
Saturday, January 02, 2016

My 2016 Word of the Year is…


This is the time of year when everyone gets all gung ho about their “Word of the Year” and what they are going to do with it.

There is great anticipation of good things to come, and how lives and life styles are going to change if we just put this magic word into practice for 12 months of concentrated effort.

It’s as if one word can create miracles, and all of the puzzle pieces in the chaos of our day to day activity will fall into place if we just heed that one word of the year.

I have spent a lot of time over the past month in deep study of myself, including friends, family and online relationships with others through this thing we call social media.

My past year was all Hurry Hurry Hurry, get it done, deadlines loom, there is no time to slow down, there is no time for more than a short concise answer.

2015 was a year of many changes and challenges, many of which have taken me to my knees.

The closing of Kansas City Star as I knew it, the re-branding of Kansas City Star as an imprint of C&T publishing – getting to learn new dance steps as I struggled with book mamuscipts and new writing formats and new people I was reporting to, and deadlines – oh, the deadlines.

2015 was a year I was more than ready to put to bed and say good-bye to.

But I want more from 2016 than I found in 2015.  I want some changes, both for my personal growth, and for the growth of my business.

And as much as I would like to say “I’m glad that’s over now I can move on!”  I realize that I have to look deep within myself to find a way to make 2016 a gentler, more nurturing, more meaningful year.

I need to SOFTEN.  I have chosen the word SOFTEN as my focus for this year.

Many of you might find that odd, but a goal can’t be accomplished unless it is put into action, unless it is worked on, worked at, failed at, and tried over and over and over again until changes take hold.


I love the Thesaurus!

Many of these things embody what I am looking for in my life for 2016.

I want to SOFTEN my HEART toward others, and also myself.

I long to SOFTEN my EXPECTATIONS.  That includes expectations of others, but mostly of myself.  I no longer feel like I can do it all.

I need to SOFTEN my RESPONSES. In my haste, hurry and stress I may have been hearing but not listening.  There is a difference. I need to be sure I connect and choose my words with more kindness instead of short, and straight to the point.

I WILL SOFTEN my JUDGEMENT of myself.  I am way too harsh there.

I will master the SOFTENING of my REACTIONS.  Many things have hit straight through the heart, and fallen south to the pit of my stomach where they take up residency.  I carry these around like boulders thinking they will go away, but they don't.

The pursuit of justice and being right really doesn’t matter.  I might believe I am right, but it is not my job to prove it to everyone who feels otherwise.  After all, THEY think that THEY are right, too. There will always be two sides to every story.

I want to SOFTEN the hard edges of everything around me.  I long for my world to be a kinder, gentler place.  

I run away to the cabin to escape the harsh reality of life, but I realize what I want is to create that same "I'm at the cabin and my soul is at peace" feeling within my every day life, even when on the road.

I need a SOFT and safe place to land where I can express myself through my craft, fill my soul and my heart and share it with others.


I know I will fail, and fail mightily, and likely often, but this is my word for 2016.


What’s yours?

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Becky said...

I don't know if I have a "word" for this year. As we age and things happen, you reflect of what might have, could have been and what is going to be and wonder if there was something else you could have done to change it. This year, hopefully I can get a better body that doesn't hurt all the time, no matter how it has to happen and move on and enjoy life as it was before.. Happy New Year Bonnie and let's get it on! You are a great sharer,,,it's that a word?

Debra in Ohio said...

Love your deep insight, Bonnie. My word for 2016 is not as thoughtful as yours but is more common to many of us who make quilts. My word is "neaten". That applies to the way my house looks inside and, especially, the way my sewing room is with all of the fabric stashed willy-nilly in tubs or cupboards or in stacks on the floor or side of my sewing machine. I have started cutting and saving scraps and strips as in your scrap users system but there seems to be too much to get through. So, I am planning to make more quilts using what I have in my stash. I will need to get into the cupboards and tubs and bring out the large pieces and plan a quilt that can use those such fabrics. Of course, I know that I won't be super organized by the end of this year, but I hope I have used many of the scraps that are just cluttering my life right now. Thanks for providing the mystery quilt Allietare for us. It is truly a beautiful design and I have been enjoying seeing how others quilter's have used their special color ways or design changes.

