
Friday, April 28, 2017

A Texas Sized Show-&-Share-a-Palooza!

Two finished Charlotte’s Baskets were shared during our workshops at Stitchin’ Heaven quilt shop in Mineola, Texas!

Last year when I was here, there were 4 tops shown, and now two made it back as completed quilts.

As much as I love seeing the quilts, I love seeing the folks that made them even more.

It’s like a cherished home-coming to see everyone and catch up with what’s been going on, and hear the stories of kids getting married, the arrival of grandbabies, the long awaited retirement finally happening, so much living going on in between the times when we are able to see each other.

As much as I love the quilting, the PEOPLE are really the best part.

And our Show & Share moments at the end of our lunch break are just the icing on the cake!


Arms full of quilty goodness!

I have had “helpful” suggestions of: “Please include the name of every quilt, and where the pattern can be found and also the name of the maker on each photo in the slide show so we know…” 

Honey, there is only so much time to DO the slide show, and I don’t have a sign up sheet for info before they show their quilts.  I would if I could, but some things are just going to be eye candy without every detail in full view because just editing the photos alone and then making a slide show takes a long long time and having to add text to every photo would just result in:

“Please slow the slide show down so that I can read it, the photos move too fast!”  LOL!


I do know that this is Rosemary!

Read how I came to know here HERE!

So great to see you and hug you, Rosemary!


The beautiful Allison and her yellow/grey Talkin’ Turkey from String Fling!


Ramona used bonus triangles and built this baby quilt as Leaders & Enders!

Her own creation, pattern not available.


Deb and her Razzle Dazzle quilt, from Quiltmaker Magazine!

(I do need to get this one uploaded as a digital download – soon.  In my spare time.  I promise!)


Carlene’s amazing Yo-Yo quilt!



If I can remember this story correctly, this was handed down from Carlene’s grandmother to her.  It is absolutely the only yoyo quilt I’ve ever really loved.  I think it is the size of the yo-yos.  They are the size of a quarter.  And I can’t imagine the work that went into this beauty.  It is HEAVY.  And to think there is only thread holding each circle to the next.


And that border treatment!  WOWZA!


the back side shows the fabric prints!

And you will find the rest of all of the wonderful quilts , antique, vintage, and current in the Texas-sized slide show below!

A bit of a funny:  When I make the slide show on YouTube, they have a limited number of musical tracks available as background music.  I always try to find something that fits the theme, or the location of where I am – for instance, country music if I am in Texas, or something soft and thoughtful if I need a quieter feel like when touring the Ave Maria Gardens in Culllman, Alabama.

Get the wrong track for the occasion, and it can be quite funny.

This is a long slide show, more than 5 minutes in length with only 4 seconds for each photo.  The only songs of length were in the “classical” section.  Imagine this slide show with a background track of “The William Tell Overture!”  As I was testing songs I was laughing so hard. Some things are just wrong.

Due to this scenario, the music will run out before the slides are done, but this one fit the best without running out way early!  I hope you enjoyed it!


Rolling Stone blocks and “How to Make an American Quilt.”

Perfection in the sewing room!


This morning’s sun trying to to burn through the low hanging fog.

This was on Sadie’s “necessary walk” this morning, and we only went as far as it took to get down to business.  I love the fog in the crags and crevices.  It’s another Brigadoon morning on the mountain!

There will be more time for more blocks today.  The Hubster arrives this evening, his work week in Santa Barbara is complete and he is on a plane home.  We’ll have a long weekend to enjoy, heading home likely on Monday.

But for now, I’m not thinking of leaving.  I’m just thinking of savoring every moment up here.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage quilt found in Texas.

How boring life would be if we were all the same. If every day were the same, if every experience were the same.

Embrace the differences!

Happy Friday, everyone!

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Maria said...

Thank you for always taking time to share with us. I so enjoy your blog about your day and quilting and your adventures. Have a relaxing weekend. Sew on!

mangozz said...

Wow! What a great quilt show! How do you make time to see everyone's quilts?

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your adventure in Texas & all of the beautiful quilt pictures. These ladies are an inspiration. Maybe next time you're in Texas I will make it to one of these retreats.

Terri in Texas said...

Thanks SO much for all you do to keep us inspired! I look forward to your posts each day...(I think I might be living vicariously through you!) Your energy level is AMAZING!
Have a wonderful time recharging at your new cabin....

Kristy said...

What an amazing quilt show today! Loved the music, was just right! Thank you for all of the work you do just so we can see what you are up to! I am so glad you have found a new place of retreat and rejuvenation. It is good for your soul to have a place to recharge and rest. I have both Allitare and Il Provenance to put last touches on so the tops are ready for backs. I loved the backs of the quilts you showed today. Wow! I am inspired to finish mine. thanks again- K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Becky cameron said...

