Last evening, feeling too brain tired to do anything remotely involving sharp instruments including scissors, rotary cutters and fast moving needles as in sewing machines, I turned my attention to a studio re-freshening.
No time for a MAJOR de-clutter, but just starting in one corner and working slowly at discarding, putting away and dusting off while watching something intriguing.
I started by clearing the surface of my desk. I worked on from there.
The Crown on Netflix was mentioned by several readers on Facebook, and being as i love period dramas, and anything British and BBC-ish, I gave it a go.
And I was captivated within the first 5 minutes of watching the Queen Elizabeth II walk down the aisle to become the wife of Lt. Philip Mountbatten of the Royal Navy, formerly the Prince of Greece and Denmark and newly the Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich of Greenwich.
And it’s the 1950s, and the fashions are AMAZING.
I puttered and put away through 2 episodes, at times stopping and doing nothing but watching because it is THAT GOOD.
Cleaned, vacuumed and still watching from behind the Bernina.
And it hit me. I was also standing in front of a piece of history from the same time period. Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation happened in 1953, the same year that my “new to me” green Bernina 117k was manufactured. I’m not sure why, but this fact made me smile. Perhaps because it made these kinds of fashions for someone who purchased this machine NEW in 1953.
The other angle.
I hit pause to vacuum, and even took the hose attachment and got all of the lint and fluff from the edges and corners. Amazing what a good vacuuming can do. It sets things right in my world. My studio space has been a disaster for the past few months of being gone gone gone.
I always wondered why I could go from clean – I’ve never been a compulsive neat-nik – to looking like a bomb went off, but my mom told me that even as a child I was just so busy busy busy that I could never slow down long enough to take care of things before moving on to the next step or the next project. I guess that hasn’t changed. But every once in a while I just need to clean it up and do a reset.
Another angle.
And I”m telling myself that those papers pinned to that poor wonky log cabin need to be sorted through and MINIMIZED. But if they aren’t in plain view, I’ll lose them. Better on the wall in plain sight, those ideas and sketches and planned projects. I know where they are. It just looks like a disaster.
Only THIS remains.
These are partial kits left over from cruises and classes and trimmings of backings and leftovers that haven’t been stripped down into Scrap User’s System widths. Maybe I’ll tackle this on another evening of binge-watching The Crown.
All I can say is that it felt good to clear up this mess, make some semblance of order, vacuum it up, dust it off and make it ready for some heavy-duty creating when I am home for my holiday break just before Thanksgiving.
Today we get all we can out to the post office before they close at noon. This evening we are going up to the cabin to meet with a realtor and get that going.
There will be a for-sale sign in the front yard within days. My heart is in a knot. But I know it is the right decision. There are better things to come. We’ll come home tomorrow, and I’ll get back to the order fulfillment on Monday.
Loving these greens!
They remind me of our MYSTERY GREEN!
Dear Wendy's of Wallburg, North Carolina:
Please note that when you leave the pecans out of the apple pecan chicken salad you are leaving out the best part! And I was too hungry to drive another 4 miles to go pick them back up from you.
Salad in my belly and invoice box number 9 out the door and on its way! We are well into box number 10!
I’ve been asked if I will show which colors from the 3-in-1 Color Tool match up with the colors chips from Lowes for this year’s Mystery. My plan is to post that tomorrow morning. So those who have the Color Tool on order, those are coming as well but I will do some photos to help you until your tools arrive.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage half-square triangle quilt seen in Houston.
Just give. Living without giving equals an empty life.
Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!

I have to do a reset every once in a while also! Sometimes it is just because I need to find something I know is in there. lol I am also enjoying The Crown!
The cabin situation is so bittersweet but I know you will find something perfect for you and your family. Looking closer to Mona?
My MIL needs our attention today and that will come first but maybe some sewing(actually working on a Christmas themed quilt) this evening, at the very least binding as I am about 5 quilts behind!
My hubby says he hopes that if we every win the lottery, it is in his name because I would give most of it away. Have always loved to give.
Enjoy your day!
Creativity Happens,
Patting my mom's 117L and trying to declutter, just finished a quiche with salad-y ingredients =^} Found another truly Provencal (fabriqué en France) fabric for the mystery, just need neutrals yet.
