
Saturday, October 03, 2015

Today is the Day!!

We are heading out this morning – this rainy rainy stormy morning!

From Greensboro to Atlanta to Orlando to Port Canaveral ---it’s the start of our Quiltville Caribbean Cruise!

I’ve heard from some of my cruisers, they are already in Orlando having a good time at Disney or Universal, and will be meeting up with us on the ship on Sunday when we depart.

FIFTY QUILTERS!  I am so excited.

I am so excited but as of yet – NOT ALL THE WAY PACKED!

Everything else took precedence last night. and I saved the packing for this morning.

Last night was another one of those “Sleep? who needs sleep?” kind of sleepless nights as my phone rang and rang with flood warnings from the weather service.

North Carolina is being POUNDED with rain.  It’s been raining daily for over a week now.  We are saturated, streams and rivers are full and the ground is losing its ability to absorb any more…

And we’ve got THIS going on:


This was 20 minutes ago.

I live in north central North Carolina, so if you follow that storm up through south carolina, we are right where the yellow turns green.

Our son Jason is in Columbia, South Carolina –right where the orange is.

Last evening Jim Cantore showed up in Columbia Souith Carolina.  You know what that means?  The Carolinas are being hammered enough to be news worthy.

And through this we are traveling.  My hope is that my flight is not delayed out of Greensboro this morning ---remember the sleepless night?  I kept barely dreaming and waking up to think that we might have to DRIVE to Florida today if the flight doesn’t go.  So far that is unwarranted, no notifications of such, but still the rain pounds and it’s time to pack and GO!


This is going with me!

I stayed up after Quilt-Cam to sew the borders on to the background and kit everything up.  I’ll add the last hexie to the rosette and do the applique during this trip – still hoping the ORIGINAL A Little Bit Hexie quilt shows up before I go to Peru, but in any case, I’ll be ready!

For those just getting started with English Paper Piecing and hexies, this is a fun quick project. You'll find it under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

And with that, I’m turning my focus on some of this over the next few days:


Yes Please!

I’ll catch you as often as I can from this trip --

Time to finish packing!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Linda Baker said...

Make sure you turn off your phone and internet. You won't believe the charges you will have.

Unknown said...

Safe travels!

Donna in Winter Garden said...

Wave hello when you get to Orlando! The weather here today is cloudy but no wind or rain right now. Safe travels!

Andee said...

Safe travels!!!

Mary said...

Sunny Skies and beautiful beaches in your Future! Hope all goes well on your flights to get there today. Happy Travelling quilters can chase the rain away, right?

Suzanne C said...

Fair winds and following seas!
Have a good time!

Kathleen said...

Safe travels to all.

Nikki Moshier said...

Safe travels to all. It is lovely and sunny down here in Florida. I am heading back home to Virginia on Tuesday...so I think I will have missed all the rain.

Memorymomentsandmore said...

Have a wonderful trip!! Sew sew sew!!! Looking forward to your pictures!!

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