
Sunday, August 02, 2015

A Bit of West Union, Iowa!

This is the Fayette County Courthouse in downtown West Union, Iowa!

I took this photo on Wednesday night – the evening of our arrival for this retreat weekend.  The sun was setting at just the right angle to reflect the sky in those windows.

Complete with clock front and center, this building makes me feel like I’m in a redo of the movie “Back to the Future!”

The weather has been perfect! 

I even caught the moon in the mandatory water tower photo:


I see the moon and the moon sees me!

See these wonderful old buildings?  Many of them date from the 1800s.


This is our row of buildings!


Here we are!

This is the home of Moonlight Stitching Studio and Sisters Retreat Center!  There is a small shop on the bottom level as well as our large and well lit sewing area and kitchen.  Upstairs are the sleeping  quarters!


Iron bedsteads ready for dreaming!


Lots of giggles and late night chatter happen here!


Loads of cozy corners!


And a bowl of ear plugs – just in case!


Beds are covered in colorful quilts --

Antique dressers and other furnishings add a cozy touch.


Isn’t this fun?


Even vintage sewing machines!


Just like home.


Cute little kitchen areas too!


Such a cute little town with everything we need for days of retreating pleasure!


Summer in Iowa – it just can’t be beat!

If you are in the area, or thinking about a wonderful place to hold your own retreat, be sure to check in at Moonlight Stitching Studio and give them a look-see!

Love from Iowa ---

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Anonymous said...

What a nice little place. So great that they are using and keeping up the old buildings. So many down town areas are loosing renters, so it's great to see shops in there. glad you had a great time.
Natalie in Maine

Jessica said...

Love the earplugs!! Too funny!

Mom said...

Save your photo including the moon and water tower over the town. Besides being a great photo, it's a "Blue Moon"! Thanks for the Bonnie Hunter Travel Guide you give us. I learn so much!

ShirleyR said...

I am always so absolutely amazed that as busy as you are, you take the time to share your quilting retreats, travels and adventures with us by such wonderful stories and great pictures. I guess it goes to show that the busiest people are the ones who consistently get things done and go the extra mile. Thank you so much for these daily treats.

Loretta M. said...

You paint such beautiful images with your words, Bonnie. Truly you write as beautifully as you quilt.

Thanks for always sharing with us, despite your busy schedule.

Loretta McGinn

TrulyBlessed said...

I saw the little bowl of earplugs and immediately thought they were doggie treats. Thanks for letting us know what they were... unfortunately we all know what they are for!

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