
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Midnight Flight Day in Brigham City!

Our second day in Brigham City, Utah flew by so fast I could hardly catch my breath by the end of it all.

Midnight Flight!  A quilt with many pieces, many technique's, and sew much fun!
88 pieces in each 12 inch block?  30 blocks total?  No problem!

We had so much going on, from  speedy slicing and dicing so that matched pairs of 4 patches were already nested right sides together in the cutting process and ready to sew.


We spun seams!  (Evidently it takes one to spin and 2 to supervise as shown above LOL!)

We cut pairs of half-square triangles ready to sew from strips with the Essential Triangle Tool

My favorite comment of the day?  “It works!  It really works!  They are perfect and all I had to do was remove one dog ear!”  That’s what I like to hear, folks.


Coming along just great!

This quilt also leaves loads of bonus triangles, so we got the Bonus Buddy out of our Essential Triangle Tool packages, and used the tool to mark our diagonals and second lines so we could save the 480 2” (unfinished) bonus units from behind the half-chevron units.  Yes.  480.  That is nearly enough to turn the page in the MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders book and use them right up in the Scrap Crystals quilt.  

Both quilts are from the same book, and it’s a 2 for 1 if you save your bonus units.

Also some good news – it’s taken a year, but the bonus buddy ruler will be released as a stand alone single within the next few months and will be available in the Quiltville Store.  Stay tuned for more info on that one!

Oh, and we are deep into Quiltville planner development as well.  So many irons in the fire, my head is spinning!

For those who have been waiting for the Quiltville Eco-Pouch sets to be available, that should be within the next month or so as well.  Stay tuned on that!


Funny of the day!

Debi and I are twinners!  We both pointed at each other and laughed when we saw we were wearing the same shirt.  I guess we’ve got good taste!  Or none at all?  LOL!  Sam’s Club or Costco, I can’t remember which.

I stewed and searched last night after arriving in Draper for our next 3 workshop days ahead over what I was going to do with the YouTube no-slide-show announcement.

And then it hit me.  DUH.  I just needed an external editor on my phone, and I could turn the slide show into video using an app, and then upload it as a video to YouTube.  TADA.

This is my first try.  I found I liked it better when everything was in full screen landscape view rather than up and down, so I’ll have to change the way I take photos a bit and instead of cropping photos as I usually do, get in the habit of scaling what I want on the screen as I take the photo instead of waiting for later.  It will save me a lot of time.

But with out further ado – you’ll find the rest of our day’s scrappy Midnight Flight fun in the slide show below:

Today I've got a new venue! We are meeting at Nuttal's! Those who are coming, I can't wait to meet you!


Moth in the Window!

Moth in the Window from the Addicted to Scraps book is up on deck today.  I thought putting it on the bed last night would ensure that I was in the mood!  And it is also a lot cooler to sleep under a quilt than under these puffy, heavy and hot hotel duvets.


Evening stitching with some “Failure to Launch!”

Such a funny move!  I will admit to some selective furniture arranging so that I could stitch while I watched.  And the hotel desk chair?  AWFUL.  It doesn’t raise up, the lifter has expired.  I had to go ask the desk if I could borrow a chair from the breakfast area.  They said yes as long as I returned it by 6am when breakfast started.  Not a problem, my alarm goes off at 6am – but that means I’m back to typing this post on the crummy too low to the ground broken chair. 

I’ll be talking to the front desk in a bit to be sure they switch this one out for one that works.  I’ve got 3 more nights here to deal with.


Making progress!

And with that, it’s time to pull myself together and get ready to head on over to Nuttall's! 


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage tulip quilt found in Virginia.

However you dare to do it, make your mark! You choose the legacy you leave behind.

Happy Thursday, everyone!

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Kathy said...

Love the red and white polka dot FW! That is just too cute for words!

PalmerGal said...

Midnight Flight is near the top of favorite Bonnie quilts! But soooo many pieces in each block. I love the venue you had for this class, so much light.

Avon said...

Wanted to come but family comes first as you know. I am at a reunion now.

Deb Marshall said...

New video format worked great. Hope it saves you some time. Thanks for all you do for us Quiltvillians.... love your new (old) look with your longer hair again... so pretty.

Leah said...

Glad you found a slide show solution! Thanks for the behind-the-scenes research you do to keep the blog tech up to date, and the quilt photos coming.

Out of curiosity, when they discontinue the slide show capability, do you know if it will have any retroactive impact on existing slide shows from previous posts? That would be a bummer if your hours and hours of work preparing them went out the window, and if the images were no longer accessible.

Safe travels, as always!

Mary said...

Have fun in Riverton! Boo on the bad chair in the room. Sew glad I figured out that Midnight Flight block and got mine made. I haven't done anything with he 4 I made at our PNW Retreat.
I loved taking another workshop with you! Did you not do a Trunk show in Brigham City?

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Can anyone tell me what the Quiltville Ecco Pouch is?

Suzzysews said...

Wow! I have seen it all, a polka dot machine!LOL🤣Love the tops, very becoming to both of you! Love the color combos! Keep having fun❣️

Sandy said...

Eco-Pouch set, did I miss that????? Really looking forward to the planner too!!! Beautiful blocks and venue. Counting the days until I sign up for next August at Mary's. Thank you for what you do and as for today's quote, well said! Something to live by.

Unknown said...

Glad you found a slide show solution! Thanks for the behind-the-scenes research you do to keep the blog tech up to date, and the quilt photos coming.


Feathers in my Nest said...

Thanks for the video..Was that a Mr. & Mrs. sewing side by side? Ahhh, how sweet.Love that.
Safe travels Bonnie
Debra in Ma.

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