I find that my first moment of happiness and contentment in the morning is found at the sight of a well made quilt-covered bed.
And the one thing that makes a new house feel like a home is choosing which quilt is going on each bed. This one? Or maybe THAT one?
One of the things I love about log cabin walls is that I can change the feel of a room just by changing the color theme of the quilt on top of the bed.
This is the smaller 3rd bedroom. It’s perfect for a sleep-over when guests come. It fits the queen size metal famed bed, with room for a couple of night stands (Yet to be found, but maybe today!) and has an ample enough closet that the dresser fits inside.
On the bed: Florabunda and a miniature block log cabin.
Once the bed was together, and clean sheets and quilts were added, this room was DONE! There may be some quilts hung on the walls in the near future, I just haven’t decided which yet.
2nd Larger bedroom!
This is where I can get 1 bar of 4 G from the upstairs window! It’s also directly over the main floor master bedroom. We learned quickly that with pine plank floors and no carpets, what is said in the upstairs bedroom can be plainly heard in the downstairs beneath it, and visa versa! And it sounds like there is a herd of elephants walking around above you if you are down below as well. Oh, this is going to be fun! There may be an area rug in the future to try to absorb some of the acoustics.
There are pull down shades in all of the windows, and when I’m not there, the blinds will be down to protect the quilts from light.
On the bed: Lady of Lake Erie, Oregon or Bust, and Lozenges.
From the other angle.
I took some furniture oil to the antique dresser, and it soaked it up like nobody’s business! That wood was so old and thirsty! It shines so warmly now, and I just love it in this setting. The antique rocker also fits nicely in the corner. Definitely need a rug runner at the end of the bed at least – I’m making a list.
The loft area outside of the upper bedrooms.
This space looks even BIGGER to me now that there is furniture in it, than it did when it was empty! I may change the arrangement of the furniture. I want to be able to stitch a bit up here, or read a book by the light of the windows. Rug? Most definitely. Just a matter of what I can find. I’ll know it when I see it.
Attention to detail!
This is the beam join at the top of the stair railing. I just love how these slid into place like a puzzle. I didn’t notice this until we had moved in. Nice touch!
Master bedroom, main floor.
This is the log bed frame that I ordered from the furniture guy in Wilkesboro. He gathers all of the wood himself along with the help of his son. They cut the mountain laurel used as well. The craftsmanship on the furniture we have purchased from him is outstanding.
I love the entwined twiggy bits!
On the bed: Celtic Solstice
There are a couple of night stands and 3 breakfast bar stools yet to come.
Other things I love, the “Z” doors and wrought iron hardware.
Coffee station – No Spoolin’ Around!
My counters are the tallest height I’ve ever had in any home I’ve lived in. I LOVE IT! We are tall people, and short counters are just a pain in the back. But, having the Keurig on the counter made it so I couldn’t open the lid because it hit the underside of the cabinets above.
The bottom spool cabinet was used as a bedside table. The top spool cabinet was on a side table in the living room at the old cabin.
Because this is an open floor plan, there isn’t as much wall space for furniture and it has been fun to re-purpose them with a new job. The drawers hold coffee, hot chocolate and tea K cups as well as tea bags. FUN!
It’s coming along.
My floors have tan lines! The previous owners had rugs down everywhere and the wood aged around them. There will likely be another rug to cover this area, or we might just let it be exposed and “catch up” to the natural darkening of the edges. The last thing I want to do is sand everything down and start over. We will see.
The TV will be mounted over the fire place. The dresser the TV is on goes in the upper small bedroom closet. I’m in search of a tall cabinet to go next to the fire place that will hold all of the other “electronics” like the satellite box, DVDs etc. And that is where today comes into play.
I’m meeting with my friend Mary for antiquing and some lunch out! 2 night stands and perhaps an old pie safe to be used as an electronics cabinet are on the agenda.
And if you read me early yesterday morning, there has been a change regarding Quilt-Cam. Instead of it being tomorrow night – it’s TONIGHT at 8pm Eastern via Facebook Live.
Yesterday I got a call and the gas company is coming out tomorrow afternoon to hook up the two gas stoves. (You can see it in the fireplace in the photo above, and there is one in the basement studio space.) So I will head up after my consultation with my surgeon tomorrow morning. We’ll make it work!
This is coming together!
My green round is ready to add to the Hourglass Leader & Ender Mother-ship! The next neutral round is also just about there with enough units made. The units have been building on the side of other things. It may or may not reach completion by the time we release the new one in July, but that’s okay. I love how springy it looks and it makes me smile. This one may end up as a lap-size and I’m fine with that.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage ocean waves quilt shared by Diane during our Michigan workshops last week.
Catch you tonight! Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone!

Thank you for sharing your fabulous cabin. It is so cozy already. I envision you all snowed in sitting by the window stitching your heart out.
looks great - thanks for the tour!!
