
Saturday, September 05, 2015

Mary Koval’s Palampore Give-Away!

I have something really special for you!

There was so much interest in yesterday’s post about the Palampore and Broderie Perse workshop at Mary’s Quilt Shop I posted about yesterday ---

And Mary ((Who didn’t know I was going to write that post about her workshop!)) being so thrilled with the response and the fact that I wrote about her –has offered up ONE Palampore panel to give away to one of my lucky readers!

For those of you who missed yesterday’s post – you can catch up on the action HERE.

Not only is the historic Palampore beautiful all in its own right, but the motifs from such panels were sought after by needleworkers past in making quilts and coverings.

In French "broderie perse" means Persian embroidery, but it also came to refer to the lovely applique of printed chintz flowers and other motifs onto a solid fabric. These exquisite quilts have been made since the 1700s.

This reproduction “palampore” is drawn from a vintage example of a very popular and fine type of fabric from the 18th century.

According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, of all the exported textiles to arrive in England and Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries perhaps the most spectacular were the painted and dyed cotton bedcovers and wall hangings called palampores.

An investment in fabric of this quality was a sign of wealth and success; families would display them prominently as curtains, wall-hangings or bedcoverings.

The name palampore means bedspread or coverlet. These extraordinarily large cotton panels with their vividly-colored, life-sized flowering trees were coveted for their beauty and as a status symbol.

This reproduction is an excellent example of a typical Palampore hand painted in England ca. 1775.

As usual it combines a complex and elaborate design depicting a wide variety of plants, flowers and birds. The “tree of life” motif is typical of most palampores and is used as a symbol to celebrate birth, marriage and special occasions.

This original Palampore comes from the extensive archives of Mary Koval, and accompanies the "Tree of Life"Collection also by Mary Koval.

I am honored to have seen several of Mary’s Palampores and broderie perse applique quilts in person.

I tell, you it is nearly a spiritual experience being able to see and even gently handle these special pieces!

I am even more thrilled that she is offering to give away one palampore panel as shown above to one lucky reader!


You may choose to add borders to your quilt like this!

Or perhaps select a small portion of the panel and frame it like this!


Applique motifs from the panel like this!

You will find the free pattern worksheets for making these projects on the Windham Fabrics site HERE.

The ideas for working with this panel are endless – if you can even bear to cut it!

So are you ready?

Palampore 55'' x 79''

Leave me a comment in the comments section of this post!  ((Click the blog helps tab at the top of the blog if you don’t know how to find the comments section or how to leave one.))

Leave me a comment on what you would do with this Palampore panel if you are the lucky winner! 

Remember to leave your email address visible in your comment.  Spam-o-phobics can leave their addresses like this: bonnie (at) quiltville.com

Whatever you do, that address MUST be visible, or I will have to choose another winner.

We will draw for our winner on Tuesday evening, September 8th!

Good luck, every one!

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Andee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy said...

I've seen this in person! It's beautiful, a long time project for Mary. I would love to win it! Not sure that I could bear to cut into it though. I would probably do it as a whole cloth quilt or wall hanging. Absolutely Gorgeous!!! Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

JonnieEarle said...

I would love to win. At first I would have to spend days admiring the beauty and then decide how to use it. Probably add borders. Thanks so much to Mary for this give-a-way!And thank you Bonnie for all you do.

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance! It is beautiful. Azandee at cox.net

cbooth said...

Thanks for the giveaway! cbooth236 at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to have the panel for a medallion quilt.
Joan Jones

Carole said...

What a nice give away, the fabric is beautiful. Thank you Mary and Bonnie for the chance to win.

Lady of the Cloth said...

I love this panel. I have an old UFO that needs appliqué and I think the florals and birds from this panel would do the trick. It was supposed to be a gift for my son and his wife but I got hung up on the appliqué part and here it sits. Crossing my fingers that I win this one! Thanks for the opportunity. Carline

Angela said...