Have a nice weekend Bonnie!
Love Irene
Enjoyed the happy happenstance that we both did some of the same things yesterday in different parts of the universe :). I cleaned up the studio from the mess left behind preparing for a retreat and then dumping everything in the middle of the floor and on all available surfaces when I returned! It felt so nice to have it back in order, I just had to sit and relax and enjoy it. I had put The Crown on my calendar and couldn't wait for it to start - I managed to watch 2 episodes also and absolutely LOVED it!!!
I too am watching the Crown. I love John Lithgow's portrayal of Winston Churchill. I seem to always use this time right before the mystery quilt clues to tidy up, get things finished, and fill up my scrap user bins. Thanks for doing pictures with the color tool. I will look forward to that tomorrow.
You made a lot of progress on your Cleaning. I love the view from the other side. I don't have Netflox, I have been watching the Hallmark Channel. Oldies, but goodies. Christmas is a time of Giving.
Loved your post, especially the giving part. People ask why I give away 99% of what I make, often with a tone that suggests I'm a bit nuts. Its my 'ministry' to others and to the Lord - giving a bit of love from me to another. I know those quilts are, for the most part, treasured, as I've run into people years later who thank me again for a quilt given many years ago, that they still enjoy. I also love the creativity and joy it gives ME, so a gift both ways! Thank you for YOUR gifts to us via your blog, books and everything -- I treasure those! Deb
After living in various cabins in western n.c. For
The pat 3+ years and currently playing contractor
On this one while
Renting it (there is nothing to rent monthly here -
Nothing-not a listing in the paper- nothing) so the owner can sell it- yes, I will show it.... Lol
Seriously. All because I want to
Life here- it's beautiful! But you'd better bring your money with you not need to make it here and not want to to rent . ... Anyway, I can say I could write a book on what to look for in problems in houses-
Cabins especially. People don't think of mold and humidity being a problem in the mountains- only the south. But this is a rainforest microclimate- more so over here in the heart of the great smoky mtn nAtional
Park and Tennessee line. Also, during the building boom they thru up these houses and owners were not here to oversee ... I've had to replace chimney and whole insert and there was no wrap on dormers so took care of that, house is settling, roof areas popping up and it cracks and pops all the time (yes, metal roof). I have even fly been sanding all the logs on the inside due to water stains where all the angles go at weird meeting places and leaks have happened. Yes, I rent; but am playing contractor. So hard to get anyone waaaayyyy out here by lake Fontana area to do anything. I could go on and on. Point is- if you need someone to help you with the nuts n bots of looking - not just the flashy real estate agent- I'm your gal.
If you were not working- I'd say build. But you are not in a position to be there to oversee and thAt is whT it takes. You don't know what is behind walls and paint and roofs etc.
this is a half a million dollar house on 26 acres I'm talking about!
I'm just saying, I'm glad I rented before I bought- not that I see that in my future here.
Yes I always check my bags before leaving drive thru the few times I even go every year. I don't care if the car behind me
Is impatient or not- it's my turn and order and I want it right- and it rarely is. Love those salads
I've got my sewing room set up in the basement here with a dehumidifier running all the time and it's nice to have it all in one place- yet to finish getting storage from Georgia up here. I have tons of fabric I've not seen in over 3 years....
Look for a spring or creek on your land. Water is becoming a more and more valuable resource. I laughed when I moved here after buying gallons of spring water each week and having Sullivan at work - when realtors said you don't want to have a spring . It's mountain spring water people! In hard times- you bet I do! Have it tested. I'd get a well but I'm just saying for watertight garden or making water feature or whatever
I could go on and on. I'm glad to help
LOVE a clean sewing space!! I, too, have trouble keeping mine that way. Please tell me about all those rolling storage drawer stacks under your longarm. I didn't realize there were any that would fit comfortably under mine! (The same machine as yours.) It looks SEW much neater than the hodgepodge of containers beneath my machine.
I was watching the Crown last night too. I thought that it definitely had an American feel to it. Your clean sewing room is inspiring! I best get busy!