Your quilts have found a wonderful home!
What surgeon?
Absolutely love all the pictures. It is beautiful. Diane Oakes
Loved the tour of your beautiful cabin home. Tan lines . . . made me giggle. I know you will find all the "nesting material" you need. Hopefully a few more "sticks" while you are out to lunch and antiquing. Have a marvelous day and I'll be tuning in tonight during QuiltCam to set either my second En Provence of Midnight Flight! Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA
Bonnie, that is wonderfully cozy!
What a gorgeous cabin. What fun you will have there in the coming years! I love the tan lines on the floors. They tell some of the cabin's history. Enjoy.
I have a dresser almost identical to the one pictured in one of the guest rooms. My mirror is slightly different. We love that the planks on the back were never finished and still have bark on them. I also have a spool chest like the top one in the coffee station. I love how you've put them to use. Very creative. What a warm and welcoming cabin.
It looks wonderful!
Truly beautiful with all your special touches! You have an eye, as my grandmother would say!
The cabin is looking long lovely with all your beautiful quilts taking centre stage. Love the colours in your hour glass quilt. Enjoy your furniture hunting. Can't believe how much you cram into one day!!!!
Hi bonnie
Lovely tour of your cabin you definitely will enjoy your time stitching so
Much fun thanks ursula
Wow - it's looking so good! Love the second bedroom, and that there is a stitching (etc) area up there. So inviting! Funny about the wood floors - ours have done the opposite - it's darker under the rug, and lighter around it. Have a fun day - looking forward to seeing what fun things you find!
Your cabin is wonderful and so are all your quilts.
I just love your new cabin and they way you have it decorated so far. All the windows and open areas and gorgeous quilts on the beds - it is just my style. I am so jealous. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight. You are so generous with your time.
OH I loved the tour of your new cabin. You have it decorated with quilts so beautifully! You are just going to love your new Quiltvilla. Keeping you in my prayers for you dr visit. Enjoy your day. Sonya wood
Love the new Quilt Villa! Y'all are going to totally enjoy it. Can't wait to see the sewing area.
Love seeing your cabin in VA... hope you have many great memories there! I love all the quilts you have assigned there... Good luck finding rugs and more cozy things for this place!
Nice quilts on the Beds in the NEW Quiltvilla are a Happy sight to see! You're getting settled in. Hoping for a Good Antiquing trip for you and Mary. Wish it was ME. I'm ready for Quiltcam! No Meetings tonight! I have some Eyes to put on my Lamb and Cow in the Quilt Show Entry "Farm Girl Vintage" for the weekend.
Love that Quilt-cam is tonight. We are going out with friends tomorrow night. So I can catch you live. Thanks for sharing Quilt-Villa pix with us. Your excitement in it is infectious!
When I was younger, my parents home decor was Early American. On the hardwood floor was a room size commercially made rag rug. If not able to find this type rug, how about making your own? Could make varying sizes to fit various spaces in QuiltVilla. Maybe you could have a rag rug making party for larger rugs? http://www.littlehouseliving.com/how-to-make-rag-rugs.html I would think there would be an abundance of rag rugs in the Smokies or antique shops. Do the Amish make rag rugs? Just thinking out loud...
I love the new cabin! I could live there easily! Good luck with your search for rugs and cabinet! I don't remember seeing that you needed surgery. I am praying it is not serious and that you recoup easily! Take care and enjoy your new Quilt Villa!❤🙏🏻
A braided rug would look so great on those floors. If you could find a wool one, you'll be amazed at how warm it will feel underfoot.
That will be a wonderful home to retire to. Love the
I love tour Cabin! Praying for you as you go to surgeon and praying for an easy fix for a cancer free diagnosis. May God give you peace during the visit and whatever is to come.
Wow!! It's divine! Heavenly. You have Great taste Bonnie...Love everything you have.
Blessings & prayers for .... and a big hug too.
Debra in Ma.
What fun to arrange and decorate your new cabin! With your love of prowling the antique malls I know you will find just the right things to add all the homey touches. Love all the quilts on the beds and hanging on the ladder in the living room. I so wish I had bought one of he old ladders that a lady I know online was selling when she was downsizing to move into an apartment.
Hi, Bonnie! Your new cabin is lovely. Thanks for sharing the photos. Reading this blog was like having a giant smiley face on my iPad! Wishing you a successful antique hunt today.
In my house, hanging a wall quilt (big size) really makes a difference in the noise in the hallway (wooden floors and stairs). Maybe that would help at your cabin as well.
Love the new cabin, it looks like the perfect place to get away and relax.
Second bedroom window=1 bar of 4G! Ha, love it! I remember a retreat in New Mexico where I had to go to a certain corner of the parking lot and stand on a log to get a signal. Haha! Love the space and all the quilts. Good luck with the surgeon!
Bonnie, your new home away from home is so pretty and so big. Oh you are going to have such fun building those memories there. Looking forward to quilt cam tonight.