I would love to use it to practice broderie perse! Thanks Mary and Bonnie!

Rachel said...

Great opportunity. Thanks for offering. RBCochran@aol.com

Janet Beyea said...

I know just what I would do! I am an appliquer and would definitely cut up the panel and rearrange the motifs. I recently went to the DAR exhibit on early quilts of Maryland and Virginia and fell in love with the broderie perse quilts. Thank you Bonnie and Mary!!!!!

Marcia said...

What a gorgeous panel. Thank you for the chance to win.
Marcia Williams

Mary said...

I would let it marinate on my design wall for a while and use it for a center motif with a floral hand appliqued border with parts of it. It would be an honor to own this, better to WIN it! Thank you to Mary & you- Bonnie. It is such a beautiful reproduction. pmcrowther@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous. I want it, I want it,I want it!! Pick me, pick me, pick me!!! Thank You Bonnie. Sharon aka goathill quilter

barbara woods said...

I would make a quilt, thanks Bonnie bewtjw@outlook.com

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JDonhorses said...

Wow!! What a wonderful piece of art! I don't know that I could cut it ... but my imagination is already finding places for all the birds and flowers!!! Thanks to you and Mary for the offer! JDonhorses@Live.com in Charleston, SC!!

Julie said...

This would make a beautiful wallhanging with simple borders. I would leave it in once piece. I love the visual impact.

EST said...

Just beautiful!

Shirl said...

I would love to make a new quilt to redecorate my recently vacated Guest room. I would use the full size panel and redraft the framed version to fit. sashingara@gmail.com

BLJ-Design said...

Meget flotte paneler

genie holt said...

Must love bed coverings! Genie a.geneabug@gmail.com

Sue B. said...

Sue B
What a beautiful panel. I would have to think about
what to do with it, to give it the best look for the size of my bed.


suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

I have Broderick purse on my " to do " list. What a lovely panel. I'd love to win and make a bed coverlet.

Kathy Dunigan said...

Hi Bonnie,

I am IN LOVE with this palampore and what Mary has done to bring it to the quilt world.
I would not cut it much at all; just use some coordinating fabrics to make a really wonderful "swirly, viney" appliqued border to compliment the panel. I am crazy over intense hand
quilting and I would absolutely quilt it so much!!! thank you for the lovely posts and blog and chance to win!


Michele in Selah, WA said...

Very nice! I would love to win this! Thank you for the opportunity to win this panel!
Michele michelelred@gmail.com

Rebecca in AK said...

Hi Bonnie! A huge thank you to you and Mary Koval for this wonderful chance to win her Tree of Life panel! I do not think I could bear to cut into this beautiful panel. I would probably just add borders to it so I could continue to admire it as a whole.

Anonymous said...

How magnificent! I can hope to be so lucky, but only if I enter! Thanks to Mary for being so generous. Marie Gaetano in Colorado. vmgaetano@verizon.net

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie; What a beautiful give away. I'm not sure how I would see it, I think I would look at its beauty for awhile until I figured it out. It is gorgeous, alaurajane@gmail. Alaura

Unknown said...

Beautiful..I would cut up a few small parts (if I could make myself..) expand the outside borders and use the small parts as corners. just let me (Dawna) know I won at: sunnyoneim@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie; What a beautiful give away. I'm not sure how I would see it, I think I would look at its beauty for awhile until I figured it out. It is gorgeous, alaurajane@gmail. Alaura

Brandie said...

That is so gorgeous and so generous of Mary!
I would love to try Broderie purse and this fabric is just gorgeous!
Brandie @ brandiecampbell@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie. I'd love to use this as a wall hanging!

Allison R.


Diane said...

I think I would leave it whole and put borders around it. Would have to see it and live with it for awhile to be sure about that.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this beautiful panel. It sure is fascinating to see the many uses.
Pat at monogramsetc@michonline.net

joanthequilter said...