Sherry said...

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your kind generosity!! I don't know how you keep giving and giving. I for one am so appreciative of you as a teacher. Thanks for all you do!!
Sherry in Southest Texas

Purple Pam said...

Your words are well written. I think we all can benefit from them. My word for 2016 is MINDFUL. Be mindful of what I am doing and how I am doing it. Be mindful of what I say and how I say it. Be mindful of every day and do my best always.

Thank you for your generous sharing. You were the first one to encourage me to blog, which I have enjoyed tremendously. I have made many of your patterns. I have enjoyed making your mystery quilts. Thank you for being who you are and who you will be in the future.

Debbie said...

Love your word. Great idea. My plan is to slowwwwww down and be in the moment. My brain is suffering from too much going on. I must quit multitasking and relax.

Betsy K said...

I think I might have 2 words. One is conquer - the 2 things that I avoid with a passion - my embroidery machine and my cricut machine. I am very technology challenged. Sometimes having the manual, the teacher and other people isn't enough. So those two things i am going to stop putting off

My other word is enjoy. I can easily get into a rut and just exist and don't enjoy life so those are my 2 things. I want to enjoy life, not just life it

Unknown said...

I admire the gentle "softness" you share with. When we center our thoughts and spirit softness fills our hearts. you are so present and aware I am certain you will find and feel that "softness" that dwells within. I, too, love the Thesaurus.

Janet said...

Excellent word.... It took me awhile to figure my word for this year (I've never chosen just one word before)... But I think my word is explore..... And all the connotations it presents :)

Janet said...

Excellent word.... It took me awhile to figure my word for this year (I've never chosen just one word before)... But I think my word is explore..... And all the connotations it presents :)

TcMay said...

My word is "Relax" kinda' along the same lines as yours. This too shall pass is right along behind it.
May, Michigan, quilting in a relaxed mode of pure joy.......

Terri in BC said...

I like your word! My word is "Simplify". I debated about "declutter" or "less", but I want to tackle more then just my physical surroundings, I want to simplify my thoughts as well. I posted about it on my blog as well.

Happy New Year to you and your family, and all the best!

Amy H said...

I'll be here cheering for you, Bonnie, that you may find a way to soften the stress and expectations of the coming year. I didn't have a word until I read your post, but the word that popped into my head is "achieve". Unlike you, I haven't been on top of my game in meeting my own goals. So, this year, I hope to focus on those goals that matter most and achieve them. I will learn a lesson from you, though, and work towards those goals with a gentle touch!

crafty said...

My word is forgiveness. I need first of all to forgive myself, for things I have done, not done. Then I need to forgive others, for the same reasons. This will not be easy.

puddles said...

Great post Bonnie! I wonder if this need to 'soften' is something we arrive at as we grow more 'mature'? My late mum often said to her 7 children at different times: 'Be quiet for the sake of peace!' I didn't understand that when she was still alive. We lost her 20 years ago this coming June.
I was one who believed in expressing my view/opinion etc for the sake of being 'honest'. It caused conflict/pain more than it warranted snd it's only been in the last decade or so (after I turned 50) where I have realised that mum was spot on. Sometimes biting my tongue is definitely a better option and 'peace' has been the result. It's worth it, for me!!
Thanks for your constant inspiration Bonnie. Look after yourself!!! :)

starflash quilts said...

Perfect choice. I have never come across this 'word' concept before. Soften is a good one for me too, almost everything you said rang true. Still inspiring all of us!

Sara said...

Enjoyed your post. My word for 2016 is SIMPLIFY. I need to learn to let go of the things that don't really matter.

Tina said...

Thank you for your insightful thoughts, I feel as if we could all use a bit of softening in our lives. It's hard for me to choose just one word, I'm such a work in progress, but after much thought it is "acceptance". I need to accept that I have limitations and I need to give myself permission to accept that I can't do everything. I want to be happy with the things I can do instead of sad about all the things I want to do but just can't or can't do them as quickly as I want to. Once again thank you Bonnie for all you do and for brining all of us together.

Cindy said...

