
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Inkaterra Time!


There is nothing on earth like the little village of Machu Picchu –nothing on earth at all.

That is about the only way that I can describe it, this town built on the tourist industry with restauarants and shops everywhere again calling the ever heard “Lady! Lady!  Lady, you want a massage?  Lady!  You come eat?  Lady!”

It is still a charming bustling little place, and you learn rather quickly to reply with “Luego!”  Which simply puts them off for later!

Mean time, we walk and walk up and up to where our hotel is! 

We stayed at Inkaterra Village, what a cool place!




Okay! this is going to be really cool!


Our tile roofed casitas!


Taking the stairs up to mine!


I’m on the 2nd level right here!


Headed up the stairs to the door.


Okay, this is GREAT!!


My tiny balcony!


There is some exploring to be done!


Flowers everywhere!  I love this trumpet vine tree!

Check out the hummingbirds!


Exploring the area – there is a tea plantation!


Everything is so green!


What a wonderful place to stay!

Upon our arrival many of us simply checked in and got a long nap…that includes ME!


Sometimes a nap is just what a tired body needs!


Celebrating Susan’s birthday!

Susan shared her birthday with us, with her special day falling on the day we took the train to Machu Picchu.  Here she is  blowing out the proverbial candle while we all sang to her.  What a great way to spend your birthday!


Dinner specialty!  Cuy!

I had been told, no, more like warned that Peruvians consider Cuy, a type of large guinea pig, a delicacy.  I had made up my mind that I would be brave and give it a try, but I couldn’t bear to do it with the head still on and having the poor thing smiling up at me! LOL!

Our first night at Inkaterra gave me the opportunity to try “filet” which meant it had no head, no legs, nothing that would make this look like the beloved guinea pig that we think of so fondly!

Actually, this was quite good –it tasted a lot like baby back ribs, only without the bones.  I guess the PIG part holds true, this tasted more like pork than chicken.

Once was enough, however.  I can say “Been there, done that” and not feel the need to do it again!

It was an early night to bed as the next morning we headed to our bus to head up to the Machu Picchu ruins early early early the next morning!

More photos to come of Machu Picchu Pueblo, and of the ruins themselves!

In real time – I'm heading out  to teach a Talkin’ Turkey workshop to 48 quilters with the Logan Lap Quilters of Columbia, South Carolina!

Heading back up to NC this evening after a dinner with my son ---I’ll catch you back from there!

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Diana said...

I can see many colorways in these gorgeous pictures you are sharing! Wish I could have joined you!

Bente Antonsen said...

What a wonderful place. I liked the houses :)

Grandma Kathy Quilts said...

I am enjoying all this photos from your trip. Holding on to my seat, as I can't wait to the the actual photos of the Machu Picchu ruins. I will probably never get there, but I can enjoy your pictures. Thanks for the wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing your adventures in Peru. I can't wait each morning to pull up your blog and see what is next!! You're the absolute best :o) Teresa Nelson at tlnelson755@centurytel.net.

Lori said...

It all looks pretty amazing! Way to go for trying the "delicacy". I'm not sure I could have.

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