There are days and times when I am completely blown away at the sheer volume of beautiful quilts that come to show & share both during our guild presentation time, and at workshops.
If we added all the thread, end to end – the miles of binding, the yards of fabric, the minutes turned to hours to days, weeks, months –the sheer magnitude of what you have done during our yearly mysteries just leaves me stunned and speechless.
One of our gals was keeping count of just how many En Provence quilts were shown during my time in Columbus, and I think it came out to something like 17 finishes. My goodness!
There were also many Allietare and Grand Illusion quilts among others. Well done, quilters! Well done!
My heart can’t find the words for all you have given me. I am grateful beyond measure. Thank you.
Thank you so much!
The above two quilts, Allietare, and En Provence were not made by me. We had a HUGE stage, and a couple of extra quilt stands, and I asked if there was anyone who would be willing to have their quilts hang in front of the big bright windows to help block some of the light that would be hitting the visitors right in the face during my lecture time.
These two quilts were ones that didn’t fit my travel bags as they had already reached beyond their weight limit of 50 lbs each. My thanks for adding so much to our evening together!
They made for an amazing display!
You can’t see me!!
Oh yes, we can! LOL!!
We also got to giggling about “proper quilt holding etiquette!” Etiquette?? You mean there is such a thing?
Oh yes, my friends…there is! Maybe you didn't know before, but now you do.
Notice the quilter on the left.
When holding quilts up for show & share, it is imperative that your UP arm be AWAY from the audience.
Your front arm is the one that is down just below waist level, holding the quilt nice and straight for those taking photographs.
Resist the urge to have your front arm be up!
Let’s not have your under-arm be the focus point of any quilt photo!
It’s a subtle difference, a matter of switching arms, but often your arm is also hiding your face and we miss your smile!
Having your front arm down will also keep your shirt from riding up to heights you don’t wish it to reach in public.
This concludes our quilt-holding public service announcement!
I loved these ladies, and after a few “switch arms!” comments from those of us in the front row, they had it down pat! We were all giggling as we learned better ways to hold quilts in front of an audience.
I hope you enjoy all of the wonderful quilts in the slide show below:
I made it home from Ohio about 4:30pm yesterday afternoon.
Find downtown Columbus!
Downtown Columbus Ohio was covered in clouds and mist as we left for Atlanta. It was an easy travel day of no delays and on-time flights. All luggage showed up where it was supposed to at the end of my journey and I am making great progress on the eternal hexie project border:
Don’t count the pieces – just keep sewing!
The plan here is to get some mail order out (Another batch of the Simple Folded Corners Rulers have arrived!) and I’ll get as many out the door as I can up until the post office closing time at noon.
And then I am off to Virginia to spend a long holiday weekend at the cabin.
I’ll resume order filling when I get back on the 5th –after stopping at the oral surgeon in Winston Salem on my way. The receptionist told me that the broken tooth may also be extracted that day, and it can’t be soon enough for me. I’ve dealt with this long enough, and it is time to get that implant process started.
I have the 5th & 6th home (uncertain of my mouth condition at this point!) and on the 7th I drive up to Bedford Pennsylvania for my extended Quilty Time with two back to back weekends of fun sponsored by Mary Koval of Mary’s Quilt Shop!
There is another order of the Simple Folded Corners rulers and more ruler stickers as well on the way, and they will be waiting for me when I am back from Pennsylvania on the 18th. (I'm spending all day of the 17th driving in the car home.)
Come sew with me in Bedford, PA!
Come join us by contacting the shop by phone at (814)310-2278 to register. I'll see you there!
ALSO! Tomorrow night (Sunday) I am drawing for the lucky WINNERS for our Quiltmaker/Sulky Gift-Away! Did you enter to win ON THAT POST?
Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Thanks for the Canada Day wishes. Have a restful and relaxing Fourth of July.
Have a relaxing weekend Bonnie! And good luck at the dentist.
Hi Bonnie! Great slide show! Love the unfinished quilts in the light! Looks like stain glass. Good luck at the dentist. Usually the third day after surgery is the worst. Have fun at the cabin.
Thank you for all you do for us quilters. Take extra care of yourself. Third day after an extraction is the worst. Perhaps re-think your schedule or have a friend go with you--driving. Us quilters worry about you. Enjoy your lovely long wk-end. Can we have more pics of how you did the inside decorating of cabin with all your awesome quilts?
Thank you for the Canada Day shout out. I love following your blog and learning from all your road trips. As an expat Canadian in California, it is so interesting to see what goes on in the US
Oh, Bonnie! I love the browns and touches of red in that Hexie quilt! She is going to be beautiful!
Have a safe and wonderful week - Tina
What beautiful quilts! It's getting me inspired to finish my En Provence and get ready for your next challenge. Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
I am happy to see all the Show n Share. It's almost like being there. Ouchie on the tooth. No fun! Have a great holiday weekend. Glad my Ruler came in time to be used on my Row by Row. I'll be in PA the middle of July. How far is Bedford from Philadelphia??? Gotta check that out.
this is great... the ruler is available, but the stickers are sold out! yerg... well, i'm not taking any chances, even tho i'll have to pay another shipping charge, ordered the rule--this is my fourth time and i finally got to the "shop" before THEY were sold out.... I am so happy for Bonnie that these items are so popular... happy day!
I feel you, that feeling of being completely blown away upon seeing beautiful quilts, it's like having butterflies in your stomach.
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