Oh Bonnie - I just love you and Sadie and you already soften my day each morning when the three of us have coffee. Thank you for being here all the time - honestly you do not need to soften, I just love everything about you - and that includes your humorous spunk. Here's a soft hug. Why do perfect people think they need to improve? I wish I could be just like you!! My word? 'Bonnie Wannabe'.

Myrna said...

Very well said Bonnie! I'll be cheering for you. I think there comes a time in everyone's life when you say "I just can't keep doing what I've always done!" and start re-evaluating and making changes. Happy 2016!

Judy said...

I truly understand what you are saying Bonnie. My word is "positive". I have had a tendency these past few years to focus too much on the negatives that have happened in my life and it has taken my joy away. I want it back! So I am going to write a positive on my calendar everyday to help me along. Thank you for all you do. Hugs!

Andee said...

I forgot to pick a word this year..i will think on that for me. I want you to know that to tjose of us out here you are an example of what we hope to be. I do not mean career wise, but woman wise. You are kind, thoughtful, generous, exercise regularly, treat yourself now and then, care about your family, friends, and animals. You inspire me to be a better me daily and that is alot of why I say I am your #1 fan! Do not be too hard on yourself, you are way ahead of most of us. Love you Bonnie!

Allison C Bayer Plano TX said...

Thanks for sharing your heart Bonnie. Honestly, I'd not heard of this "word for the year" until you mentioned it in class. Your word soften, when you said it, immediately relaxed me! What a nice reaction. Such a thoughtful post and one I'm sure I will return to to read often. My word will be "enjoy" for 2016. Me and hubby have worked hard to be where we are, now it is time to enjoy that time together. Thank you for your words of wisdom through your blog and also the snippets of conversation we have in class. They mean the world to me! You are loved!! Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try living by the concept of LESS. Hopefully, taking on less and acquiring less (although less fabric will be very, very hard) will lead to less stress and more time.

Cindy in NC

Laura said...

Bonnie, I love your word and I love your thought processes for your word. Mine has been revealed and confirmed so much in the last two weeks and is "joy." To find joy in all things and to welcome our "Joy" this year with my daughter's rainbow baby, our first granddaughter. Prayers and best wishes for you as you begin this new year and continue your softening through out.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Mine is "Calm."

Ma4Grandma9 said...

Bonnie, I have been choosing or listening for my word (s) for the last several yrs from the Lord. Last yr my words were
Path and perserverance, along with all the words that mean the same. I think that these words will also apply this year with the addition of strength and wait. It is godincidences that these words miraculously appear when I am most in need of them! All your sharing of pictures, antiquing, and quilting journeys make my days lighter. Thank you! May you be blessed by "soften"all yr long. Hugs from MN,!

Sandie said...

I truly hope you achieve your goal. The hurts of the past can't be undone but they can be avoided in the future.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

I love your word 'soften' and all the synonyms. Expectations hit home for me, I have tried really hard in the past two years to know I can't do it all, and can't be what every one else thinks I should be...it is hard when you are used to giving, doing, stretching...until there is no more stretch. I love your word Bonnie, and I hope you have a wonderful 2016, wouldn't it be wonderful if our world had less hatred. Thank you for all you do for all of us out in Quiltville land.

Donna said...

My word for 2016 is Prayer

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

This is the third year that I've had a "word." This year it is focus as I tend to become distracted by new fabric lines, pretty threads. . .well, you get the picture!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bonnie.....your word is spot on for me, too. I am struggling with a coworker. So much of what you said spoke to my soul. I have been struggling how to " soften" that conflict and not give up my beliefs on kindness toward others, etc. I have told myself all day that her actions do not reflect me.....others will see that. I can "soften" my frustration with her and not compromise my standards, knowing she will not change.

Adventurous Quilter said...

Good luck with softening. I don't have a word yet but I'll mull it over now after your inspirational post! Thanks for sharing such a personal choice.

Laura said...

My word for 2016 is "Obedience". Obedience to God for his plan in ALL areas of my life, but at the top of the list is how I react to, and deal with, difficult people and difficult situations. Like you, I also need to soften all of the things that you mentioned, for the same reasons, but I think those things will fall into place when I am being obedient to my Lord and Savior. Things just don't go as smoothly when I try to be in control instead of letting HIM be in control :-).

