
Saturday, October 22, 2016

One Weekend in October…

It’s been more than a month since I’ve been up to the mountains, and as soon as I turned off the highway, onto Pumpkin Run (Yes, that is a real road!) it was like removing a tight shoe.  Ahhhhh. Something magical happens when you leave the world behind and drive up a steep mountain road rising higher above the valley with every winding turn.

The stress and the worries of the world are left behind.  Or at least I try to not bring them up here with me as I want this to be a place of rest, restore, and creativity.

That all started with a 3 hour nap!

It was warm and windy yesterday afternoon.  leaves were blowing every which way, and you could tell there was a change coming on the gusty breezes.

I got my autumn decor out, and began preparing for 7 1/2 folks for dinner!  5 from Mona’s crowd, plus baby Carmen, and 2 from mine.  I love it when the dining room table has every chair completely occupied!

It was a burgers with all the fixins’ kind of night, with loads of chatter and catching up as it has been MONTHS since we have been together.


Beanie was completely worn out from playing with Sadie!


And Sadie was so happy to see her friend, too!

Isn’t it remarkable to see dogs express their joys and emotions?  If only we could read the thought bubbles above their heads.  But there was no mistaking this one. “Where have you been? I’ve missed you so much!”


Colors changing!

Sadie and I took a couple of short walks yesterday afternoon.  You can’t see it here, but the wind was just crazy gusty.  No fun to hike in that, but she was still so happy to be on mountain.

And let it be said here that I haven’t lost my touch.  After a cut-throat round of Farkle-to-the-Death, I am still the undisputed Farkle-Queen!  Huzzah!!!  Brownies and ice cream all the way around to celebrate the victory.  SO good to be here with friends!

Rick & Mona have bought a place off-mountain and their cabin here is up for sale.  We have some fixing to do on ours, and then the dreaded for sale sign is going up in our yard as well.  It’s been lovely.  My heart is here.  But it can and must be moved.  We want out from this horrible HOA nightmare and will find a place I love with NO HOA to spoil my bliss.  It may take a while for it to sell, and we will enjoy it until it does, and there will be a new adventure, hopefully closer to the Blue Ridge Parkway, with glorious mountain views and a front porch made for rocking chairs and ample quilting space.  We are starting a new journey.


This morning, sun on the mountains.

It looks peaceful, but check this out:



Warm and toasty in here!


I brought my new plates along with me!

8 luncheon plates in the Columbine pattern made by Homer Laughlin in the 1930s.  97 cents each!!  Perfect size for sandwiches and small items when  a full sized dinner plate isn’t needed.

I found these on my way home from Delaware last month along with the sugar pourer that I remember from my childhood in the 1970s.  These simple things make me smile.


Ready to spend the day with Pumpkins!


And the orange strings came too – in case I need more.

Today’s Quiltville Quote is shown on a quilt I pulled out for some autumn decorating.  You’ll see it in the top photo of this post, along with my favorite twiggy pumpkins with twinkle lights that stay up through New Years.  I love this quilt, especially in the fall!


Laid on the floor.


The backing is a gorgeous madder paisley.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Remember that there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act including kind words simply spoken creates a ripple effect with no logical end.

Vintage drunkard's path quilt found in Virginia.

The quilting is calling, have a lovely Saturday, everyone!

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grammajudyb said...

Glad you are at the cabin for some much needed R&R. Congrats Farkle Queen!!!! Good luck too in your search for a new respite hideaway. Too bad HOAs have to be to "stinkin" strict!!! My Saturday will be spent trying to put furniture back in living room and dining room and kitchen after new flooring has been laid. It feels like a whole new house almost. I still had brown/gold/ivory kitchen carpet!!! Can you say 70's!!!! Yuk, so glad to have that gone. Happy Saturday to all.

tpott said...

Enjoy a comfortable cozy well earned autumn weekend. This is my favorite time of year. Have a great time. ;-> Toni Anne

Monica said...

Love those little pumpkins! I can't wait to see what fun setting you have planned for them.

I do prefer the black background, though. The greys don't seem to have enough value contrast.

rcp said...

Oh yes! HOAs! They can make you life miserable! However some have gone to far in my area. There rules are against local ordinances!!! Enjoy your weekend!

Elle said...

I know what you mean about the cabin being in a different universe and that magical moment. So glad you're there. We've not been to ours in McCall since August and I miss that Valley County sign :-)

Have a beautiful and rejuvinating weekend!

Debbie said...

I am a simpler person I get that so so peaceful feeling just walking into my sewing room no drive needed!!

Sandal said...

Ahh! Leaving the world and its troubles behind! So can identify with this as it is what happens every summer as we head to Prince Edward Island. Used to be driving on the ferry that was that place where the troubles were left behind. Now it is the bridge (as it replaced the ferry-sigh). Enjoy your happy place and best of luck as you find a new spot that will pull at your heart strings!

Lisa S. said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling the need to sell Quiltvilla. I hope that you are able to find an even better place! Enjoy your time there for now.

Jan said...

I did not know you were even thinking of selling.. I told DH I would love to find a place like that. I did not know you had a HOA and I truly understand. You feel about nature as we do and I don't think I would like to be told what to do and when to it in nature but the place looks just beautiful. I love to just sti and look at your posts and pictures. So glad you are getting the much R and R you need and so deserve.

Lee said...

I've never lived under an HOA, but I've never heard much good about them in the long run. I prefer freedom! You absolutely made my heart stop when I saw those beautiful square luncheon plates. When I was a wee little girl in the 50s, I remember eating from little square plates at my grandparents' but I don't remember the pattern. I've often thought I'd look for some but have never seen any that I felt were similar enough. Enjoy your time at the mountains.

LizA. said...

