
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Quilt-Cam 7/22/2015

Where there is a Scrappy Quilty Will --

There is a Scrappy Quilty WAY!

Take a look at what Sandra sent me today ---

I’m almost jealous for her laying around and recuperating time –

She is sewing up a storm even while laying on the couch!

Along with her photos she sent in the following story:
Hey Bonnie!!!
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I have joined your tumbler challenge.
I wrote a blog post on it today...


I have had surgery and I am stuck on my couch for the next 3 months. So, I cut out over 1000 tumblers before I went into surgery, got a very small light weight sewing machine...and having been sewing away on my lap while I am on my couch!!! LOL!!
Can't keep a quilter from quilting!!!


Looking forward to tonights Quilt -Cam. I've never joined it live before. Can't wait.
Thanks for your generous heart and sharing with all us quilty people...
Sandra Kaye
Hopefully Sandra is still awake and not passed out under pain meds while we do Quilt-Cam tonight!  She’s been through a lot.  It would be so easy to get discouraged, to be miserable –but as quilters we always tend to look at the bright and scrappy side and find ways to make the best use of our time.

Even when things are not fun – as recuperating from surgery would be, working with our hands, and playing with pretty fabrics and seeing something grow and evolve from our efforts can lift our spirits immeasurably, don’t you agree?

As for me…I’m string piecing!

This is what’s going on here!

I wrote in this morning’s post a bit about this project and decisions that were made to get me to this point.

I’m eager to treadle, it’s been too long since I have been able to spend time with it, so I am on the Singer 227M tonight, sewing strings through phone book foundation paper and having a ball.


This is my fancy set up!

In order to do Quilt-Cam from the treadle machine, I had to set up the extra ironing board to get the lap top at a good angle…..oh yes, we are so professional here!

Ready to sew? I am!

Click the arrow on the screen to start the feed.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie!
I have been looking forward to quilt-cam tonight! I am working on Smith Mountain Morning in Christmas colors. I started it with you in a workshop in Lafayette IN. Just have to finish the court house step blocks before I start putting it all together!
Meg in Mich.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Oh Bonnie! My solace is Quilt Cam! Thank you so much for sharing your studio time with us! You KNOW I love the string sashings! Just flew in earlier, and working on those borders for Talkin' Turkey! AND! I am happy to be able to participate in this year's leaders and enders challenge thanks to re-purposing an old double wedding ring template I used to make my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Quilt! YEAH! Makes perfect tumblers!!!! See you in September!

QuiltLaughLove said...

Yay I made it for Quiltcam! I just landed in Greensboro from Orlando, will be working here for the rest of the week. Brought my new hexie project with me to sew along with you in my hotel room. That Sadie is such a sweetie - I love her cameo appearances on quiltcam :)

Nancy said...

Finally a live Quilt Cam!!! Working on webbing a top, my third Jared Takes a Wife. Realizing I need to start with the top sashing row and not the first block row.... maybe I should quilt while I'm ahead and not try and so at this time of night

Take care Miss B!! Love you :)


Anonymous said...

Nancy from Michigan is working on a Christmas tree skirt. Love quilt cam.

Donna1111 said...

Thanks for QuiltCam tonight. I needed motivation to keep organizing my stash I am gathering quuite a bit of a scrap pile for cutting into the scrap saver system. Loved meeting you and hearing your lecture at VQF! Donna from Stratford CT. My Leader and Ender project continues to be the Twin Sister block for my fraternal twin in Hawai'i.

Mary said...

I just finished sewing around the Appliques on my Row by Row. Quilt CAM time is my Break before I load it on the Quilt Table after the Sweets Baseball game. It's been a while since you were ont he Treadle during QuiltCAM! Such a sweet sound.

Mary said...

I just finished sewing around the Appliques on my Row by Row. Quilt CAM time is my Break before I load it on the Quilt Table after the Sweets Baseball game. It's been a while since you were ont he Treadle during QuiltCAM! Such a sweet sound.

mcmelly said...

Hi Bonnie, I've finished 72 Sisters Choice blocks that I started in Jamestown, NY. Now I'm making the braided borders for my Scrappy Bargello from your class in North East, PA. Looking forward to seeing you in Bedford for your Smith Mountain Morning class. Melody from Erie

Monica G said...

Monica from Indiana: I'm working on wild-n-goosey blocks while watching quilt cam.

Roberta Oliver said...

My husband is out of town, so I'm watching quilt-cam. You have inspired me to organize my fabric, so tonight I am petting my fabric and folding fat quarters for use from the shoeboxes. I've already sorted by colors. OMG, I have fabric where the selvage has dates from the early 90's. Gotta get them into some quilts quick.

Thanks for you inspirations and encouragement for all of us.

Roberta in Tucson

Evelyn said...

Haven't been able to watch live Quilt Cam for a while. I am so happy to be with you tonight. I am putting together already sewn units for Midnight Flight blocks. And of course, I have tumbler pieces by my machine too. Thanks for tonight. You look great in you stash shirt.

Anonymous said...

Hi bonnie! I'm home sick in bed and listening to all your tips. Great way to spend the afternoon here in New Zealand. Andrea

Applikeeb said...

I am working on machine sewing hexagons to go on the pillow section of my quilt. My sister Paula told me about Quilt Cam! First timer.

Unknown said...

Hello from Oklahoma! I love watching your quilt cams. I just turned 32 yesterday (yay!) and started sewing maybe 3-4 years ago... I learned to I could make quilts! I'm joining in on the tumbler challenge, my first "Bonnie" challenge! Appreciate all you do and enjoy your presence in the quilt world!!!

Sandra Kaye said...