Anonymous said...

Live is my word. I have always put others before myself and I want to enjoy my remaining years by living and enjoying life. I have lived for others and now it is time to enjoy living for myself. Not in a selfish way but in a joyous way. Valerie Carter

Sandy said...

"Finish" is my word for 2016. Those quilt tops that have been put away for years need to be turned into quilts!

Monica said...

A very heartfelt post, Bonnie! I know you will do it. Expect success, and just keep practicing!

Kathy said...

I think my word would have to be smile. I don't smile very often. I look in the mirror at a sourpuss. I am not a sourpuss I don't think but when people smile at me I feel good. I would like to make other people feel good too. Now, back to the mystery quilt blocks. Smiling as I go!

cegs said...

My Word this year.....Peace! Love your blog, thank you!

Sandra Henderson said...

Well good for you for admitting all of this Bonnie. That is the first step. I've worried, years and years ago... As you booked years and years in advance... Here we are and. You are still doing it....

After loosing my home and my husband (both because of his death), three years ago. I always think back when he said, we will always have Paris. I'm. Glad we really absorbed the times we had together. I keep getting rid of a lifetime of "things". Literally!
spent the first part of my life acquiring, now the second half purging. Came to the mountains to heal and I Did, am, and probably Always will be. Turned off a ringing telephone to take care of him in 05 after 15 years... No regrets. I am broke and thru it all the happiest I've been and as free as I've been since my teenage years. We create our own destiny. I am not in Facebook. I have no cable or directv. I am out of, finally! , a two year contract with Verizon and about to get a flip phone pay as u go with only talk m text because that is all I care about and if it were not for being so remote and having it for 911 and the few friends (I don't need Facebook because friends in my life are few and far between but real) I have left that I choose to be worthy of my energy and time.
My road has been a long road to get to the point I am. I chose less and a road less traveled. It's not for everyone. It makes me happy. I am alone and I truly live. Deliberately. I will probably never fly anywhere again in my life. I am 48 years old. I've done enough. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. The more you make, the more you spend, the more accountable (in this day and age of putting your life out there in every way by choice) you have to be. We are a product of our choices. Whatever they may be.

Don't have a word.
One day at a time for me.
One minute at a time, some days,,, you can't plan years ahead. No amount of money is wrth ones freedom.
No. No oneword. No Facebook. No blog. No nothing for me. Just life and living and inner Peace. Can't change the world. cant make everyone happy. Today is what it is and tomorrow will be what it will be. it really is very simple. WE complicate it. (Ask me how I know....)

Mary said...

Bonnie -- I am so relieved that you are going to start slowing down a little and taking care of you. As I read your blog over the past several years, I worried about how full your schedule was and how much stress it had to be putting on you. It's like I could feel the pressure on you as you smiled and kept working, traveling, teaching, sewing, designing, etc, at top speed. Please continue to take care of and be kind to yourself. You mean so much to us as a person and a friend!

Unknown said...

"Take time to take time" ~~~ so many things have happened over the past 3.5 years that pull me here, there and in all directions. Having someone you love have 2 serious forms of cancer, and being the main person to help that other is both wonderful (to be able to do) and maddening(when I feel I have no personal time).
But I do have personal time, I just need to use it. My goal is to be the best person I can be.
As for quilting, I so love antique (particularly 1840-1860 quilts)quilts. The type you might find in a museum have always tugged at my heart and soul. 2016 is the year I will start concentrating much much more on making the quilts I so love. Never copying any one of these, but using the styles, fabrics etc. to create my own "antique design" quilts.
Hugs, and best of all wishes to you Bonnie, and all of the quilters on your blog and Open Studio fb page. God bless, keep and strengthen you all.

Unknown said...