I have admired this panel and would love to win one!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I was absolutely enthralled with your posting about this textile and read it several times. I honestly would have to sleep on it for a few weeks/months before I could decide what I would do with the panel. It's so gorgeous in its own right it would be hard to cut into it ... but ... I'm certain with a plan I could do just that. It would make an AMAZING quilt top to pass to my nieces and their future children as a wedding quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to own this. Linda at Canends@Hotmail.com

quiltermom said...

Very beautiful with a romantic kind of feel. It would be fun to win and explore adding various borders. Love the "on point" setting.

PalmerGal said...

I love this i don't do much applique so i would likely keep it whole and border it. Would look good on my guest room bed! Pkilmain@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Jeane Folkner the2ofus1962@gmail.com

paulette said...

Like the other 242 quilters, I too would LOVE to win!! :o)) Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this. Thank you for the chance to enter to win.Someday I Will Win Something. :) :)

Myrna said...

I would probably add borders to make it larger. I don't think I could cut it up.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Myrna in KY

Anonymous said...

Neat, would love to try Broderie Perse!

PatR said...

This is so interesting to me. I have been researching how to turn panels into a quilt (bed or wall hanging) ever since I purchased 3 old panels of West Indian history scenes at an estate sale on my last visit to St. Thomas, USVI. It would be great to learn more about all these techniques. Pat pat.rollo711@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful panel. Amazing technique that I have yet to try! Thank you Bonnie! Lisa Winslow lrwinslow@comcast.net

Jody said...

I think I'd just border it as is and in the meantime I would "Love it and pet it and call it George"!!

Lena said...

The panel is beautiful I would add a border hand quilt and make a wall hanging.
Thank you for all the chances to win.

Unknown said...

Would love to win but I am already a winner by you posting the information on this subject so very interesting, so I have won by learning something new. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Awesome just the way it is! kahrsc@yahoo.com

Carin said...

Is she realy going to give one away ? My gosh, the winner will be so trilled !
If I would win I'm going to leave the panel in tact, because it is to beautiful to cut it up. I would add several borders so it would be a larger quilt.
cazwa1962 (at) gmail.com

Quilter Kathy said...

A huge thank you to Mary for sharing this wonderful type of quilting with us.
I know I would not be brave enough to cut into it, so I would use it as the center of a medallion quilt,
with lots of pieced and applique borders around it.

Unknown said...

Wow! Spectacular. ....I would luv to win!
Sherri R. New Jersey. montepep17@gmail.com

Gert said...

Wow, that's a wonderful give away! This Palampore is so pretty. I hope international mailing is available (I even wanna pay the shipping costs if I win ;-) ) I would keep the palampore as it is, I wouldn't cut it up. I would add some nice patched borders, and than quilt it. Fingers crossed, I hope I win :-) Best regards from the Netherlands, Gert gert(at)vanraalten.net

JustPam said...

What beautiful fabric. I don't think I would be able to cut it apart and would be one to add borders to it. Thanks for the giveaway.


Sewgirl said...

What beautiful fabric. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!

Ellen said...

Wow!!! I would love to try my hand at this sort of appliqué. Seems almost a shame to cut the beautiful panel apart but it's stunning!!! Ellenspn@gmail.com

Susie Jensen said...

I would love to win this. Beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity.

sewingnancy said...

Lovely panel, I don't think I could bear to cut it up. I would use it as the center panel for a wallhanging to go above my bed.

Laurie Henderson Baum said...

I Would just add boarders, custom quilt it & hang it.


Beverly C. Stigge said...

Hello Mary and Bonnie,

It would have been great to be in your shoes or store to learn about these appliqué quilts..I am hoping for the next best thing, to win the project!

Thank you both for all you do for quilting!


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, the fabric is so lovely and I would love to win as I can just imagine all sorts of wonderful works of art to make with it. Thanks for the chance to win it. Mary

Phebe and Jane said...