Sorry to hear about Quilt Villa but I'm sure you will find a much better one waiting out there for you. You keep showing these pumpkins and are inspiring me to try some -- and I'm not a fan of orange! DH has been in Gastonia for the week and next week too. He decided to take a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway today. Can't wait to see his pics. I'm trying to convince him to go to Mary Jo's for me....

Lisa said...

I'm glad you got away for the weekend. Sorry to hear about the house and HMO situation. I've loved reading about your adventures there as I've never been to that area of the country. I'm sure new adventures are in store at your next country home. P.S. My invoice is over 7700 and whenever the book arrives will be the perfect time! I'm glad to see a quilt designer and author I've followed since very near the beginning is so well liked by others. You helped me out of afternoon work slumps many days when I connected to the internet via the phone to take a break looking for inspiration to keep me going until I could get to my quilting that evening. Thanks for all you do for the quilting community! Blessings to you!

Smiley Quilter said...

It is so sad that you have to leave your beautiful piece of paradise because of a few controlling people but I am sure you will find another awesome place to relax and unwind. Meanwhile, I hope you have a relaxing weekend that is so deserved. It sounds like it is off to a great start.

Suzzysews said...

Hi Bonnie! You made it to the cabin! Hurray! Sadie looks much happier too! I just received my book and ruler. That was fast! Have a great weekend! By the way, how is the toe? Thank you for all you do for so many people! You are a light that shines bright in our lives!!

Unknown said...

,life is surely ajourney. The cabin has been one stop along that journey. You will find another place of peace. O enoy what you ahve whileyo have it. Drink in the mountai air.
Sadie looks content amid family and kfriends. Good she has Beanie as a dog-buddy.
Smiles and hugs

Carol B said...

Enjoy your time at Quiltvilla!! Really sad to hear about having to sell.... Sadie must be doing better! She is such a pretty dog.... Blessings to you and yours!

lmno said...

I understand your disappointment in the recent workings of the HOA. What a shame self-interests superceded many of the homeowners wishes. Best of luck finding a new sanctuary. Back to stitching now. Cannot wait until the next Quiltcam.

conny's quilts en creaties said...

I love your stories Bonnie and am sorry to read you have to leave your loveley mountain cabin. But I have no clue why you have to go. For I can't translate HOA (my online dictionary doesn't gives a helping hand here) and I have really no clue what that may be (I am Dutch) Anyway I wish you all the best, have a great quilting time in your cabin as long as it can.

Sheila said...

I know you hate to leave your place, but understand about HOA. I know someone that bought a house in a HOA only to find out no pickup trucks were allowed. That was only one of the many, many, rules. They sold and left.

Always In Stitches said...

HOA fees can spoil the fun in the mountains. We were lucky. We found a fabulous place on Bald Mountain with no HOA fees. We were so lucky to find this little bit of heaven. We are only 6 miles from West Jefferson and so far we are loving our new home. Today is day 2 of our permanent home. Furniture arrives next week. Can't wait to get my studio up and running again.

GeeMa said...

Once upon a time, we had a cabin on the lake. On the route, we crossed Little River which fed out of the lake. DH and I had an agreement that no work talk after crossing Little River. It's nice to have a boundary where you leave the stress behind.

Shelnjohanne said...

Quiltvilla will be wherever you plant your flag! Hope it doesn't take too long or distract you from relaxing.

Marionz said...

You have put so much time, money and love into you cabin we loved sharing your journey. Hope it wont take too long to find a H O A free place that will grab your heart.

Kerry said...

Very sad that a small bunch of nitwits have spoilt your little sanctuary - after all the work you and the family have done to make it perfect! Here's hoping you find an equally beautiful spot away from the HOAs

Skunklady said...

Ah. Yes, that is it exactly. You are so good with words. That is exactly how I feel when I make that drive to my little retreat once a month.

Judy said...

Here's hoping you find a dream spot on another mountain. We lived with an HOA for a number of years. The fees kept increasing, and a woman we dubbed "clipboard jan" used to come around to make sure your post light was working, or your shutters weren't faded, or your garden didn't need weeding... We're OUT - on our own piece of land, and it's blissful.

Vic in NH said...

Glad to hear that you are planning your escape from the HOA nightmare. Freedom means something. The dogs look so happy and I loved the quote from Mother Teresa.

Cpqwilts said...

Your "colors changing" photo looks like a William Mangum print. So pretty. There are a lot of mountain views in the Blue Ridge. I'm sure that you and Mona will find one that you enjoy as much as this one. Happy hunting.

Maureen in Portland said...

Oh, so sad a HOA can ruin your hideaway! We had to find a new home last year, after 36.5 years in the same place. That was #1 on my husband's list -- no HOA considered. I truly thought you had found a wonderful home-away-from-home for the rest of your days, or at least for more than a few years. Well, there is more than one haven in the world and you will find that new one you need. Enjoy it in the meanwhile.

Charlotte's Sew Natural Newsletter said...

Inquiring minds want to know, what was it that put you over the top from the HOA? No "blankets" draped on the porch railings? LOL

Frank Haselier said...

So sad to hear that you are planning on leaving your lovely Quilt Vila, Bonnie. But I totally understand the decision you've made. I already kind of knew you would escape the HOA gestapo when I read your blog post in August. LOL

It's fascinating how different Americans and Germans deal with things like that. German people always buy houses "for the eternity". They would live in there until they pass and then expect there children to live there. Americans seem to be moving all the time. Being not content means "look for a better place". I love that! Germans always complain but don't do anything to change their situation.

gardenwitch said...

I agree with quilting with the season. It makes it so much better. And I love your Homer Laughlin. I buy every piece I see. I love the old fashioned patterns espeacilly the one with black.

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