journal would be for what the quilter does the rest of the year. I read a lot of posts where quilters say they start something, lose track, and then find things years later but no instructions, etc. You know the drill. Anyway, love the idea no matter how it comes out.

sharon said...

yes, especially if it was not dated to a year....

Debbie said...

Planner ...yes. Add an extra page for each month for monthly goals/plans for projects to accomplish. I write one up each month to keep me focused!

Unknown said...

I love planners! I would buy one with your quilts, quips, and quotes in a heartbeat!

Ally said...

Yes to planner!!!

Lorene said...

YES! I would love to have a planner with your quilts in it. What a wonderful idea.

Jane said...

I love the idea of a planner and would buy one of yours in a heartbeat. There are some really good ideas in the previous comments!

Kathleen said...

I do use planners but I like one that I can take pages with me in a folder. I spend time in two places and carrying a big one is out of the question. Right now I'm thinking of design my own printable one that will work for me! Good luck.

Anita Balgenorth said...


BJP said...

I would buy an undated journal with pictures of your quilts.

Mairi said...

Glad that dress did not fit! 😉 I use planners, notepads, and calendars. Pretty sure ones with your quilts would be very appealing. Love wandering the antique shops with you...so much easier on my budget not to mention the variety is better than up here in Alberta.

Unknown said...

A "Bonnie Quilt Planner" would be right up my alley! Love your idea!

Unknown said...

Yes for sure!

Unknown said...

This planner idea would be great. I would want it to fit into my purse/bag so that I could use it to plan out future projects to coincide with Birthdays or events. It would be a new 'quilting tool'!

Dolly Trail said...


grammajudyb said...

I am a sucker for planners and list of any kind...and scrappy, count me in. So a planner with your quilts, YES YES YES!!!

Donna Fisher said...

If I was still working, yes. But I'm sure I could use one now that I'm retired, too. So yes, count me in.

Mary said...

I use planners all the time. I'm thrilled when I come across one of your quilts in the AQS weekly planner I've used every year for ever! To have one of your planners would be the best! (You could include your inspirational quotes on each quilt page as well.

Sue Straits said...

Yes, I'd buy one.

Showmethequilts said...

Yes I would love a Bonnie planner!

Jo Vandermey said...

What about a planner like the new bullet journal craze journals. (just google bullet journal) a journal you can custmize what you do. You could then use it as a planner, inspiration journal, quilt planner recorder etc. with lots of inspiration of lovely quilt patterns in between.
I like the bullet system because it is flexible to what I want to do when I want to do it. I can have lists in it, to buy, goals, wips, books read, books to read... all with out carrying a binder so big that it weighs a ton. What to do when filled. You start another. C and T could do versions for all their big authors...
Humm maybe I should go into marketing... lol

Margee said...

Yes to the planner!

Unknown said...

Yes :)

Allison C Bayer Plano TX said...

Yes to the planner! C&Ts are my favorite for the very reason they are not year specific. Read through all the comments so as not to duplicate, and want to second what Mary suggested . . . "You could include your inspirational quotes on each quilt page as well." We know you have 52+ of those you've shared with us! Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

Julia H said...

Yes, a planner with your designs would be a great motivation to get my fanny in gear and get busy! Love the idea and would snatch it up in a heartbeat!

Suzy K said...

Yes to planner and especially no day of week/year involved.

Mtntop Quilter said...

Yes for a planner. Any assistance will help get my ducks in a row. Some days they are going in so many different directions.

Debra in Ohio said...

Yes! I would love a Bonnie quilt planner!

tealeafquilts said...

Bonnie,you should have bought that dress and found an old mannequin to put it on in your sewing room! It would be a perfect accessory and you could even use her to drape fabric around. Oh, Bonnie, go back and get it. I am totally serious as I am a decorator and can see her standing in your room. Carol

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes, planners that don't go out of date, are very useful, and I do use them.

Sharon Decker said...

Yes, yes, yes. I love planners also. I keep one by my sewing machine and try to keep track of what I worked on each day. Of course, invariably, it gets "lost" in the sewing room and ends of with empty pages.

Sandhill's Quilter said...

Yes, I would love to see you do a planner.

Michelle said...

Yes please to the planner! That's a fantastic idea! Love planners and a Bonnie planner would automatically be my favorite!!! I can picture it with your blocks and quotes... sign me up!

Unknown said...

Yes I use a paper planner. Been using one for years. Would love to have one with your quilts.

Unknown said...

