
Saturday, October 08, 2016

Friday on the Oasis!

What do quilters do when 4 hunky men in uniform, including the Captain himself walk into our classroom?

We stop for photos! 


They must have been on some kind of field trip or something, because they all went into this little room off of the conference center/sewing room, and then came back out again. 

And of course, I had to pose for photos.

One of these handsome men even asked if we could sew on a button for him.  HA!

There was a gasp from the girls.  And a silence that was deafening.  And then “Quilters Don’t Do Buttons!” was heard to ring out from the crowd with laughter.

But for these guys?  I’d stop and sew on a button or two.  I surely would.

They have worked so hard to keep us safe from Hurricane Matthew, steering the ship in an arc away from any danger that I can honestly say  that this was the SMOOTHEST cruise I have ever been on. The water was NEVER choppy.  It was just great sailing, all the  way.

Tops were being FINISHED!!

Our third full class day at sea, and the ladies were still heavily at it.  Some were finishing up ALL of the blocks they need for their tops.  And then, if you are Christine, you finish not only the blocks, but have the setting triangles cut, quilt laid out and ready to sew into rows.

Can she finish it by the end of class day at 4pm???

Just look at that smile!

I just love her colors!

Jean has got her chain ready to press!

And while Jean poses for photos, Joyce is laying out her blocks:

We are all making suggestions….

”That blue is too close to that one!”
“Move that purple over a row!”
“This corner needs more green!”


Hey Look!  A machine that charges my phone!!

Now this is something I could get into.  A phone charger that also sews.  LOL!  We laughed and laughed, and then wondered why sewing machine guy Scott didn’t tell us this on DAY ONE of the cruise!

Headed to the stairs for a group photo op!

Looking good, ladies!

Notice the woman in the upper right?  Photo bomb!  Actually, she was quite put out that we were doing photos on a “public access” stairwell and was quite vocal about it.  But there was another stairwell just on the other side of this one.  I think we all know when the cruise is long enough and it is time to go home.

After we dispersed, she came down the stairs.  I thanked her for her kindness and patience as this was an important photo for all of us.  She harrumphed and walked about 30 feet and went to sit on a bench.  So what was the hurry???  She needs a hobby. Maybe she needs to take up quilting so she could be ONE of us and having fun. 

My observation is.  Either you can be a pill, or you can feel the love and joy and happiness that is happening right in front of you and live vicariously for 3 minutes while photos are taken.  It's your choice.  I choose the happiness!


Let’s do this again, ladies!

I know it’s blurry, but Scott was trying to take this photo as everyone was throwing their arms up in the air and shouting “JANOME!”  We’ll take the blurr…..it hides the wrinkles!

I awoke early this morning to find the Oasis of the Seas safely back in port in Fort Lauderdale! From here we all go our separate ways to wherever we call home. 

I am happily typing this on public wifi from the Fort Lauderdale airport. The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day here. I disembarked early just in case there were any delay issues I'd need to take care of. And I found I've got 2 first class bumps to get me home. Hooray!
This was an amazing cruise experience. Each of our gals brought with them their smiles, their personalities, their zest for living and making friends. They are the ones I owe everything to, and they brought so much JOY to this cruise!
My feet should be in North Carolina by dinner time and I can't wait to hug my family, fur coated as well as two legged and begin to settle in to the next couple of weeks at home before Quilt Market happens.
Essential Triangle Tools should be in house THIS WEEK! And those will all start going out. That is my one goal over the time I have home.
With any luck, I'll get everything out before I fly to Houston for Quilt Market where I'll be filming some videos, signing some books, participating in a couple of school houses and catching up with quilt ffriends I haven't seen in far too long.
I thank you all for your patience during this Pre-Order event! Now the envelope stuffing can begin in earnest. Please remember I am ONE PERSON. I am not Amazon. But your package will get the personal care and all the quilty wishes I can blow into it before I seal the envelope and send it on its way to you.
My flight isn't for another 2 hours so I now have time to settle into some hexie stitching.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
My thanks to everyone who made this cruise such a success! I am going to miss these ladies and have enjoyed spending the past week with them immensely! Today's quote is shown on top of Christine's completed Razzle Dazzle top!

For those interested in making your OWN Razzle Dazzle, it will soon be available as a digital pattern in the Quiltville Store.  Stay tuned for more info on that.
Have a lovely Saturday, everyone! Xoxox

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Quilta said...

Thanks for making a digital pattern for Razzle Dazzle. Know I have the magazine but can't find it. Think the fairies are making their own Razzle Dazzle and will return the magazine once they are done. Love your pics of your trip. Glad you are back safely.

Annette from Indiana

Unknown said...

I'm so glad the cruise wasn't hasseled by Hurricane Matthew. I was right in the path but it 'wobbled' and shifted a little further east so 'Yay'! I had all my unfinished quilts and Featherweight in plastic though - just in case! I may know someone who can Photoshop out Grumpy Gertie if you want. Those sorts of people always add flavor to an event, don't they?
Again, glad you all are safe. Quilt on!

New Quilter in Texas said...

Glad u enjoyed your cruise. Next time you can tell your quilters about the neatest feature of the biggest phone charger I've ever seen!!!

T Holzer said...

Those are some gorgeous quilts!!
I have two family pics taken on the same stairs. One was taken by a photographer, but the first photo that was taken, was taken by a random cruiser who I grabbed as she was walking by. She was happy to take our pic for us. Yep, there are two different kinds of people in this world and we get to choose which side we are on!
I wish I would have seen you in the Fort Lauderdale airport stitching hexies! I so would have harassed you, too!! Take care.

Janet O. said...

Can't believe that woman on the stairs--all to get to a bench?!?
You were very patient with her, Bonnie!

Mary said...

LOVE that you had so many people finishing blocks and getting layouts done and sewn! I just couldn't imagine how much was possible. Glad you found the joy in the moments on the ship! I agree about that button sewing, though they might get pink thread! :)
Sounds like you had a great crew, doing what they do best. Photo bomber doesn't know that she was interrupting rock-star quilters!!! GIGGLE......

Jan said...

Wow Bonnie what a great trip it looks like you had. Someday I hope to join you. The love, fun and laughter is priceless. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

Mary said...

Glad you'll be home for Dinner! It has been a fun and exciting week following along with you on the Oasis. Thanks for all your shares. I have to live the cruise vicariously since my DH is a land-lubber. Jumping for joy that the Ruler/Book Bundles will be mailed out this week! I have one in that box...LOL. Thanks for personalizing it. No hurry, rest a while before hitting the packages. It the weekend and you deserve the Family time!

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