
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Roll Roll Cotton Boll with the Capitol Quilters!

Some photos come with special shout outs!

And I am putting this one front, top and center just so it is seen by a very special lady whose daughter loves her very much!

I posed for this shout out photo with Cami, and I asked her to send me the photo so I could do just what I’m doing!

Cami writes:
Thank you so much for coming to speak to the guild tonight!  It was amazing!  I learned so much and had such a great time!
It was a great honor to meet you.  My mom, Connie, is probably one of your biggest fans.  She lives in Utah and when I told her that you were coming to speak to the guild she was so jealous.  I wish she could have made the trip out to come hear you speak.  Maybe next time. 
Thank you for taking a picture with me.  Now she has a photo with two of her favorite people!  She would be over the moon excited if it showed up on your blog!  Every morning, the first thing she does is check your site.  She lives and breathes scrap quilts!  She is the one that taught me to quilt and I love her dearly for it! 
So this is for YOU, Connie!  You should be so proud of the beautiful daughter you have, inside and out! It was a joy to meet her!
Rip Roaring good time in Raleigh!
We had a great time on a beautiful sunny day in Raleigh, North Carolina with the Capitol Quilt Guild yesterday where we joined together for a fun and stringy Roll Roll Cotton Boll workshop from my book String Fling!  Did we ever dig into the neutrals and let ALL of the fabric play!
Great String Hour Glass!

Cutting it up with friends!

From the Northern Neck of Virginia to the Mountains of Western NC!

They came.  We sewed.  We laughed.

We loved it!

And I loved meeting new friends!

Hold high the progress, ladies!

Some gorgeous blocks are happening here!

It was a very fun day and I am so happy that I get to do it again for ONE MORE WORKSHOP this year!! 

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.  And something I discovered recently on my phone when trying to view the photo album…there is a little button to the upper right of the screen that will play the album as a slide show from there, so give it a shot! You don’t have to click each photo individually! ((It’s probably been there all along – I just never looked for it before!))

Roll Roll Cotton Boll, Raleigh, NC 2015

We’ve got Texas Tumbleweed up on deck so there will be a lot of sew & flipping going on as well as a lot of bonus triangle making for projects down the road.

My LAST workshop of the 2015 year!  What a year it has been!

I am ready for a whole month off to get in some serious sewing time..and I hope that much of it will be spent up at the cabin for some serious R&R!

Things to know –I am drawing for the winner of the Quilty Box Giveaway tonight!  Did you leave your comment on that post to be entered to win?  TONIGHT!

Tomorrow evening I’ll be drawing for the winner of the 100 blocks by 100 designers issues.  Did you enter on that post to win that?? Two separate giveaways, and your comments need to be in the right place to be entered.

Happy Saturday, everyone!!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Carol said...

Bonnie - it's hard to put into words the incredible experience of hearing your talk on Thursday at the guild meeting, then being part of the workshop on Friday. Both events were oodles of fun and I learned so much! Authenticity -- you are authentic, whether you are in front of a crowd of people or working one on one with each and every one of us during the workshop. I will treasure this experience forever. Thank you, Bonnie! Carol (cgpotter83@gmail.com)

Unknown said...

I love the pictures of the vintage machines. It's all your fault, Miss Bonnie, that I now have my husband's grandma's 1899 27 treadle and my Mom's 1946 blackside 128. I am in search of a late 1930 Kenmore White like my grandmother sewed on. And I wouldn't mind a 201 or 66 if one fell into my lap. Thank you very much for the inspiration to save these wonderful pieces of history. Finally, Roll Roll Cotton Boll is on my bucket list of quilts as are a lot of your patterns. Have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time off with your family!

Unknown said...

I love the pictures of the vintage machines. It's all your fault, Miss Bonnie, that I now have my husband's grandma's 1899 27 treadle and my Mom's 1946 blackside 128. I am in search of a late 1930 Kenmore White like my grandmother sewed on. And I wouldn't mind a 201 or 66 if one fell into my lap. Thank you very much for the inspiration to save these wonderful pieces of history. Finally, Roll Roll Cotton Boll is on my bucket list of quilts as are a lot of your patterns. Have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time off with your family!

Cami said...

Wow!! Thank you Bonnie! You will never know how much this means that you would do a shout out to my mom and say such kind words. She was so excited to see it front and center this morning! Thanks again! You are the best!

Treadle Toes said...

YAY Bon!! So glad you are FINALLY done teaching/lecturing for 2015 and can get that mega-deserved break!!! Take a deep breath, sleep and enjoy your holidays!! Have you had a chance to use that great Davis Vertical Feed machine to attach a binding yet? What do ya think of it?
Tons-O-Love and Hugs--Beck(FiddleyBits)

Mary said...

You have had a wonderful, fun filled year of Travel. Glad you get time off to rest and enjoy time with family and friends this Thanksgiving. I can smell the Turkey and trimmings from an early Turkey day here. Loved the slideshow! Wishing I had my Grandmas machine...

Unknown said...

Always have like the center part of the Roll Roll, Cotton Boll quilt! Wondering how it would look in another quilt design umm.... you always get me to thinking Bonnie!

Yes, it has been a year to remember :)


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