Bonnie, I just thought of a neat idea on your living room floor! (Where a rug used to be & the natural aging of the rest of the floor) You could do a stencil all around on that line where the two colors of wood meet -- In that way, it would look like a quilt on the floor, with maybe a few smaller stencils inside that big stencil! Imagine a Wood Floor Quilt! It would be your trademark! Everyone would love it! Each stencil all around that line could be a different quilt block! How wonderful that would be! Best wishes in your new home! From Judy (I took one of your classes in Asheboro, NC & purchased a book of yours!)
Wish I were there to go antiquing with you. It will be fun to see your post about what you found. Your quilts look so pretty in their new home. I am steadily working on a Blue Ridge Beauty and drooling over some of your other quilts. Talking Turkey seems to be calling loudly!. Thanks for all you do and for sharing your everyday life as well. Prayers go with you to the surgeon.
Bonnie, I just love the new cabin, thanks for sharing the pictures. Have you checked with other service providers in your area to see if you can get better cell service with them? We moved about 5 years ago and had to switch from AT&T to Verizon because there wasn't an AT&T tower nearby.
Thanks for showing the new digs. It looks like a cozy home already. Congratulations!
Just love what you are doing. Great place to rest....if you can find the time.
My question... Are you going to use the fireplace, and if so, will the TV be damaged by the heat??? This has be a few years ago, but my friend bought a plasma tv when they first came out and he was told he wouldn't be able to use the fireplace if he hung it above. Just a thought.
Anna Davis
your cabin looks wonderful Bonnie! I wish you many years of happiness there!
I have never seen such a beautiful place!
Surely this is heaven!!
It is really looking good - love to see all of the quilts on display!!!!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Your home takes my breath away especially the loft area with the windows and chairs!! Great pick, Bonnie.
I think the Capel Rugs in Troy, NC still makes braided rugs in wool. They have a factory outlet there. My Mom had handmade braided rugs she commissioned back in the 50's. My sisters have them. But I have the log cabin!
I love to read your blogs and your cabin is a homey dream! Hope to be free to watch at 8!
Is it not amazing how a quilt can bring life to a room? The wood of the walls are a perfect neutral that I didn't expect. Thanks for sharing.
Bonnie- I sand and refinish hardwood floors for a living, and unfortunately, your "tan lines" are severe enough that they are most likely permanent. They are caused by both sun bleaching, and basically suffocating the floor under the rug. It is possible that they could sand out, but even that isn't guaranteed. If you do get them sanded and use area rugs, with the amount of sun exposure you seem to have at QV VA, I would recommend rolling the rugs up when you aren't there in order to keep the exposure as consistent as possible across the floor. I know hindsight is 20/20, but you most likely could have gotten a flooring allowance to have the floors refinished prior to moving your things in had you been aware of it and pointed it out to the sellers prior to closing.
I know full well what you are talking about with your bedroom floors. Our addition was done by a gentleman that also built log homes. We thought wow this is great, the floor upstairs is the ceiling downstairs...we loved it....until we actually lived with it. We really dislike the sound travel but you get used to it.
One good side-effect to the floors was our young teenagers had to go to bed when we did so they developed good sleep habits. No TV in the living room after Mom and Dad go to bed...and they had no TV's in their rooms. :-) They still are good sleepers. LOL
How beautiful everything looks. I want to come over and visit if nothing else to just take a nap. So cozy and inviting. Hope the 3 bears don't come strolling your way. Enjoy, you have a wonderful place to relax and have family time. Gma quilter.
Thank you for the tour! it is such a beautiful home and I know it will only get better as you add all the "homey" touches to it and fill it with love <3 .
Thank you for sharing those pictures, Bonnie. The new cabin looks great! I'd like to move in immediately. So cozy and comfy. Don't worry about the tan lines on the floor. I had the same in my old farm house, we bought in 2005. We could hardly see them three years later and after 5 or 6 years they were completely gone.
Hoping and praying all goes well when you meet with the surgeon. Love your positive attitude and beautiful cabin and quilts.
Thanks for the tour. The cabin is wonderful. It will be such fun watching your fun of adding to your new home. Prayers for today and the surgeon's visit. Anxious for quilt cam tonight. Love the new quilt, can't wait to see it up close.
My sister lived in a cabin like yours and loved it. I like all your choices for the rooms. Do you want to live full time here. Thank you for all your stash help. I am learning quickly.
Such fun to create a warm and welcoming living space! Thanks so much for sharing photos. It will be fun to see how it all comes together. You are making it so lovely with you own touches and antiques.
Thanks for showing your great Cabin. With all the quilts it makes it awesome really gives
color. Your bed is awesome!!!
Can't wait to see outside front of the house picture.
Hope all is okay--you are seeing a surgeon ?
How is Sadie liking the move?
Wendy Dillon
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