Fit! I want to be more fit through physical activity. I want everything I own to fit neatly in my space - get rid of the chaff. I want to fit important things into my life while trying not to fill the small gaps with extraneous activities that just cause stress. I want to fit in more hugs with the grandkids, more sew days with my besties, more lunches with my mom & sister, more dates with my husband, more family dinners, more flowers in my garden, more walks in the park. If everything fits I will surely be more at peace and less overwhelmed. Thank you Bonnie for your inspiration to strive to be better. What's that saying? Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

That is a wonderful post, Bonnie, and one of the most thoughtful ones I've read lately. I don't have a particular word for the year, but my goals are much like yours. A wise man once said, "Keep your words sweet. You may have to eat them." I try to remember that, and fail, and try again.

Nancy in IN said...

Mine is Discover. Discover what is to be learned, what is in my sewing room, and what needs to be finished.

Anonymous said...

Be myself and be content with that is my phrase. Life's too short to be anything else.

Cindy F said...

Wonderful advice Bonnie! I need to heed these words!

Cindy said...

I don't have a single word perse'. I just purchased a book by Joyce Meyer called Power Words. In it she talks about what power ALL words can hold. So my goal is to be mindful of all my words whether spoken aloud or in my thoughts. The ones that don't escape my lips hold just as much power over me. So, with God's help I am going to strive to think and speak only those things that are beneficial to me and those I come in contact with. It will be a day at a time, moment by moment thing. After all, we are not promised we will have years ahead of us, only the present moment. And it is not something I can do alone because in my own strength I am weak, but with God I am strong. It is because of Him that I can do anything, He provides and upon Him I must rely. So if I strive to be my best for Him today, then in the future (however long I may still have) I will continue to be my best. As the song says, One day at a time, Lord, One day at a time.

MamaDoc said...

My word for the year is "FIGHT!" Although I long to withdraw into peaceful solitude, that is not the season I am in. I am responsible for my aging parents, my 3 kids, my own health, the health and lives of my patients, my marriage, my relationship with God. I battle wanting to give up and hide. Every day I must get up, choose to pick up my cross, give my cares and worries to God and move forward. Not to geek out to much but I love that scene from Return of the King when the steward of Gondor has sounded retreat and Gandalf rides through the city rallying the troops to himself calling over and over for them to fight on.

Bente Antonsen said...

My word for 2016 will be "Let go". I want to let go of all negativity around me, let go of negative people and things I cannot do anything with. I want my quilting life to bloom without the quilting police that break everything down and makes me feel uncertain about my choices. You are my mentor and I am very greatful for all the changes that has happened in my sewing room and in my my mind during the three years I have followed you. You encourage me to work with my creativity and I can feel I "move" against something positive that makes me feel glad and wanting to do more of everything that is positiv for me. See you at the online class in 2016

ddavis said...

Choose (action word) joy! I will take that action every time I can, this year. 😊

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Bonnie,
My word for 2016 is Healing. My husband and I have both had some health challenges this year and Healing is formost on my mind as 2016 begins.
I love the way the mystery quilt turned out - beautiful!
Thanks so much for your kindness and for all that you do. I love your blog and read it daily.
Mary in Nee Mexico

Anonymous said...

I had not heard of the 'word' for the year either. Your choice with the fuzzy hearts made me think you were choosing soft colors like the pink and blue of the past. Reading the full post I saw your thoughts. To me you are perfect! Maybe doing too much but you are so kind and sharing that you care for our expectations which is for the daily blog, answers, classes, trips, challenges and mysteries. We are the ones who must 'soften' our expectations of you. After a day of mulling for a word in my life I have settled on : Balanced.
Enough for today, take care and sew on, Johanne from 2hagars at gmail.com

lynn said...

Bonnie, you have already succeeded. Many do not search for what is missing. Many do not have the will to make the struggle needed to make even the smallest changes. I don't walk in your shoes. I don't know your challenges. I do know you are an intelligent, compassionate and generous woman. Love those things you have while you strive to have more softness in your life. I think we all have spots that could use some softening. I wish you a good 2016, one where you find soft edges. Love yourself and nurture your self. Then all things are possible. Hugs

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Mine is a phrase: Not my circus; Not my monkies.
I've retired 12/24/15 and I'm working on adjusting my new role in the world. I love your site and your work that you share so openly. I will buy every book you publish b/c I think you need to stay in business.
Soften is a good work for you to adopt b/c you are very hard on yourself and take too much to heart sometimes when a nasty remark from some ingrate smacks your phone. Work on that. ;-) I'm not following my own phrase and butting into your circus too much this a.m.

