
Saturday, September 05, 2015

Mary Koval’s Palampore Give-Away!

I have something really special for you!

There was so much interest in yesterday’s post about the Palampore and Broderie Perse workshop at Mary’s Quilt Shop I posted about yesterday ---

And Mary ((Who didn’t know I was going to write that post about her workshop!)) being so thrilled with the response and the fact that I wrote about her –has offered up ONE Palampore panel to give away to one of my lucky readers!

For those of you who missed yesterday’s post – you can catch up on the action HERE.

Not only is the historic Palampore beautiful all in its own right, but the motifs from such panels were sought after by needleworkers past in making quilts and coverings.

In French "broderie perse" means Persian embroidery, but it also came to refer to the lovely applique of printed chintz flowers and other motifs onto a solid fabric. These exquisite quilts have been made since the 1700s.

This reproduction “palampore” is drawn from a vintage example of a very popular and fine type of fabric from the 18th century.

According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, of all the exported textiles to arrive in England and Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries perhaps the most spectacular were the painted and dyed cotton bedcovers and wall hangings called palampores.

An investment in fabric of this quality was a sign of wealth and success; families would display them prominently as curtains, wall-hangings or bedcoverings.

The name palampore means bedspread or coverlet. These extraordinarily large cotton panels with their vividly-colored, life-sized flowering trees were coveted for their beauty and as a status symbol.

This reproduction is an excellent example of a typical Palampore hand painted in England ca. 1775.

As usual it combines a complex and elaborate design depicting a wide variety of plants, flowers and birds. The “tree of life” motif is typical of most palampores and is used as a symbol to celebrate birth, marriage and special occasions.

This original Palampore comes from the extensive archives of Mary Koval, and accompanies the "Tree of Life"Collection also by Mary Koval.

I am honored to have seen several of Mary’s Palampores and broderie perse applique quilts in person.

I tell, you it is nearly a spiritual experience being able to see and even gently handle these special pieces!

I am even more thrilled that she is offering to give away one palampore panel as shown above to one lucky reader!


You may choose to add borders to your quilt like this!

Or perhaps select a small portion of the panel and frame it like this!


Applique motifs from the panel like this!

You will find the free pattern worksheets for making these projects on the Windham Fabrics site HERE.

The ideas for working with this panel are endless – if you can even bear to cut it!

So are you ready?

Palampore 55'' x 79''

Leave me a comment in the comments section of this post!  ((Click the blog helps tab at the top of the blog if you don’t know how to find the comments section or how to leave one.))

Leave me a comment on what you would do with this Palampore panel if you are the lucky winner! 

Remember to leave your email address visible in your comment.  Spam-o-phobics can leave their addresses like this: bonnie (at) quiltville.com

Whatever you do, that address MUST be visible, or I will have to choose another winner.

We will draw for our winner on Tuesday evening, September 8th!

Good luck, every one!

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DR Knight said...

What a beautiful piece of art Mary is giving away!If I win, it will grace the living room as a focal piece. Thanks to you both Bonnie and Mary, for your generosity in making this available.

Debbie Knight trvlnknght at gmail.com

Sara Fiedler said...

Bonnie, I would love to win such a beautiful panel and then figure our what I would make it into. Thanks for this opportunity. sarafiedler@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, what a wonderful giveaway. I love this panel! I would just add borders and hang it on the wall.
Kind regards,


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful panel! If I were so lucky as to win, I would only add some borders - it's too beautiful to cut up!
Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win


Roma said...

Some one will be very happy to be the owner of the panel. Maybe it will be me.

Agnė said...

It looks great and I could not divide it (at least now I guess so). I would add some bordering and this could make a wonderful bed covering. Thank you for the chance to win it.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece. I love to win it.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't cut this panel apart. I would make a complete coverlet and use it.


Jackie said...

I would make a bed sized quilt out of it for my spare bedroom that has queen ann style decor. jackier123@hotmail.com

Jo said...

I would use this panel as a centre piece in a quilt for my bed. Lovely... Thanks

Anonymous said...

One of the things I like about your blog is how much education there is. I have been quilting a long time and never knew anything about Palampores or using parts for applique. Thank you!
Rebecca Johnson in Washington state.

Lori said...

these are so gorgeous. I love the little bit of history with these. Thanks

Lori said...

I would make a bedspread adding border in blues
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie and Mary for this drawing. I love anything appliqued. Beautiful!!! Debra O. at djoscar143@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Oh, the ideas that flow with this beautiful panel. A quilt, maybe a table cloth. Hummmmm, either way I will be looking for this panel to be a part of my future. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Have a relaxing holiday.

my email is kenkendraj@gmail.com

Gloria said...

I don't think I could bear to cut the panel into pieces until I had enjoyed it as a whole for a while.

What a wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

It is beautiful! I probably would keep it whole and just add borders. It would make a lovely gift for my sister. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful! could never cut into it, would add borders, but i am sure it would hang on my design wall until them.

Monica Mooney

LCP said...

How kind of Mary. I have been fascinated withthese panels for years. I think I would study for awhile and then a quilt where the tree of life was focus.


