
Monday, February 08, 2016

Great Minds, Great Solutions!

Anyone who has ever sewn on a vintage singer machine has probably cursed and futzed with that singular one toe button that makes the machine GO.

it has often left me wondering about the women of that era.

Were there feet really that narrow?

What was the point of having TWO buttons, one stationary and one  that depresses to bring current to the machine to make it go?

It’s actually a pretty great design if you know to put your foot on the SOLID button first, and then ROCK your foot so the side of the foot presses down on the button.

But we’ve gone one step furhter here!

This foot adapterwas brought to the Bunkhouse in Quitman Texas and I thought it was ingenious!

Especially if you can put some non-skid stuff on the bottom to keep your foot from sliding all over the place!

We all got out our cameras and took photos from every angle.

Instant gas pedal!

Holes are routed out to fit the foot feet!

Posing this on the mat for size!

Hinging the bottom piece to the top piece!

measuring the whole she-bang!

There is no pattern given for this gizmo.  I merely am posting it for the ideas it provides.  Hopefully the sizes you can see on the cutting mats will give you an idea!

I typed this post while waiting for my flight in Greensboro, wasn’t finished by the time it was time to board.  Thought I’d get to finish it in Atlanta, but when I got from one gate to the next, my flight was alreday boarding!

I’m now sitting on the plane hoping to get it finished and will set it to post a bit later as I was able to get this morning’s quote of the day up by my phonen already.

In case you missed it:


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

You just go right on loving yourself for who you are!  Don’t listen to others’ opinions – it isn’t their life that you are leading!

Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Deanna W said...

That foot pedal thingy is a great idea but I have a bar near the floor on my cabinet and with that adapter it would put the foot pedal almost under my chair. I don't find the one button foot pedal too bad as long as I have shoes on ...barefoot or only socks..that's a different story. But a really great idea!!! Enjoy that Californian sunshine!!

Shirley S. said...

Ha ha, I had forgot about the foot pedal. My singer had the option of using the foot pedal or the leg lever which was easier. Our shoes did have much thinner soles back then making it easier to manuver the foot pedal. Thanks for the memory!

HoosierKitty said...

I was ready to order one! I wish someone would market something like this. I love Gracie the featherweight except for the foot pedal which gives me fits

Andrea V said...

I bought one of those adapters a while back, from an eBay vendor. It works very well. I sew barefoot (or stocking foot, depends on the season), and for many years the button wasn't an issue. However, foot issues mean the one button control can set off spasms at times. I was very glad to find the solution to using my beloved Featherweight without that problem.

OldHouseGirl said...

Aubrey asked me why there was a button on the pedal that didn't move. I have no idea? Since I learned to sew on my mother's circa 1950's Singer, I've just always sewed barefoot!


Carla said...

I put my foot on top of the foot pedal and push the button with my heel. Works great!

Carla Murphy in CA

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I dislike those foot pedals, but, I have them on several machines. I just sent this to hubby. I bet he can build me some, easily. Thanks to both of you for the idea.

lindaroo said...

I'm loving your Quiltville Quote of the Day! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea. Can my hubbie make one in 10 days before I take my Singer 301 on a 5-day retreat? Beazie in CT where it is snowing!

Mary Ellen said...

I bought a replacement foot for my Featherweight which also works on my other two vintage Singers. The replacement operates just like a "modern' pedal. No worrying about the two button issue. I bought the replacement foot on line because the old one had bad wiring.

Pam said...

Just gave info to hubby, he's going to make me one. YEA!!!!! Thanks Bonnie for all you do for the world and the world of quilting, not just patterns, but moral support and common sense, sharing of your life and your love of people, and also your loving of quilting. Have a great day today.

Janet O. said...

Somebody had their thinking cap on! : )

Material Girl said...

I got my Grandma's old Singer 328K this past summer and have used it a few times, but I really dislike the foot pedal, so this gadget is a great idea! I'm going to show it to my hubby and see if I can convince his to build one for me (he hates working with wood)
Thank-you for sharing the information and sizes with us.
Have a great week Bonnie!


Anonymous said...

I too saw a version of this peddle adapter on eBay. My DH made me one. Works great.
Bev in NS

Novena said...

Dagnabbit! This is a great idea! But I had hubby switch out the feet on my two featherweights and on my 301. Wonder how he'd feel about switching them back and making me some of these adapters? Seldom hurts to ask, but it might this time...

Myra said...

I still have the singer my mother upgraded to in 1956 it is green and has discs for patterns - I must get it out of the attic - it has the single button - I think the idea was to put your foot on the solid button and that allowed more control of the machine speed -

Mary said...

Thanks for sharing. My Toe would get a cramp if I just used it to push that button. I like to sew barefoot. Where is my son when I need him to make me stuff?? In Maryland working... darn it.

Cathy Skelton said...

Guess I'm odd man out - I grew up using one of those pedals and loved it. I pushed it with my big toe, and rested my foot on the base. I could get very fine speed control that way. It was quite an adjustment when I got my Viking and had a foot pedal 7" wide. Wish there were some way we could swap pedals, I'd take a button one in a heart beat.

Old quilter said...

LOL - Different strokes for different folks. Was really bummed out when my original pedal for my old heavy duty Singer developed sparks - I personally had much better control with it than with the new wide kind. The ball of the foot goes on the little button, slight, or a lot, of rock to the side always worked perfectly for me.

Reminds me of a post a while back saying you really did not like the new rulers with the black circles, half inch markings from the other end - I had bought a square-up on vacation that I liked so well I went back to the shop and got 2 additional rulers of that type. Love them.

Kate said...

Blast from the past, I remember my mom sewing on her old singer, (New then) with her jewel toned high heals with the very narrow pointy toe. Fit perfectly on that style of petal. Shoes and feet have changed. Great adapter idea!

Aunt Mimi said...

They sewed in heels! My mom sewed barefoot sometimes but our tennis shoes in those day weren't clunky like today. They were Keds. Narrow sole & narrower toes.

Anonymous said...

Lots of things were narrower back then!

Unknown said...

I sit my foot on the flat of the pedal and rock my heel to operate the button. I love the control I have. I was told by an old sewing machine salesman that is the way they were meant to be operated.

Unknown said...

Aren't inventive folks great! Imagine the thought that went into the adapter!? Thanks for posting it. Guess way-back-then ladies had smaller feet, maybe. I finally gave in and bought a new easier of use foot for my FW. Works very well, and I do not get the feet and ankle aches as before.

Bonnie, I have to say - I am really liking your "thought of the day" posts !!!!! Keep up the good work. And remember, there is only ONE Bonnie K! True for all of us, we were not put on this earth so everyone would like us! We are here is be WHO we are.


Pat said...

I have one of these for my featherweight.
Best thing.

a concubine said...


Thanks so much for posting this. It's one of the only reasons my Featherweight spends so much time in the case.

But wait, there's more:
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing your talent and your humor with our Guild on Thursday. What a wonderful day!

Please come back!

Patti Rusk

Unknown said...

I would love to have one of these adapters. My husband is not the handyman type.
Does anyone sell these? I would love to purchase one.
Thank you
PS Love the quote of the day!!

Unknown said...

I am in the process of making my wife one out of red oak. When I am finished I can send you a picture to see if you want one.

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