Yes please, to the planner!! I would love one. They would make great gifts to my quilting friends, too!


Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Yes, I would definitely buy a Bonnie Hunter Planner because I love looking at your quilts. Making a planner without the year or days of the week is a good move because it can be sold year after year and used starting at any time of the year.

Cathie in Ut said...

Nope don't use one myself but I can see it being very popular. I would get a "quilt" planner with gridded pages and also pages for notes etc.

Maureen Flaherty said...

Yes, please!

Marilyn said...

Yes, I would buy one. I think it's a great idea.

Gayle and Rob said...

Yes! On the planner idea with no dates - I'd use it for my bullet journal which is calendar and journal and quilting projects combined.

terry said...

Yes - use them as diaries and read them back for the memories.


Anne VanDeWege said...

Oh the planner would be fabulous!! Enjoy your spa day!!

acadiennegale said...

a big yes Bonnie :-)

SandyPA said...

I would buy the planner. Definitely incorporate the suggestion for a goals page each month, maybe one to start the year, too. Oooh, the year page could have space for your resolutions and word/theme of the year, quilt goals, personal goals, etc. As for the quotes, this could fit at the bottom of each week or day (depending on how the planner is laid out) and you could have a small pic of the featured quilt section with the quote to the side.

Nancy said...

Oh, yes, yes! I live by my planner!
My last job before retiring was in 'planning' and before that in Scheduling :) I am now retired (since July 2012), but still need a planner to guide me.
Life is very full!
I wake up each day asking myself - now where am I supposed to be today?
Sometimes I jump out of bed with a 'I don't have to be anywhere today' thought as it does seem - with my husband gone (passed in June 2014)- that I have added too much to my schedule and may not get enough 'me' time.
Much like you in your traveling life!
It's all fun, but, we must still work in 'nurturing of our souls time' :)

Linda A said...

A lot of good suggestions posted.....and yes I'm in for a planner!

Unknown said...


Jen said...

No planner for me...but I would LOVE a wall calendar with your designs (especially the mystery quilts)

Pati said...


Unknown said...

Yes for the planner

patchwork46@gmail.com said...

Yes for the planner

Sydney said...

Yes!Yes! To the planner! I love the idea that it can be for any year!

Mary said...

I like the Mystery Planner idea. And using the daily quotes too for inspiration. Then we can have a reminder when we are unplugged.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

yes...all the planners I have found are boring!

CMT said...

Yes! I'm a teacher, and academic year planners are so hard to find! So one that is either 18 months, or goes September to August would be great!

Fran in Mississippi said...

Yes! Love the idea of a Bonnie Hunter Day planner.

Valerie said...

What I would love as much -- even more, really -- as a Bonnie K Hunter planner is to know how you use your planner: what method you use to to plan, break into steps, track progress, stay on top of due dates, work towards goals, just -- how do you do it all! Thanks for asking our opinions, but do what makes you happy.

Unknown said...

A Bonnie Hunter planner I'd love it. I checked my calendar every day to see what's going on in my life. Of course since I'm retired most times it's just a check to see what day it is.

Unknown said...

Yes I would use a planner too.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I would love it!

Kathy said...

Yep! I can see it now - "Bonnie Inc.", also you're going to have to build a warehouse, hire some people and then do it all again in a few years because you will have out-grown that space. We also need Quiltville shirts, pj' and sundry other necessities. Seriously, I second the purse size.

Pam said...

Yes, I'd love a planner.

Audrey said...

Yes, a planner with your designs and maybe the quotes you sometimes
share for inspiration.

Lane Hill House said...

Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

Susan T. said...

Yes! I have been buying one the few years, not really to use as a planner, but to document what went on that year that was good or fun experiences.

martha said...

Yes - no doubt about it ! I might use a second one for guild activities/idea

Unknown said...

Yes to a planner with photos of your designs'

Joyce Frazier said...

Yes, I would love to have a planner with your quilt designs in it. I know I won't be able to make them all but seeing them would be delightful! It would be a keepsake.

Unknown said...

I would like a telephone/address book with your quilts in it. That would be fantastic!

Barb in Georgia

Unknown said...

Yes,yes,yes! Your quilts are so beautiful and inspirational. I would definitely love a planner. Maybe you could do a couple different sizes? A smaller one for a pocketbook too?

Unknown said...

My husband's family owned a company Arnel's that produced molds for the hobby industry. In the 1970's the company's most popular items were a line of pitcher and bowl molds. In your pics this pitcher and bowl appears to be made from Arnel's. Beautifully made.

fwJIquilter said...