It is beautiful. I would love to have one of these. I would use it to make a wedding quilt for my dear, dear daughter.


Kind regards,

Anonymous said...

A fantastic gift to receive and I loved reading the history behind the panel. It would be hard to decide but I think using the panel in various quilts with complimentary border treatments would be beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win!! erevis@gmail.com

Jane said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would add borders as shown in your post. jane_delorenzo@yahoo.com.

Barbara said...

Oh! My! I would love to have this to make a quilt with. Thank you, and Mary, for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, please enter me in your Tree of Life Giveaway! Thanks for this and all you do for us ... I will be putting borders on the full piece if I am the lucky winner! Thank you! Pam M ... gramapama10@gmail.com

vorgu said...

Awesome giveaway!

LaDonna said...

I would probably finish it with a variety of borders. I love medallion quilts made with panels. On the other hand, I think it would look great with window panes too! Thanks Bonnie and Mary! ladonnafabian@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Would love to win the panel. Need to see to decide what to do with it. Thanks for all you do! Scrap happy in KY. spike57c@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Wow! It takes your breath away just thinking about owning such a beautiful panel! I would just have to stroke it a hundred times before I could even think about doing anything with it! audreypenny1@sky.com

Shifra G. said...

Wow! I'd like to use it for applique. Thank you for the chance to win. mandmgold@yahoo.com

Susan said...

It would be lovely hanging in the living room of my new home. I'd consult with my daughter, a quilt historian, about adding borders.

Unknown said...

Love the design! It is from one of my favorite historical time periods, so would likely make quilt authentic to period!

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this beautiful piece and would like to finish like the one using the muslin and borders. Love them. Have see some in the Baltimore Museum. Thank you.

TcMay said...

Oh my, I would do it as a shadow box so I could enjoy in through all the window panes.
Awesome panel, tcmay2@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Loving the artistry. Would love the opportunity for this art.

Janet said...

I would applique motifs, and build around it. That way, I can use it in several quilts! Thanks!

Justella said...

I would love to win this panel. I read your post yesterday and just loved it. I would attempt to make a special coverlet for my bed. thanks for the opportunaty to win this.

Reneeparker said...

Renee Parker
This panel is so beautiful I would not dare cut it. But would be some beautiful with borders added.

Anonymous said...

Mary D
I would use it in a quilt to be hung above my fireplace. Thank you.

pkquilter said...

What an incredible give-away! I would NOT be able to cut this up. I'd add several scrappy pieced borders of half-square triangles, square-in-a-squares, sawteeth, flying geese and nine-patches in coordinating colors. (I'm sure I have enough reproduction scraps already!) This English style medallion quilt would eventually hang in my dining area when I finally finished hand quilting it. LOVE the idea of this! Cherry Boom paulinefisher@verizon.net

Jean C. said...

Maybe a wall hanging for all to see in my sewing room where I can appreciate it... or then again, maybe a couple one for me and one for a friend who due to health reasons can't sew as much as she used to. So many ideas. Thanks for the opportunity to dream...

Anonymous said...

I have pondered buying this panel, since my daughter fell for it and asked for me to quilt it for her. I would surround it with borders, to make it for a single bed. Its a bit pricey locally though, so I have held back. Here's hoping!! Thanks for the giveaway. tania.hodges at gmail dot com

Carol said...

I'd definitely add borders to enlarge it, perusing Google images and Pinterest, etc for ideas.
grannaishere (at) verizon.net

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous panel! Thanks for the opportunity to win one
Pat W

Anonymous said...

Would not be able to cut it...just add to it



Linda said...

I'm not sure I could cut into that! My guess I would have to admire it for a while, then maybe add borders...it's an amazing piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the give away .I have bird pictures on my wall in our bed room a this would look good on my bed
My email in anna626297@yahoo.ca

Jane said...