Cheri Dawn said...

My word for the year is "peace". I want to temper my judgement of others, think before I speak, build others up, and be gentle with myself. Everything you said takes courage and really hits home. Thanks!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rinachiyya said...

What a beautiful word you picked Bonnie. I never picked a word before. I think mine is 'finish'. I worry with my only eye and seeing double often that some of my UFO's will not get finished. Will try this year to make the time to finish my UFO's and take more time quilting. I had to look up many words that was used here what the meaning was in English. Thank G-D for a app that helps me learn what it means. I hope to keep learning.Bonnie you picked a beautiful word but than I already know that you are a beautiful woman inside and out side. Your posts daily brings much joy to me. Thank you for coming into my life.
Shalom is a great word it means peace. Hi and Good Bye.
May this year bring you Shalom in all you do. Sending you ,
Ahavah ( Love).
Yoka Bazilewich

Bees Knees Granny said...

Lots to think about on this first Sunday of 2016. Instead of work hard, quilt hard, play hard, shop hard...soften. Yes. Relax our pace, relax our grip. Instead of reaching, straining, grasping...soften. Let the richness that surrounds us flow in. How much more fulfilling our quilting will be in this state! Enjoy the new year! Cwoosley12@yahoo.com

Judy said...

I loved and enjoyed today's post, you used the word soften and I really like that. You need to soften your self, by that I mean you are way to hard on yourself.You do so much and sometime you expect to much of your self. I am saying this with the utmost respect of you and what you do for so many. By no means is it meant as criticism of you in any way. I hope you have a fantastic new year.

Unknown said...

I appreciate your word "soften." It occurred to me while reading your blog today that perhaps you began to experience the embrace of your word in Peru. I loved how you focused on the children.

My word is release. For my own health, emotionally and physically, I need to release the binding emotional responsibility I feel clutching me when my grown kids and their kids go in directions counter to my desires for them. I will try to release disappointments in my own behavior, past, present and future. Remaining human after all, this will be a life long journey.

I will remind myself to release myself into joy and peace so that those around me will have permission, if you will, to be themselves and find their own joy and peace.

Thank you Bonnie for so much more than quilt patterns. You share life with us in a beautiful way every day. May I encourage you on your pathway to soften.

Cats said...

Congratulations, too often those who would and do lead others, neglect themselves. Perfect time for you to soften your expectations... relax your grip on life, just a little bit! There are so many things i would like to share with you, were we to have a cup of tea and several hours together to just BE. Thank you for your contribution to my life. I love you, yes, I do. For I have discovered it's a lovely state, to be in love... and most of my friends benefit from that perspective too... Maybe my word is 'love'... in all it's permutations. Cats cwhitcher@roadrunner.com

Sonia F said...

My word for this year is ADIOS. It means goodbye -to judging myself and others, negativity, procrastination, to hurts of all the past, and to things that might not happen.
Best of all if you look at this word as A DIOS IT MEANS TO GOD. Let go and let God take care of things i cannot handle.
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a promise, but today is the present, a gift to enjoy. Thank you Bonnie and my prayers are for you and your family this coming year.


Anonymous said...

My word or words, haven't confined to one as yet. Content and/or appreciate. Appreciate what I have and not focus on what I don't. Being content with where I am in this journey we call life. Accepting that there are more limitations physically as we age. Appreciate that while we could we did. Yes there is more life out there to live and I will learn to be content in all the ways I possibly can. Put away the words I keep hearing around me , this is the last time.... No one knows for sure of the last time.... Live like it is the first time. I will learn to be content, I think the apostle Paul said it best. So thanks Bonnie for insight and as always for sharing of your gifts. You know quilting isn't your only one!


Anonymous said...

Forgot email, dotti.lou@att.net

Wabbit said...

It was interesting to me to read what you had to say about the pursuit of justice and being right. I reluctantly came to this conclusion myself a few years ago. One interesting thing I learned was that when you are right and someone else is wrong, it is just a tug of war. It is only when you see/hear/feel a third, fourth, fifth, etc. point of view that you finally start to get to the truth of the matter. What truly IS right. And a lot of the time, it changes your own idea of what is really right.

