
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Good Morning, Rangeley, Maine!

Isn’t this just beautiful!?

This is the lake right in Rangeley – I got to join for breakfast with the Coffee Klatche girls for breakfast at 6:45 am, just when the world was awakening around us!

I sat in the window, sipping my pumpkin spice tea, watching clouds float in one direction, while flocks of birds flew low over the water in the other direction –honking “Good Morning!” to the beautiful new day.

It’s a bit of a rush morning here – I’ve just grabbed a shower and we are heading over to the retreat location at the country club where 20 quilters are arriving from all over.  We’ve got tables to set up, we’ve got stuff to do!

Registration for fall quilt camp opens at noon, and our workshop starts at 1:30pm on the dot and I know they will be anxious to get set up.  I can hear the laughter and the greetings and the “Hey! I haven’t seen you since last year, how are you?!” ringing already!

Quilt camp has been going on in Rangeley, Maine for 20 years now!  I’m so happy I get to be a part of it.


Yesterday's color as we drove!


More gorgeous around every corner!


Mountains of color!


Simply glorious!


Hexie stitching last night with some NCIS!

Carol and Dan Perkins are my hosts this weekend, and they own Threads Galore Quilt Shop, with a retreat house that sleeps 9 right next door.  Guess who got the retreat house all to herself last night?  Oh, I slept so well!

There is a group coming in to stay at the retreat house this weekend.  For a whole week!  It is the perfect time of year to come to Rangeley with everything in full autumnal beauty.

I’m LEAVING the retreat house to go stay with the other 20 quilters at the country club resort!

And now the Nitty Gritty!


My online course is running!

And it is not too late to register and join in!

My course will also run for 6 weeks with 6 different lessons!  These are all based on quilts made with blocks from my Addicted to Scraps column with Quiltmaker Magazine.  After we have determined the dates the course will run, I will post more info!
The great thing about courses with Craft University?  You simply download your course videos to your computer and they are YOURS.  You own them, just like you own a book.  And you don’t have to be connected to the internet to watch them again and again and again.  They are yours to keep once you download them to your computer.
How do you join in?  Click the REGISTRATION image in the upper left hand side bar of my blog –from a REAL computer, not a mobile device.  Enter the code to save $30!
The comments I’m getting so far are wonderful!
Cindy wrote:
I signed up this morning! Thank you for the coupon. Had been debating with myself for several days, have spent alot on my quilting as of late! So glad I did it! Have learned so much from you. Thank you!
Cindy Buchite
Pineville MO

Linda writes:

Hi Bonnie,
I joined your class at CraftU and I am one of those who had to download everything and watch everything first.  Must be my age!!

I do have the Easy Angle rulers, both sizes, but as I DON'T like math it was a pleasure to learn how to do it and also I am a visual person.  Your teaching/instructions are off the wall and I "get it".  I have been quilting for almost 15 years and watching your videos has opened another world for me.  "Who Says You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks???".

Although I might not see you in Canada I certainly hope to see you in Rochester in 2017 with a few more quilters to bring along.  I also enjoyed taking your cruise "in my dreams" on line.  Perhaps a cruise with you will be in my future.
Thank you Bonnie for all your hard work but remember to stop and smell the roses along the way.  Each day I look forward to your Quiltville emails and I especially like Quilt Cam.

Stay safe and healthy,
Linda R
Matt Writes:
Bonnie, Great job! I have to quit walking by all those shirts in the thrift store while looking for fabric there! Looking forward to the rest of the series. Thank you for sharing!

From Melody:

Hi Bonnie, Great presentation. It felt like I was in one of your workshops! I really enjoy them. Lots of good info. I enjoyed seeing your quilt and the other ones from your followers. Thanks so much.

So even if you haven’t registered ahead of time, you can still get into this deal and save $30 off of the 6 week course price by using the code BSCRAP30 in the check out phase.  This brings the price of each workshop down to just over $15 each.  You can’t beat that!  I hope you’ll join me today!

And with that, I’m off to retreat – catch you from there!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Jfelb said...

It would be so hard for me to be inside quilting with all that fall beauty around...enjoy!

Valerie said...

Good morning, Bonnie. I love the way your post took me from a leisurely cuppa enjoying the lake, the clouds, the geese, then got me running to get ready for the day's activities--all the space of a few sentences. I love your blog and I love your quilts. Thank you for the daily boost you share with us.

Vic in NH said...

Welcome to New England, Bonnie! A year and a half ago I tried to book into the Maine retreat, but it was already sold out. Enjoy the cider and some apples! Take home some real maple syrup, it's gluten-free, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Great pics of beautiful scenery! Quick note on the Craft U class. I have just started quilting. I feel it was the best $99 in the first class. I have always questioned how to place the rule line on the material. You did a great job of explaining on the triangle cutting too. I am definitely getting the easy angle rulers too! Thanks so much. Can't wait to view the rest of the class sessions.
From a Newby, Geri A. (gabel4@msn.com)

WoolenSails said...

Great place for a retreat, that is one area I haven't been to, but love maine.
Perfect timing with the foliage too.


Becky Tillman Petersen said...

Beautiful countryside! Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

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