Thanks for the chance to win this panel. I would like to make it just like the quilt that Mary has hanging in the shop behind the register. I was lucky to see it in person when staying at Mary's retreat center last weekend.The quilt is beautiful!

Unknown said...

That is such a beautiful piece of art i would have a hard time cutting it. But...i would be thrilled to win!


Janie said...

I would love this. I would make a quilt with the panel leaving the panel intact. Thank you so much for the giveaway. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I would add borders that compliment the beautiful panel.
It's hard to mess with this perfection.....

Leah D said...

Beautiful panel! Possibilities are endless.

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Love the look of the panel! I would love to make a nice size WH to hang behind my new "red" sectional sofa. The color combinations would be a perfect back drop.

N2prpl2 (at) gmail.com

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Love the look of the panel! I would love to make a nice size WH to hang behind my new "red" sectional sofa. The color combinations would be a perfect back drop.

N2prpl2 (at) gmail.com

Judy Clay, a quilter at heart said...

Mary and Bonnie - Awesome fabric that I have not seen before. Mostly because I'm staying loyal to my Stash Busting mode. If I won this fabric then I'd be tempted to put a dent in my Civil War prints. thank you for sharing judyclay52@gmail.com

Judy Clay, a quilter at heart said...

Mary and Bonnie - Awesome fabric that I have not seen before. Mostly because I'm staying loyal to my Stash Busting mode. If I won this fabric then I'd be tempted to put a dent in my Civil War prints. thank you for sharing judyclay52@gmail.com

Safeer said...

I love this panel so much, there is no way I could bear to cut it! I would definitely have to do some pieced borders and make it grow a little bit more! Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

Maryam Hassan

Anonymous said...

I would add borders to compliment the panel itself........ a work of fine art

Teresa Jarvis

Susan said...

Would love to win. Flightgal822(at)yahoo.com

Sally Langston Warren said...

First I would open it and iron it, then ooohhhh and aaahhhh over it. Then I would probably reread your post about your visit t o Mary's workshop. Then I would look at suggestions on Windham's website. Then I might cut it, but probably not. I will probably use the panel in the center and add borders to it. Jspwarren at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous panel. Love the curves and the birds in it. Think I would have to keep this one whole. Would so enjoy just looking at it over and over. sfarr52866@aol.com

Jill said...

Wow! Thanks Mary and Bonnie. bantychicks(at)verizon.net

Karen said...

I would love to make it into a large quilt.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a palampore panel...it's beautiful!


Anonymous said...

The panel is beautiful! So many interesting ways to use it.



Linda said...

Thanks for having another great giveaway. Will either make a wallhanging or add borders to make it the size needed for a bed. Thank you for everything you continue to do for quilters everywhere.
Linda "Cookie" Lawrence

Robin said...

It has so many possibilities I don't know where to begin. I've never done Broderie Perse by I applique so if I win it will be fun to try learning a new skill. solsticestudio@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I would put it in the center of a quilt. Thanks for all the information .
Emily emquilter@comcast.net

Marilyn said...

This is gorgeous and what a wonderful give away, thanks for the opportunity to have a chance.

Lynda D said...

Thanks for the opportunity to let us dream. I would love the opportunity to get this. Looped.ca@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I had the pleasure of visiting Mary's shop last summer on my way Hershey and she had nothing but nice things to say about you, Bonnie. At that time she was in the end stages of getting this panel reproduced and she brought out the original! I was left nearly speechless,to be able to see something that you would only normally see in a museum. cabotquilter@yahoo.com

QuiltingGrandma said...

I would probably use the whole panel and add borders. Thank you for the chance to win.

Regina said...

I love the way Threadbear used this beautiful panel in their BOM. I would try something like that. Thanks for the chance. Fingers crossed! rchihuahua2@sbcglobal.net

cynthia said...

This would be perfect for the center of the Jane Austen quilt which I have wanted to make for years! Thanks for the chance. missquested(at) gmail.