Yes to a planner. I like the no year idea, because it is not limited to a specific time frame.

grannysews said...

Yes, I would love an undated planner/journal with your quilts and quips.

UptownConnie said...


Diane said...

A planner with all Bonnie quilts?? What a silly question, in a heartbeat YES!!

Suzzysews said...

Yes Bonnie, of coarse yes!! Looks by these emails you have a winner idea! Maybe a yearly one! Love your journey to PA! The puppies, the gorgeous wild flowers, Mary's outings, quilters, and fabric, what is not to like❣️❣️Glad you are having a great time!

Always In Stitches said...

Yes to a planer with one quilt pattern included. I would love it.

Karen said...

Yes! Sounds like a great idea! Biggest problem will be deciding which quilts to leave out.

Unknown said...

When the Franklin Planner first came out, we had to use it on my job. Since then I have always used a planner but have a hard time finding one that isn't pre dated. I would be a regular purchaser of the Bonnie Hunter Planner because I am sure it would fulfill a quilters. I, too, would like some graph pages in it. So, as they say on America's Got Talent, it's a big YES from me!

June Sommer said...

Yes to the planner.

Karen said...

My planner is essential, and I use one that has the whole month at a glance, with room to write on each day. For reference, they are saved annually with my tax stuff. I also have a 5-year month to month planner that I LOVE and use extensively--you can appreciate that! My address book contains pictures of gardens from India, but why not quilts? I think all of the above would be great showcases for your artistry.

Mary said...

I would purchase (and use) a Bonnie Hunter quilty something as a journal. So, the more space and the less structure (other than pictures), the better.

Elaine Adair said...

YES, I'd probably buy the planner! I bought your cards and don't even play cards! LOL I might buy more than one - they make great gifts to my quilty friends. elaineadairpieces.blogspot.com

gailweidenaar@gmail.com said...

Yes and have a gift list of at least 10 it will get longer

nancyb said...

YES! i would definitely use a planner from you. sounds like a PLAN-errrrr. (couldn't resist) nancyb

Sonja said...

Yes please😃

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Thinking more a journal than planner. Lovely idea

Denise bryan said...

Yes to the planner.

Quiltville.com said...

Yes I would be thrilled to have one of your books with just your designs in it. That would be great

Anonymous said...

I try to use a planner, but it is mostly hit and miss--I still am able to keep most of it straight in my head. But saying that, a planner of yours quilts and quotes would be more inspirational than most. From my reading this post and over 5,000 entries for giveaways (mine not included) I suspect you would sell anything that you thought worthwhile to help us enjoy quilting or other pasttimes (like card playing!) Keep us posted. Ivy Koritz

KathyF said...

Yes to the planner!

Jo said...

YES with QUOTES too....

Anne Hayward said...

Yes I'd definitely use your planne and the jug and bowl are beautiful enjoy your time with Mary xxx

@lutzcats said...

Yes...with a thousand thank you's.😅

@lutzcats said...

Yes...with a thousand thank you's.😅

Jeanne A. said...

Yes to your planner

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I need a planner to organize all my projects.

Unknown said...

Yes, I would love to have a planner with your quilts in it. I would also buy them as gifts, perfect idea!

Unknown said...

Yes to a planner by you, Bonnie Hunter with your wonderful quotes included on each page.

Sandy said...

Um, let me think. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Yes, Ma'am! I have one on my cutting table and use every day. I have MS and severe short term memory loss. I document my projects and things that I must get done. I write much progress that I have made. In the morning, I pick up my planner and know exactly where to start my say. It makes me much more productive and keeps my ADD brain under control.
I would so Love to see your patterns and quips on daily pages! Thank you for all the you do!!!!!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

How about a simple journal with pictures of your quilts on each page?

Lynn Czar said...

Yes to the planner with your quilts!

Debbiegsp said...

Yes, please. I would not only buy it for myself, but give it as a gift to close quilter friends.

Aby Dolinger said...

Yes for a planner. Also notecards(stationery).

Sally Langston Warren said...

Yes to the planner......as well as note cards and a coloring book of your quilts. They could hire someone to draw them out. Simple drawings that we could then color as we try out different color schemes,.......please?

Norma J May said...

Yes a planner would be wonderful.

Jackie at Adirondack Urban said...