I'll be following your continued adventures, Bonnie, in this new, softer year for you! I've been sewing on Allietare and contemplating my own word of the year. One came to me several times, the same word. Right now, I've forgotten what it was!!! But I know it will come back to me, because when it is right, it always comes back.

This is cheeky of me, but if I could make two suggestions for you, one would be to hire a part time assistant to pack up all of those orders. That is not the best use of your time. Sure, each one only takes a minute but all of those minutes add up to hours you could be sewing, quilting, or writing books. And, you could be providing a little income to a neighbor kid, a stay at home mom, a retiree? The other thing would be to decide how many days you are going to be on the road each month and build some breathing and Bonnie time into your schedule. OK, cheekiness over! (You can take the girl out of business consulting but you can't take the business consultant out of the girl!)

Happy New Year!

Material Mary said...

My bucket list includes meeting you some day...you are amazing...the word for 2016 is JOY! This is the first time a word felt "right".

Material Mary said...

My bucket list includes meeting you some day...you are amazing...the word for 2016 is JOY! This is the first time a word felt "right".

Debra Broyles said...

I read this very interesting verse on Facebook and I chant it everyday:
If you are feeling depressed, you are living in the past,
If you are feeling anxious, you are living in the future,
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
I try and recite this to myself everyday and when I start feeling blue I am like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz - Instead of "there's no place like home" mine is "I am at peace, I am in the present". Takes my mind off what I am feeling blue about and I am able to get the gumption up to quilt again. You are extremely talented Bonnie and I am looking forward to 2016 with you. Don't give up, you are incredible and you have a huge following of people who want to learn from you. No pressure - just fun and learning. Thanks for being there with your wonderful quilts and thanks for your blog. I read it daily and get very inspired. Always, Debra Broyles

Susan said...

I had to think on this one. There are so many ways to improve. I came up with two; patience and appreciate. My final pick is "patience". My nature is to do things quickly and I want things done yesterday.
As my dear husband and I age, we need to move a little slower, but I have no patience. I find myself wishing he would move out of the way or not help with dishes because it takes longer. I 'm not really proud of myself in those moments. So I have chosen to try and have patience so I can appreciate all that is wonderful about my husband and my life.
I know I will fail often, but in the words of Scarlet O'Hara..."Tomorrow is another day".

HoosierKitty said...

My word should be neaten or organize but I choose JOY!

Unknown said...

I love your word "soften!" Mine is "thrive."

Deb said...

I think maybe my word should be "Happier", but soften Is good too, as it leads to the same result. It was a crazy busy year, nothing too bad, could have been worse, but just going all the time. No sewing all summer, almost, and that gets me frustrated. Even when doing fun things, I would not have fun doing them because I had just done 10 other things in a row with not much of a break. So, "crabby" ended up being my word for last year! And I would read your blogs, and you were going EVERYWHERE and doing EVERYTHING, and I just couldn't see how you could keep your head on straight and go to a class and be "cheerful". I am still totally amazed. Even tho, they are fun things to do. So this year, I am going to try and slow down and not plan so much and hopefully have a semi-quiet year (bahahaha) and try to make it happier than the last. I have started by making it VERY clear to the hubster that I am not doing ANYTHING till March! So far, so good. But I have 2 months to go! And he LOVES to go-all the time....

Barb-sewingmates said...
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Barbara Greer said...

My Word is Breathe. This is a wonderful post Bonnie and I've thought about it for the last week. Many of the words above could be my words, simplify, fit, courage, joy, discover.... at first I thought my word would be "grow" because so many areas of my life have been simply thriving and it's time to show some growth, but this morning I realized that every day I just need to breathe a little deeper, breathe in life, breathe in opportunities. I want to breathe life into my efforts more than ever before. I turn 60 next week and I'm smiling because Breath is a Gift and some of the best days of my life haven't happened yet, and you are a gift to us all and we thank you!

Carla said...

Enjoyed this post very much. I like how you explained your word.
My word last year was accomplish and I accomplished getting 8 quilts done. Never done that before.
I need to think of a word for 2016
Thanks for sharing yours

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