Ruth Anglin said...

OH that's an easy answer! I would take this wonderful panel and push my UFO's back in their respective UFO spots and proceed to make "ME" the bed quilt of my dreams. For years I've been playing with my EQ to make the perfect quilt for my room. This is so perfect for my decor!

Ruth Anglin

Tanya said...

If I were to win this gorgeous panel I would give it to my best QFF Cherrie who does the most exquisite needle turn applique. I know she would do it justice
Tanya 19sassi62@gmail.com

Unknown said...

The coverlets are beautiful. first I would drool over the fabric and then I would add a border, cause I would most certainly be afraid to cut it up!



Terry said...

A gererous and beautiful give away. I am intrigued by your post from yesterday. Beautiful work.


Teresa S. said...

What a wonderful panel! I would love to have it! momsnobest@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love this. I would hang it. Thanks for a chance to win.
Claudia E

Adalemc said...

This Broderie Perse has been added tomy bucket list so I shall be delighted if I win this awesome panel. Thanks for the opportunity. Dale admcmasters@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am going to cut mine and first use the pheasants as part of a medallion quilt. I'd like to own another one to make some small quilts to give away. Have never tried Broderie Perse but after Mary's workshop, I'm ready!,,,

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, Just think the panel is great. I would add boarders and make a quilt out of it.Thanks

Vireya said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful panel. I think I would add borders to it to make a medallion-style quilt, as I don't know that I could cut it up!

vireya AT gmail DOT com.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful panel. I think I would just add borders but then again I might get the courage to cut the panel apart. Thank you the chance to win.

Gari in AL said...

Oh, I would not cut it up but I might add borders to make it bigger. Then I would have to really think about how to quilt it but I would certainly get it done.

Cheri Dawn said...

Sign me up! I love broderie perse and would have fun playing with this design.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the panel . . . it's so beautiful! FlorenceEvans@outlook.com

Unknown said...

Was going to buy one, but if I could win...

Anonymous said...

If I'm the Lucky Winner I would put som cordinating broders around the beautiful panel.
Weronica Linderoth weralin123@gmail.com.

Lisa said...

I have been considering purchasing this panel since you showed it! I would be thrilled to win! Lisa. golddust@kpunet.net

lynneinMN said...

What a generous gift & giveaway :-)! I would try my hand at appliquing it...I really liked the sample shown. Thank you! Lynne in MN. lmhoov68@gmail.com

sms said...

Absolutely beautiful! Would love to win it!!!!
Sue Smith

DoJo said...

How Beautiful!! I'd have to stick with borders and backing to turn it into a quilt. I just couldn't bring myself to cut it up.
Thanks for the chance to win this panel, Bonnie.


Anonymous said...

This panel is just too pretty to cut!

Anonymous said...

This panel is just too pretty to cut!

Rose woods said...

This panel is just too pretty to cut!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful panel, I think I would make a couple of tops.

Thank you. Carol


Brenda Wilkinson, WL, BC said...

I think i would cover it in plastic as there would be drooling involved. Then, I think I would end up adding borders to fit my own bed. What a wonderful give-away!

pronurse at richland.ca

Unknown said...

a quilt or wall hanging

Unknown said...

These are beautiful. I would love to have one of these panels. Email: davidbechstein@aol.com
My name is Elizabeth Bechstein.

Marie said...

What a lovely panel! You are inspiring me to "up my game"!
Thanks for the giveaway! Marie Lott

Rea said...

Gee Bonnie, I might have a hard time cutting it up for appliques, but no matter, it will make a great wall hanging in my living room! Reaweb@windstream.net

Unknown said...

beautiful fabric! It would make a great heirloom quilt to pass down in the future. :) Thanks for the opportunity in the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

thank you both for this opportunity.
viridian61 at yahoo.com

Unknown said...

