These ladies are so busy quilting away!
I had a great most-of-a-week with the Pride of the Prairie Quilters in Plainfield, Illinois. Three days of workshops, and a day to run around with an evening lecture –perfect!
It gave me enough time to get to know these gals, meeting some for the first time, and many for a second time as I was here with them just 4 years ago.
What they have accomplished in 4 years is amazing. What they have done with their lives outside of quilting in the past 4 years is also inspiring!
And our after-lunch-time show & share was varied and uplifting and oh so fun!
I love seeing Allietare finishes, this one in an easy wall hanging size. Remember when the mystery comes out that if you do half of the units you’ll have enough, or mostly enough to do something like this without too much time investment. Didn’t it turn out lovely?
But THEN, if you are CHRISTINE – You MINI-SIZE everything!
Patches & Pinwheels from the Free Patterns tab in shrunken wonderment!
Christine’s house project!
The label tells the story!
One little house every day for a year! And the story o f her house on the back of the quilt with the label and all of the details.
She even included her family tree!
I remember being wowed by Christine’s work the last time I was here so I was happy to come back and see what she had been up to:
Almost done!
Close up! WOW!
She said she is going to mount and frame this piece, and it will go in the new house they plan on moving to. Oh, the thought of moving the stash! Good luck, Christine! I hope to hear about it the next time I come back.
The entirety of classroom show & Share is found below, while the show & share from my lecture evening is found ON THIS POST.
Aren’t these quilts great?
There were two that were shared by Cheryl that came through her family and are made of double knit polyester. Those things will NEVER fade! LOL! I love seeing them.
I spent a lot of time here yesterday.
Chicago Midway airport.
My flight to Atlanta was delayed by 2 hours, which had me missing my Atlanta connection so that was pushed back as well. I spent my time with a bit of shopping:
9 patch pendant and dragonfly earrings!
And of course hexie stitching and people watching.
I also toted home a Chicago cookbook with some great recipes. I’m not usually a cookbook buyer, certainly not on a trip, buying cookbooks in airports is just not something I usually do, but there were some yummies that I just want to try my hand at – so I occupied my time check marking recipes in a new cookbook as well. I eventually got to Atlanta, made my flight.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage Grandmother Flower Garden quilt top shared by Cheryl at our Illinois workshops this past weekend. Love that red!
Sometimes the stars align and the universe smiles! The Hubster had been in Dallas this week while I've been in Chicago. When I found out that I needed to take a later flight, I tried to get on HIS flight, but it was full. No seats, so they booked me on the 7:30 flight. I got a text from Dave as I was boarding my flight that he had just landed in Atlanta as well. He came to my gate, and got them to let him take this flight with me instead! He was a few rows behind me but we arrived home together.
It was a full flight, and he was sitting next to a couple and we couldn’t split THEM up so we could sit next to each other, but that was okay. What a nice surprise!
Look for and find happiness in the little spontaneous joys of life. They are everywhere. Don't let them go unnoticed!
Did you see we have a Quiltmaker July/Aug 2016 giveaway that was posted yesterday? Enter to win on THAT POST.
Let’s Talk Quilt-Cam! TOMORROW NIGHT, May 24th, 9pm here on the blog! Bring a project, or press and cut and listen in. I’ll see you then!

Don't you just love scrappy quilts! I do so much...of course, this does mean my list is still growing. LOL --- and Miss Bonnie you are a THE biggest culprit!!!!
Good to hear Mr. and Mrs. were able to fly home together... yup, flight made in heaven.
Loved to read about your shopping and getting to fly home with hubby. Nice little story. And of course.........the quilt stuff. Life is GOOD!
Bonnie, I too am a dragonfly lover. A lot of pins and quite a few earrings. Your new ones are almost the same as the ones my hubby got for me 3 Christmas's ago. I wear them the most. I'll be on the lookout for something special for you. Love all the beautiful quilts. QuiltedDrummer
Bonnie, I enjoyed the photos of the show and tell quilts that were displayed for show and tell. As always, I love the photos of the workshop and what the gals/guys got done. Glad the stars did align and your husband got on your flight home. The stars aren't aligning for me as I was determined to get to the Quilt Expo in Des Moines this year, but it is not looking good to go this year. I wanted the see the little quilts the designers including you had made for the Quilts of Valor along with other fabulous quilts Maybe someone will post photos for me. If I can't go, I will use some of my money stash to get one of your books. My Texas Tumbleweeds got pushed aside for flannel receiving blankets for babies for a charity project coming up.
Mocha 301
Woo Hoo, I could use some quiltcam time :)
There is something wonderful and special about meeting up with a loved one unexpectedly. Looking forward to quiltcam.
Glad you got home safe. Nice that you got to fly with your hubby. Enjoy your week off.
Oh my goodness, the star quilt is amazing, you must be so proud of your work!
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