It was a Quilt-Cam evening last night via Facebook Live!
And now it is the “morning after” and I’m just getting around to getting this post written so I can embed the video into the post.
By the time we were done last night, I just didn’t have it in me to write a night time post, and I figured that everyone else would have likely gone off to other things.
So I told myself “It’s okay! You can post it in the morning.”
And who knows, that might be the way we do it from now on. Because bedtime happens!
And it was a typical Monday with so many whammies thrown in during Quilt-Cam including blindly going on sewing pieces cut from the wrong colors together….merrily. LOL!
And this lead to an impromptu cutting demo as I cut new pieces for the 5 Straits of Mackinac centers that had gone missing somewhere between here and Texas.
And we had a great time together!
Dyann was hand quilting while we sewed together!
She wrote:
I'm hand quilting while watching Quilt Cam from Gilbert, Arizona, it is the first time I have caught you live....LOVE IT! Thank you so much!
This was fun for me as my brother Mark and his family live in Gilbert, and yesterday was Mark’s birthday.
Gwen’s kitty Wheaton watching my demo! LOL!
She writes:
Hi Bonnie,What a crack up!!
Just enjoying some real life quilting design choices on Quiltcam. Wheaton is also enjoying quilt cam!
Gwen Sproule
Coleville, Sask., Canada
This was Jackie’s view while we sewed!
The view from my balcony in Barbados working on wild n Goosey blocks!
Barbados! WOW! Doesn’t it look lovely with the water in the distance?
We quilt wherever we can – BECAUSE we can!
Pam is working on her H blocks from H is for Happy, P is for Pinwheel!
I love seeing all these great scraps in such happy H blocks! Whoowhooo!
Her comment:
Hi Bonnie, working on my H Quilt hope to have it finished when I see you in Kentucky in June! I have had so much fun making this one.
Thanks, Pam
My set up before getting started.
Black Betty is fired up and ready to go – so quietly since I was able to FINALLY get the tensioner on her the way I needed it. I replaced the whole she-bang, her tension disks had some corrosion that was causing bad tension and when the thread would catch those spots the thread would break – maddening! She’s now sewing like a dream, and is Ugly Betty no more. Black Betty, bam-a-lam! (Don’t click it unless you were a child of the 70s hard rock!)
Sample seam test!
I love the Bonus Buddy that comes with the Essential Triangle Tool. I use it to set my seam allowance, and then after sewing my test seam, I can measure my units to be sure I’m where I need to be. Stitched 2 2-1/2” squares together and pressed: 4 1/2’’ on the nose! Let's sew!
And we got this far!
You’ll find the cutting demo for both of the rulers used in this square in a square unit in the Quilt-Cam video below:
This post is also being archived under the Quilt-Cam tab at the top of the blog so you can access it any time.
Today is a dermatologist day. I’m getting that “Other Thing” on my forehead checked out. I want it gone.
Being a child of the 60s, 70s and partly into the 80s and growing up in San Jose, California meant that we were at the beach as often as we could be. And back in those days there WAS no such thing as sunscreen. In fact, I remember slathering on the baby oil so we could nearly flash fry in the sun to get our California tans. It’s been many years, but it is now coming back to haunt me.
Both my mom and my dad have had skin “THINGS” removed, and I guess I’m next up in line.
And I bet anything, as well as wearing an apron, you’ll soon find me wearing a hat to keep the sun off my face wherever we go.
Maybe a Sunbonnet Sue one? I'll end up looking like Holly Hobbie. Oh, dear.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage 9 patch quilt found in North Carolina.
We have a choice on what we choose to bring into our future. Some baggage can be left behind. I've been thinking about this as we pack up to move.
10 more days!
Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Our cat who adopted us 4 years ago is named Black Betty!
Oh dear- I've been wearing a hat for years-bad on the hair-but want to protect my face. I grew up here in Az. and also used to deliberately try to get sunburned with baby oil/water spray. Crazy. Now, I'm trying not to get skin cancer at the age of 68! Sounds like the dermatologist is your new best friend. Hope you can take more preventative measures on those "things".
Have a great day. Love your blog.
mary in Az.
I grew up in the South with the warning ingrained in me from age 2 that the sun will ruin my complexion! My mother, grandmother, aunts and most women I knew growing up wore sun hats. I love pretty sun hats and wear one when I'm out and about in the sun.
I love the Quiltville Quote today! There is a reason rear view mirrors are smaller than windshields. It is good to look back occasionally, but your focus should be forward!
Last week was my skin thing removal and people are looking at me a little funny, but my plan is any time the doctor is worried it is gone time. Oh and I have my appointment for next year set up already. The insurance pays for most of it and the rest is a fast food lunch for two that I can do without. With your fair skin, I bet the doctor wants to see you at least yearly. Listen to the doctor and I use my moisturizer with SPF 45 every day. Odorless sunscreen on arms and chest too. Florida childhood in my case and the dues must be paid.
Hope for a better day, with less mishaps. Always looking for the Joy in today. Rain or shine, sometimes in Walla Walla we get it all. Sunshine with Hail pouring down yesterday. Counting the calendar days until May.
Just listened to "Black Betty" yesterday! Thanks for this! Off to watch Quilt-Cam!
It's fun seeing what others were doing while watching Quilt-cam. The cat is hilarious, it didn't miss a move!
The things we did when we were young have a way of catching up to us later in life. Too bad we didn't see that sooner.
Hey Bonnie, I grew up in San Jose, California in the 50's and 60's and graduated in 1969, so I guess that means I was adult before the 70's. I remember slathering baby oil all over and laying out in the sun. And I've also had "skin things" removed from many spots, and still have skin issues, but luckily not skin cancers.
Love to read your blog. Keep on quilting!
Thanks for talking about black Betty! You inspired me to try again with my grandma's 306w. I just oiled the crap out of it and it loosened up and seems to work great! I'll thread it another day. Thanks again!
We added a little iodine to our baby oil for that natural orange look! Thanks for Quiltcam. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you.
Becky Heath I loved that quote you shared I really needed to hear that thanks so much
Have had several "thingys" removed and have been known as The Hat Lady at church for a long time. I am usually the only one who wears a hat until Easter.Then there might be another two or three showing up in church.I was sunburned with blisters every year as a child and also spent five years living in Florida, never tanning my light colored skin, only burning.Had my first MOHS surgery in January. For anyone who asked, I told them that I was paying for my sunburned childhood!
Thanks for all the inspiration you give on a daily basis.Your dear heart and quotes provide daily meditation.
Blessings to you!
Hi Bonnie, Where can we purchase the Easy Center Square Ruler?? I've searched the internet and cannot find it anywhere. Thanks!
I'm not able to contact Becky Heath directly, but I wanted to tell her I loved her sentiment! We should all try not to let our past become bigger than our future.
Does anyone know who would make & sell an acrylic 3 7/8" square template/ruler? That seems to be the go to size of half square triangles, and a template would be so helpful.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Check with a place that makes anything with plexiglass. I've had a few templates made by a place like that. They use their "scraps" to make specific shapes that I wanted. Only downside is that what they make does not have any markings on them. You can use a fine point Sharpie to make your own markings if you need them. Much more reasonable than using a regular pre-made ruler. They can make them in any thickness so you can also get longarm templates made from 1/4" thick plexiglass. They work just as well as the more expensive tools.
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