WOW...what an unbelievable give a way!!! I was absolutely mesmerized reading your post on Mary Koval!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!
Molly Parrott

Valerie said...

This is beautiful, thanks for the chance to win! vfarley@telus.net

Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

What a wonderful treasure. I would take the panel and make it into two wall hangings for my dining room to go on either side of my china cabinet. Been looking for something to finish that wall. Thanks. Mona Collins in Melbourne, FL
mountainmona (at) hotmail.com

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Bonnie'

I love this fabric I have never used it before,, and I am not sure just how I would use either,, would take my time to make sure how best to quilt it... any way it is a wonderful give away you are having....



Anonymous said...

Way cool! I love the history lessons that come with following your blog. Thank you to Mary for the chance to own a palampore of my own. Juls in FL, mathrun1@yahoo.com

Paula DiMattei said...

What a treasure. My plan would be that I would have to live with it on my design wall until it spoke to me. So many possibilities.


Unknown said...

OMG...I have never seen anything that stunning on printed fabric! Even if I don't win (but wouldn't it be nice if I *did*) I have to have that! Ila imalwaysconnected@gmail.com

Cindy said...

So gorgeous. Reminds me of the draperies my mother had when I was young. If I am so lucky to win this beauty, I think I would use it as the center of a quilt adding some appliqued borders of floral vines with some critters hiding here and there. I couldn't bear to cut into such a work of art.
I can be contacted at quiltedangelhideaway@yahoo.com

Cindy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would love to be the winner of this panel. I belong to a Heritage group and they would love to see one of these in person. Thanks to you and Mary for this chance. wdalequilts@shaw.ca

Unknown said...

I would love to be the winner of this panel. I belong to a Heritage group and they would love to see one of these in person. Thanks to you and Mary for this chance. wdalequilts@shaw.ca

Unknown said...

I would definitely keep it as a whole panel. It's too lovely to cut.

Peggy said...

Bonnie, would love to win this panel, so beautiful,thanks

susiegoodpasture@embarqmail.com said...

I don't think I could cut it! Maybe do some piecing to frame it and then applique around it pulling similar motifs from the panel??? Love the colors! Thanks.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this panel! I belong to a "Quilt Detective" group and we have just been studying this type of quilt. Thanks for the chance!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I would love to put a border on the panel.
Nancy C

cathy said...

I would give it to my 90-year-old mother to see what she would do it. She still does amazing work and has a very creative color sense.

Barb S. said...

What a beautiful panel. Just another "Must do".

bns281 at suddenlink.net

Carolyn from Kansas said...

Broderie Perse is such a beautiful process and talk about going back in time. There are so many versatile fabrics nowadays with all the big beautiful prints. Thanks you so much, Bonnie, not just for all you effort, but you truly are like a best friend to all of us. suzie@hometelco.net

Anonymous said...


I am inspired by this technique.it would be fun to turn it into a couple projects with such a lovely fabric panel.
Enjoy the Labor Day weekend!

labellady said...

It is a beautiful panel. I think I would build a quilt around it. Love to follow what you are doing, Bonnie.
Barb Ahlf gbahlf@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Add borders and hang in my bedroom. To wake up with this beauty would bring nature right inside my room. Thanks to you both.


Emily C said...

I would use it as a centerpiece of a quilt and add some borders and small blocks for size.
ebbtide45 at yahoo dot com

Joann Rosenfeld said...

Another wonderful give away! I don't know that I could cut that apart. I think I would just have to add borders to make a nice bed-sized quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win this fantastic fabric.
Joann Rosenfeld

Judy said...

Wow! I would hate to cut this apart. It is so pretty in one piece. I would probably add borders to it and make a quilt. The smaller pieces are beautiful, too. Thanks for the chance to win.

Judy W.

Melinda said...

Maybe just drool looking at it...or mske a throw. Reminds me of Willliamsburg Palace. Melindashack@gmail.com

Lkekko said...

