
Monday, October 12, 2015

And We are HOME!

I’m feeling just a bit like this right now!

My To-Do list after a trip is always longer than my arm, and EVERYTHING has a deadline.

That’s just the way it is for EVERYONE after a trip, isn’t it?

Not many of us get a vacation to recover from our vacation – we get thrown right into the fray!

I leave WEDNESDAY for Maine!

I thought it was THURSDAY!

No –the retreat starts Thursday, I have to fly on Wednesday.

Yes….this from the brain who nearly forgot leaving myself a pair of pants on Saturday night so I  could leave the ship on Sunday morning fully clothed! LOL!

The first thing I do when time is short like this is make a list of what has to happen, and what can be pushed to the next time in between trips.

I spent last night and a bit of early morning time this morning doing this:


20 kits all ready for Peru!

There will be no machine sewing on our Peru trip –it’s a multi-destination tour with more plane flights from place to place while in Peru, so we have to pack light.  This little class will happen along our journey, and the students can work on it as we travel.

Can you imagine hand stitching while out in the Amazon?  It’s going to be AMAZING!

I’ve also got to get all 12 quilts ready to ship to C&T for photography before I leave if possible, and that means my image logs and all tags have to be up to date and ready to travel on that. I’ll go as far as I can on that – that’s the big one.  I only have today and tomorrow to do it. Or go as far as I can on it, at any rate.

They need to arrive in California by Nov 1st –and I won’t have time in between Maine and Washington ((only home for one day for a quick turn around)) and there isn’t time to ship them and get them to California after Washington – I have just a couple days before Peru at that point.

See what I mean?!  Someone needs to fire my calendar planner!

unnamed (1)

Missing these girls!


When you spend a week in close proximity to wonderful quilters, and you stop to realize just how far everyone had to go to get back to their own homes, and now we are scattered all over the USA and Canada ---it was just a wondrous thing that we were able to come together for this wonderful cruise!  I hope they have all arrived home safely, luggage intact and accounted for and enjoyed sleeping in their own beds last night!


I know I DID!!

This is Miss Emmy Lou giving me a piece of her mind for being gone so long!

So this is where I am, down to the wire, running crazy and making up for lost time – the story of my life.

There likely won’t be any time for Quilt-Cam until I return home from Peru.  There isn’t time – and I apologize!  But we will do it as soon as I am able, and we will have LOTS to talk about then!

Happy Monday, Everyone!

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Amber said...

Sorry to hear about your crazy schedule but I know you can do it. Breathe!

Holly Lutz said...

Wish I could come to Rangley and say hi! It's a three hour drive from Bucksport tho, and I have done something to my back so no travelling for me. It's beautiful over there this time of year. I know you'll enjoy the trip.

Unknown said...

Just don't lose your list and all will be good! Make sure you leave your shorts behind and bring your wool socks, they had snow in Northern Maine this weekend! It will be a beautiful time to check out the fall colors so relax and enjoy while you are here.

andifar said...

remember there is no mail today. Columbus Day

Terry said...

You are so loved Bonnie we thank you for spreading yourself thin so many times to encourage us on our scrappy journey Thank-you Bonnie I hope to one day meet you in person.

Unknown said...

You'll love Peru. My neice was there 2 years ago, and said it was a great experience. Have fun and enjoy. We will catch QuiltCam on the flip flop.

kmcallister said...

Thank you Bonnie, from the bottom of my heart, to a very memorable trip. It was a once in a lifetime thing for me and I will have lots of fond memories and new friends.

Louise Nielson said...

I am so inspired by all of your energy and get up and go! If I had just a portion of it, think of the quilting I could get done! Thank you for showing us all a better way!

Louise Nielson said...

I am so inspired by all of your energy and get up and go! If I had just a portion of it, think of the quilting I could get done! Thank you for showing us all a better way!

Anonymous said...

You have such an amazing attitude. Instead of letting yourself get overwhelmed, you just roll up your sleeves and get started.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You hit the ground running, again! I don't know how you do it. Thank you for all your time and effort to share. Safe travels and God speed.
Mandy Laseter

Always In Stitches said...

I am exhausted just reading your post. You need go slow down a bit. Don't want the one person who inspires me to burn out.

Created by Kathi said...

What a great looking trip you just returned from.. hope you do a repeat. this seems to be a good environment for me to learn and produce in I htink.. have chatted with several of your cruisers and they agree that open sewing time was plentiful! I am greatful for that :)
I hope you do another where you are the only teacher too! Glad you enjoy being back home too.. quilt cam will happen when it happens... I love your Peru kits and your finished flimsy there! Looks awesoeme :)
Enjoy! Kathi

Angie said...

Bonnie, I looked at your calendar, and I read here on your blog. Have for years---and observe what has become a hectic life style for you. Seriously, you are at the point in your life where you need a real life Assistant to handle some of the office and travel things . If nothing more than to set up your plane reservations, get your paper work sorted and sent off to publishers, etc, etc. handle your correspondence, shipping, etc. You have slowly taken on a lot of commitments from when you first started out teaching and writing and trying to handle every aspect personally is, and will continue to be draining on the more productive aspects of your quilting and personal life. I hope you don't consider this a critique, but more of a observation/suggestion as to how many busy people in your situation handle business and life when it gets to be too much for one person, in this case that's you, to handle.

Anonymous said...

See you in Rangeley...I'm so excited! I had my guild's quilt show this weekend so everything had to be prepared for my trip to Maine before the show. See you on Thursday!

Sharon in VT

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I honestly don't know how you do it all. I'm in total awe of all you accomplish!

Diane H said...

If I was closer I'd give you a hand so you could catch up, but long trip from North Florida. Stay calm, get the most important things done first, the rest will eventually fall into place.

Mary said...