Hey Bonnie... I'm awake Bonnie ... I did take my pain meds... So I am not sewing along. Never good to drive(sew) under the influence.... Lol!!! I forgot to tell you I live in Jacksonville Florida:):) happy to just be watching tonight... Weeeeee :):)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, working on Celtic Solstice and hoping to finish before I see you in Bedford PA next month. Love watching you on Quilt Cam while I sew! Louise in Rhode Island

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm working on My Blue Heaven made with recycled shirts. I thought I was farther along than I am, I still have 90 blocks to assemble. I'm taking workshops from next week in Iowa, and I hoped to have the top assembled for show and tell. I may make it, but the lawn needs mowing, and those clothes don't wash themselves!

Barbara in Minneapolis

Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie, love your work! I follow you on all your trips here and there and have one question for you. How the heck do you find time to ever actually finish a quilt. I am half as busy as you are and I struggle with finding time. Please do tell all your secrets!

Quilting with Mudge said...

Pat Levac here in Hershey with my quilt besties (Joyce, Janet, Carol, Donna and Annette) getting ready for tomorrow's classes, watching you and wishing we were taking a class from you! Happy quilting!

Monica G said...

i had to laugh as you were talking about our quilting spaces. I have a beautiful basement studio that was remodeled in 2013 to be my sewing space. But the flooding in Indiana in June wreaked havoc and I had sewage in my room. Luckily I got everything picked up before the water came rushing in but it ruined my flooring. Until everything is back to normal, I'm piecing on my dining table.

BJ said...

Love the camera angle, except when you try to show us pictures on your phone. My eyes just aren't that good anymore :-(. I started 4" finished Tumblers with several fall charm packs that I could cut quickly on my Sizzix. Alternating pieces are cream or pale gold. Thought I'd make a lap quilt, but it's so much fun that I'm only sewing them in pairs instead of full rows so I can better control the fabric distribution after I cut the extra pieces I'll need. Thanks for 2 great back-to-back leader/ender projects. Lozenges top is done waiting for the backing to be pieced.

Eileen said...

Thanks for quilt cam! I also loved the camera angle. I didn't have trouble seeing the phone pics like BJ. Thanks to whoever asked the question about pieced borders and also thanks to you for telling her how you figured it. It makes perfect sense. I got the help tip a couple days late for my Mom's poppy quilt, but it will be helpful for the next quilt. I really took your blog post to heart about a person has to sew quilts to be a quilter. :) Tonight during quilt cam I took out a project I unearthed when looking for something else. I started it years ago and it is no longer something I am excited about, but decided I had too much cut and sewn to disassemble it. Someone might like it. It will be an exercise in perseverance because I have no idea where I am in the steps or what size quilt I have cut pieces for. I will complete it though!! You inspired me to get my treadle out, and I see strip piecing on the treadle in my future!!

CathyQuilts said...

Wow, that turquoise sorta made my teeth hurt when you first presented it, but those neutral sashing strips really make it work! I know better than to doubt you...

c said...

Hi Bonnie from Texas
aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

c said...

Hi Bonnie from Texas
aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

Flickenstichlerin said...

This is hilarious, thank you for the good laughter.

starflash quilts said...

Couldn't join you live from UK, but I will be looking at the archive this afternoon. You have been keeping me company over the last few weeks whilst I sew my way though a hard time stringing up all my scraps for a crumb quilt-mindless sewing for hours on end along with your archives is keeping me sane. Thank you xx You mean so much to so many of us.

Lynn Czar said...

Bonnie, with your busy life style( and thank you for all you do for us quilters) HOW do you get so much done? I know part of my problem is that I want to start everything I see you do. I am using the leaders and Enders approach ( never have enough cut and sitting by my machine) and (when) I have enough cut I can go full speed ahead! I will persevere though and have doing it. Have to keep cutting down the scraps! Thank you again for all you do for us.god bless you and yours!

Anonymous said...

The phone book you are using is from Northern Virginia. Loudon is pronounced
loud-un. Leesburg is horse country. Maybe you could go old-school and look up some quilt and antique shops while you are there!

Kinda coincidental, huh? Have fun in Virginia- love quilt cam!!

Watched it today, and worked on a Lucy Boston English paper pieced block.

Mary in NY
no need to reply

FiddleyBits said...

HI BON!! I have a suggestion about treadling your Singer 227M. I have found that the newer machines, that were made for motors, have hand-wheels that are very different than those made for treadling. Sooooo...I put a spoke treadle-wheel on the newer machines when I can. I'm watching you work way too hard to treadle your 227M. You will notice a world of difference if you put a spoke wheel on that baby. She'll turn into a super treadler that is much, much easier and faster to treadle. However, if you are treadling for the exercise, then continue to use it as it is!! :-D I rarely even notice leg fatigue when I treadle, unless I'm treadling with the wrong hand-wheel on my machine. If I have the right size hand-wheel installed, no fatigue. The belt race diameter and rim weight of a spoke wheel helps tremendously. I have a photo up showing the difference between the race-run diameters of motor vs treadle hand-wheels... https://www.flickr.com/photos/treadletoes/19760314350/in/dateposted-public/ Give it a try!! HUGS!!! Beck (FiddleyBits)

Jennifer Dyck said...

I'm looking forward to my quilting retreat with my Saturday Stitchers group over Labor Day weekend! Would love to win this give away. Thanks for the chance. Jenniferk2p2@gmail.com

mgquilts said...

Iamlate getting on and catching just the tail end of your quilt cam today. Why are you stringing on then paper and not just sewing strips together? Thanks so much...Mary in Fort Worth where it is still 91 degrees at 10:00 pm

Anonymous said...

Will this lovely block w/turquoise set in's be in a future book? I love YOUR version better than the one in American Patchwork Quilting...I'm not good at set in tri's yet....but it's a pretty block. Anne famarsaw@aol.com

Unknown said...

Love your blog!

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