The Queen visited my home city of Hull (UK) in 1957 when I was 11 years old. We went to the local park where she did her last tour of the day and I caught a quick glimpse of her as she drove past in a jeep. 2 of my sisters have met her in the past - one was at Buckingham Palace to receive an M.B.E. for services to nursing. I just found this old film from her visit here - it's 40 minutes long so I guess too long for you; I'm somewhere at 30 minutes in :)
Oops - forgot the link -
I was going to suggest that you match up colors with the 3 in 1 tool, but you were busy at market. Those overseas may have the tool but can't get the paint chips, so it will be helpful to them as well. My sewing room is a semi mess; sort of half cleaned. Will look for The Crown on Netflix.
How do you find the time to do so much. It does sound like you did enjoy cleaning, sometimes if the right show is on it makes everything much easier. Couldn't help but thinking you should name your new machine something with Crown or Elizabeth since she looks like she deserves a royal name. Enjoy your time at the cabin and if it is sold, which I am certain it will be, there are things ahead that will be even better. Can't wait until next Quilt Cam and all your other blogs I enjoy so much. Paula
I just started watching "The Crown" last night too and found it delightful. I kept seeing people I recognized, but could NOT place. It was driving me crazy! Like Mrs. Churchill... lol, I checked IMDB, she was Emma Thompson's mean sister-in-law in Sense & Sensibility. Yes! Thank you IMDB!!! And the king was Mr. Price in Mad Men. Wasn't John Lithgow wonderful as Winston Churchill? You got lots more done than I did. I just sat their like a blobby sponge and watched the show. :)
Take care,
Susan in Texas
Your studio is lookin good. My husband vacuumed all the ceiling fans blades for me yesterday!! They were disgusting - to say the very least. :)
I love the Quote of the Day!
I also want to let you know that I picked up my Pkg at the P.O. yesterday (Saturday) on the way home from the Guild "Getting Ready for Christmas" project making. Everything arrived in fine order! I am anxious to try the new tool on the mystery, and only use one tool instead of two for HST, and QST.
I will do some straightening up today and tomorrow. I vacuumed the other day, and cleaned the floors. BUT, Brought in planters, and need to move them to the Root cellar, and continue that type of clean up before I can really get to cleaning the house.
I have the last years Color Fan and the new color Fan from Sherman Williams, and find that they help immensely in picking colors. I Have "Hibiscus" in the old color fan, but not the current one. BUT, I Like Dragon Fruit better, so will go with that.
Thanks for using Sherman Williams chips this Year!
Kasilof, AK
I wonder if the Crown is available on CD? I would love to watch it, but do not do Netflix, as it is all streaming now (from what I heard). Streaming is too expensive in AK, so I just don't do it. I can watch a quick clip on You Tube, but not a full feature film or episodes.
Kasilof, AK
Thank you so much for recommending "The Crown" I've binged watched 5 episodes so far and it's really good. It was good to have something to watch while I fiddled with a new to me 301. I just couldn't get it to sew without thread all over in the bobbin area. Turned out it was the bobbin case and with a little push of something to the outside she is stitching like a dream. Now to add a 401 to my collection so I have a zig zag. The zig zagger that came with the 301 is fun to play with but I like a machine with a regular zig zag. I use nothing but my vintage machines to sew with and have just a simple embroidery only machine for the machine embroidery I like to do. I have my fabrics and machine ready for this years mystery and I look forward to starting. Thanks for all you do for us and I know you will find the "Quiltville" of your dreams.
Upstate NY
Tough week of relocating my mom to a nursing home so was emotionally and physically drained. Sat down after dinner and told DH that I needed to watching something I'd been looking for. Expected a bit of an "eye roll" that he was going to be subjected to a "chick flix" but that was NOT the case! He has become engrossed as much as I have in "The Crown" ... what a production!! Just finished up Episode 2 ... spacing them out because I don't want it to end. What a treasure ;-) Thanks for referring it! Linda H
Thanks for then info on the Netflix show. I love British period pieces. Also love Stranger Things. We definitely kindred spirits.
I too have found "The Crown". I have only watched the first episode so far, but I think I'm hooked. I want to thank you for reposting about the Scrap User's System that you use. I use a similar system, but I don't keep strings or small pieces. I am a fairly new quilter and really don't have a lot of stash yet. Love your blog!
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