Yes! I would love a planner with your quilt designs. I currently use one by a different publisher that has 52 quilt pictures (one a week) and a space to write something for each day - I use it for work, to note meeting times and locations. I'd gladly switch to one with your quilts!!!

preludetoaseam said...

Yes please!!! Hope you go through with it!

Cathy said...

Yes to the planner idea. There should be no doubt in your mind of its worth!!

annieb said...

Yes to the Planner. UN-Dated so it would be easy to use when ever we got it. Would love your quotes on the quilt pictures like you do daily. Full of your tips & ideas. Such a great "me" gift.

Sally said...

Yes, indeed! Large writing space for lists please. Having a planner with pictures of your quilts would be so inspirational. A happy smile for each day.

quiltot said...

Yes to the planner!
I also want to thank you for the recommendation of Birds In The Air. I just finished reading it and thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm going to recommend it to my reading friends!

Sherry said...

I LOVE planners and your QUILTS so this is a no brainer for me. Do it Bonnie!

teachpany said...

Your quilts in anything would be wonderful. A monthly calendar, a planner, etc.

MaryAnn said...

Yes yes yes! 😄

JoEllen said...

Absolutely YES,

shoshu said...

hi Bonnie!
i've never used a planner, but if there was one with your quilts in it, i would love to own it,even if just to look at all that beauty!!! maybe you could include the patterns for the basic blocks?

PalmerGal said...


Pat K

Debbie said...

Yes, of course. But, can't I have a planner without using it? Do I have to use it? :)

Sandy said...

Yes!! I would even buy them for my quilt friends.

ReM-Quilts said...

Ye, I would like a planner with your quilts.
The suggestions of quotes and matching pen or pencil are great too.
Greetings from Berlin, Germany

Unknown said...

I would buy your un-dated planner and please add in the quips & quotes. I would also use a 12-month wall calendar with monthly pictures & instructions. These could be mystery quilts, your free patterns or Leaders & Enders.

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

Yes a planner would be a great idea, I write down everything, as you get older it it harder to remember everything. I am so happy you are having good time. Take care of yourself you give so much to all of us,.

Nanette said...

Yes, yes, yes....as long as it's got some good detail in the planner part....not too much...but more than just blank space, like goals, gratitude, etc

Paula DiMattei said...


Cindy said...

Oh my yes!

mkhquilts said...

the answer is YES of course I would love a planner with your quilts in it!!! It would be awesome!

grandzoo said...


isupam said...

Yes, I love planners with photos of quilts. Pam

Lynn said...

I would love a planner. I have found that using my phone to keep track of events just doesn't work well. Bring on the planner.

Cherry said...

Yes.I would love a Bonnie planner and a Bonnie calendar. Would buy both .

Ann said...

Oh please do. With your quilts and quotes it would be great. YES YES YES.

Amy said...

I LOVE planners-
I have one for work, one for home, a little one next to the sewing machine.

A BONNIE HUNTER planner would be the ultimate.

Keep that one in mind, I would definitely purchase:)

I use ideas and tricks I have learned from Bonnie both in person and online almost daily, thank you so much for your constant hard work and great ideas!

Cats said...

yes to the planner

shelleyjwilliams said...

Yes to a planner, matching pencils, at least one pocket please!
You could sell a set with a ruler!

LoAnn said...

Yes to the planner!

Jean said...

Absolutely yes!

carol bryan said...

Yes I would like a planner!

Harriett said...

Yes I would love a Bonnie planner. I use planners daily. Good quality paper and not glossy. They tend to use a gloss paper because the quilts looks good but it hard for writing on.

Linda said...

Yes to the planner--would love one with your quilts in it!!!!

Unknown said...

yes, I would buy one.

lfrihart said...


traditional_quilter said...


Unknown said...

Bonnie, l have stopped using planners since i. Ave a Iphone. The weight if the phone and the weight of a planner. In my bag plus all else we seem to tote with us makes totes HEAVY...causing aching shoulders and back. Since l need the phone, s planner had to go. I can use my phone as my planner.
This might not eant to be what you would like to hear, but seriously consider how many quilters are like me... tote weight challenged 🤗


purplepansy132 said...

yes an 18 month one Please

Christina said...

I love a planner! Especially with quilty stuff included. I plan out my week and it helps me accomplish what I want/need to accomplish home and quilty life. It is sometimes my brain. I love the idea of you creating one!

Emily said...

I would be lost without my planner! The people I work with call it my Bible because it is always with me. Would I like one with your quilts on it? Oh heck yes!!

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