
Friday, October 09, 2015

Some Views from St Maarten!

It’s hard to see but this is “almost” a sunrise on a cloudy and a little bit rainy day upon our arrival in St Maarten!

I’ve been getting out early every morning as often as I could to walk the track and greet the new day.

However, yesterday I decided to take the day “OFF” as a rest day, and instead of going ashore, I stayed on ship to catch up on some sleep, some hexies, some quiet time away from the maddening crowds.

I don’t regret my decision!

We had purchased an ATV excursion, but after the heat and the humidity of the day before in St Thomas, the last thing I really wanted to do was go ride out into the HOT with a helmet on my head.

Instead, we sent our Janome machine tech and all around bobbin boy out to take my place and he and The Hubster had a great time riding 4 wheelers all over St Maarten, both the Dutch side, and the French side.

Sometimes you just have to take a TIME OUT.


St Maarten from my cabin balcony.


The lack of blaring sun felt great!


Waking up to a beautiful day!

I stole the following photos off of Dave’s camera.  He only took a few because the rest of the time they were riding the 4 wheelers --


Boats in the cove on the French side.


Beautiful ocean views!


That aqua water is so amazingly clear!


Looking the “other” direction.


And the guys, riding this mountain like die hards!

I’m glad they had a great time.  I’m even more glad that I got to tuck myself away in the quiet of the Cloud Nine lounge and listen to my audio book while I stitched away.  PERFECT!


Last night’s Open Sew Fun!

The machines were humming last night and I enjoyed the chatter of the quilters talking about their fun day in St Maarten.  Yes, there was a fabric shop here!  Yes, there was booty to bring home!  They brought their treasures to the sewing room so we could see just who bought what.

The ice skating show was also last night ((Yes, there is an ice rink on board!)) and some of our ladies went to the 7pm show, and came to sew after, and the others came to sew early, and ducked out at 9pm for the later ice skating show.

There is plenty of time to do it ALL on the ship, and how much time you spend sewing is up to you!  Did I mention that we have 18 spouses and non quilting friends or family with us?  BRING THEM!  They will have a great time too!

Today we are back down in the sewing room, starting on the alternate blocks for our Garden Party quilt.  Tomorrow is also an at sea day, our last one, and we’ll be whipping up some pieced setting triangles and corner units so everyone will know how this quilt will fit together when they reach home to finish it.

We’ve got two days left, and we are going to fill it full!

Happy Friday from the Deep Blue Sea!

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Donna Fisher said...

So glad you had a chance to decompress. Teaching while on vacation must be a whole different level of stress. And glad you are marching to your inner drummer instead of everyone else's. Love the pictures. Sorry the heat gets to you. Looking forward to pictures and stories from the final two days.

Nikki Moshier said...

What a happy post. thanks for sharing your day.

kerrynconnor@westnet.com.au said...

So thoughtful and kind to sent the sewing machine tech instead of yourself. One of the first things I do on a cruise Is a find a hiding spot. So far I have been successful at this. Though I do have a great hubby. Have fun Bonnie.

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