It's only ten to nine am here been up since five thermos making coffee drinking time I do my dishes by hand first thing in the morning as the hot water helps the arthritis in my hands you were my break and now for some handwork while I watch the last quilt cam again for company have a great day you have already made mine better

Rochelle said...

Have to say, I personally keep the sound off from my computer. We always have the TV on, and when my husband is working on a computer in the living room there is sound from him. So my computer is mute. I turned the sound on for this because you made so many comments about it. IT was pleasant, but when it was done, I watched in silence and enjoyed it just as much. Thanks for all the effort you put into your sharing and caring. I look forward to coming home each day and having some Bonnie time. It is a pleasure after my very stressful day at a medical office.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Bonnie, I hope you get the message from everyone that we really really enjoy these slide shows! They are a welcome respite from our everyday worries. Pure enjoyment. Thank you for reminding us of Rosemary's story. I remember when you first told us about her receiving her Quilt of Valor! Enjoy your mountain time!

Jacqueline said...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend in your new sometimes home. It looks so peaceful. Continue to rest and recharge You certainly deserve it.

Thanks for all you do for us out here in blogland.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do for us. I so enjoy the slide shows and especially the music you select to go with them. Realizing life does not come with background music I'm so happy that the slide shows do...

Linda said...

What a great Show and Tell!!!!! Marvellous quilts, each one so good to look at and see such very inventive and interesting pieced backings. You have some very clever followers, Bonnie. I have already watched the slide show twice but will be viewing it again - several times probably. Have a super well-deserved weekend with your husband. Put your feet up and enjoy each other's company.

Kerry said...

Wonderful show and tell photos. The ladies excelled themselves with the colours and variety! Awesome quilts ladies - and the antique quilts amazing.

Many thanks for so much inspiration.

Linda C said...

So glad you identified Rosemary. I thought it was her. I was one of the 13 in your class in Naperville...one for another Army nurse that is a close friend. Glad you are taking time off...everyone needs some rest! Thank you for all you do.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you do just fine with all your show and tell. Thank you for all the hours you put into this site to give us inspiration and all the free patterns and quilting techniques. You are the BEST!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, thanks for all the time you spend to keep us all upbeat and happily quilting. I finally put the last border on my En Provence. Not bad for the one arm quilter. Thank you so much for all your encouragement.
Jayne in Utah

Dianne Holder said...

Bonnie do you have any idea who made the quilt of the Sun Bonnet ladies. I have searched for the pattern for years. I would like to make it for my bed and also my granddaughters. If I knew the name of the pattern I might be able to find it.

Unknown said...

There was a lady in a quilt guild I belonged to that was making a yo-yo quilt. I called her 'The Crazy Lady' as she was using a nickel as her template and it was supposedly a charm quilt. Her intention was to make it a king sized quilt. She was usually working on it at their annual guild show and the last I saw she had quite a bit done. Those yo-yos were tiny.

Nettie Bee said...

I'm always amazed that you can know who all the lovely quilts belong to in your photos. What an amazing slide show too. Xx

janequiltsslowly said...

Great show & share! I am wondering about the quilts with the x blocks surrounded by lots of tiny squares. There were many of them in the slideshow. What is the pattern name? Was it a leader ender challenge? Thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
I've been visiting my daughter, her husband and 3 grandkids ages 11, 13, and 15. While they were at work and school I brought some scraps to get cut into bite size. My daughter took a couple extra days off so that was fun. It was fun to follow along with the Texas ladies quilting. Beautiful quilts! Love it! Thank you.

Unknown said...

P.S. I forgot to say they live in Amarillo Texas!

Rinachiyya said...

Hi Bonnie,
The Texas ladies sure made beautiful quilts.
It was just awesome. Thanks so much fo always sharing the quilts with is.
Hope you soon recover once you are home I know it must be very tired after a
Workshop for days gone from home.
Happy Quilting and I bet Sadie is happy you are home.
Yoka Bazilewich

Jaynie said...

Awesome, I'm the one with the white hair holding the quilt with turquoise sashing (basket quilt) in the top picture with my friend Charlotte. Me, Charlotte & my bestie Teri do joint projects every year. Sometimes it's a round robin, block exchange, or some kind of joint project...this was our most recent. Wish Teri had hers for show & tell,....maybe next time. Loved the classes with Bonnie at Stitching Heaven , Mineola Texas. So much fun...as always...this was my 5th class with with you Bonnie. Thanks for a great class as always.

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