I would love to win. Thank you for giving us the chance.


Nancy in IN said...

I would dream and enjoy for awhile. If able to decide, I would make a quilt for each DDIL. Thanks

Gimmeclems said...

I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing work of art. Thank you to you and Mary for the opportunity to win it. I would either frame it or part of it to use as a centerpiece for my wall of family photos or use it as a medallion center and add borders for a quilt that would be passed on to generations. borger.judy@gmail.com

Sandy said...

I would make a full size quilt with this as the focus center panel. Could not bear to cut it up. Thanks for offering. smarte34 (at) msn.com

Rickie said...

I had never seen the palampore panels until I read your post yesterday. I would to win the opportunity to create something with one. Thanks for hosting the give away - rslindiana (at) gmail.com

Shar said...

Those are some amazing quilts! I would have to try and make my own quilt with some appliques in a border. The applique design would be pulled from the panel. I really think it would push me to try something out of my norm.
sharshawns2 (at) gmail.com

lfrihart said...

Please thank Mary Koval for offering such a generous gift to those of us on your list. If I am the lucky winner, I would have to order fabric to finish the panel for hand quilting.

Thanks for always bringing the best of quilting.

Shar said...

What an amazing panel. I would add a border with applique designs pulled from the panel. It would push me out of my norm.
sharshawns2 (at) gmail.com

KeanieQuilter said...

Wow! I was amazed when I read about this yesterday and archived the blog for reference. Very interesting and beautiful...teresakeane703@hotmail.com Thanks for all!

happyjax said...

I would most likely have to hang it in my studio and study it for a while before I decide but I think I am leaning toward adding borders to the panel and quilting it.

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! I would use it to make some beautiful scrappy broderie perse blocks Kathtim2@gmail.com Kathy

Anonymous said...

There are many options, I have no idea what I would do with it just yet, but many exciting ideas. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece of history, would love to win this offer, Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity to get to see this...
Thanks for all you do for the quilting world..


Marilyn said...

Oh gosh I would likely use it as the center and build around it. What a beautiful give away. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a toughy decision. I would hate to cut up the panel but since it is so large, I would probably cut it in the appropriate places to maximize the pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous prize. Ruth Bradford...ruthbythesea@msn.com

Marilyn said...

I forgot to leave my email....mrlyn@shaw.ca

Elaine Nemeth said...

Just so elegant..old school is awesome today.
Been collecting flowers to do this..
....this is a real inspiration .Thanks for your blog

Betsy (Ben Stein's Grandma) said...

I don't know that I could cut into this gorgeous papa pore....might just border it as it is. Thank you Mary for your generosity and Bonnie for all the background information on this wonderful art form. I would love to win. Betsy.

cllcraft said...

This is such an interesting topic - thank you for the post. The panel is beautiful, and I probably would have trouble cutting it also. I think I would use it as a center panel feature in my next quilt instead. cllcraft at sbcglobal dot net

Nancy said...

I wouldn't be able to cut it. I would draw colors from the panel into a border of some sort. Thank you for the chance to win. Hbryan 8028 at aol dot com.

diane said...

Well until I know what I'd do with it I'd hang it on the design wall and enjoy it while I was thinking and stop by occasionally and to touch and relive the joy of winning. whatever i'd do with it you can bet will be a fun creative time. dianequilter@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! allj@cox.net

Anonymous said...

Like others, I couldn't bear to cut into this exquisite panel. I would work hard at piecing a set of gorgeous borders to expand the panel into a very special quilt for our guest bed. Thank you to both Bonnie and Mary for sharing your knowledge with us as well as providing this giveaway. bella.harriger@yahoo.com

betz2u said...

Thanks Mary for offering this up so Bonnie could give it away. It is lovely and I have no clue what I would do with it but snuggle and love it. Then I could decide how to best feature it, probably just add borders, but I will most likely not have the pleasure. bettyharden@charter.net

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