Anonymous said...

Mary's palampore is so beautiful. I would love to win. Thank you to you and Mary for the give away gift.

Unknown said...

This sure would look pretty in my front room. You are so generous Bonnie!

Marilyn Boerger

Anonymous said...

I would gift it to my best friend who only does applique quilts and could use a lift since she just lost her 12 yo puppy. She would use it I'm sure and if I kept it myself, it would have to wait a long time for me to properly showcase it. Thanks for all the give-aways.

sewincat2000 at yahoo dot com

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Whoa! What a beautiful panel! I'd love to make a quilt and use prairie points like the second example.

Awesome giveaway! Thank you Mary's Quilt Shop!


GaMema said...

This is so beautiful! What a different way of making a beautiful quilt. I would have to incorporate flying geese in some way! Thank you for the chance to win.

Deb B. said...

Thank you to Mary for providing the lovely panel for a giveaway. I think I would add a border or borders for either a wallhanging or a quilt. The panel is so beautiful I don't think I would be able to cut it up.

purplepansy132 said...

I would love to win this panel. I'd have to study the panel so as to not waist a bit of it, I love all Mary's ideas esp. the flowers.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Thank you Mary and Bonnie! What a treat! What would I do with the panel? First I'd hang it in my quilting space AS IS and just enjoy looking at if for awhile! Then I might put it in a quilt with some churn dashes to enjoy and touch and admire closeup! Thanks for the chance. sarahvee@sewjoycreations.com

bobee said...

Have been following you for years and have turned on many scrapaholics to your methods which we all enjoy. Also enjoy the variety of ideas you introduce to us...i have limited time to spend on the computer...otherwise don't get any quilting done. You are my librarian of new ideas.

Bee quilter said...

bskiesow@gmail.com What a beautiful panel, I would love to win this. Thanks, Bonnie. I would cut it into smaller pieces to get several smaller quilts. Bea Kiesow

Unknown said...

how beautiful. I would love to incorporate a panel into a king size quilt. thanks for

Sue said...

I would cut it(very, very carefully) to make multiple applique squares. It is beautiful.
Thank you for the chance to win it.

Unknown said...

Would pet for while while thinking about the best way to do it justice then I'd add borders and quilt it oh so yummy. duwaklj@ gmail.com

Unknown said...

Would pet for while while thinking about the best way to do it justice then I'd add borders and quilt it oh so yummy. duwaklj@ gmail.com

Robert said...

Love this style of quilt - would love to have the opportunity to make something out of it. Take care and have a good day. From northern Iowa . . . . rjkent (at) netamumail (dot) come

Maria in Tucson said...

I just re-discovered the quilt that my grandmother made for me when I went to college. I think the polite phrase is "well-loved" - she did not "quilt", instead she tied, so the poor thing is a bit shredded where the ties have pulled. But, it is a alternate strip-and-four-patch (I hope that describes it well enough) so there is a lot of good fabric left.
I think I am going to dismantle it, and broderie perse over the rips, then re-back and quilt it. These motifs would be perfect - Gram also did crewel embroidery and the style is so similar. If it is not my lucky drawing, I will order directly! Thank you for the chance!
-Maria in Tucson

Unknown said...

As usual you are awesome. I live in a town with only three quilt shops that I can easily get to so I sort of get to see the country through your eyes and see how wonderful it is. Thanks so much for sharing! I would so love to win the panel. Robin. bryggarb@gmail.com

Margaret Gross said...

I would leave it whole and add borders. I have the perfect wall space for the finished project. Margaret Gross, Meggross@att.net

Anonymous said...

Omg... I adore Mary's Palampore panel and have been covetting one. If I were to be so lucky to win it, I would set the whole (no chance of being cut up) panel in concentric borders of patchwork and possibly some applique. Thank you so much Bonnie and Mary for this most generous giveaway... my fingers are crosssed!!
Kind regards, Teresa

Avon said...

I would probably make it a medallion but I would have to see it in person. If I get to email me at avonbi@gmail.com😍

Anonymous said...

If I won the palampore, this would be the perfect opportunity to try broderie perse.


Anonymous said...

These are amazing! Would not be able to cut it , I would add pieced borders, and do some awesome quilting to showcase the motifs in the panel. Peggy, papal51@aol.com

mere6sews said...

So beautiful! This would be the project of a lifetime! mere3@charter.net

Anonymous said...

This panel is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely piece. Would definitely make a wonderful quilt.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie
I would like to make the fourth photo with scrappy sashing on the diagonal.
Bev in BC

Betty said...

Beautiful! I can see this hanging in my living room. Thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful panel! Thanks for the the opportunity for someone to win one!!
Debbie (kydeb459@yahoo.com)

Kay in Derby KS said...

Beautiful! Too pretty to cut so I would have to frame with borders. Thx for the opportunity. Kay DePriest

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful results from such beautiful designs.
Renate Yuhnke

Anonymous said...