Yahoo, for sleeping in your own bed, with your Own Quilt! I'm having fun watching you on Quilt U today. You saved the best for last, I see. That will keep us busy while you are BUSY. Don't feel bad about QuiltCAM time. I appreciate ALL you do for Quilter's around the world!

Linda said...

Oh my goodness, your calendar makes my head whirl. However, I am a great fan of Lists. I couldn't function without them. So lovely to tick off the items! Take care, safe journey. Hope you enjoy Peru.

Wendy said...

You really need to plan some more down time into your calendar - Bonnie. You are running yourself ragged. Plus, some time away from quilting for just some you and hubby time. We appreciate everything you done - but take care of yourself. I've been home from our cruise for a week and I cann't imagine packing up and going again somewhere else right now. Too much.

Susie Jensen said...

Bonnie, I wish I lived closer so I could help you with some of these things. I would so enjoy that. Keep up the good work. I don't know how you get everything done.

Unknown said...

Do what you can with the time you have, and then LET IT GO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Thank You for a wonderful experience. You give so much of yourself to us and we love you for it. Rick and I are about to catch our shuttle to the airport. We spent a lazy day in Orlando.

Safe travels to Maine and don't freeze.


Anonymous said...

With your crazy schedule you should not be apologizing for no quiltcam! Take a deep breath, make copies of your to do list so you don't lose it then pack some warm clothes for Maine. It's going to be down right chilly later this week. Hopefully where you are staying will have a lovely fireplace to warm up next to! Diana G. diviolet@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

When I first learned when yo would be in Maine I thought, Oh Bonnie you are going to be too late to see our beautiful fall colors but you are lucking out, everything is late due to warm September, color is about peak right now. Sure hope you can relax some when you are in Rangeley and get those walks you mentioned. Don't stress you will do what you can and everything else will have to wait. Thanks for all you do and especially all you do for us humble quilters and all you share with us. Enjoy my beautiful state. Bea Kiesow bskiesow@gmail.com

ladmquilter said...

Sounds like you need an assistant if michigan were not so far away I would love to help you. Good luck and have fun it will all get done.

Leavenworth Robin said...

Welcome Home:Bonnie I will try and send you an e mail letting you know about MY first Class at Craft University went today. You were PERFECT.: Robin

Susan B said...

I just don't know how you accomplish all you do. I am amazed by your energy and love of quilting and quilters. You are truly in a league of your own. I love your photos and stories. Yours is the first site I check every day!!!

Safe travels.

Nanette said...

Bless your heart, YOU NEED AN AIDE!! If I lived near you, I would volunteer to help you in these times of need... I have nothing else to do and I would feel needed. I love to sew, but can't do it all the time. Anyway, praying you get all your tasks done and keep your health. Love your patterns, energy, and giving attitude!!

Aunt TC said...

I, too, would offer to help. I need a job and handling fabric or cutting kits would be like play. I've worked in a quilt shop and never made it home with the money as there was too much fabric to buy. Being an assistant to you or another quilter wouldn't be as tempting as I don't think you sell fabric from your home. If you do, then I'd be just as broke. Have a great trip to Maine. It's a good time to go before the snow flies.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Glad that you are home safe and sound even if it's only for a day or so. I just wanted to say thank you for your scrap course on craftu it is fabulous. How I've been cutting wrong all this time, but once you said it, it was like a light bulb went of in my head oh yeah. I haven't ven finished watching yet but its great and you present well. Thanks Bonnie. PS by the time you get to Australia I should be "perfect".(lol)

debi said...

Bonnie, have you realised that you are a machine - you travel so much- post so much on line and in post offices - really how does Dave cope with your absences - no criticism - at all - you just seem to stretch yourself so much ( I'm a similar age and have not got your level of intensity)

But saying all that - I know you have the family / business ration down pat - and you are such a wonderful inspiration to all quilters - I've converted people to your way of thinking regarding backgrounds too - which is wonderful. and I really thank you for your mystery quilts and blogs!! I think you are special

Sarah Hill said...

Bonnie, you are inspiring. I love your enthusiasm. You go girl!......Sarah

Sharon J. Hughson said...

You need a personal assistant. I will volunteer depending on the pay. LOL Have a great trip, Bonnie. Don't give Quilt Cam a second thought. We will look forward to it and the fabric suggestions for the mystery at the end of the month. Happy trails.

Mo Shippee said...

Bonnie! Welcome home even if it is just for a hiccup of time. I love the quilt that Miss Emmy is sitting on and am sure it is one of yours - which pattern is it if you don't mind me asking. Enjoy your up coming Journeys - Maine should be beautiful if it hasn't passed in the area you are traveling to. Have Fun! wmgmk@aol.com

Anonymous said...

We spent quite a bit of time in Peru adopting 2 kids over 20 years ago. Highly recommend the textile museum in Lima if you have some free time. It's wonderful!
Enjoy! Cathy in Canada

Rinachiyya said...

Hope you make time to relax before you leave on another one.
I came home after a 10 day trip and am still putting things away.
I can't even imagine how you do what you do so well.
You are one amazing lady .
While on our trip one of our dogs got sick.
Glad to be home again.
The Wedding was great and another grand daughter got engaged while I was in Texas.
Please take care Bonnie you weer so many hats.
Happy quilting, Yoka B

Loretta M. said...

Whew! I''m out of breath from your schedule! How DO you do it?!! One thing for sure....you've never a boring moment. You may be busy, but you know how to live.

Have a great trip to Peru and when in the Amazon, watch out for Flying Monkies!! Be safe.

Loretta McGinn

Trudi said...

I agree with others. You need someone to handle the paperwork and telephoning and other aspects of the backroom part of your business....someone who knows the lingo .
You are going to burn yourself out and we will all suffer!

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