Beautiful panel. Please pick my number!!! bleroy@q.com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would be absolutely thrilled to win this panel. Thanks for the chance. Teresa at tlnelson755@centurytel.net.

Unknown said...

My Cousin will love this pattern! She thought it was beautiful when we were there a year ago.
Nancy W

Feathers in my Nest said...

Love!..Impressive art..I would be thrilled to win this! Thanks to Mary & Bonnie for this giveaway..

Debra in Ma.

Feathers in my Nest said...

Oh! forgot to say I would add a pieced border..I couldn't cut it, too beautiful.

Debra in Ma.

Cathy said...

Oh how beautiful!! Csvicke@gmail.com.

Cheryl said...

What an interesting piece of quilt history. Thank you for sharing it, and for the opportunity for the Palampore.
czelus at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I once saw the most beautiful broderie perse quilt at the Vermont Quilt Festival. It was stunning. Thanks Bonnie, to you and Mary for your generosity. I would want to keep this piece just the way it is and add to it. It's too wonderful to cut apart.
Pat W
quiltroom (at) myfairpoint (dot) net

Anonymous said...

This panel is just gorgeous, I think I would want to border it and love it all together.
Thank you both for this drawing.

Sandi in Vermont

Gale said...

OH how I'd love to win this. It is so beautiful. gale29@earthlink.net

joolz said...

I have just the quilt for this! Thanks for the draw! What a great surprise after the long weekend


Anonymous said...

I love this! I like the examples of using parts and making smaller pieces. Then again, the panel is gorgeous, as is, and just adding borders would be beautiful.. :>



Vintage4me4ever said...

Thank you Mary and Bonnie, for the chance to win this beautiful panel, It would be awesome to win. markayblueeyes@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Don't know if I could cut into that breathtaking fabric but I'd lo9ve to try!!!
dkmurphyatlonglines.com..........Thanks Mary and Bonnie!!! Diane

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful panel. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Janet Mikes

Hannah Wellens said...

Would love to win! Thank you Bonnie for arranging all these giveaways.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!

Mara, at macorgi@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I too am enjoying reading of your travels through your blogs. But more importantly , I like seeing the different color interpretations of the patterns in your books (which I own) and getting inspired to get going with my Leaders and Enders piecing projects! I forget to interject them into my current project at times! Thanks again, and I'll watch for the giveaway post! Donna K.

Nana said...

What a beautiful panel. I would be honored to be the recipient. thank you.

Dar Arnswald said...

LOVE the colors and design and would have a ball quilting it!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win ;-)
Dar Arnswald

PS - Love following you around on your quilt blogging journey!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the antique look, like french tapestries, or beautiful Indian panels. I would also have a hard time cutting it...

Sharon in Colorado


Debra Broyles said...

Boy-oh-boy would I just love to win this beautiful panel. I would add two borders on it and leave it alone. It is so beautiful by itself. Does Mary sell them in her shop? if I don't win this panel. Wowza!!! is all I can say. Absolutely gorgeous. I need to move to the East Coast too many beautiful and wonderful things go on there and the scenery is to die for. Debra Broyles quiltingprettyquilts@cox.net

Janice V said...

Gorgeous!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely panel.
Janice V

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I love my panel so much I don't want to cut into it so I would love to have another to "play" with. Thanks for posting your adventures with Mary. address: gwreed15@comcast.net

Angie in SoCal said...

I like all the samples you showed us, Bonnie! It is a gorgeous panel. Thanks for the chance! anudge(at)gmail(dot)com

Susie Q said...

Well, look at this, I am on "that" post with a comment and crossing my fingers to win the panel ...... hope hope hope pbxmimi (at) Hotmail.com ..... go

ajsgramie said...

thanks for explaining what this was. I have seen the term before but didn't understand.
ajsgramie @ hotmail.com

tealeafquilts said...

How beautiful I would love to win! I was in your neck of the woods in Greensboro last week!

tealeafquilts said...

How beautiful I would love to win! I was in your neck of the woods in Greensboro last week!

Unknown said...

They are so beautiful, I would love to win

Pamela E.


pojo said...

Thanks for a chance to win.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sewing Up A Storm said...

I am a bird lover and see a great bird quilt from this panel! Thanks for the opportunity to win, ackrenzel@msn.com

betsy kessler said...

I would love to win something from Mary as she was so nice to let me sit in her shop and hook up to her internet so I could plan the next part of my shop hop on my way home from my vacation.


and thank you

Unknown said...

This looks like a fun one. Thanks for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I would mix the appliqué with one of your great patterns! Julie in ms. Plutosmom@gmail.com

Shellie said...

Loved the history lesson on this and the one from the coverlet museum. Thanks so much.

Becky said...

Gorgeous! Becky Neeley bneeley@msn.com

Becky said...

Gorgeous! Becky Neeley bneeley@msn.com

ALICIA said...

Me gusta¡¡. quizás sea el momento de atreverme a hacer algo con ese maravilloso panel. Gracias Bonni por esta oportunidad. aliciabferrer@gmail.com

Shirley said...

I'd love to have a chance to win. sbartee@msn.com

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